Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?
For a period of at least 72 hours
Not less than 5 min after starting from cold with the lifeboat out of the water
Propeller permanently driven by the engine
If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be …
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Disconnect the smoke detector.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
After smoking, cigarettes should be disposed off as follows:
Disposed of in an ashtray, ensuring that it is extinguished
Dropped over the lee side only so that it cannot blow back on board
Dropped over the side only if you are certain they are extinguished
By running a centrifugal pump what will happen if the NPSHA (Net positive suction head available) is less than NPSHR (Net positive suction head required) ?
The pump will not draw liquid.
The pump will suffer damage
The pump needs to run faster.
*Which of the following preventive actions are required by the International Maritime Dangerous Guide Code?
Actions relating to the classification of the dangerous goods
Actions realting to the segregation of the dangerous goods
All these actions are required
Actions relating to the packing of the dangerous goods
You wish to send a DSC-message because of a m.o.b. situation and assistance by other ships is required. You have to choose the category:
A distress alert sent by Inmarsat to an RCC is sent via:
The accuracy of an Inmarsat-E positioning-system is:
Satellites which receive the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB are:
only capable to determine the position of the EPIRB in certain curcumstances
capable to determine the position of the EPIRB
not capable to determine the position of the EPIRB
What is the function of an OSC (OPA-90)
On the Scene Co-ordinator
Norwegian merchant- and fishing vessels have to participate in the AMVER system. What is the purpose of AMVER?
Automatic system for plotting vessels with the purpose of rescue.
World wide telecommunication system.
A NATO reporting system in case of joining a war-convoy.
If you are called upon to reeve a new wire onto a self-stowing winch drum you would, after looking at brake arrangement, reeve it to pay out as follows:
Depends on the lay of the wire strands
Doesn-t matter which direction
The engines are going astern and the ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots with the rudder hard to starboard. What effect will this have on the ship's progress?
This will give the stern a lift force to port
There will be no lift force and the ship will go straight astern
This will give the stern a lift force to starboard
The rudder will have no effect when the ship is making sternway, it should be in the amidships position when going astern
SCENARIO: ' All Fast ' has just been declared on completion of an underway mooring operation on both the constant heading ship (generally the discharging vessel) and the manoeuvring vessel (generally the offtake vessel). It is now decided that the former vessel should anchor. Who assumes responsibility for navigation from ' All Fast ' time to completion of anchoring time?
The vessel anchoring assumes responsibility
Both vessels assume equal responsibility
The more experienced Sen.Off.Deck assumes responsibility
The offtake vessel assumes responsibility
What is the status on Suez canal pilots?
Pilotage is compulsory and accept full responsibility for any damage caused
Pilot is only compulsory during anchoring operations in Great Bitter Lake
Pilotage is compulsory and the pilot is only the master's advisor
Pilotage is not compulsory since this is a sea-level canal
Which of the following is the correct minimum carriage requirement for a ship of more than 300 gross tons and operating in area A:
1MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 1 INMARSAT A,B or C – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
In the Maritime Radio Traffic the order of priority is:
Distress traffic, urgency traffic, safety traffic
Safety traffic, distress traffic, urgency traffic
Urgency traffic, distress traffic, safety traffic
The ship-shore HF-telephone-channel 1615 consists of the frequencies 16402.0 kHz and 17284.0 kHz. In case of manual operation, one should tune the receiver on:
the common receiving frequency for the 16 MH2 band
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one life-jacket for each person
How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length, built after July 1986?
75% of the complement on each side of the ship
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side
25% of the complement on each side of the ship
50% of the complement on each side of the ship
Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferaft over the side?
Disconnect the painter and launch it, checking that all is clear below
Inflate it on deck and then launch it if clear below
Check that the painter is made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear
Take circular gripes and adhesive tape (see photo) off the container to enable raft to inflate once in the water. If all clear, throw raft over side
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Secure buoy line to the ship
Fasten immersion suit belt
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Secure liferaft canopy closing device
Secure doors in the ship's side plating
Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
How to muster at the assigned stations
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The use of escape routes and other escape methods
When fighting fire, why shall you never pour water into hot fat?
