Regular ‘updating’ of a vessel’s position in an Inmarsat-C installation is among others things important:
To guarantee reception of NAVTEX-reports in areas where normal NAVTEX-facilities are not available
To guarantee reception of NAVTEX-reports
To guarantee assistance in emergency
To restrict NAVARAE-reports
By the term “Stand by” the operator of a coast-station means that one should:
Wait until the coast-station calls again
Switch back to the calling channel
Give the position of the ship
What is the correct chemical name for Caustic Soda in liquid form?
Sodium Hydroxide solution
Potassium Hydroxide solution
Sodium Chlorate solution.
Sodium Hypochlorite solution.
You are planning the discharge of a crude oil tanker with segregated ballast tanks, SBT. Which of the cargo tanks should be crude oil washed if you are expecting heavy weather?
All the cargo tanks that were not COW'ed in the last discharge port
At least 30% of the cargo tanks
The dedicated heavy weather ballast tank
Both sloptanks, and 30% of the remaining cargo tanks
How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment?
By using the equipment on regular watchkeeping duties
By following the standard company Induction procedures for a bridge watchkeeping officer
By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the equipment
The certificate of competency will ensure the officer has suitable competence in operating the bridge equipment
You are in confined waters. Is there any danger in the situation sketched below if you should lose engine power?
She will sheer slowly to port
She will drift to port, but rather slowly as you are loaded
Your ship will sheer to starboard rather quickly with the possible consequence of grounding
Your ship will lose headway, but there should be no immediate danger
A ship is turning around a point called the "pivot point". What is the position of this invisible point when the ship is "dead" in the water?
Outside of the center line
About same position as the center of gravity
Near the stern of the ship
In the situation illustrated, what should be the distribution of the power requirements from the tugs, if the ship is to be moved sideways without changing the heading? Both tugs have similar bollard pull and are of conventional propulsion.
Much greater power on the forward tug than on the after tug while monitoring the gyro heading
Equal power required by both tugs, but monitor the gyro heading to ensure sideward movement only
It would be very difficult to predict the power requirements in this circumstance and it could only be found by observation.
Much greater power on the aft tug than on the forward tug while monitoring the gyro heading.
What is understood by the term "Balanced Rudder"?
A rudder with equal rudder area forward and aft of the turning axis, the turning axis being at the geometrical centre of the rudder area
A rudder with part of the rudder area forward of the turning axis, therefore reducing the load on the steering motor.
A rudder which is operated by two steering motors providing equal amounts of thrust to the rudder
A rudder with an additional flap attached the training edge to improve the rudder efficiency
Messages which aren’t intended for own ship farther:
must be noted in the radio journal
Your vessel is a tanker in ballast and the two vessels are interlocked after collision. You have already made clear that all people are well taken care of and you will try to separate the two vessels. What should be your greatest concern?
If the vessels separate, the other vessel may run away and you will be the only one to blame.
That the separation may cause sparks that can possibly ignite the oil or any other flammable substances.
The exact time of the collision.
That you have your permission from the company to do so.
Which electronic component does this graphical symbol represent?
Silicon controlled rectifier
Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?
To allow overhaul of the screw down valve when the non-return valve is shut and the boiler is steaming.
To allow fine tuning of feed water flow to the boiler.
To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.
To increase the workload for staff when overhauling the boiler.
Which electronic component is this graphical symbol illustrating:
What is characteristic of titanium, magnesium and lithium catching fire?
There is always risk of explosion
These fires are self-extinguishing
These fires can only be extinguished using water
Due to chemical reactions these cargoes will continue to burn
Discharge of a frozen cargo is about to start from a conventional reefer vessel. Select, from the options given, the best procedure to follow to ensure good cargo care.
The fans should be run at slow speed for one hour before discharge commences.
The fans should be kept running throughout discharge.
The fans should be kept running after the hatch is open until the stevedores enter the hatch.
The fans should be stopped just before the hatch lids are raised for opening.
You have just completed tank inspection, prior to loading a number of chemical grades. The Duty Officer instructs you to secure the tank lids. (On this vessel, they are circular in design, with four dogs and the lid is raised and lowered on a geared wheel). Which of the following methods will you use to secure the lids?
