Oily rags and metal turnings
are not a fire hazard at all
are not a fire hazard unless ignited
are a fire hazard because they generate their own oxygen when ignited and are therefore difficult to extinguish
are a fire hazard because they are liable to spontaneous combustion
What is the minimum number of independently driven fire pumps that must be provided on general cargo ships of 1000 gross tonnage and upwards?
Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by "A" or "B" class divisions on a ship?
On the general arrangement plan
All the mentioned alternatives
On the Ship's fire control plans
What should you do if the temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 65 % carried is raising 2° C per 5 hours and the temperature is above 40° C ?
The cargo should be monitored closely for the next 12 hours.
The cargo should be heated up to 45° C.
No special action to be taken.
To avoid uncontrolled decomposition the cargo should be discharged overboard.
A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0.5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes
You are sailing in shallow water with 15% Under Keel Clearance. Coming full astern from full ahead, how will your changed course compare to deep water?
Large change at first, then changing slightly
The heading will most likely change by a large amount
The heading will not change at all
The heading will change only slightly
You are approaching shallow water with an Under Keel Clearance of 15%. What speed should you have when entering, and when should you slow down?
About 6-7 knots, slow down 30 minutes before entering
Reduce to slow or less in due time before entering
About 10 knots, slow down 15 minutes before entering
Maintain normal sea-speed, no need to slow down
Searchlights must be provided for night navigation in the Suez Canal. Which of the listed requirements are correct?
Vessels with bulbous bow, LPG- and LNG-vessels must provide their own projector
All vessels must provide their own projector
Only projectors hired from the Canal Mooring and Light Company are permitted
If vessels have their own projector, an extra fee will be levied on the vessel
Is piracy an increasing or decreasing problem?
Piracy has remained constant for the last 50 years
While navigating using a paper chart marked WGS84 the OOW plots the ships position by four different methods and they all give slightly different positions. Which of the following would be considered the most accurate.
Radar ranges from two radar destinctive headlands
Bearing and distance from a navigation buoy close to the vessel
Gyro compass bearings from two lighthouses
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one set of fishing tackle
Chemical tankers are built with either "gravity" or "pressure" type cargo tanks. A "gravity" tank is one having a design pressure at the top of the tank of:
When you are taking an "ullage" on a cargo tank on an oil tanker, what are you actually doing?
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
From the statements given in the answer options, choose the one which is most accurate in relation to the operation of water-tube boiler and fire-tube boilers.
A watertube boiler can tolerate a short period of time without any water when the burner is operating.
A firetube boiler has a much better capability to work at higher steam pressure.
Water-tube boilers are more efficient and generally contain less water than fire tube boilers. They are prone to major damage when run dry during operation.
A firetube boiler does not require a non-return valve in the feedwater line.
Who is responsible for issuing an ISPS certificate?
Training manuals for Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting systems and equipment shall be provided in crew mess room, recreation room or in each crew cabin. The training manuals shall explain the following in detail:
Emergency procedures including alarm signals, general instructions and safety practice onboard, specific information on equipment, operation of equipment
Manufacturer's specific information on equipment including maintenance procedures, operation of equipment
General Emergency procedures
Alarm signals and donning of lifjackets
What would indicate that the cargo holds are not properly sealed?
When dew point temperatures inside cargo holds are the same as when the cargoes were loaded
When dew point temperatures inside cargo holds remain the same despite cargo hold ventilation
When dew point temperatures inside and outside the cargo holds are closely matched
When dew point temperatures inside and outside the cargo holds are substantially different
What would be a typical setting for the overspeed trip to operate and shut down the engine on a medium speed diesel engine?
1% above engine rated speed
25% above engine rated speed
15% above engine rated speed
5% above engine rated speed
Double-bottom tanks of a General Cargo ship are to be ballasted with sea water; which of the following are the most important checks to be made ?
All air vent pipes open and clear, pipeline valves open to correct tanks and other tank valves checked closed
All air vent pipes open and clear, pipeline valves closed to correct tanks and other tank valves checked open
All air vent pipes closed ,pipeline valves open to correct tanks and other tank valves checked closed
All air vent pipes open and clear, pipeline valves open to all tanks
When would gassing-up of cargo tanks on an LNG carrier normally be necessary?
To remove inert gas or nitrogen from the cargo tank atmosphere.
Prior to loading each cargo.
When the tank atmosphere needs to be made inert.
During each ballast voyage.
Which device does this graphical symbol illustrate?
Pressure to current converter.
Differential pressure transmitter
What is the purpose of having deep tanks on a general cargo ships?
Primarily for ballasting and to aid the stability when loaded, but may be used for liquid cargo
To raise the centre of gravity of the ship and make it a smaller GM and reduce the rolling period
Where should placards be located on a freight container?
One of the back end and one on one of the sides (only).
One on each end and one on each side.
