Give the meaning of the following symbol
Buoy fitted with line throwing appliance
*What are the main components of the atmospherical air?
O2: 75% N2: 10% H2O: 5% CO2: 5%, Rare gases: traces
O2: 21% N2: 72% H2O: 5% CO2: 2% Rare gases: traces
O2: 21% N2: 78% H2O: traces CO2: traces, Rare gases: traces
O2: 50% N2: 50% H2O: traces CO2: traces Rare gases: traces
What number of fire hoses is required for cargo ships of 1000 tons gross and upwards? (SOLAS II-2/
One hose for every second fire hydrant
One for each fire hydrant
Two hoses for each vertical fire zone
One hose for each 30 meter length of ship plus one spare. Hoses for engine and boiler room in addition
In pumprooms and pipe tunnels "flameproof" electric light fittings are generally fitted. This means that:
Gas may enter, but even if an explosion takes place the fittings is so strong that the explosion will be contained within it and will not be blow out?
Even if fire occurs, it will not consume the fitting?
The electrical supply will disconnect automatically in cases of fire?
The fitting is completely gastight and no gas can enter into contact with the bulb and electric connections?
You wish to send a message via an Inmarsat-C installation to an Inmarsat-A telex installation. The message is composed in ‘ASCII’. The message can be sent:
Considering the range of sensitive liquid chemicals which routinely require wall-wash prior to loading, what product is mainly used as the rinsing agent in wall-washing?
What does the abbreviation SOLAS mean?
International Convention for the Safety of Lives at Sea
International Conference for Security of Loads aboard Ships
International Rules for Safe Ocean Lines and Sailingroutes
International Agreement for Security of Load and Ships
For which ships is the MARPOL convention applicable?
For all vessels except passenger vessels.
For all vessels except those engaged in coastal trade.
For tankers and other vessels carrying persistent oil as cargo.
What makes OPA-90 different from other international oil legislation
Responsibility for cleaning up
Responsibility for salvage assistance
Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the following situation: Latitude 50°00'N, Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT. Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12 knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude - computed altitude).
How can an ARPA assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the entrance to a channel?
Select Relative motion display and make Own Ship vector pass through the middle of the entrance to the channel.
Select ground stabilised true motion display and alter course so that own ships true vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel.
Select True ground stabilised vectors and make the vectors from both buoys at the entrance to the channel pass either side of the centre of the screen.
Acquire the buoy at the entrance to the channel and on relative vector display alter course to make the vector of the buoy pass directly through the centre of the screen.
What is the status on Suez canal pilots?
Pilotage is compulsory and accept full responsibility for any damage caused
Pilot is only compulsory during anchoring operations in Great Bitter Lake
Pilotage is compulsory and the pilot is only the master's advisor
Pilotage is not compulsory since this is a sea-level canal
If a shipping company wants to be attractive to clients, it must be able to provide?
Provide efficient and reliable service
Give the meaning of this symbol:
Llfebuoy with light and smoke
lifebuoy with line and light
Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure suit ?
is fitted with a light and a whistle
is marked with the name of the vessel to which the appliance belongs
can be continously worn without impeding every duties to be performed by the wearer when in normal watch on the bridge
is made of such a material that it cannot be torn
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:
a remotely operated steering arrangement
one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, except for free-fall lifeboats
an electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source
permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat
Which among the following list is particularly required for a totally enclosed lifeboat?
Handrails inside for persons moving to their seats
Windows on both sides can be closed waterlight and opened for ventilation
Self-bailing arrangements
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
four rocket parachute flares
one life-jacket for each person
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one life-jacket for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
*Which among the following list is required for lifeboat equipment according to present regulations ?
be secured in the lifeboat (except boat-hooks) by lashings, storage in lockers, compartments, brackets or similar arrangement
be made of fire-retardant material and stored in buoyant containers
be made of buoyant material or stored in buoyant containers
be made of fire-retardant material
Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to present regulation? The enclosures shall be provided with:
windows on both sides which can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation
access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides
access hatches which can be closed watertight
For how long and at what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Fasten immersion suit belt
Which part of the human body out of the list given after is not considered to allow maximum heat exchange with the surrounding fluid (air/water)?