The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.
The water will turn into steam and cause the fat to explode.
The fat will not be edible any more.
The fat will stiffen immediately and need reheating.
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Muster of assigned stations
Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits
Boarding, launching and clearing of the survival crafts and rescue boats
Donning of fire protection clothing
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which one of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
The use of onboard communication systems
The use of engines and accessories (lifeboats/rescue boats)
With assistance of illustrations, the use of radio life-saving appliances
What is the approximate content of oxygen in air?
Your vessel is a tanker in ballast and the two vessels are interlocked after collision. You have already made clear that all people are well taken care of and you will try to separate the two vessels. What should be your greatest concern?
If the vessels separate, the other vessel may run away and you will be the only one to blame.
That the separation may cause sparks that can possibly ignite the oil or any other flammable substances.
The exact time of the collision.
That you have your permission from the company to do so.
The ship is involved in a collision, what is the immediate action by the Officer of the Watch after the incident has taken place?
Call the Master and check the position for any immediate dangers.
Stop engines and check over the side for any signs of pollution.
Sound the General Alarm and stop engines.
Contact the other ship and send the bridge lookout down to start taking soundings
Normally ventilation fans in enclosed ro-ro spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board, why?
It is easier for the crew, they don't have to think about starting and stopping of fans
The manufacturer of the fans recommends continuous operation to reduce maintenance cost
An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed ro-ro spaces
It is better to run the fans continuously instead of testing the atmosphere
When you are taking an "ullage" on a cargo tank on an oil tanker, what are you actually doing?
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck
What is the correct initial firing procedure to be adopted when bringing a main steam boiler up to pressure from cold condition?
Start the firing on maximum rate and raise the pressure in as short a period as possible, to save energy.
Start the firing on minimum rate and alternate with maximum rate continuously firing until the boiler is up to pressure.
Start the firing on minimum rate and continuously fire until boiler is up to pressure.
Start with intermittent firing, using small firing periods and long intervals gradually building up to longer firing periods and shorter intervals until steam pressure starts to rise.
You are the Officer in Charge during the loading of a tanker at a terminal in the Persian Gulf. The deck watchman reports "There is a lot of oil on the water to starboard". What should be your FIRST action?
Tell the jettyman to stop loading immediately.
Check the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME).
Find out if the oil is coming from your vessel.
Checking the lubricating oil sump level of the generators is one of the engine watch ratings regular duties on a particular vessel. During the check it is noticed that the oil level is unexpectedly below the minimum mark on the dip stick. What action should be taken?
The rating should fill the sump to above the operating level in case there is a leak and the oil level drops too low before the next check.
The rating should stop the generator immediately.
The rating should just fill the sump back to the normal operating level.
The rating should fill the sump to normal operating level and immediately inform the engineer on watch.
The engine turns over normally when starting air is supplied but does not fire even though normal starting rpm is achieved. What could be the probable cause to this?
The lubricating oil temperature is low.
The turning gear interlock has operated.
The turbocharger has not run up to normal full speed.
Air in the fuel oil system.
Are membrane tanks designed for carrying of gas of ambient temperature?
No, membrane tanks are normally designed for transport of fully refrigerated cargoes.
Yes, if tank fitted with primary- and secondary membranes.
Yes, if the membrane is more than 50 mm thick.
Yes, if the membrane tank is designed for high pressure.
How do You want to operate the purifier to obtain the best separation result?
By high flow and low temperature.
Flow and temperature have no influence on the result.
By high flow and high temperature.
Separation with correct temperature and low flow rate.
On the diagram provided, there are four (4) possible directions indicating the term "AHEAD". Which one is the correct?
