What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Buoy fitted with line throwing appliance
GMDSS regulations require that vessels carry two-way VHF for survival craft. How many are required, and when do the regulations apply?
One per lifeboat and one spare from August 1993
None at present. 3 sets on all ships from August 1995
3 sets. New-builds from February 1992, other vessels from February 1995
3 sets. All vessels from August 1993
You are leading a team fighting an interior fire. If you see the colour of the smoke changing from dark black to grey, what is the most probable reason for that change?
the team has started to ventilate
the percentage of oxygen is getting below 15%
The team is applying water and the temperature is decreasing
the temperature inside is increasing
The discharge arrangements for halogenated hydrocarbon total flooding systems shall be so designed that the minimum quantity of medium can be discharged in (based on the discharge of the liquid phase):
How often must a crew member participate in a fire drill?
Which spaces, in regard to fire protection, shall be separated from the rest of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries? (SOLAS II-2/2.2.2)
Storage rooms for inflammable materials
To guarantee optimal reception of VHF-DSC-calls as every:
DSC-report is sent twice, at least every second call is compared with the earlier received call
DSC-symbol is checked on the right amount of 10, and then checked on the correct relation by Error Checked Character
DSC-symbol is sent twice and checked extra by Error Check Character
The first time you send a DSC distress alert via the HF-band, you prefer the?
The sound level of the telephone in the tele-microphone is adjusted on the panel of i.g. an MF/HF radiotelephony installation with:
Can not be adjusted, this is set by the manufacturer
The proper operation of the telex mode of an Inmarsat-A terminal can be tested by:
Doing a "commissioning test" at regular intervals
Requesting an " automatic linetest"
Sending a message to HF DSC
The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for :
When you have an urgent message concerning the safety of a vessel, aeroplane or any other means of …………or a person, then you have to use:
Is it necessary in case of a distress alert via the Inmarsat A terminal to use the distress priority?
Yes, by “distress priority” one always is assigned a channel
No, the connection could never be made faster than technique allows
Yes, by “distress priority” one is directly connected with the NCS
" On area A2 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based on:"
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
the use of INMARSAT Epirbs
When synthetic ropetails are used at the ends of wire ropes, due expected faster deterioration of the synthetic ropetails, it is recommended that when ordering ropetails, their initial breaking strength specified should be:
15 % more than the wire's.
65 % more than the wire's.
25 % more than the wire's.
When double banking whilst underway, it is preferable for one vessel to maintain steerage way in a constant direction while the other manoeuvres alongside it. During this period it is recommended that:
The wind and sea should be from abeam
The wind and sea should be calm
The wind and sea should be from astern or nearly astern
The wind and sea should be from ahead or nearly ahead
An area A3 is:
an area excluding sea area A1 and A2 within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MRCC in which continuous watch on 8414,5 kHz is available
an area excluding sea areas A0, A1 and A2
an area excluding sea areas A1 and A2 within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available
Before a mariphone is installed on board:
a letter of registration must be applied for
contribution must be paid
The obligation to identify oneself when using VHF is:
only when navigating by radar
only when sailing in a block area
What is understood by assigned frequncy?
the upper side band (USB)
frequency of the carrier wave
the frequency actually used by transmitter and receiver
To choose the HF-band, the time difference between 2 stations is:
Which class of emission is used for VHF radio telephony transmissions ?
Which class of emission is used for HF radio telephony transmissions ?
Define the class of emission F1B :
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of carrier with error correction
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelephony - Phase modulation
Which of the following services is not provided by INMARSAT B:
How many maintenance methods must be provided by ships sailing in area A3 and A4
How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two Fast Rescue Boats, one on each side of the ship
None providing the ship has lifeboats
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
What is the main responsibility of a bridge lookout at night?
Inform the bridge of any new lights when they appear over the horizon or any other items observed which may affect the ship
Inform bridge of changing weather patterns
Inform bridge of any lights when they appear over the horizon
Inform bridge of any other ships observed, which appear to be getting closer to your own ship
What are we seeing here?
A sailing vessel, at anchor.