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Survival craft pyrotechnic distress signals
Survival craft portable radio
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Survival craft portable radio
Survival craft pyrotechnic distress signals
The Master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly emergency drills. If 25% of the crew -or more- has not participated in such drill during the last month, what is the time limit to conduct such a drill after the vessel has left a port?
What are the characteristics of CO2?
It is in itself not dangerous (not poisonous)
All the mentioned alternatives.
It is heavier than oxygen.
When carrying LNG cargoes it is useful to have information about its thermodynamic properties. What is a common source of information that can be used to obtain values for a wide range of these properties?
Material safety data sheet.
What is the approximately boiling point of LNG at atmospheric pressure?
What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over board?
Ballast Supervising Monitor. (BSM).
Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.(ODME).
Ballast Handling Monitor.(BHM).
The crane on a General Cargo Ship is designed for Grab Service with a hoisting load of 16 tonnes including grab weight. Grab weight: 8 tons, Grab cubic: 10 m3. You are going to discharge a cargo of dry minerals having a stowage factor of between 0.7 - 0
Basic manual dew point measurement devices are commonly used by surveyors when monitoring the dryness of a cargo tank prior to loading a liquid chemical product. Which of the descriptions below is a summary of how the measurement is carried out?
A small quantity of Methanol is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the surface of the Methanol. When the first signs of evaporation are observed (smoke rising from the surface), the temperature of the Methanol is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for calculation purposes.
A quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously pumped through the liquid. Bubbles will be seen to reach the surface of the bath until the dew point is reached. When the flow of bubbles ceases, the temperature of the Acetone is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the polished or mirrored surface of the container. When the first drop of mositure (dew) is observed to form on the polished surface, the temperature of the Acetone bath is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of dry-ice is placed into the device, submerged in deionized water. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing across a reagent filter. When the dew point is reached, this reagent filter will change colour from white to green, indicating saturation. The temperature of the deionized water is noted at this time and corresponds to the dew point. Reference to correction tables is required to correct the reading for barometric pressure.
What is known as "cargo sweat" on a Bulk Carrier?
Condensation of moisture directly onto the ships structure
Condensation of moisture directly onto the cargo
Condensation of moisture onto the ships structure and cargo
What does a ship’s angle of pitch vary with?
Sea state and wind force combined
What information should be displayed on a Fumigated Container?
The date of manufacture of the container
The proper name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The trade name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The last container inspection date
Where do ships encounter pirates?
Ships encounter pirates off the Indian coastline
Ships encounter pirates off West Africa
Ships encounter pirates in the North Pacific ocean
Ships encounter pirates in the South Atlantic ocean
What is ‘Allowable Use Strength’?
The strength of cargo lashing materials allowed by the classification society
The tension to which cargo lashings should be set up
The safe working load of cargo lashing materials
The breaking strength of cargo lashing materials
What are the main elements in a damage control plan?
Instructions and procedures for reporting damage to the Company
Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
Arrangements for correction of list due to flooding within 15 minutes
A damage control plan is the same as an emergency plan
What do iron ore, flourspar, fishmeal, lead concentrate and cement copper have in common?
These are cargoes that may liquefy
These cargoes are liable to shift when dry
The cargoes are not listed in the BC Code
Residues to these cargoes are governed by MARPOL 73/78
On a Container vessel, when will a hatch pontoon's quick-acting cleat need replacement?
When the rubber washer is compressed and hardened
When the cleat has sprung open at sea
When the cleat retainer is rusty
When the cleat retainer is distorted
What are the characteristics of Seed Cake group B (IMDG Class 4.2) cargo?
Liable to spontaneous combustion only
May self-heat slowly; may spontaneously ignite; liable to oxidise
May self-heat slowly; may spontaneously ignite; liable to oxidise; may produce carbon dioxide
Liable to oxidise only, causing subsequent reduction of oxygen in the cargo spaces
Two identical medium speed engines are connected through clutches and a reduction gearbox to a single controllable pitch propeller. It is noted during normal operation that the load sharing between the engines is uneven with one engine taking a greater proportion of the load as the total load increases even though they are equally loaded at low load. Select from the options given the most likely cause of this problem.
