The engine room is equipped with regular fire hoses and nozzles. What is important to observe when using water as an extinguishing agent in the engine room?
All the mentioned alternatives.
Water has a clear limitation in fighting an oil fire.
Water may short circuit electrical installation and may be a threat to the personnel operating the fire hose as well as to electrical equipment itself.
In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the “Bridge”?
The Bridge is indicated by A.
The Bridge is indicated by B.
The Bridge is indicated by C.
The Bridge is indicated by D.
Which of the following inert gas systems on oil tankers use gases only from the ship’s main or auxiliary boilers?
Combination – inert system.
The independent inert gas generator.
Which of the following statements describes a “closed discharge” operation on an oil tanker?
A discharge operation carried out without opening any lids or sighting ports and where gauging is performed either by a fixed system or by a portable system gaining access through a vapour-lock..
A discharge operation which is commenced with all manifold and tank valves on the vessel initially set in the closed position.
The pumping of tank washings, conducted through underwater discharge outlets only.
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
Perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a rescue boat.
Jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard.
Don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5 min. If it impairs ability to swim.
Dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with.
The oil product particularly associated with the danger of contracting leukaemia through exposure to its vapours is:
If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be:
What items of clothing should be avoided during mooring operations?
Loose necklaces and chains round the neck.
All of the items specified in the alternative answers.
Boiler suits with wide loose sleeves.
Rings on the fingers or thumbs.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Which of these emission control requirements is correct?
Low sulphur fuels reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds.
Installation of an exhaust gas cleaning system reduces emission of nitrogen oxide.
Equipment containing ozone-depleting substances may be dumped at sea 50 miles from land.
Incineration of PCB’s is permitted.
What are the components of the personal equipment of the fireman’s outfit?
Boots and gloves of rubber.
Protective clothing to protect the skin from heat, burns and scalding.
A rigid helmet, an electric safety lamp and an axe.
Why should there be checklists or work permits for hazardous operations?
To make sure the job is done under controlled conditions.
So we know who to blame when something goes wrong.
To locate crew members in case of emergency.
Because it is required by USCG (US Coast Guard).
When going aloft in a bosun’s chair what kind of shackle should be used to attach the chair to the mast stay and how should it be used?
An approved shackle attached with bow of shackle running on the stay.
Any shackle is adequate for this task but it must be attached at the discretion of the seaman going aloft.
A shackle selected by the seaman and used as he wants.
An approved shackle with the pin of the shackle against the stay.
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
What is a “cargo plan”, when applied to a ship?
The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities.
The plan showing the cargo spaces and their capacity.
A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo.
The plan to show the staff requirements at each hatch while the ship is loading cargo.
What is the daytime signal to be shown when the vessel is at anchor?
A black ball forward where it can best be seen.
The national flag flying from the fore mast.
A black diamond forward where it can best be seen.
Two black balls where they can best be seen.
Which of these are indicators that an individual may be a drug smuggler?
The individual wears bulky or out of season clothing.
The individual is disinterested in the ship’s cargo.
The individual spends his or her free time hanging out with others.
The individual makes small local purchases.
What is the meaning of the term “Steady as she goes” when acting as helmsman?
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
While altering the ships head, the instruction “steady as she goes” means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course.
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steering a set course.
After loading certain oil cargoes, known as “static accumulator” cargoes, it is common to wait for the cargo to stop moving within the tank and reach the point at which it will cease generating any further static electricity, before taking any samples or ullages. Which of the following is the typical length of time allowed for this process?
What is understood by the word “Bollard”, when mooring a ship?
A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are secured.
A Bollard is a very heavy rope.
A Bollard is a loop in a rope.
A Bollard is a rope made up of several strands.
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric installation (for example the main switchboard)?
The breaking strength of the painter in a liferaft permitted to accommodate 15 persons is at least:
Which part of the fresh water quantity provided for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus?
0,5 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 2 days.
0,5 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 1 days.
0,25 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 1 days.