What is the correct procedure when transferring (internal trimming) of oil cargo is necessary?
Obtain permission from charters and note procedures in oil record book and deck log
Ensure the vessel is even keel on arrival port
Only 5% cargo permitted to transfer.
Ensure safe ballast condition
When a large motor load suddenly is disconnected from the switchboard and the generator is AVR controlled, what will the ouutput voltage do ?
Remain approximately constant, due to governor action.
Initially rise, then reset to the set value.
Remain approximately constant, due to AVR action.
Initially fall, then reset to the set value.
Why is it important to slow down the main engine RPM while water-washing the turbocharger?
To protect the blower side
Not to damage the rotor blades
To protect the exhaustgas economizer.
What is a "trailer horse" used for?
It is used to secure cargo in bad weather conditions
It is used as a fire-fighting vehicle
It is used to push lorries into their lanes
To secure and tow loose trailers
Too high exhaust temperature in one cylinder becomes because of:
Leakage in the inlet valves.
Poor cylinder condition – blow by –including leaking exhaust valves.
Too low admission on fuel injection pump.
The amount of cylinder lubricating oil feed to the cylinder is too small.
You are to load a cargo ofIsocyanate to tank 4 centre port and the cargo hose from shore is to be connected to a flange directly adjacent to the cargo pump, so that the manifold cross-over and deck cargo line are not used. What must you place underneath the connection?
A label stating "portable connection".
Some sawdust or other absorbant material.
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To decrease the dynamic stability
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the valves on the low pressure steam range. Which packing material, from the options given, would be the best choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve?
Lead covered cotton packing.
On a RoRo vessel, what additional securing arrangements should be used when loading a vehicle on an incline or fixed Ramp
Double the normal lashings should be used
The Vehicle should also be chocked under its wheels
What cooling medium is normally used to cool the condenser of a fresh water generator?
From the options, select the best description of the function of a buttress fitting on a container vessel.
To avoid excess load placed on the tank top.
To ensure an even distribution of weight throughout the stack.
To transfer forces from the container stow to the ships structure.
To maintain a uniform level stow across the tier of containers.
Polymerisation may be a problem with some liquefied gas cargoes such as vinyl chloride and ethylene oxide. What is the definition of polymerisation?
Polymerisation is when liquids cool down and become more viscous.
Polymerisation is when single molecules of the same compound join together to form a new compound usually with a higher viscosity.
Polymerisation is when the molecules of a compound split and form a new compound.
Polymerisation is when molecules of two or more different compounds join together to form a new compound.
On a Container vessel, against what do explosives need protection?
Other categories of explosives
You have been tank-cleaning at sea and are about to arrive in port and go alongside the terminal for loading several grades of chemicals. Many of the lines (headers) have been open for drying and inspection, but will not be required for this particular operation. What should you do with them?
Fit and secure a blank flange to every line that is not required.
Leave the blank flanges off, but hang a label over each line that will not be required, stating "not to be used this port".
Leave the lines open, but tie-off (or otherwise secure) the manifold valves so that they can not be operated by accident.
Leave the lines open to prevent condensation building up inside.
What standing instruction should be given to prevent a possible blackout on board a ro-ro vessel?
To check with the duty engineer prior to switching on motors or other machinery that take a heavy load
To check with the duty engineer prior to taking steps in correcting the vessel’s list
To use minimum deck lighting at night
To switch off lights in idle cargo holds
What is the main purpose for taking diesel engine crankshaft deflections?
To check for weardown of the bottom end bearings.
To check for weardown of the main bearings.
To allow calculation of the load on each of the bearings.
To check that the shafting is in a straight line.
What is the difference between methane and ethane?
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has double bonding between the atoms.
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and one more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has one more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
The temperature of chilled air is monitored after it has passed through a refrigerated cargo and the temperature noted. This temperature is often referred to as the RAT. Which of the given options does RAT stand for in relation to refrigeration of a cargo?
Respirated Air Temperature.
Relative Air Temperature.
When loading a General Cargo ship, what do logs, fishmeal, scrap metal and bales of cotton have in common?
They are all capable of causing oxygen depletion in the cargo holds
They are all liable to spontaneous combustion
Fires caused by these cargoes cannot be extinguished using carbon dioxide gas
They contribute to ship's sweat
When discussing ther chemistry of petroleum cargoes, if 'Alkanes' are saturated hydrocarbons, what are unsaturated hydrocarbons?
They are also referred to as Alkanes.
Why does a hatch cover hydraulic system deteriorate?
Due to dust and cargo particles lodging around the piston seals
Due to hatch cover operations in high summer temperatures
Due to repeated hatch cover operations
Due to ice accretion on piston jackets
What does heaving result in?