One of the engines is running faster than the other at high loads.
The fuel filters in the supply line for one of the engines are blocked
The governor droop settings are incorrectly set and are not matched.
The clutch on one engine is slipping.
What is the definition of DEAD BAND?
The largest difference in the output signal for the same change in the input signal.
The change needed in the input signal to produce a change in the output signal.
The change in the output signal produced by a certain change in the input signal.
A missing electrical signal.
What does the IMSBC Code emphasise with reference to the exposure of personal to the dust created when carrying some bulk cargoes?
The restricted loading of certain cargoes which may be excessively dusty
A high standard of personal hygiene
The responsibility of the Master to ensure that staff are wearing the correct clothing
The code does not make any reference to this hazard
Why is drying of cargo handling system necessary on refrigerated ships?
To avoid contamination of water in cargo.
To avoid high oxygen content in cargo tanks.
To avoid icing and hydrate formation in the cargo system.
To increase the dew point.
Where is there a likelihood of inadequate initial design on a bulk carrier?
What name is given to the short, intial wash given to tanks that have just contained certain particularly hazxardous cargoes before the ship leaves the unloading port and where the washings are landed to shore or to a slop barge?
A mandatory customer post discharge wash.
When can semi-automatic twistlocks be used, under the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations?
When used to lock three empty intermodal containers that are to be lifted, one on top of the other
To secure on-deck containers in the first and last container bays
When used to lock two empty intermodal containers that are to be lifted, one on top of the other
To secure all on-deck containers
Perishable cargo is usually stowed on wooden pallets. The pallets are designed for either two-way or four-way fork lift entry. From the point of view of use on a refrigerated vessel, choose the option which highlights the most important difference between these two types of pallet.
The four-way pallet uses less material.
The two-way pallet is more robust.
The two way pallet is easier to construct.
It does not matter which way around the four-way pallet is stowed.
What is the purpose of the accumulation test required by Classification Societies for boiler safety valves before the valves can be approved?
To check the pressure at which the safety valve will reset.
To check that the valves have sufficient discharge capacity when operating to limit the build up of pressure when the boiler is on full firing rate.
To check how high the boiler pressure will go before the safety valve operates.
To check that the maximum firing rate can raise the pressure above normal working pressure.
On a General Cargo Vessel, what do Tonnes per Centimeter Immersion (TPC), Moment to Change Trim by one Centimeter (MCTC) and Longitudinal Centre of Floatation (LCF) have in common?
They vary with small angles of heel
These vary with the gross tonnage of the vessel
They vary with changes in displacement
They remain unaffected by changes in displacement
The main engine is running steady. What is the normal shut down pressure for "Lub.oil inlet to main bearings"?
What are the disadvantages of large double bottom tanks on a double hull oil tanker?
The effect of free surface and reduction in the transverse metacentric height.
Suddenly developing a severe trim.
Potential hazards relating to damage to internal structure and pipelines.
Increased longitudinal bending moments.
The instrument air system is suffering from excess water carry over to the instrument air lines. The air intake to the compressor has very high humidity. Which of the actions given in the options will most likely result in reducing this problem?
Use an additional coalescer filter in the inlet to the instrument air filter system.
Shorten the time between automatic receiver drain blow downs.
Reduce the superheat setting on the instrument air refrigeration/dryer unit.
Increase the cooling water flow through the compressor intercooler and aftercooler.
After water-washing the turbocharger exhaust side it starts to vibrate even though it was operating normally prior to the washing procedure. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
The foundation bolts for the turbocharger are loose.
The rotor blades are damaged or the blades are not properly cleaned
Water drain for washing system is blocked allowing water to build up in the turbine casing.
The turbocharger bearings are worn out.
What is the IMO recommended allowance for water absorbtion in timber deck cargoes on a General Cargo Vessel ?
5% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
No additional weight allowance is normally made
15% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
25% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
Who is responsible for ensuring that your ship’s security plan meets the requirements of the ISPS Code?
