A class "D" fire involves what type of material?
Wood or other carbonaceous material
The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates fire in a cargo hold loaded by general cargo. What first action should be taken?
Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire-fighting
Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire
Use the ship's gas extinguishing central system to put out the fire
Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire by fire hoses
What quantity of reserve fuel is to be available for diesel driven fire pumps outside of the main machinery space? (SOLAS II-2/
Sufficient amount for fifteen hours operation at full capacity
Sufficient amount for six hours operation at full capacity
What type of fire-extinguishing medium release is allowed for fixed gas fire-extinguishing installations? (SOLAS II-2/5.1.8)
Automatic release system incorporating alarm system for manned compartments
Manual operated release system only
Automatic release system activated by fire detectors
Automatic release system activated by the ship-s fire alarm
*Which of the following is an haloganated hydrocarbon that can be found onboard existing ships as an extinguishing agent for a fixed system?
Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient intervention in an emergency
Planning of the emergency
The installation of protective measures
A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for :
A period not exceeding 24 months
A period not exceeding 48 months
A period not exceeding 6 months
A period not exceeding 12 months
If you discover alcohol and drug abuse onboard, Whom do you report to?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Wheeled fire extinguisher
Portable fire extinguisher
You are to release the towing wire with forerunner. You have 3 men with you to do the work. How would you safely carry this out?
With manpower. Two men picking up slack and one man lifts off the eye and let go simultaneously
Use the winch. Forerunner and wire stopper to pick up the slack and stop the wire. One man operating each. Make the forerunner fast on the bit, releasing the eye of wire and the stopper, lower the wire easy by forerunner
Use the winch and forerunner to pick up slack. One man to release the eye, lowering the wire down by use of winch
After heaving on the wire by a forerunner, cut the forerunner and so let the wire free
Your ship is going full astern and making sternway. Where will the "pivot point" be located? No wind, current.
Somewhere aft of the center of gravity, but it is impossible to pin-point the exact location
At 1/6 of the ship-s length off the bow
At 1/6 of the ship-s length from the stern
The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the speed is reduced during the turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter?
Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced.
No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced
Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced.
No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced.
During a stay in port, a towing wire is to be put out forward and aft. What is important to take care of regarding this wire?
The wires are just stand by on deck.
That the wires are just above the water line at all times.
You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel "A" and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel's speed is 18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider when establishing a "safe speed" for your vessel?
Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles visibility; traffic density; manoeuvrability of vessel; effectiveness of navigational equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and currents and navigational hazards.
Adjust my track to follow Route 1 or 2 illustrated and reduce speed down to half speed, approximately 8 knots
Safe speed should be where the vessel can come to a stop within the visible range
A safe speed is where a vessel can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within an appropriate distance
*Which one among the following information shall be marked on the container of an inflatable liferaft:
the number of the liferaft
the name of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the port of registry of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
*Which among the following list is particularly required for a totally enclosed lifeboat ?
windows on both sides can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation
handrails inside for persons moving to their seats
hatches positioned so as to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed without any occupant having to leave the enclosure
self-bailing arrangements
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
one copy of the prescribed life-saving signals
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hours
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
How should the hook be released from a davit lowered liferaft?
Cut the weak link on the wire with the axe provided
Wait until the raft is waterborne, then pull the lanyard
Just prior to reaching the water, the lanyard should be pulled. This sets the hook which will automatically release once the raft is waterborne
During a helicopter evacuation, the helicopter lowers his winch wire to the deck. Which of the following should NOT be done with the winch wire?
Secure it to a strong point on deck
Touch the wire with bare hands
Secure it to the deck with a weak link
All of the mentioned actions
Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk of a fire on board ship. Which of the following safety precautions may be regarded as the most important in order to minimise this particular risk?
Electric welding plants should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
Only use electrodes from a well known manufacturer.
Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board ships.
The area where the welding is to take place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary materials and objects to be removed.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "FAIRLEAD" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Fairlead is given by B on the figure
Fairlead is given by D on the figure
Fairlead is given by C on the figure
Fairlead is given by A on the figure
What are the general cargo stowage requirements for cashew nut shell liquid in drums?