I will swing the lid over the coaming and postion the dogs, tightening down the two furthest from the geared wheel first, then the two closest to the wheel. I will then take any remaining pressure off the wheel.
I will lower the lid with the geared wheel, ensuring that the coaming rim sits centrally against the packing. I will then position and tighten the dogs, working back and forth so that an even pressure is applied overall.
I will lower the lid with the geared wheel and then work round the dogs in a clockwise direction, tightening each one right down in turn.
I will lower the lid with the geared wheel, screwing it down as tightly as possible, then position the dogs, so that the lid remains centrally positioned while the ship is as sea.
Why should wet cloths not be used for carrying hot cooking pans?
Because Health and Safety regulations prohibit the use of a wet cloth within 2.5 metres of a galley range.
Because they conduct heat quickly and may cause scalding.
Because a cloud of steam will be generated and the person carrying the pans may find it difficult to see where he is going.
Because the mositure will transfer to the pan and cool the contents.
The inert gas system shall be capable of delivering inert gas to the cargo tanks at a specified percentage in relation to the cargo discharge rate. What is that percentage?
Equal to the cargo discharge capacity.
At least 135% of the maximum discharge capacity.
At least 150% of the maximum discharge capacity.
At least 125% of the maximum discharge capacity.
Commonly available on board an oil tanker, what is the industry standard Guide that describes best safety practise for tanker and terminal operations?
After washing cargo holds why are cargo residues often found on the tank top when hatches are opened at the load port?
Because the washing of cargo holds was not thorough
Because of poor drainage into the bilges
Because of cargo residues falling down due to ship’s vibrations during the ballast passage
Due to failure of the bilge eductors
On a bulk carrier at the completion of loading and before closing hatch covers what must be done to track ways?
Track ways swept and checked clear of obstructions
After washing with fresh water how would you know whether salt remains in the cargo holds of a Bulk Carrier?
By carrying out a visual inspection of the cargo holds
By carrying out silver nitrate tests which should turn milky in the presence of chlorides
Using silver nitrate which should remain colourless in the presence of salt
By appointing a surveyor to inspect the cargo holds
When we are measuring viscosity with a restricted flow viscometer, the preerred sensing device is:
What is a Continuous Synopsis Record?
A plan including all security measures onboard
A record of the vessels history
A record of all security incidents
A plan for continuous maintenance of security equipment
During inspection of a cylinder liner for a large, slow speed diesel engine it is found to be worn in a cloverleaf pattern. The greatest points of wear are found to be in way of the cylinder lubricator holes. From the options given, what is the most likely cause of this type of wear pattern?
Excessive cooling of the cylinder liner at low load operation.
Fuel impingement on the liner due to faulty fuel injector nozzle.
Cylinder lubricant has too high an alkalinity for the sulphur content of the fuel.
Insufficient cylinder lubricating oil being supplied.
What should be the healthy continuity resistance of a 220V, 2.2kW heating element, when checked near to it's rated operating temperature?
Which of these statements is correct?
On certain routes cargoes must always be lashed in a standard manner irrespective of season
Under the Hague and Hague-Visby rules a shipowner must make a vessel seaworthy
Seaworthiness implies cargoworthiness
A vessel must be seaworthy at the commencement of a voyage
You have just started to load Dicyclopentadiene to 5 port and starboard cargo tanks, but no cargo seems to be coming into the tanks. What will you do?
Stop cargo - notify the Duty Officer and / or the terminal dependng on the agreed communication procedure. Re-check the lines, valves and connections carefully, bearing in mind that there might be a build-up of pressure. Advise as appropriate.
Open the main lid on the tank and use a flashlight to try and see if there is a problem with the pump or line inside.
Carefully slack the bolts back on the connections, working initially on the off-shore mainifold, to determine how far the pressure extends in the ship's pipeline system, to determine which valve is giving the problem.
Re-check all valves. Just say nothing and open it, if one is found closed.
A new gasket has been fitted to the manhole cover of a ballast tank. Which of the options given would be a suitable test that the new gasket is correctly fitted?
Carry out a hose test on the manhole cover.
Carry out an air pressure test on the ballast tank.
Fill the tank with water up to capacity.