Recognized Security Organization
Flag State Administration
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and line throwing appliance
lifebuoy with light and smoke
lifebuoy with light and hand flare
lifebuoy with automatic sound signal
The exhaust gas is too dark because of:
Faulty fuel injection pumps or valves
Some cylinders is overloaded
Inlet or exhaust valves are leaking
What is the main reason for crewmembers to practice search and rescue operations on ships in an emergency?
Passengers may not hear the alarm bells, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
Passengers seek safety in mustering stations, or other common areas, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers seek safety in their cabins, or in other places onboard, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers may not hear the public address system, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
You notice the sump level in an engine has increased and no new oil has been added. What action would you take?
Reduced the load, and look after fuel or water leak.
Stop the engine and look for a fuel or water leak.
Drain some oil from the engine.
If a cargo leak occurs onboard a liquefied gas carrier it is likely that a 'white' vapour cloud will form. What makes the vapour cloud look white?
Condensation of nitrogen in the air.
Condensation of cargo vapour in the air.
Condensation of oxygen in the air.
Condensation of water vapour in the air.
What type of bomb search should you conduct to avoid panic when the credibility of the threat is in doubt and you don’t want to disrupt ship business?
Nominated officers search
What is a hydraulic hand pump usually used for?
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to slacken the windlass brake
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used in an emergency to open the hatch covers
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to steer the ship from the Emergency position
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to tighten G-nuts
How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
It is easy, only drivers are allowed to stay in the car during loading and unloading.
Passengers are responsible for their own safety while moving about ro-ro decks.
Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about the ship.
Passengers should stay in their cars until loading is completed. They should keep to walkways when leaving the car.
You are paralleling two alternators and the pointer of the synchronoscope slowly stops rotating and remains stopped in one position before the circuit breaker is closed. This would indicate:
The voltage of the incoming alternator is the same as that of the main switchboard
The incoming alternator is in phase with the switchboard, but the frequency is not the same
The synchronoscope is not functioning properly and should be checked
The frequency of the incoming alternator is the same as that of the main switchboard
What is done at a five yearly thorough inspection of lifting plant on a General Cargo vessel?
Lifting plant is proof load tested and all parts thoroughly examined
Deck cranes are tested and their parts thoroughly examined
A bulk coal cargo is to be loaded and the moisture content is declared as 19 ; the transportable moisture limit of the cargo is declared as 15, what should the Master do?
Load the cargo as the moisture limits are within acceptable limits
Refuse to load the cargo unless the vessel is specially designed for the carriage of cargo which may liquefy
Load cargo and ventilate on passage to remove water
Where is a "rose box" fitted on a General Cargo ship?
At the suction ends of cargo hold bilge pipes
In the engine room bilge system
At the engine room section of the hold bilge system
What is essential to ensure that efficient stripping of ballast tanks on a Bulk Carrier can be achieved?
A good stern trim is maintained during de- ballasting operations
The trim of the vessel is not important
A trim by the bow is required
The vessel must be maintained at an even keel
After a couple of hours of operation the failure alarm sounds for a heavy fuel oil purifier which is operating on a timed automatic sludge cycle. Upon investigation the purifier is found to be running slowly and when opened up the casing and sludge outlet is heavily fouled with sludge in contact with the bowl. From the options given what is the most likely cause of this problem?
The heavy fuel is unstable leading to excessive high viscosity sludge formation.
The dirty oil throughput is excessive.
The purifier bowl has not closed properly.
The clutch for the drive shaft is worn and slipping.
Which of the options given is the most likely reason for a drop in pressure at the charge air manifold of a diesel engine?
Air filter to turbocharger fouled or obstructed.
Charge air cooler fouled on waterside
Air passageways or ports to the engine cylinders partly blocked due to fouling.
According to "Summary of minimum requirements" in the IGC Code, what is the requirement for vapour detection for methane (LNG) cargoes?
Flammable and toxic detection.
Flammable vapour detection.
If left-over cooked meat is to be re-used in another meal, which of the following precautions must be taken?
The meat must be fine chopped to ensure it re-heats to at least 70 degrees Celsius as quickly as possible; it must not be mixed with newly preared raw meat; the dish in which it is used must only be heated once.
