Can AIS with MKD operate as a standalone system?
Only in ship to ship mode.
Only in ship to shore mode.
How is the AIS technical status checked?
How is the voyage related information updated?
How much can the AIS broadcast mode be overloaded without any significant operational effect?
How often is the static information updated?
Manual update when necessary.
In case of AIS overload, what can you expect?
Targets far away drop out.
Seen from an operational point of view, how will you describe the AIS?
AIS is a semi-automatic system.
AIS is an automatic system.
AIS is both manual and automatic.
The AIS transmitted information is divided into three main groups. Which?
Ship data, Speed data and Course data.
Dynamic data, Static data and Voyage related data.
Dynamic data, Destination data and Cargo data.
Position data, Identity data and Dynamic data.
The AIS transponder is designed to transmit information:
AIS is not transmitting at all.
The dynamic information update rate depends on:
The lost target symbol is shown where?
At the bottom of the screen.
In the last known target position.
At the top of the screen.
In operator defined position.
The selected target symbol represents:
A manually selected target.
An automatically selected target.
A semi-automatically selected target.
A target lost by the AIS.
What are the criteria for a dangerous target in AIS?
A target carrying dangerous cargo.
A target calculated to violate preset CPA/TCPA limits.
A target bigger than own ship.
A target faster than own ship.
What can happen in case of AIS overload?
The system will shut down.
The system will give an alarm.
Targets far away will drop out.
What happens when an AIS sensor fails?
AIS display “not available”.
AIS is automatically switched off.
The AIS calculate the missing data.
What is the IMO minimum display requirements for AIS?
AIS information on Radar.
AIS information on ECDIS.
What is the accuracy of the AIS information?
The accuracy is not so good.
The accuracy can be compared with the accuracy of radar.
The accuracy is as good as the accuracy of the transmitted information.
What is the required minimum ship reporting capacity for AIS according to IMO performance standards?
What kind of system is AIS?
When is static information entered into the AIS?
After the voyage is completed.
When should the AIS transponder normally be activated?
When the OOW think it is necessary.
When using AIS the OOW should be aware of?
AIS information is always correct.
AIS information may not be correct.
AIS information is automatically switched off if not correct.
AIS information need to be corrected before use.
Which of the following is defined as dynamic information?
Ship’s speed over ground.
Ship’s call sign and name.
Ship’s destination and ETA.
Which of the following is defined as static information?