When planning any work task, crew members should consider which of the following?
When working aloft, outboard or in any location where there is a risk of falling, which of the following additional items of PPE will be required?
A safety harness or a safety belt with shock absorber.
A safety helmet and appropriate gloves.
A welding mask or apron.
Which of the following should be encouraged to help create a strong safety culture on board?
Any opening, hatch or edge from where a crew member could fall (apart from a permanent access way) should be fitted with a secure guard, barrier or fencing.
Which of the following can help crew stay safe while working closely to unguarded openings and dangerous edges?
Тест оценивает знания по предотвращению травм при работе с опасными краями на борту судна, включая защиту рук и правильные методы обращения с инструментами.