Stow away from foodstuffs
Stow away from paper products
What is characteristic of titanium, magnesium and lithium catching fire?
There is always risk of explosion
These fires are self-extinguishing
These fires can only be extinguished using water
Due to chemical reactions these cargoes will continue to burn
What will a cadet find in the maintenance manual?
A Cadet will find a lubricating chart in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease nipples in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find machinery spare parts in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease in the maintenance manual
What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error?
All of the data in the suggested answers
Maximum helm angle and rolling period
What could result from carrying coal with a high sulphur content on a Bulk Carrier?
Evolution of methane gases
A possible shift of cargo
Corrosion of steelwork in the cargo holds if the cargo becomes wet
What is difficult to attain on a partly loaded general cargo vessel?
Stability requirements under SOLAS
Minimum bow height, required by SOLAS
Sufficient propeller immersion and a comfortable GM
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BOLLARD" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by C on the figure
Bollard is given by D on the figure
Bollard is given by A on the figure
Bollard is given by B on the figure
A heavy metal concentrate bulk cargo has a moisture content of 16 and a transportable moisture limit of 18, what should the Master do?
Request additional moisture tests to be done
Seek advice from charterers and owners
Refuse to load the cargo as the moisture content is outside acceptable limits
Load the cargo as the moisture content is within acceptable limits
What charateristics of Seed Cake group B (IMDG Class 4.2) cargo should be considered when carrying in bulk?
The only concern is that the cargo may self-heat slowly.
The only concern is the cargo may be liable to oxidise, causing subsequent reduction of oxygen in the cargo spaces
The only concern is that the cargo may be liable to spontaneous combustion.
Cargo may self-heat slowly; may spontaneously ignite; liable to oxidise; may produce carbon dioxide
On a Container vessel, what do you call the corners of a container which house the twistlocks?
What are the people probably doing in the picture?
The people are fighting a fire
The people are playing with water
The people are hosing down the cargo hold to clean it.
The people are pressure testing the hull plating
Which of the following is a definition of the "Proper Shipping Name", as found in the IMDG Code?
The name to be used in any documentation relating to the transportation of the dangerous substance, material or article, such as on forms, labels and placards.
The correct chemical name of a potentially hazardous material, as identified from the Chemical Cargo List.
The name under which a dangerous material, substance or article is
The Captain has complained about the catering department overtime and the amount of food being left over and wasted. The Cook suggests that he cooks a large amount of rice in one go, keeps it warm during service at the evening meal, places any left over in the refrigerator overnight and then re-heats it for the lunch-time meal it the next day. Is this acceptable practise? (Select the most correct answer).
Yes, it will minimise cooking time and cut down wastage. As the rice has not been mixed with any other ingredients, it will remain pure and fresh.
Yes, it will save overtime and cut down wastage. Being rice, it poses no health risk.
No, this is extremely dangerous and could lead to food poisoning throughout the whole crew.
Provided the rice is re-heated to a temperature of at least 37.8 degrees Celsius there will be no health risk. It is a practical approach to cutting down preparation time.
When documenting Crude Oil Washing operations in the Oil Record Book, which of the following must be included in the sequence of entries?
The ullage in the tank at the commencement of washing
The ship's speed during the washing operation
The method of establishing that the cargo tanks were dry
The average oil cargo temperature during the washing operation
Your ship has its main entry door from the maindeck on the starboard side, a few metres back from the front of the accommodation. It is also the closest emergency exit from the ship's offices and the crew mess-room in the event of an emergency. You are about to commence loading cargo. There are no significant security concerns. What should happen to the door?
It can be open, provided the wind is blowing away from the accommodation.
It should be closed and locked.
It should be closed, but not locked.
It should be open in case an emergency occurs.
When preparing a cargo tank on a liquefied gas carrier for loading cargo following inspection of the tank a number of different steps are required. What is the first step required after such an inspection?
What measures should be taken in order to avoid flammable gases forming on top of coal cargoes on a Bulk Carrier?
Ventilation to be continuous?
Ventilation to be carried out as indicated in the IMO solid Bulk Cargo Code
Cargo to be ventilated by opening hatch covers at sea?
