Some seafarers never suffer from seasickness, but others really do suffer – especially during rough seas and . Scientific studies show that some people become seasick just by thinking about motion sickness. The worst thing about seasickness is not being able to stop it. To acclimatise to shipboard life, one is to spend as much time as possible out on deck, using the horizon as a point to maintain . Positioning oneself in the middle of the vessel, which is the natural equilibrium point, is another option. Having a ” signs should be placed on them.
Most of the waste we produce on land eventually reaches the sea, through deliberate dumping or from run off through drains and rivers. Oil spills cause harm to the marine environment – but are only responsible for about 12 % of the oil running into the sea each year. Solid garbage also finds its way to the sea. Plastic bags are often found the airways of many marine species including whales, dolphins, seals and turtles. Also, approximately 80 % of urban discharged into the Mediterranean Sea is untreated or under treated. Tiny animals such as plankton absorb these chemicals before being eaten by fish.