0,25 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 2 days.
In the diagram, which letter is indicating the “bits” which would probably be used by the “FORWARD SPRING” when mooring the ship?
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by D, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by B, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by C, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by A, in the figure.
The term “IMDG” stands for:
International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
Interactive Maritime Dangerous Goods.
International Marine Dangers Group.
International Monitoring Department (Geopolitics).
How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun.
A floating liferaft is capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at least:
Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts is made to provide a connection between the ship and the liferaft?
The hydrostatic release unit.
What kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes into void spaces?
Danger of explosion signs.
Warning signs that indicate lack of oxygen inside.
Breathing apparatus mandatory sign.
When talking about the properties of an oil cargo, what does “flammable” mean?
That it is not capable of burning.
That it does not need an external ignition source to cause it to burn. It will do so by itself.
That it is capable of being ignited and burning.
When it catches fire, flames may be seen, as well as smoke.
In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?
An unconscious casualty who is breathing, should be placed:
In the recovery position.
Lying face down position.
What kind of permits have to be obtained before starting cold work in tanks?
Cold work permit + Permit for entry.
The minimum number of lifebuoys required on a cargo ship depends on:
The number of persons on board.
The sea area in which the ship is allowed to sail.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
CO2 portable fire extinguisher.
Commonly used on an oil tanker, what is another name for a “Combustible Gas Indicator”?
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities.
Which of the following actions will most effectively prevent fire in a cabin?
Ensuring that all persons avoid smoking in bed.
Request people to refrain from smoking.
Install fire detecting devices.
How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
The bones in the human body are connected to each other by:
Different type of joints.
Is it always possible to use the word “ship” instead of the word “boat”?
A boat can only be used for vessels under 50 metres in length.
Either can be used anytime.
Normally a small vessel is called a “boat” rather than a “ship”, otherwise it is not important.
You have been assigned to enter a hold and check the general cargo stowed in it, as part of an on-passage monitoring procedure. What must be in place before you can do that?
The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other applicable tests.
Written instructions from the Chief Officer on what to check in the hold.
A list of the items stowed in the applicable hold, extracted from the Cargo manifest, must be available for reference during the check.
What is meant by the term “keeping a proper lookout” as applied to the bridge lookout?
Keeping a visual lookout all round the ship and also actively listening out for audio signals.
Keeping a very visual lookout ahead and abeam of the ship.
Continually visually scanning the horizon all round the ship.
Keeping a visual lookout all round the vessel.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each lifeboat?
When a fire breaks out in the accommodation, cargo holds or on deck, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
The person who is designated in the muster list.
The first officer arriving at the scene.
The first person arriving at the scene.
Read the text in the diagram and answer the following question: When should training in personal survival techniques be given? It is recommended that every prospective seafarer should, before being employed in a sea-going ship, receive proper training in personal survival techniques. In respect of such training several recommendations are made.
During the first week on board.
The stability and strength of a liferaft when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment is such that it can be towed in calm water at speeds of up to:
If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?
Call the officer on duty.
Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances.
Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?
Extinguishing attempt is started immediately.
All fire-fighting teams are organized as soon as possible.
All possible fire-fighting equipment is brought to the scene.
The oil spill removal equipment store must be:
A store room in the forward part of the ship.
Just off the main engine room.
Prominently marked and easily accessible.
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?
Having boarded the liferaft, how do you release the painter?
Cut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment point.
Let go the quick release toggle.
Wait for it to break as it is provided with a weak line.
If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout:
He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions.
The lookout should go down the accommodation to see where the relief is and make him/her go to the lookout position.
Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
What name is given to the process of discharging water from a designated slop tank on an oil tanker while minimising the disturbance of the oil layer on top, with the objective of removing as much water as possible?
On oil tankers, what is generally used to control the safety of the atmosphere in the cargo tanks?
In which ways is heat transmitted?
Conduction, convection and radiation.
Delay, conduction, radiation.
Gasification, conduction and convection.
