According to this module, why is the Galley a potentially dangerous place?
Because there is a greater risk of slips, trips and falls, and there are many other additional hazards.
Because galley staff do not usually wear the correct PPE.
Because galley staff are less aware of safety.
Because galley staff are not trained about safety in the same way as deck and engine room staff.
Moderate and deep hypothermia cause very unstable condition, and the patient must be inactive and treated very carefully:
What shall be done with left over food?
It shall be properly stored and prepared for another meal.
It shall be left in crockeries on the table for the next meal.
It shall be thrown over board to avoid any bad smell.
The value of the left over food shall be paid by the cook.
The motor function and circulation distal to the fracture should always be assessed:
An unconscious patient suffering from a major spine injury should not be placed in recovery position, as this may increase the damage and lead to paralysis:
Accidents happen for a reason. Based on what you have seen in this module, what would you say is the cause of most accidents at sea?
The actions that people take, the so-called “Human element”.
We cannot avoid danger at sea.
Bleeding will always occur together with a fracture, that breaks the skin:
You should always wash your hands before preparing food. Wear protective gloves or waterproof plasters if you have cuts on your hands:
The main goal of splinting is to render a pulling strain on the fractured bone ends, in order to prevent them from touching each over:
What would you serve at a cocktail party?
Buffet featuring warm dishes.
Buffet featuring warm and cold dishes.
Assorted open-faced sandwiches.
When working on electrical equipment, we need to have it isolated. What does this mean?
We have created a physical separation between the electricity supply and the item to be worked on.
The equipment is switched off.
The equipment has a tag on it, where possible.
We have roped off the area around the equipment.
Food poisoning may be caused by eating food, that is contaminated by bacteria or by toxins produced by bacteria, that were already in the food:
Once a bandage is in place it should be left alone:
A sudden fall in blood pressure does not normally lead to circulation failure:
Why do people need familiarization training every time they join a new ship?
Because the content of familiarization training will change depending on the type of ship and their job on board.
Because they are liable to have forgotten how to launch lifeboats and operate rescue equipment.
Because it is checked during SIRE inspections.
If they are experienced seafarers, they do not need such a tour.
According to this module, where does the ship’s safety culture begin?
The safety and familiarization tour when joining the ship.
With the correct procedures being written.
With regular Safety Management Team meetings.
What is advisable for a person entering a padlocked refrigerated room?
He should take the padlock inside the room.
He should leave the padlock outside on the door for everyone to be seen.
He should never remove any ice or debris as the ice is needed to keep the refrigerated room at the right temperature.
A casualty with burns has less need for fluid:
Cleaning has certain safety aspects, among other things which?
Fire is easily spread in dust and trash and wet floors may cause different accidents.
Cleaning has nothing to do with safety.
Polished floors are a safety risk.
Untidy rooms are a safety hazard.
Which of the following fruits should you use first?
Dressing should always be larger than the wound they cover:
What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking.
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Do not use loose garments, belts, ties or scarfs near winches and moving machinery.
Always use gloves when handling nylon ropes.
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Always use protective working shoes when working outdoors.
A patient who breathes will always have a pulse rate?
Respiration while resting is normal if the frequency increases to more than 20 ventilations per minute:
Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
Any major bleeding must be stopped before treating a wound:
Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. What is the Recovery Position?
The patient placed in a “face-to-the-floor” position, and with arms and legs arranged in order to stabilize this position.
The patient sitting in a position with the head kept as low as possible.
A large dose of muscle relaxing medicaments can cause respiratory problems due to the reduced activity in the respiratory muscles:
Flush away any residual chemical on the skin with plenty of cold water. Be sure, that the water does not flush away from the casualty’s body:
You can threat a person with heat exhaustion by giving him salt and water:
Heat-stroke can occur suddenly, causing unconsciousness within minutes. This may be signaled by the casualty feeling uneasy and ill.
What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?
Brandy, whisky or other strong drinks.
Fruit and vegetables only.
A triangular bandage is always used in its triangular shape:
Heat cramps seldom occurs after excessive sweating precipitated by strenuous exercise:
The walls in the blood vessels are completely resistant to diffusion:
Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because either pressure or volume of circulating blood has fallen to a dangerous level. What is the skin colour of a pasient in shock?
What is the correct temperature range for the vegetable room where most of the fruits and vegetables are stored?
Hindus are not allowed to eat one particular type of meat. Which one?