A sailing vessel of less than 10 metres in length, displaying the mandatory combined lantern inlieu of sailing lights, seen head-on.
A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on.
A sailing vessel, seen from astern, where the edges of her sidelights are both visible.
Who is responsible for issuing an ISPS certificate?
How is the cargo tank pressure controlled when loading an LNG carrier?
By varying the amount of boil-off to the boiler.
By using a vapour return to shore system and controlling the loading rate.
By opening the tank vents to atmosphere.
By adjusting the relief valve settings to the required tank pressure.
Which plan shows the position of the vertical and longitudinal centres of gravity for each cargo compartment on a Bulk Carrier?
Who is responsible for ensuring your ship completes a security assessment?
Flag State Administration
Recognized Security Organization
A loaded bulk carrier experiences heavy ice accretion on deck forward, what are the major concerns of the changes in stability?
Excessive trim by the stern
Reduction of speed and additional fuel consumption
Reduction of metacentric height (GM) and loss of freeboard forward
Increase in metacentric height (GM)
Under what regulations would steel bands remaining in the cargo holds have to be discharged?
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
Port state regulations applicable at the port of destination
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V – Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships)
The vessel is instructed to load alternate holds when chartered to carry a high density cargo. What reasons could be given by the master to refuse to do this?
The trim of the vessel will not be satisfactory.
The summer deadweight will not be achieved.
Cargo space cleaning after discharge will be excessive.
IMO do not recommend alternate loading of cargo holds with high density cargoes.
Indicate the correct name for the part marked on the sketch:
How should steel coils be loaded at the start of cargo operations on a General Cargo Vessel?
From the centre of a cargo hold working towards the sides
From both sides of a cargo hold working towards the centre
From the centre of a cargo hold working towards one side then the other
What is the main information we get from a Mollier diagram?
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known and pressure in the cargo tank when liquid temperature is know.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of the liquid and latent heat.
We get information about specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature.
Select the tool, from the options given, which would be used to produce accurately sized bolt holes in a steel flange?
On a RoRo vessel, what must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes on ramps?
SWL and loading limit of the ramp and Minimum clearances for the operation of ramp doors
The extent of lashings due to the ramp slope
The earth lamps in a 3-phase system indicate as follows: Red= bright Yellow= dark Blue= dim . Which fault condition shown as red - yellow - blue is correct?
light earth - hard earth - no fault
no fault - hard earth - light earth
hard earth - light earth - no fault
light earth - no fault - hard earth
What is the minimum furnace temperature that must be reached during start up before waste material can be introduced into an incinerator?
It is important to know about alternative escape routes because?
You should never use normal exits in an emergency.
It is always the fastest way out.
You should always use alternative escape routes in an emergency.
Normal escape routes may be unavailable.
Once a hatch is sealed, what prevents sparks from entering the hold of a Bulk Carrier?
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Use fire fighting water in the cargo space
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
A crosshead pin for a large bore 2-stroke diesel engine has to be refurbished following bearing failure. The surface finish required is measured as a centre line average, CLA. Select, from the options given, the standard of finish that should be achieved during the refurbishment.
What must by carefully checked when loading a bulk carrier to maximum draft
The minimum bow height must be maintained
The vessel is trimmed by the head on completion
The vessel is trimmed by the stern on completion,
the vessel should have a stern trim of 2.0 metres by stern.
A tank containing hydrocarbon residues requires manual cleaning by use of shovels, scrapers etc. Should you:
Open the tank, provide ventilation and commence work immediately.
Open the tank and provide lighting, have someone standing by outside the tank and commence working.
Open the tank, provide adequate ventilation/lighting, test oxygen content, have someone standing by with rescue equipment, complete a tank entry permit then commence work.
Open the tank, provide adequate ventilation and lighting, commence work and have someone standing by outside the tank.
What does MARVS mean on a cargo tank?
We mean maximum allowed relieve valve setting.
We mean minimum allowed relieve valve setting.
We mean maximum ROB of vapour.
We mean maximum recovery system.