Radiation and gasification.
When loading a static accumulator oil, which of the following is a standard precaution applied to eliminate the risk of explosion through electrostatic charge in the tank?
No metallic sampling devices over 2 litres capacity should be permitted on the cargo deck at any time, unless thoroughly cleaned beforehand with soapy water.
No rubber containers over 1 litre capacity, such as those used for sampling, should be introduced into the tank between completion of loading and for 10 minutes after that time.
No metallic devices, such as those used for gauging and sampling, should be introduced into the tank during loading and for 30 minutes after completion of loading.
To control bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied:
Whenever it is possible to stop bleeding.
Only on Radio medical advice.
Only when all other means have failed.
Whenever you have to transport the casualty.
What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10 % of complement, minimum 2).
Thermal protective aids for each person.
At least 10 % of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided.
One of the checks during the annual Class survey of the UMS functions is focusing on cleanliness of the engine room. What is the reason for such a check?
To prevent risk of pollution.
To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.
To have the engine room looking tidy.
To avoid frequent alarms.
What are three diameters of fire hoses most commonly found on ships?
Which statement about the garbage record book is true?
It is used to record all operational and accidental garbage discharges.
Each entry is to be signed by the Master.
It is required by all ships on International voyage.
Each entry is to be written in the language of the ship’s flag state.
You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the following actions should you generally take?
Organise a lookout system. Join up with other survival craft if possible. Stream the sea anchor.
Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor.
Start paddling in the direction of the nearest land.
Organise a lookout system.
What is the objective of the merchant navy?
To safely transport goods by sea.
To provide employment for persons who wish to become seafarers.
To transport and deliver goods as quickly as possible.
To earn money for the shipowner.
An inert gas system is used during a Crude Oil Washing operation:
To build up internal pressure and so increase the pumping rate.
To protect the condition of the steel structure of the tank.
To ensure a safe atmosphere in the cargo tank throughout the operation.
To control bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied:
Only when all other means have failed.
Only on Radio medical advice.
Whenever it is possible to stop bleeding.
Which of the following hose lengths corresponds best to the most common ones found onboard?
The effectiveness of foam is based on:
Smothering and dispersion.
The diagram shows the direction that a rope runs during a mooring operation and a possible place where it may break. Where would be considered the safest position to stand?
Outside the blue coloured zone.
Between the “point of break” and the “fairlead”.
Behind the point of restraint, but inside the blue coloured zone.
Inside the blue coloured zone.
Where is “AFT” in the figure?
If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to: “Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering”.
Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm with the OOW the change-over is complete and the course you are to steer.
Standby the wheel and wait for the OOW to apply the appropriate controls to change from Automatic pilot to hand steering.
Apply the appropriate controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start manually steering the same course as was being steered by the automatic pilot.
Ask the OOW what course you are to steer and standby the wheel. Tell the OOW you are ready for changing over.
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Long rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Ani-twist rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Wide step”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Spreader”.
What are the main components of the atmospherical air?
O2: 21 %, N2: 72 %, H2O: 5 %, CO2: 2 %, Rare gases: traces.
O2: 75 %, N2: 10 %, H2O: 5 %, CO2: 5 %, Rare gases: traces.
O2: 21 %, N2: 78 %, H2O: traces, CO2: traces, Rare gases: traces.
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Take over the steering of the ship.
Take a message to another officer.
Which type of equipment can be used to detect explosives?
What is a “cargo plan” when applied to a ship?
The plan showing the cargo spaces and their capacity.
A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo.
The plan to show the staff requirements at each hatch while the ship is loading cargo.
The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities.
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
What makes an effective look-out in a high risk piracy area?
Keeping a constant observation all around the vessel.
Having two lookouts working together at all times.
Having the lookout armed and dressed in protective clothing.
Keeping the lookout inside the vessel bridge.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BOLLARD” given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by C on the figure.
Bollard is given by D on the figure.
Bollard is given by B on the figure.
Bollard is given by A on the figure.