Fill the tank with water until it overflows through the air vent.
What is important with regard to checking container lashings on deck?
The strength of lashing rods
The number and extent of lashings
The strength of twistlocks
The tightness of lashing rods and container locking arrangements
Indicate the correct name for the part marked on the sketch:
Too high exhaust temperature in one cylinder becomes because of:
Leakage in the inlet valves.
Poor cylinder condition – blow by –including leaking exhaust valves.
Too low admission on fuel injection pump.
The amount of cylinder lubricating oil feed to the cylinder is too small.
Which of the following certificates would always be required on a general cargo ship?
Certificate of Fitness for Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
Noxious Liquid Substances Certificate
Safety Equipment Certificate
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
When is a vessel considered unseaworthy?
When cargo has been damaged due to heavy weather
When cargo has been damaged due to ingress of water
When due diligence has not been exercised to make it seaworthy
When it is not cargo worthy
Which of the following is a definition of the "Proper Shipping Name", as found in the IMDG Code?
The name to be used in any documentation relating to the transportation of the dangerous substance, material or article, such as on forms, labels and placards.
The correct chemical name of a potentially hazardous material, as identified from the Chemical Cargo List.
The name under which a dangerous material, substance or article is
The primary and secondary insulation spaces of each LNG cargo tank are provided with pressure relief valves. What is the normal set point of the relief valves for these spaces?
There are certain cargoes which are extremely sensitive to moisture in the atmosphere. How are they commonly protected when shipped on chemical tankers?
By heating the cargo above the temperature of the outside air.
By filling the tank with inert gas before loading.
By continuously ventilating the ullage space above the cargo in the tank.
By the application of a nitrogen blanket (pad) above the cargo in the tank.
Based upon what factors is Seed Cake categorised in the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code)?
The extraction process, oil and moisture content
Temperature during extraction, oil and moisture content
Temperature during extraction and moisture content
Which characteristic of chlorine makes it different to most of the other liquefied gas cargoes carried at sea?
Chlorine is lighter than air so the vapours will rise.
Chlorine cannot be transported under pressure.
Chlorine is non-flammable.
During inspection of a medium speed diesel engine piston of the composite type it is found that the steel crown is loose at its connection to the alloy skirt. Further inspection reveals damage to the surfaces and evidence of metal particles where the two parts are connected. Select, from the options given, the likely cause of this type of damage.
Fatigue due to excess compression at the joint between the components.
Crushing due to over tightening of the piston crown retaining bolts.
Shear of the metal surfaces due to excessive load on the engine.
Fretting due to loss of compression at the joint between the components.
How many hours before departure should the ship's steering gear be checked and tested?
Which of the following is a false statement in relation to; the best advice to a first aider is to:
Call the doctor immediately
Restore breathing and heart beat of the patient
If necessary remove the casualty from the danger
When should carbon dioxide gas be injected into a cargo hold containing bagged fishmeal?
When temperatures taken around the cargo hold exceed 35?C
When ambient temperatures exceed 38?C
When cargo temperatures exceed 55?C and heating continues
When smoke starts issuing from a cargo hold
On a Container vessel, what is the function of a buttress?
To support the lowest tier of containers in a non-cellular cargo hold
When used at the base of container stacks its prevents the tank top plating from being pierced
To support container stacks in a non-cellular cargo hold
To support the lowest tier of containers in a con-bulker's cargo hold
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar / 4-20mA for level measurement. The transmitter is for different reasons installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank, and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is full? (Pending no calibration is made)
The maximum current that a 15 Volt, 3 Watt Zenerdiode can handle without damage is
The IMO Cargo Stowage and Securing Code (CSS) indicates in the 'Rule of Thumb', the total strength of the lashings on each side of a heavy lift; what is the stated value ?
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal five times the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal twice the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal the 50% weight of the cargo unit
What is a "colander" used for?
To drain the water off food.
To stir foods during cooking.
To hold different foods together during barbequeing.
To test the temperature of food during cooking.
For a low pressure boiler, after testing the water cloride level, it is found to be 500 PPM, what action would You take?
Blow down boiler and check condenser for leakage.
On a Container vessel, if chemicals spilled into a cargo hold what would these residues be considered as, under MARPOL 73/78?