Which publication, other than SOLAS, contains information regarding the personal safety equipment that must be carried onboard liquefied gas carriers?
What would it imply if at the discharge port cargo was found contaminated by a previous cargo?
That cargo interests will refuse to accept the cargo
That the vessel was unseaworthy when the voyage commenced
That the vessel will be arrested by cargo interests
That the vessel will be detained by port state control
Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. What information shall as a minimum be included in the emergency instructions?
Where to find thermal protective aids
The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
Escape routes and alarm signals
How many lifejackets are required in a passenger cabin?
Same number as beds in the cabin
Non, they will be handed out at the muster station
Twice the number of beds in the cabin
How many rescue boats should be provided on passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two, one on each side of the ship
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
The picture shows the component parts of a fluorescent light (items 10 to 14) above a circuit diagram (items 1 to 9). Between which terminals of the circuit should the ballast (or choke) be connected?
Under which MARPOL category are vegetable oils classified?
Vegetable oils are not classified under the MARPOL categories.
Category "OS" (other substances).
Which of the following contain gluten?
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
A consignment of steel drums containing IMDG Class 8 cargo are about to be loaded in the hold of a General Cargo vessel; a number of drums are leaking slightly, what action should be taken?
The cargo consignment not be loaded at present; the Chief Officer must be informed and make final decision if the cargo is to rejected
The cargo must be stowed under deck
The drums can still be loaded provided that they are only loaded on deck
The cargo cannot be rejected and must be loaded
During regular inspection of alternator windings it is found that windings are always covered with a heavy oil film coming from the atmosphere surrounding the auxiliary engine. After cleaning with an approved solvent, what should be done?
Reinsulate the windings after each cleaning
Take no additional action
Blank off intake air filters
Improve material of intake air filters
The superstructure and deck houses of passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers shall be divided into main vertical zones by
If an enclosed space needs to be entered, what is the first thing that must be done?
A responsible person must be appointed
The chief officer must be asked for permission to enter the space
A full Risk Assessment must be caried out
Two crew members must be asked to stand-by outside the space
What dangers are associated with the carriage of empty tank containers?
They may not declared as being empty when in fact they are not
They could easily collapse due to being empty
They may contain flammable cargo residue
They could explode if their vents are closed
A bulk coal cargo is to be loaded and the moisture content is declared as 19 ; the transportable moisture limit of the cargo is declared as 15, what should the Master do?
Load the cargo as the moisture limits are within acceptable limits
Refuse to load the cargo unless the vessel is specially designed for the carriage of cargo which may liquefy
Load cargo and ventilate on passage to remove water
What is the main difference between a THERMOSTAT and a TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER, if any?
The temperature transmitter is a digital component while the thermostat is an analogue component.
The thermostat has one or more contacts (open or closed) depending on the temperature/setting. The temperature transmitter converts a temperature signal to an electric signal.
The thermostat gives out an analogue signal depending on the switch setting. The temperature transmitter gives out a binary signal depending on the temperature.
Cargo hoses intended for liquefied gas carriers have to be prototyped tested before being approved. When new hoses of an already approved type are received onboard they also need to be pressure tested before being put into service. What are the IMO Gas Code requirements for such hoses before they are put into service?
Not less than 1.5 times the specified maximum working pressure or more than two fifths of bursting pressure at the expected cargo carriage temperature.
5 times the specified maximum working pressure at ambient temperature.
5 times the specified maximum working pressure at expected cargo carriage temperature.
Not less than 1.5 times the specified maximum working pressure or more than two fifths of bursting pressure at ambient temperature.
Which of these situations will cause undue delay to a vessel at her port of discharge?
Slow operation of hatch covers
Carrying out an off-hire survey
Carrying out an open-hatch condition survey
Asbestos mixed with the cargo
What type of cargo tanks are normally used for the cargo containment system for fully pressurised and semi-pressurised liquefied gas carriers?
How could your menus best contribute to reducing the number of dental problems amongst the ship's crew?
By ensuring that at least two portions of vegetables are available with every meal.
By limiting the use of sugar-rich foods and beverages and those containing high levels of starch.