The meat can be directly added to another dish and musdt be re-heated to the temperature required by the new recipe; it can then be re-heated for further servings provided it is refrigerated in between.
The cooked meat must have been refrigerated until required; it can be taken out, chopped and mixed thoroughly with newly cooked ingredients, to ensure it is adequately re-heated. If it cools before serving, it can be warmed through on a hot plate or under a heat lamp.
The meat must be sliced to a thickness of less than 5 mm to ensure it re-heats to at least 50 degrees Celsius during cooking; it can only be layered with other previously cooked ingredients; the dish in which it is used can be re-heated again, provided it is refrigerated between each serving.
You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?
A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so, except that vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this message.
Vessels may proceed - two-way traffic.
A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.
Vessels may proceed - one-way traffic.
In a single side skin bulk carrier of 155m in length constructed in 2000 and carrying cargo of density 1010 kg/cu.m., which cargo hold can withstand flooding?
What is the main difference of deep well and submerged pumps?
The main difference is that deep well pumps are driven by hydraulic motor and submerged pumps are driven by electric motor
The main difference is that deep well pumps are more expensive than submerged pumps
The main difference is that deep well pumps are more easy to maintain than the submerged pumps
The main difference is that deep well pumps are connected to the motor with a long shaft and submerged pumps have both pump and motor submerged down in the tank
Which group of dangerous goods is generally considered as being the most hazardous for marine transportation on a General Cargo Vessel?
What does the term "Dead Ship" mean?
"Dead Ship" means that the ship cannot make way through the water
"Dead Ship" means that the ship is aground
"Dead Ship" means that auxiliary machinery is not operational
"Dead Ship" means that the machinery and boilers are inoperational due to lack of electrical power
When are ro-ro units most exposed to damage?
When being manoeuvred for stowage or breaking out of stowage
When being driven up or down the vessel’s internal ramps
When being driven up or down the loading ramp
Does OPA90 apply to vessels engaged in carrying liquefied gas?
OPA90 applies only to oil tankers.
OPA90 applies only to non-American flag vessels.
Only if the vessel carry HC-products.
OPA90 applies to all ships.
Temperature sensors may be marked T 802. What does this mean?
How can the officer in charge change the value of the Transverse Metacentric Height?
By loading or discharging cargo and changing the position of both G only.
By vertically shifting cargo and changing the position of both G and M.
By loading or discharging cargo and probably changing the positions of G and M.
Only by loading cargo and changing the position of both G and M.
What is the most negative side of using a centrifugal cargo pump?
Displacing the liquid by reducing the volume inside the pump.
High purchase and installation cost.
Mechanically displaces the liquid in the pump.
The lack of self priming.
What basic information do we get from the pump's flow-head curve?
We get information about the NPSH.
We get information about the pump's suction head.
We get information about the pump's back pressure.
We get information about the pump's lifting height and liquid flow.
On modern chemical tankers, nitrogen is often used to achieve a super-dry atmosphere within a cargo tank prior to loading. Sometimes however, equipment delivering a special air supply is fitted and available for this same purpose. What does this equipment do?
It injects nitrogen into the air.
It supplies super-cooled air.
It filters carbon-dioxide out of the air.
It supplies de-humidified air.
A refrigeration plant is short cycling even though there is plenty of refrigerant in the system and all of the rooms are above temperature. From the options give select the one which is the most likely cause of the problem?
Low oil level in the sump causing the automatic low oil pressure cut out to operate.
Blocked filter drier causing the automatic low pressure cut out to operate.
Insufficient cooling water flow through the condenser causing the automatic high pressure cut out to operate.
Ice formation in the meat room evaporator coil causing the automatic low pressure cut out to operate.
What are the duties of the engineer officer in charge of the watch?
To carry out inspections of the steering gear at least once a watch.
To keep constant surveillance of machinery and auxiliary systems.
To ensure that the machinery spaces are properly manned.
To take appropriate actions to maintain the speed required.
What is the main reason for using big bulk carriers?
To achieve an expedient combination of speed and service
To transport cargoes in large volumes
To be able to discharge one kind of cargo in one port only
To support the main trend towards bigger ships