A transformer overheats while taking a shore supply. Which is the likely cause?
A U tube manometer is used to measure the pressure delivered by a ventilation fan. Following replacement of the fan by a larger unit with a higher delivery rate and pressure the liquid is blown out of the open end of the manometer. Which of the options given will allow the manometer to be used to measure the delivery pressure of the larger fan?
Connect the open end to the inlet trunking of the fan to measure the differential pressure rather than the delivery pressure.
Refill the manometer with a reduced the amount of liquid.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher density.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher viscosity
How do container ships without hatch covers comply with the International Convention on Load line Rules?
An International Load Line Exemption certificate will be issued in accordance to Article 6.
A special movable deck is provided to ensure watertight integrity
There will always be hatch covers on ships to comply with the International Load line Rules
This type of container ship does not need to comply with the Load line Rules
For a cargo compartment on a chemical tanker to meet the definition and requirements of a "pressure tank", what must its design pressure be?
Greater than 0.7 bar gauge.
What does the term "ullage" refer to?
The measured depth of product in a cargo tank.
The height from the bottom of a cargo tank to the top.
The special calculations that the Chief Officer makes when he works out the ship's final draughts before sailing.
The depth of free space left in a cargo tank above the current liquid level.
What is the normal name of the waterproof suit shown in the picture?
When starting cargo compressors they should be:
Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any misunderstanding in communications?
The Oxford Concise Dictionary
The (ICS) Bridge Procedures Guide
Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary
The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet
What stowage factors should be taken into account when planning the loading of cars, in a pure car carrier?
The amount of dunnage to be used
Longitudinal and athwartships distances between the cars
Why do bulk carriers need to carry oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment?
Because this equipment is required under SOLAS 74/88
Because it is required under MARPOL 73/78
Because of IMO regulations regarding Enclosed Space Entry
Because it is required under the International Labour Convention
What action should be taken if the boiler water tests show that the pH-value in the boiler water is slightly over 11.5?
Blowdown the boiler and Increase the dosage of boiler water treatment chemicals.
No action is required this is the normal level.
Raise the boiler water level above normal to dilute the contents.
Blowdown the boiler and decrease the dosage of boiler water treatment chemicals.
Which of these is not a Cargo Transport Unit under the IMDG Code?
A two step controller (open/close) has failed and the only available spare controller is a P+I controller. Select, from the options given, how the P+I controller could be set up to achieve approximate two step control.
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
What is the Maximum Securing Load of ‘D’ rings?
40% of the breaking strength
25% of the breaking strength
50% of the breaking strength
35% of the breaking strength
We say the centrifugal pump cavitates when:?
When the liquid accelerates from the suction side.
When the NPSH is variable.
We have negative pressure on the inlet side of the pump.
What precaution must be taken when discharging crepe rubber?
There should not be bales outside a sling adhering to bales inside it
Derricks must not be used to discharge this cargo
Bales must not be dragged into the hatch square from the wings
Each bale must be discharged independently
A decision support system for emergency management shall be provided on the navigation bridge. What type of emergency situations shall as a minimum be identified in the emergency plans?
Fire, Evacuation, Pollution, Personnel accidents and Ship Security
Evacuation, Fire, Pollution and Man-Over-Board
Man-Over-Board, Evacuation and Fire
Fire, Damage to ship, Pollution, Unlawful acts threatening the safety of the ship and the security of its passenger and crew, Pesonnel accidents, Cargo-related accidents, Emergency assistance to other ships
Liquefied gas cargoes will expand as the temperature increases and therefore tanks are not allowed to be filled to 100%. What is the maximum allowable filling limit for the cargo tanks on liquefied gas carriers?
Maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks is 98% on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks is 95% on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks is 90% on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks is 92% on gas carriers.
Records relating to breaches of security and changes in security level must be secured against unauthorized access and available for review by contracting governments.
Data loggers are a vital part of the temperature control and monitoring system on a reefer vessel. In a situation where the data logger fails several days before the end of the voyage it is still necessary to maintain control of and monitor cargo temperatures. How could an accurate, portable thermometer be used to the best effect, to achieve this, in such a situation?
Use the thermometer to maintain the delivery air settings as they were prior to the data logger breaking down.