Cargo not to be ventilated?
Over a period of a few hours of operation the main diesel engine speed gradually falls off. From the options given what is the most likely cause of this fault?
Fouling of turbocharger intake filters.
Injection valve opening pressure is too low.
What are the effects of a bulk vessel loading a high density cargo resulting in a large metacentric height (GM)?
Suffer torsional stresses and have small righting levers
Have a slow roll and very small righting levers
Have a fast roll period and possibly suffer racking stresses
Have a slow roll and large righting levers
You must not attempt to move a casualty carelessly, if you suspect patient with:
If a patient is bleeding from nose
Put a piece of swab or gauze in the nose
Let the blood stop by itself
Pinch soft part of the nose for 10 minutes while keeping the head forward over a basin
Ask the patient to lie flat on the floor
Continuity testing of a delta connected three phase induction motor yields the following results; U-V =3 ohms, V-W =3 ohms, W-U =6 ohms.Which of the following is the likely condition?
Short circuit winding between W and U
Open circuit winding between W and U
Short circuit between V and Earth
Partial fault between W and U
You are an assistant cook, working on a large passenger ferry. You have a boil on your left wrist, which has become infected. What must you do?
Take two paracetamol and cover the boil with a small flesh-coloured band-aid.
Don't tell anyone about it, wear a long sleeved jacket and carry on working.
Report the condition to your superior, obtain medical assistance, avoid handling foodstuffs until the skin has healed.
Wear a cotton glove on your left hand when carrying any raw or fresh foodstuffs.
Earlier cellular reefer vessels were constructed with a 'porthole system' for supplying refrigerated air via ducting to containers. Modern vessels are designed to supply only electrical power to integral containers. Select the main reason for this change in design to the vessels and containers from the options given.
A large amount of refrigerant gas was required to operate the 'porthole' system.
The introduction of more powerful diesel engines onto these vessels meant they had sufficient electrical capacity to supply the integral type containers.
Ducted containers had to be transhipped to their final destination after discharge and still required refrigeration for that part of the supply chain
The 'porthole' system design was extremely complex and construction costs were high.
Modern cellular container vessels which carry refrigerated cargo below deck mainly maintain an acceptable temperature in the cargo holds by which of the features given in the options?
By designing the vessels with a larger gap between the columns of containers.
By using large natural ventilators to achieve the required air changes.
By using powerful mechanical fans to achieve a large number of air changes.
By insulating the fuel tanks in the vicinity of the cargo space.
A vessel such as a parcel chemical tanker, with an high inbuilt level of subdivision will typically not have a problem with which particular feature of stability which will need to be accounted for on other tankers that have large, unrestricted tanks?
Ability to maintain an effective trim throughout loading and discharge operations.
Expansion of cargo within tanks, due to cargo heating, with a consequent movement of overall Centre of Gravity.
On a General Cargo Vessel, under what regulations would steel bands remaining in the cargo holds have to be discharged?
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V ? Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships)
No specific regulations apply
Why is burlap used to cover the bilge perforated plates?
To prevent small particles of cargo draining into the bilges
To protect the plates from stevedore damage
To prevent drainage into the bilges
To allow water and large particles of cargo to drain into the bilges
What items of container securing equipment must be used in conjunction with buttresses?
Single stacking cones and bridge fittings
Double stacking cones or link plates
On a Container vessel, why are twistlocks preferred as a means of securing containers compared to cone-based lashing systems?
Because cargo securing manuals do not allow for cone-based lashing systems
Because cone-based lashing systems are not type-approved by classification societies
Because cone-based lashing systems are more prone to failure than twistlocks
Because twistlocks provide uplift resistance as well as horizontal restraint, helping to prevent containers from falling overboard in heavy weather
If a passenger asks you a question you cannot answer, what will you do?
Tell the passenger to ask one of your colleagues who are more experienced than you are
Tell the passenger that you will confer your colleagues and revert with an answer, or you bring the passenger along to a colleague who can give an answer to the question. Never say I don't know!