Ahead is given by A on the figure
Ahead is given by D on the figure
Ahead is given by B on the figure
Ahead is given by C on the figure
A chlorine carrier must be equipped with a chlorine absorption plant connected to the cargo tanks and cargo lines. What is the gas detectors alarm setting?
What is the objective of the merchant navy?
To earn money for the shipowner
To provide employment for persons who wish to become seafarers
To safely transport goods by sea
To transport and deliver goods as quickly as possible
What type of dynamic forces may cause indent in plating on forecastle deck and main deck in way of pillars inside forecastle?
Forces created by waves on the forecastle
Pressure forces caused by green water on deck
Slamming in way of flat bottom forward of light draught
Impact pressure forces in way of abrupt or flared bow
What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of another vessel, or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision?
Five prolonged blasts (flashes).
Three short and rapid blasts (flashes).
One prolonged blast (flash), followed by five or more short and rapid blasts (flashes)
Five short and rapid blasts (flashes).
What is the influence of the I (integration) function of a controller
It will slow down the control system
It will try to reduce the deviation between set-point and process value
Pump rooms on oil tankers shall be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system. Which of the following systems is in accordance with present regulations? (SOLAS II-2/63)
Fixed pressure water spraying system
Fixed high expansion foam system
Fixed CO2 fire-extinguisher system
Fixed powder fire-extinguishing system
What kind of damage can ro-ro cargoes sustain when loaded above fuel tanks?
Rusting of internal parts
Melting of internal plastic areas
A sudden or gradual increase of the chloride content in the freshwater cooling indicates:
Leakages from seawater coolers
Leakages from oil coolers
Low concentration of corrosion inhibitors
What height of water above the inner bottom will activate the cargo hold high level alarm
What is the correct definition of: -boat drill?
Training in lifeboat handling.
On a Container vessel, what facilitates the lashing of containers in the fourth and fifth tiers?
Long lashing rods with extensions
How many separate means of escape from passengers and crew spaces should it be in each zone?
A routine inspection of a hold space on a liquefied gas carrier is necessary. Checks of the atmosphere indicate that there is only 19.5% oxygen content. Which of the following actions is recommended?
Postpone the inspection and continue ventilating until an oxygen reading of 21% is achieved.
Carry on with the inspection as normal since 19.5% oxygen content is sufficient for breathing.
Ensure all persons entering the space for the inspection wear self contained breathing apparatus.
Ensure the inspection is carried out quickly in case the oxygen content reduces any further.
During bilge pumping operations the pump suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. What is the most likely cause of the high vacuum reading?
A glogged bilge strainer.
A hole in the suction line.
A deadweight tester is used to check and calibrate a pressure gauge. The tester consists of a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic chamber and balance weight system. After completing the calibration of the pressure gauge the hydraulic pressure should be relieved before removing the weights. Select, from the options given, the main reason for this requirement.
To protect the pressure gauge from a surge in pressure as the weights are removed.
To protect the hydraulic balance system from a pressure surge as the weights are removed.
To protect the piston in the hydraulic system from possible impact damage as it may reach the end of its stroke.
To protect the hydraulic pump from a pressure surge as the weights are removed.
This circuit is widely used for rectification of AC into DC. Which of the diagrams is correct for the out- put voltage when the input voltage is sine-shaped as shown?
Which of the following international regulations is normally used when handling dangerous goods?
How would you arrive at the ‘Stowage Factor’ of a carogo commodity?
By dividing the volume of the space by the tonnage of the commodity
By dividing the area of the space by the tonnage of the commodity
By dividing the gross tonnage of the space by the area of the commodity
By dividing the gross tonnage of the space by the volume of the commodity
What effect will a low operating temperature of the boiler feed water system have on the condition of the feed water supplied to a high pressure boiler?
It will cause the amount of chlorides in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the amount of dissolved oxygen in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the amount of total dissolved solids in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the pH value of the feed water to increase.