Shearing of container twistlocks
Vertical accelerations acting along container corner posts
Longitudinal accelerations acting on hatch pontoons
Which Convention placed on the shipowner an obligation to exercise due diligence to make a ship seaworthy, requiring him "before and at the beginning of a voyage…to….make the ship seaworthy…and…make the holds...and all other parts of the vessel in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation"?
When is the Officer of the Watch officially relieved of his responsibilities of being in charge of the watch?
The Officer of the Watch remains in charge of the watch for the full watch, when the vessel is deep sea
The Master and the Officer of the Watch share the responsibility when they are both on the bridge together.
When the Master informs the Officer of the Watch that he is taking over the "con" (watch responsibilities)
When the Master enters the bridge
When we are measuring temperature with a thermistor, the type of sensing device is:
Temp sensitive semi-conductor
Junction of two dissimilar metals
When you are calibrating an instrument what is the most common first step in the procedure (consult the manual)
Adjustment of Zero-point and span
Which of the given options is a common alternative name, or synonym, for Methane?
What is Breaking Stress with regard to cargo lashings?
The maximum stress that can be applied to a cargo lashing
The maximum load that can safely be applied to a cargo lashing
The safe working load of a cargo lashing plus 10 percent
The load beyond which a cargo lashing will deform
"…a ship… …intended to transport products with appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventative measures to preclude escape of such cargo. Usually the ship is of double-hull construction, with a variety of tank sizes / capacities." What is this the definition of?
A chemical tanker for the purposes of the 1996 IMO directive MEPC/2.12 circ. on "Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous or Polluting Goods".
A type I chemical tanker as per the IBC Code.
A type II chemical tanker, as per the IBC Code.
A parcel chemical tanker as per the IACS Construction Regulations.
How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
Passengers should stay in their cars until loading is completed. They should keep to walkways when leaving the car.
Passengers are responsible for their own safety while moving about ro-ro decks.
It is easy, only drivers are allowed to stay in the car during loading and unloading.
Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about the ship.
Which of these foods, when consumed in high quantities, will increase the cholesterol level over time?
During a ship to ship cargo transfer operation it is required that:
The main engine be on 1 hour notice.
None of the listed alternatives need be maintained.
An efficient engine room watch with the main engine on standby be maintained.
The main engine be on 1/2 hour notice, and no watch need be maintained in the Engine room.
During overhaul of a purifier the engine room rating is instructed to drain and clean the gearbox on the machine. Which of the materials given in the options is the best one for wiping up the remaining oil in the gearbox after draining the oil?
Clean, lint free cotton rags.
Used paper towels from the wash room.
Used dish cloths from the galley.
The wire mesh guards for the fans of refrigerated containers sometimes have coloured ribbons tied to them. Which of the options is the reason for fitting these ribbons?
To indicate if the fan is running too slowly.
To indicate that the fan is running in the correct direction.
To indicate to the crew that the fan is running as a safety consideration.
To indicate that the fan is running at the correct speed.
When should a crane or derrick sheave be replaced?
When wear down in the groove exceeds 20% of the wire rope diameter
When wear down in the groove exceeds 25% of the wire rope circumference
When wear down in the groove exceeds 25% of the wire rope diameter
When wear down in the groove exceeds 20% of the wire rope circumference
The lights displayed here indicate that this is one of two types of vessel. What are the two options?
A power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, length of tow under 200 metres, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway. Less than 50 metres in length and displaying the second all-round white masthead light, seen head-on.
A vessel engaged in fishing, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, shooting nets OR a vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on.
A power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel and tow restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on.
A vessel engaged on pilotage duty, engaged in deploying or recovering a pilot, seen head-on or a power-driven vessel underway, lmore than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing the second masthead light, seen head-on.
What would you do if you saw a stevedore starting to lash a container whilst other containers were being stowed above it?
Tell him to wait until overhead containers have been stowed
Inform the stevedoring foreman
With reference to diesel engine ancillary system operation, which one of the given statements is true?
The normal jacket water temperature before the jacket water cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal temperature of the lubricating oil before the lub oil cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal scavenge air temperature after the charge air cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The normal temperature of heavy fuel oil after the fuel oil heater is approximately 80 to 90 C.
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of immersion suit(s)
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
What are the properties of IMDG Class 4 (Flammable Solids) cargoes?
These cargoes emit flammable gases
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion or when in contact with water emit flammable gases
These cargoes emit toxic gases
What should be done immediately after discharging is completed?
Switch off the lights and close all fire doors
Inspect ro-ro decks. Wipe up spill such as oil or water from the deck and clear up lashing equipment
What is the requirement to membranes on Independent Tank Type "A"?
Complete secondary barrier.
Only primary barrier required.
Partial secondary barrier.
Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to preparing the cargo holds for receiving bagged cargoes?