Use the thermometer to check the pulp temperature by entering the cargo space and placing it in the centre of the stow.
Use the thermometer to check and control the delivery air temperature by inserting it in the delivery air ducting close to the evaporators.
Use the thermometer to check and control the return air temperature by holding it in the return air space on top of the cargo.
On a RoRo vessel, what must be ensured so that vehicles are not damaged on the loading ramp?
The ramp angle must not exceed its safe working limit
The ramp surface must be free of oil
Safety signs must be posted at the ramp
One man must always stand-by the ramp
These circuits are all active filters. Which of the circuits is a high-pass filter?
Why is it preferable to use white spirit rather than paraffin to remove traces of grease during cleaning of refrigerated cargo spaces?
White spirit is more effective at removing grease than paraffin.
White spirit does not leave an oily residue or odour.
White spirit is cheaper than paraffin.
White spirit is usually more readily available.
Which is the "STARBOARD BOW", in the figure?
The Starboard bow is indicated by D, in the figure
The Starboard bow is indicated by C, in the figure
The Starboard bow is indicated by A, in the figure
The Starboard bow is indicated by B, in the figure
What are the symptoms that would indicate the filter/drier unit in a refrigeration system was becoming blocked?
A large temperature drop across the drier with possible icing of the casing.
Pressure drop before the driver.
A hammering noise from the drier.
The drier casing temperature increases.
What prevents hatch cover panels from lifting in a seaway on a General Cargo vessel?
The hatch compression bars
The hatch cover hydraulic system
The hatch cover cleats and cross-wedges
Special "additives" are sometimes blended with, or added to, chemical cargoes to prevent polymerisation, decomposition or oxydation while they are in the ship's tank on a long voyage. What general term is given to these additives?
According to regulations cranes and other lifting appliances onboard should, at regular intervals, be examined by ship's personnel and the result recorded in Register of Ship's Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear. How often should such examinations take place?
All liquefied gas carriers, including LNG carriers, must comply with the requirements of the IMO Gas Codes. Which certificate confirms compliance with the Gas Code requirements?
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
What do we mean to gas free a cargo tank?
To gas free a cargo tank means that we remove flammable-, neutral- or toxic atmosphere from the cargo tank
That means that we are discharging the cargo tank
To gas free a cargo tank means that we remove gas from the cargo tank
To gas free a cargo tank means that we are pumping liquid into the tank
In which cases shall side scuttles in passenger ships be so constructed that they cannot be opened without the consent of the master of the ship?
Where the sills are mounted below the bulkhead deck
Where the sills of the side scuttles are below the margin line
Where the sills of the side scuttles are less than 500 mm above the deepest load line
Where the height of the side scuttles go through more than two decks
A 3-phase cage rotor induction motor requires protection by a time delay overload trip. What is the reason for this?
It will tolerate fault conditions during start up
It will allow for inrush current or motor specific faults
For what purpose do we have deck water spray on gas carriers?
There isn’t any deck water spray on gas carriers
The purpose of the deck water spray is to cool deck if fire and to be used for washing deck
All ships carrying flammable cargoes must have deck water spray to flush cargo spill overboard and cool cargo area if fire
The purpose of the deck water spray is to flush cargo spill overboard
Which would be the most suitable point in the system to obtain a representative of diesel engine lubricating oil for analysis?
From the lubricating system pipeline on the discharge side of the circulating pump.
From the lubricating oil filter drain.
From the lubricating oil cooler drain.
From the lubricating oil purifier outlet.
The circuit shows a full-wave bridge rectifier. Which electronic component will you connect between 'a' and 'b' in order to obtain reduced ripple voltage to the load RL.
How are cargo holds, below the freeboard decks car carriers, segregated?
A bulk carrier is loading to summer loadline marks ; to which part of the loadline marks does the vessel load in salt water (R.D.1025)?
The bottom of the summer mark
The top of the summer mark
What does the Chief Mate want to have done?
He wants tight lashings and two extra chains on one container
He wants to take the lashings and the extra chains to the containers
He wants to make tight lashings on the extra chains
He wants all the lashings tightened and two extra chains fastened to each container
What is the meaning of this symbol ?