Make up a story, the passenger doesn't really care
Tell the passenger to approach the information desk/ reception on board
A bulk cargo has a stowage factor (S.F) of 1.50 cubic metres per metric tonne (m3/mt). If 1000 tonnes are to be loaded what volume will this cargo occupy?
The IMO IGC code details the requirements for cargo piping systems on gas carriers? Which one of the options given is part of these requirements?
Cargo pipelines must resist at least 1.25 times maximum vapour pressure.
Cargo pipelines must resist horizontal displacement from cargo surge pressure.
All cargo pipelines must be made of high tensile steel.
Cargo pipelines are not allowed beneath deck level on gas carriers.
On a RoRo vessel, why should chipping and painting not be done on a loaded car deck
because there is not enough space to work with the cargo in the way
To avoid damage to the cars or their paint work
because you cant run the ventilation and the fumes will overcome the crew
What is the correct method to use for fitting a rolling contact bearing, such as a ball bearing, onto a parallel shaft?
Use emery cloth on the inner ring (contact surface) of the bearing.
Use a hammer and a pipe with the same diameter as the inner bearing ring and knock the bearing onto the shaft.
Gently heat the bearing in an oil bath and use a bearing puller to draw it onto the shaft..
Use emery cloth on the bearing surface on the shaft.
The figures show a graphical symbol for a particular electronic component and a typical operating characteristic for the same component. Which component?
What is silica gel normally used for on board liquefied gas carriers?
It is used as a treatment for frostbite.
It is used as an insulating material for the cargo tanks.
It is used as a fire fighting medium for cargo fires.
It is used as a drying agent for the inert gas.
During overhaul of a purifier the engine room rating is instructed to drain and clean the gearbox on the machine. Which of the materials given in the options is the best one for wiping up the remaining oil in the gearbox after draining the oil?
Clean, lint free cotton rags.
Used paper towels from the wash room.
Used dish cloths from the galley.
When we are measuring level of liquids with a conductivity level indicator, the name of the sensing device is:
Shortly after entering the cargo hold of a General Cargo ship to discharge logs, two dockers are seen to collapse; what is the immediate action to be taken by the OOW ?
Assume injuries are due to illness; stevedore and docker foreman to deal with situation
Enter space immediately to administer first aid
Sound general alarm, call emergency services ashore and prepare rescue team with self-contained breathing apparatus
Muster emergency rescue team and prepare to rescue casualties
Many liquefied gas carriers are fitted with inert gas generators to supply inert gas to ensure the atmospheres of various onboard spaces are non-flammable. How is cargo vapour from these spaces prevented from back-flowing into the inert gas generator and creating an explosion risk?
The deck IG main is always manually blanked off when the IG system is not running.
There are at least two mechanical non-return devices fitted to the deck IG main.
There is always a deck water seal fitted to the IG main.
The pressure at the generator outlet is always greater than that of the IG main.
Where would you look for a summary of important safety and handling information on a cargo loaded on your ship?
The Material Safety Data Sheet
The Company Cargo Handling Manual
The Master's Standing Orders
Too low exhaust temperature in one cylinder becomes because of:
Injection valve opening pressure is too low.
Charge air pressure is too high.
Injection valve opening pressure is too high.
"From the list below, which is among the recommended actions for a vessel to take, on entering an area known for pirate activity?"
To transit with maximum safe speed
To transit at night time only
To confine all ship’s personnel to one room onboard
What should be done to the bilge spaces in a cargo hold of a bulk carrier, after cleaning and testing?
Drain plate over bilge to be fitted and then covered with burlap
Seal bilge space completely
Bilge space to be left open
From the options given, select the most appropriate equipment for washing down a cargo space used for refrigerated cargo.
An air hose connected to a freshwater supply.
A mop and squeegee bucket filled with fresh water..
A fresh water hose connected to a fresh water supply.
A fire hose connected to the fire main..
What should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Seal the hold and cool its boundaries using seawater
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
When should additional lashings on general cargoes be considered?