By increasing the amount of red meat served on board.
By ensuring that a minimum of 1.5 grams of salt per person is included in the daily menu.
When an engine is working normally, the lubricating oil return temperatures are moderate and the running temperatures of the moving parts are also moderate. Lubricating oil is not a volatile liquid and the temperature inside the crankcase is insufficiently high to cause concentration of vapor. What would be the flash point of the lubricating oil?
What must be checked before deck cargo is loaded on top of hatch covers on a General Cargo vessel?
The ship must be on an even keel
The ventilators should be opened
The hatch covers must be fully secured to a sea going condition
The deck cranes must always be stowed into sea going position
When a submerged centrifugal cargo pump is being run at too high a speed during discharge of a viscous cargo, the pump may start racing, causing a heat build-up around the suction, possible localised solidification of the cargo and consequent damage to the pump. What term is applied to this problem?
A palletised cargo is being loaded onto a reefer vessel. The cargo is stowed on wooden pallets. Select from the options given the best method to be used for lifting the pallets onboard the vessel in order to avoid damage to the pallet boards.
By using rope endless strops.
By using a patented semi-balanced lifting fork.
What is fishmeal prone to?
Increasing anti-oxidant levels en route
Liquefaction due to vibration or compression
Decreasing anti-oxidant levels en route
The circuit consists of two inductors, L(1) = 6 H and L(2) = 12 H, in series. Calculate the equivalent total inductance.
A unit of alcohol is equal to which of the following measures?
A half pint (284 ml) of lager / light beer or a small glass (125 ml) of wine
A pint (568 ml) of lager / light beer or a large glass (275 ml) of wine
A large glass (275 ml) of wine or a measure (30 ml) of spirit
A measure (30 ml) of spirit, if taken with a glass of water
How is the bilge pump protected from cargo debris being sucked in from the bilges?
Filter in the bilge suction pipeline
Keeping the bilge space clean at all times
Which Security Levels requires the highest security alert?
Where do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for fire safety systems?
Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code)
What do you understand by the term "luffing"?
The raising or lowering of a crane jib, moving the head of the crane and therefore a suspended load horizontally towards or away from the crane.
The combined movement of hoisting a load and slewing the crane, employed when lifting a load from a dockside over and into a ship's hold, or vica versa.
The initial phase of hoisting a load, where the crane wire and structure takes the weight of a suspended load.
The rotating of a ship's jib in a circular movement about the crane.
Cargo compressors are fitted on LPG carriers as part of the cargo and vapour handling system. Why is it important to 'bar over' a piston type LPG compressor before starting it up?
To prove the oil pump is working.
To avoid low suction pressure during start up.
To reduce the electrical start up load..
To make sure there is no liquid in the cylinders.
In respect of exposure to vapours from oil cargoes, how is the value of "Short Term Exposure Limit" determined?
The airborne concentration of a toxic substance averaged over any 25 minute period, usually expressed in ppm.
The airborne concentration of a toxic substance averaged over any 30 minute period, usually expressed in ppm.
The airborne concentration of a toxic substance averaged over any 10 minute period, usually expressed in ppm.
The airborne concentration of a toxic substance averaged over any 15 minute period, usually expressed in ppm.
In which publication do we find information about the most common liquefied gases?
In ICS Tanker safety guide
In the vessels deck log book
In the International certificate of fitness
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
Notify Master, Deck officer and engineer in charge.The loop for the smoke detector to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Disconnect or cover up the smoke detector.
Which of the following cargoes can normally be loaded next to each other in the same space of a General Cargo vessel?
Drums of cement and bagged milk powder
Drums of cement and steel pipes
Pallets of pesticides and bagged grain
Rolls new carpets and drums lubricating oils
How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?
The heat from the fire causes the foam to produce an inert gas which gradually extinguishes the fire.
By smothering and also providing some cooling
How many separate means of escape routes from passengers and crew spaces shall passenger ships carrying less than 36 passengers have? (SOLAS II-2/28)
What is the adequate marking of liferafts for passenger ships on short international voyages?