In calculating the amount of an oil cargo, if you start with the Total Observed Volume (TOV), then deduct any measurable quantities in the tanks prior to loading and the volume of any free water found, what figure are you left with?
Gross Standard Volume (GSV)
Total Calculated Volume (TCV)
Gross Observed Volume (GOV)
Net Observed Volume (NOV)
What would be the likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows excessive wear in way of the stuffing box?
The discharge pressure of the pump is too high.
Wrong direction of rotation of the pump.
Over tightening of the gland packing.
Incorrect material used in construction of the shaft.
Where should empty and unlceaned receptacles that previously contained toxic gas be stowed?
On deck forward of the accommodation
On deck abaft the accommodation
What is a "Bollard"?
A Bollard is a very heavy rope
A Bollard is a rope made up of several strands
A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are secured
A Bollard is a loop in a rope
The holding down arrangement for a large 2-stroke diesel engine consists of steel chocks and hydraulically tightened holding down bolts. When carrying out routine maintenance of the arrangement which method, from those given in the options, should be adopted to check that it is in good order.
Measure the length of the holding down bolts to make sure they have the correct extension for the recommended tension.
Tap the holding down bolts with a hammer to see if they 'ring'.
Tap the steel chocks with a hammer to see if they move.
Check the hydraulic release pressure for the holding down bolts.
What hazards are associated with the carriage of a bulk carriage of coal slurry?
This cargo is a low fire risk under normal conditions
This cargo may be liable to sweat and create excessive moisture
This cargo is liable to self heat and spontaneous combustion
This cargo may have a dangerous angle of repose
Conventional reefer vessels are usually designed with fine lines and large flared bows. Consequently, in adverse weather conditions, especially from forward of the beam, the navigating officers need to be mainly aware of which of the given options?
This type of vessel is prone to large hull deflections which may result in structural damage.
That the main engine governor may not be effective when the vessel pitches heavily.
That the bow is ideal for keeping the forward decks dry and clear of water.
That the vessel design means that high speeds can be maintained and the perishable cargo can be delivered in good condition.
What will happen to the temperature in a cargo tank loaded with LNG if the vapour pressure is reduced by removing more vapour than is generated?
The LNG temperature will decrease.
The LNG temperature will remain the same, but the pressure will increase.
The LNG temperature will increase.
In order to make up the equilibrium pressure corresponding to its temperature, the vaporisation will accelerate because of increased heat.
Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board ro-ro ships?
No, portable battery operated lamps shall be provided in alleyways and public spaces
No, reflective marking indicates the escape routes
No, passengers should bring their own flashlights
Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
The electric motor on one of your centrifugal pumps has for a period of time gradually been running at lower and lower Amp-load. The pump is still supplying water, but the pressure is reduced. Which of the below alternatives is probably the reason?
The pump is running at lower speed due to short circuit in the electric motor.
Inner diameter of impeller is bigger due to cavitations, or outer diameter reduced by erosion.
The pump has been more effective because the suction strainer has been removed.
The pump has suction from many places at the same time.
With reference to diesel engine ancillary system operation, which one of the given statements is true?
The normal jacket water temperature before the jacket water cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal temperature of the lubricating oil before the lub oil cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal scavenge air temperature after the charge air cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal temperature of heavy fuel oil after the fuel oil heater is approximately 80 to 90 C.
Which of following are security duties?
Calibration of security equipment
Checking ID of visitors onboard
Monitoring of restricted areas
What is name of the machine shown, used to heave on the ropes during mooring and unmooring?
At what time should lashings be released?
As soon as the weather conditions are favourable, lashings can be released.
Lashings should not be released for unloading before the ship is secured at the berth, without the Master's express permission.
The crew can release lashings prior to arrival to avoid any delays.
Lashings should be released when the ship enters enclosed waters.
In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the "STERN"?
