Choose the correct word(s). I’m looking forward to stepping ____ dry land after months at sea.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ lunch the engineers started the stock-take of all stores.
Choose the correct word(s). We need to look at the passage plan ____ making a decision.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear.
Choose the correct word(s). Cargo theft ____ to rise.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear. What is the date of birth?
A vetting inspection is taking place. Which documentation is the vetting inspection waiting for?
Previous inspection reports.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can play the audio twice.
Usually about once a week.
Because the screw needs tightening.
Checking the fire extinguishers.
Choose the correct word(s). When ____ you last see the watchman?
Choose the correct word(s). I don’t like working with that new 2nd Officer. He’s not good at ____ instructions.
Choose the correct word(s). How did the chef put ____ the fire?
Choose the correct word(s). The guests will disembark ____ 11:00 hours today.
Choose the correct word(s). If we increase the ship’s speed, we ____ in port on time.
Choose the word with a different sound.
The 1st Officer is discussing a collision with the Captain. How much damage was there?
Both vessels were damaged.
One fishing boat was damaged.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
Yes, I’ll bring it over to you.
To check my hair and makeup of course.
I left them in the cabin.
Choose the correct word(s). Oil exploration in the North Sea ____ in the 1960s.
It’s cheaper to ship Scottish fish 16 000 km away to China than it is to pay local workers to do the job.
Choose the correct word(s). Will you ____ the galley and storerooms?
Choose the correct word(s). What ports ____ your ship call at during the voyage?
What did the husband try to make her eat?
Choose the correct word(s). Anyone with ____ to the vessel is a security threat.
Choose the correct word(s). Starting the auxiliary engine from a remote position should ____.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ the emergency party muster?
The Master and Chief Officer are discussing the cook. Why is the Chief Officer worried about the cook?
He thinks he might be smoking cannabis.
He thinks he might be drinking again.
He’s worried he’s suffering from depression.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ the pirates caught in the end?
Choose the correct word(s). The guests were very enthusiastic ____ the port presentation you gave yesterday.
Choose the correct word(s). I’m not impressed with the communication ____ you all, it’s affecting the safety on this vessel.
The Master is briefing the crew. What needs to be organised correctly?
Choose the correct word(s). You are advised to alter course ____ starboard.
What was the problem with the seafarer last night?
Choose the correct word(s). I’m ____ check the empty containers for stowaways.
The Captain is talking about a recent pirate attack. What did the pirates want?
The Crew Manager is briefing the crew. What will happen to a crewmember if he is found drunk?
He will be confined to his cabin.
Choose the correct word(s). Daniel ____ feel well, he’s in the sick bay.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ you ever been to Australia?
A guest is complaining. Why does she want an early dinner?
It’s too crowded later on.
Her husband has a medical problem.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ any injured crewmembers on board?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ the night there was a blackout on board.
The Master is complaining about the number of emails he receives. Whats main problem with the emails?
A lot of them are not for him.
They are too long and too time-consuming.
There are too many attachments.
Choose the correct word(s). I ____ on this cruise liner since 2005.
Why was the Master angry with the pilot?
Choose the correct word(s). By the time the emergency team arrived, the fire ____ located by the 3rd Officer.
Choose the correct word(s). We don’t have ____ time to go on shore.
Choose the correct word(s). How do I get to the port? Go straight on ____ traffic lights and then turn left.
Choose the correct word(s). Don’t enter this space ____ the permission of the Chief Engineer.
A new cadet is asking for directions. Where is the gym?
The Bosun is instructing the deckhands. What cargo is the vessel carrying on the upper deck?
Choose the correct word(s). Where ____?
Are all the visitor passes.
All are the visitor passes.
All the visitor passes are.
The all are visitor passes.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
It’ll be ready in 10 minutes.
It looks like one of the drums are leaking.
I think they’re Port State Control Inspectors.
Choose the correct word(s). How long ____ the vessel been under repair?
Choose the correct word(s). Three representatives of the Port Control ____ currently on board our ship.
Choose the correct word(s). What kind of assistance ____ they need?
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
It’s just he seems really withdrawn and depressed.
It must have been when we arrived in port.
Yes, I’ve checked their ID and it’s all in order.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
Fine, there are only a few minor deficiencies.
Probably around 06:00 hrs UTC.
Because they hadn’t done a risk assessment.
It’s 2 700 miles West of Manila.
Choose the correct word(s). Where’s the PSC Officer ____ was carrying out the inspection?
Choose the correct word(s). I’ll keep watch ____ the 3rd Officer relieves me.
The AB is talking to the Captain about his health. What is the AB unable to do?
Listen and then type the numbers you hear. How long is the ship?
Choose the correct word(s). When ____ our food be ready?
Choose the correct word(s). We arrived exactly ____ time.
Choose the correct word(s). He ____ to see the ship security plan.
Choose the correct word(s). How can I ____ you next week?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ will our berth be available?
Choose the correct word(s). When ____ you last see the watchman?
Choose the correct word(s). Every seafarer ____ travel as light as possible – it’s a work trip and not a holiday!
Choose the correct word(s). ____ the night there was a blackout on board.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ you have all the visitor passes?
A guest wants a cigarette. Where is smoking permitted on board?
In certain areas of the lounge.
Choose the correct sentence to describe the image.
Choose the word with a different sound.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ think we are able to see the sunrise from here?
Choose the correct word(s). I ____ the international ship security certificate.
Choose the correct word(s). The height of the waves forced us ____ course.
Choose the correct word(s). The line throwing device is stored ____ the bridge.
The Captain is asking about Christmas dinner for the Russian crew. What problem does the cook have?
He doesn’t have the ingredients.
He doesn’t have enough staff.
Choose the correct word(s). What information did you ____ to the bridge after sounding the alarm?
The vessel arrived with all tanks at 98 % volume.
Choose the correct word(s). Who is responsible ____ the use of the communication equipment in an emergency?
Choose the correct word(s). He ____ to see the ship security plan.