How shall you treat the dishwashing machine?
It shall be cleaned daily and oiled and inspected regularly.
It shall only be used for prewashing the crockery and cutlery.
It shall be treated with care and cleaned once a week.
How will you treat a seasick person?
Leave him in bed or request him to have some fresh air.
Force him to eat any kind of fat food.
Make him swollow seasick pills until he stops vomiting.
Encourage him to drin a lot of lukewarm sea water.
To protect a burn injury, we should never remove the patients clothing:
It may be difficult to tell if there is a fracture or a sprain:
A person suffering from a moderate to hard blow to the head, should always be under close observation in the early hours after the accident, considering possible development of edema in the head:
What IMO conventions take care of the human safety at sea?
It is the SOLAS conventions.
It is the MARPOL conventions.
A fractured spine will always imply unconsciousness:
What kind of cleaning product would you use to remove spilled oil and fat in the galley and pantry?
Neutral to Alkaline solution.
Neutral to acid solution.
Whitespirit or other fat removers.
What should NOT be given to a patient suffering from diarrhea?
What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Loading plan for general cargo.
Anyone joining a vessel that they are not familiar with should be given a safety equipment and familiarization tour. Which of the following should this include? Select any answers that you think apply:
When should equipment be cleaned?
Before starting to use it.
If you are unable to give a patient with an increased circulation failure due to bleeding, intravenous treatment, he should promptly be given plenty to drink to replace lost fluid:
Unfortunately a fish hook has entered someone’s finger. The barb of the hook is even inside the skin. How to remove the fish hook?
Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook between the barb and the skin and gently withdraw the hook.
Don’t do anything by yourself, see a doctor.
Cut the skin so it is possible to take the hook directly out.
The respiration system of a person suffering from flame burns is very exposed to damage:
Internal bleeding will never lead to circulation failure:
When loading provisions/stores in a tropical harbour on sunny days, which of the following would you arrange to get out of the sun as soon as possible?
When performing C-P-R it is advisable to elevate the patient’s legs to secure sufficient blood to the chest and head:
Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
How can accidents still happen, even when the correct procedures are followed?
If there are any “holes” or weaknesses in procedures, accidents can still happen in some circumstances.
Accidents can never happen if all the procedures are followed.
There are often a lot of very poor procedures around.
It is not worth trusting in procedures, you should always decide what is best yourself.
Anyone joining a vessel that they are not familiar with should be given a safety equipment and familiarization tour. According to this module, where does this requirement come from?
SIRE and OCIMF requirements.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).
At what number of crew members is it mandatory to have an Protection and Environment Committee on board?
Spillage of corrosive chemicals is poisonous and can also result in burns:
You are going to be at sea for 30 days with a crew of 30 men. How many eggs would you buy?
Personal hygiene is important in all professions, especially cooks who should be particularly careful. Why?
Because a cook handles food and beverages and could easily be spreader of viruses and infections.
Because a cook meets many people and shakes a lot of hands.
Because a clean and properly dressed cook often is respected.
Because if not the cook’s superior will not like it.
We have 3 circulatory systems for blood transportation:
Bandages must be sterile before use:
Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water Jel is delivered in different sizes. Biggest is a carpet with the size 182×152 cm. What is the highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
One of the main tasks of the blood is to transport oxygen to body’s cells:
A seriously hypothermic patient should as soon as possible be placed in a warm bath (>50 °C) to regain normal body heat:
During mooring operations, which is the safe position to be in?
Outside the colored zone.
Between the “point of break” and the “fairlead”.
Behind the point of restraint, but inside the zone.
Behind the fairlead, but inside the zone.
Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
Which of the following meats is most perishable in cold storage?
If you need to use a chemical cleaning agent, where can you find complete information about any potential hazards and precautions?
The Safety Data Sheet for the product.
On the label of the product.
In the ship’s SMS procedures.
No special precautions are needed if the correct PPE is worn.
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
A haematoma can be caused by head injury:
The red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen:
Cooling does not reduce pain in a sprain:
A patient with a major burn is liable to develop circulation failure:
On the average, how much long life milk would a crew of 30 men use in the course of 30 days?
In many countries some cleaning products are labelled with warning signs. Why?
The user should be warned that the product contains fluids that may irritate and itch skin.
Contents should not be used in accommodation area.
Because it contains alkaline.
To show that the product contains a special floor polish.