The Stern area is indicated by A, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by D, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by C, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by B, in the figure
Very roughly, the gas mixture from Crude Oil can be represented by the pure hydrocarbon gas Propane for analysis and comparison purposes. What then is the approximate Lower Flammable Limit of Crude Oil when measured as a percentage volume in air?
What is the disadvantage of using High Tensile Steel (HTS) in ship construction?
Enhanced vibration in HTS areas
Diminished cargo carrying capacity
What is important to wear for all officers and crew when working on the ro-ro deck during loading and discharging?
Fluorescent vest/ working clothes
How should mild steel slabs be loaded in a bulk carrier?
Interlocked across the entire cargo hold with the longitudinal axes athwartships
Interlocked up to the hopper tank plating with the longitudinal axes athwartships
Interlocked across the entire cargo hold with the longitudinal axes fore and aft
Interlocked up to the hopper tank plating with the longitudinal axes fore and aft
What type of component does this graphical symbol illustrate?
Pressure-reducing regulator.
What kind of cargo pumps is most common on LNG carriers?
Single stage deepwell pumps.
Multistage deepwell pumps.
Sometimes an early warning of failure in High Voltage switchboards may be an unpleasant smell. If the switchboard uses gas circuit breakers, which of the following may indicate a potential problem?
What would be the effect of a faulty steam trap on a fuel oil heater causing condensate to build up in the heater exchanger?
An increase in fuel oil temperature.
Low water level in the boiler.
Reduced heating capacity of the heater.
Excess pressure on the shell of the heat exchanger.
When trying to reverse a large slow speed diesel engine in the astern direction it cannot be turned on air even though it will start in the ahead direction. What is the likely cause of this problem?
One of the cylinder air start valves has stuck open.
The reversing servo for the fuel pumps has stuck in the ahead position.
The start is blocked because the air distributor has not moved to the astern position.
The automatic valve for the air start system has jammed shut.
What would you do before giving a boiler a “bottom blow”
drop the water level a couple of inches below normal
increase the oil pressure
raise the water level a couple of inches above normal
increase the oil temperature
What is a Jensen Sling used for?
Loading and discharging bales
Loading and discharging steel pipes
Loading and discharging paper reels
Loading and discharging packaged timber
What precautions should you take when washing down the galley area at the end of the working day?
All power to the galley range and other electrical equipment should be switched off and isolated; ensure you are suitably and safely dressed to avoid electrical, slipping and other hazards.
All electrical equipment should be switched on, to ensure it dries out quickly if it gets wet; remove your catering clothing, so that it does not get dirty and wet.
Wash only the deck, to avoid any risk of shock from electrical items, such as the range; wear shorts and rubber sandals ("flip-flops") to avoid transferring contaminants from your work clothes.
Cover all equipment and work benches with plastic sheeting; wash the galley deckhead, then work down the bulkheads and finally the deck, with fresh water above 65 degrees Celsius; wear heavy duty work clothes.
The ship is en route. When may passengers visit the bridge?
When the weather is nice and the sea is calm
During daytime if the traffic is smooth
Passengers are not allowed to visit the bridge while the ship is en route
What should you observe when patrolling public areas on board?
If all the fire extinguishers are in place and that fire doors are open
All abnormalities that may affect the safety/ security of passengers, crew and the ship
What does MARPOL 73/78 require in respect of the contents of lines and pumps on an oil tanker at the completion of discharge?
That they be drained directly (and only) to shore.
That they be cleared to shore by the use of compressed air.
That agreement be reached at the pre-cargo conference as to whether the ship or shore facility are to receive the "unpumpable product remaining in lines and pumps" and the appropriate side then clear the lines to the other by any appropriate means.
That they be drained and then pumped either ashore, or to a cargo tank or slop tank on board.
What will occur within the cargo tank if Crude Oil Washing is undertaken with oil containing a substantial amount of water?
It will be impossible to separate the oil and water at a later stage
Ther will be inadequate drainage due to emulsification
An electrically charged mist may be generated
It will assist in the cleaning of the tank