Cargo holds should be free of infestation
Cargo holds should be clean
Cargo holds should be free of cargo residues
A conventional reefer vessel is loading a cargo of hard frozen palletised meat with a required carriage temperature of minus 18 degree Celsius. A thermistor at the centre of the pallets indicates the temperature to be approximately minus 10 degrees Celsius during loading. What action, from the options given, should be taken under these circumstances?
Continue loading onboard and deliver air at the lowest possible temperature to cool the cargo down to the correct carriage temperature.
Continue loading onboard at minus 10 degrees Celsius and then gradually reduce the air delivery temperature to minus 18 degree Celsius.
Return the cargo ashore for pre-cooling to minus 18 degrees Celsius.
Continue loading onboard and maintain the air delivery temperature at minus 18 degrees Celsius.
Which kind of secondary barrier, if any, is required for an LNG carrier fitted with membrane type cargo tanks?
No secondary barrier required.
Partial secondary barrier.
Complete secondary barrier not formed by the hull.
Complete secondary barrier formed by the hull.
When securing a non-standardized portable tank what is a favourable securing angle that will prevent it from transverse sliding?
A new reefer vessel is described as having 'Cargo spaces lined with stainless steel, refrigeration supplied by circulating cold air around the outside of cargo spaces, no hatches on deck and one light crane'. Which of the vessel types given in the options is the most likely type being described?
A vessel designed for the carriage of fish at very low temperatures.
A vessel designed for the carriage of specialised fruit.
A vessel designed for the carriage of orange juice in bulk.
A vessel designed for carriage of chilled meat products.
What is Inert gas ?
It is a gas containing insufficient oxygen to support combustion of hydrocarbons
It is a gas containing only nitrogen
It is a gas containing less than 21 % by volume oxygen
It is a gas containing no oxygen
What does the term "Dead Ship" mean?
"Dead Ship" means that the ship cannot make way through the water
"Dead Ship" means that the ship is aground
"Dead Ship" means that auxiliary machinery is not operational
"Dead Ship" means that the machinery and boilers are inoperational due to lack of electrical power
What is the disadvantage of using High Tensile Steel (HTS) in ship construction?
Enhanced vibration in HTS areas
Diminished cargo carrying capacity
What ingredient, made from durum wheat, is commonly used as an alternative to rice with north-African dishes?
A refrigerated break-bulk cargo (not palletised) is being loaded into a space that it will not fill. From the options given select the one which gives the best way to finish the stow.
With a vertical face that can be secured by netting.
The stow should be stepped down progressively over several rows so that it is self securing.
With a vertical face that can be secured by plywood sheeting.
With a vertical face which can be secured with wooden tomming.
Where will you find instructions on how reduce or control an oil spill during bunker operations on a General Cargo vessel?
In the company's safety manual
In the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
If a vessel’s Tonnes Per Centimeter immersion (TPC) is 28.80 in saltwater, what would be her TPC is water of density 1.015 T/m3?
How is the condenser in a fresh water evaporator normally cooled?
Low voltage ships tend to have insulated neutral systems. What is the reason for this?
If the neutral is not insulated then it may short to other conductors.
It is easier to detect faults
In the event of an earth fault vital equipment will not trip
It is more effective than insulating the live conductor
Which is the correct method of securing a lashing belt to a vehicle?
By means of a hook facing away from the deck
By means of a hook facing the deck
What are the main elements in a damage control plan?
Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
Instructions and procedures for reporting damage to the Company
Arrangements for correction of list due to flooding within 15 minutes
A damage control plan is the same as an emergency plan
What may be issued by the shipper to indicate that a vessel or her operators will not be held responsible for any damage that may arise from the carrier issuing a clean Bill of Lading, even though the Mate's receipt is marked as "unclean", such as may apply to atmospheric corrosion on steel plates that have been waiting in a port facility for some time awaiting shipment?
An addendum to the Bill of Lading.
An absolution clause in the shipping documents.
Some fuel oil and lubricating oil separators have a facility to control the back pressure of the clean oil outlet. What is the purpose of this control function?
To help to maintain the oil/water interface at the correct position.
To control the amount of fuel passing through the separator.
To reduce the amount of sealing water required during operation.
To assist in discharging the bowl contents during the sludge cycle.
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?
Why can't we use inert gas from a combustion-type generator when preparing cargo tanks for ammonia?
Because of the high temperature in the inert gas.
Because ammonia reacts with the carbon dioxide in the inert gas.
Because of high water content in the inert gas.
Because of the high oxygen content in the inert gas.
Why is it impossible to have a lifeboat drill at present?
Because the crew will be busy heaving the anchor
Because the lifeboats are defect
Because the ship is leaving after sunset the following day
Because the anchor is damaged, and the ship is drifting away from its anchor zone
When a fire breaks out in the accomodation, cargo holds or on deck, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
The first person arriving at the scene
How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft?
What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation from the cold water
At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)
Thermal protective aids for each person