When heavy weather is anticipated for the planned voyage
When passing through the Tropical Zone in winter months
When passing through the Summer Zone in winter months
With the onset of heavy weather
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "UNDER KEEL CLEARANCE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Under keel clearance is given by D on the figure
Under keel clearance is given by A on the figure
Under keel clearance is given by C on the figure
Under keel clearance is given by B on the figure
A medium speed diesel engine is used to drive a controllable pitch propeller through a suitable clutch and reduction gearbox. What should the blade attitude normally be after the engine is started and before the clutch is engaged?
The blades should be in the full ahead position.
The blades should be in the zero pitch position.
The blades should be in the full astern position.
The blades should be in the zero thrust position.
A system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydrocarbon gas shall be fitted in cargo pump-rooms. A continuous alarm shall be automatically effected when the hydrocarbon gas concentration reaches a pre-set level. What are the criteria for pre-setting the alarm level?
No higher than 10% of LEL.
No higher than 15% of LEL.
No higher than 5% of LEL.
No higher than 20% of LEL.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "FORECASTLE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Forecastle is given by C on the figure
Forecastle is given by B on the figure
Forecastle is given by A on the figure
Forecastle is given by D on the figure
What is Inert gas ?
It is a gas containing insufficient oxygen to support combustion of hydrocarbons
It is a gas containing only nitrogen
It is a gas containing less than 21 % by volume oxygen
It is a gas containing no oxygen
How would you report containers with dangerous goods lost overboard?
"My vessel has lost containers overboard"
"My vessel has lost containers with dangerous goods of IMDG Class….in position…."
"My vessel has lost containers with dangerous goods of IMDG Class…."
"My vessel has lost containers in position…."
A high speed diesel engine has been subject to a major overspeed incident due to governor failure. During checks for damage it is found that some of the bottom end bolts have slackened off slightly. There appears to be no other damage to any of the bearings, the running gear or to the crankshaft. From the options given select the action to be taken before bringing the engine back into service.
Renew all of the bottom end bolts.
Retighten the bottom end bolts that were slack back to the recommended torque.
Renew all of the running gear for the engine including the crankshaft and bearings.
Renew all of the bottom end bolts that were found slack.
The cargo manifold working platform surface should be made of:
Which of the following statements is correct with respect to IMDG cargo, loaded on a General cargo vessel, that is also classed as a Marine Pollutant
This cargo can only be loaded under deck
This cargo can only be loaded on deck
Cargo must be loaded in a protected location and preferably under deck if IMDG Code allows
Cargo of this type can be loaded anywhere on board the vessel
What is the definition of sludge control?
The cargo tanks are to be washed that often so recidues do not accumulate in large quantities.
The sludge is controlled by use of special instruments.
This is done in port by a special sludge control squad.
Visual control of the sludge.
What is defined as ‘grain’, under international regulations?
On a Container vessel, with regard to raised deck sockets, what must be ensured prior to commencing cargo operations?
They must be clean and free of internal debris
They must be ready to secure the turnbuckles
They must be well painted
How should dunnage be laid, prior to loading a Caterpillar Tractor?
Only at the extreme ends of the tractor’s wheels
Athwartship under the tractor’s wheels
Athwartship at the ends of the tractor’s wheels
Fore and aft under the tractor’s wheels
Which of the following pump types is not considered to be self priming?
What should you do in case of any fire breaks out?
Ask passengers to assist you with fire-fighting
Fight the fire and report to the bridge when you have extinguished it
Alert the bridge, Rescue human life, Extinguish if possible by use of available fire fighting-fighting appliances, Secure the area/ damage control
What will occur within the cargo tank if Crude Oil Washing is undertaken with oil containing a substantial amount of water?
It will be impossible to separate the oil and water at a later stage
Ther will be inadequate drainage due to emulsification
An electrically charged mist may be generated
It will assist in the cleaning of the tank
In the international code of signals what does this flag mean?
You should stop your vessel and watch for my signals
You are running into danger
I am manoeuvring with difficulty - Keep clear of me
I am in distress and require immediate assistance
What is the meaning of this flag signal?
Which of the following items must be included in each fire drill?
Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
Starting a fire pump using at least the two required jets of water to show that the system is in proper working order
Checking fireman-s outfits and other personal rescue equipment
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
What does this crane signal indicate?
Raise the boom, hold the load.
Raise the boom, lower the load.
Raise the boom and the load.