Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?
When the lifeboat is flooded
For a period of at least 72 hours
Propeller permanently driven by the engine
Self-starting and launch procedure simultaneous
Hydrocarbon gas encountered in oil tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing less than approximately what percentage of oxygen (by volume)?
* In general, under which value is it necessary to lower oxygen content in order to put out a "class B" fire?
The duty engineer of a UMS ship is approached by a member of the ship's staff, seeking permission to hang wet working clothes in the engine room to dry. Should he:
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail anywhere.
Allow the clothes to be hung over rail next to the warm F.O. service tanks.
Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmanned machinery spaces.
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail provided there is no electrical equipment directly below.
Where in accommodation spaces shall smoke detectors be located? (SOLAS II-2/13.2.2)
In messrooms, public lounges and other public rooms
Near ventilation ducts throughout the accommodation spaces
In all crew and passenger cabins
In stairways, corridors and escape routes
What is the necessary precautions to prevent sootfire in the exhaust boiler?
All the mentioned alternatives.
Hose down the smoke side with regular interval.
Clean smoke side regularly with soot blower equipment.
Clean the smoke side with chemicals.
Welding and use of open flames on board tankers in operation are subject to regulation laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (Norwegian Ship Control Legislation - NSCL). Which of the listed requirements regarding washing and gas freeing before hot work in cargo tanks corresponds to these regulations? (NSCL 22/1294/7).
Gas measuring and examination in connection with cleaning and gas freeing shall be carried out by an officer.
Gas measuring and examination in connection with cleaning and gas freeing shall be carried out by the safety delegate.
All results of gas measures and examinations shall be entered in the ship's deck log.
Personnel carrying out gas measuring and examination shall have completed an approved training course later than 18. September, 1992.
We must clean the spots of oil on hot surfaces because:
all the answers are correct
What is the capacity of the required portable fluid extinguishers
Not more than 13,5 litres and not less than 9 litres
Not more than 20 litres and not less than 12 litres
A radio-telex call to a coast-station is generally started up in the:
You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because:
you should have listened on the 2182 kHz
telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC signals
first an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8MHz
The Inmarsat-satellites are located:
alternatively above the poles and the equator
in a geostationary orbit at approximally 1000 km. Altitude
A "Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports" (SITREPs) should be used by vessels in distress. The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details). Which of the following information shall be included when using the "short form"?
What are the three Search and Rescue urgency phases
Uncertaity – Search – Rescue
Search – Assistance – Rescue
Uncertainty – Alert – Distress
Each ship fitted with a radiotelephone station shall listen on the distress frequency during navigation, for how many hours a day according to the regulations?
On board they want to establish telex-communication via the Inmarsat-set with the ship Appologracht. In the guides the following ID’s are found for the Appologracht: 244320000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should chosen:
Which of the following is a Accounting Authority Identification Code?
What rules and regulations are regulating the watch keeping routines in the engine room?
International Standard for Training and Watch keeping (STCW)
Both STCW and Class rules
How long must an Oil Record Book, documenting oil cargo operations, be retained on board after the last entry has been made?
It may be disposed of, or landed at the next port, following completion.
If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is the complete rate when performing ECC?
Complete 15 compressions at the rate of 80 compressions per minute
Complete 10 compressions at the rate of 40 compressions per minute.
Complete 25 compressions at the rate of 75 compressions per minute.
Complete 20 compressions at the rate of 60 compressions per minute.
Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?
A method NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the US waters is:
What is the correct understanding of the term "Bending moments" when applied to ships?
The longitudinal Bending Moments are the forces between empty and full compartments causing the ship to bend and change shape
The Bending Moments of a ship are the forces acting on the ship causing it to hog and sag.
All of the suggested answers
The longitudinal Bending Moment at any section within the ship is the total moments tending to alter the longitudinal shape of the ship
When taking a compass error by amplitude in the higher latitudes when is the best time to take the bearing?
When the lower limb just touches the horizon
When the center of the sun is on the horizon
When the sun is a diameter above the horizon
Calculate the time of the sunset and then take the bearing
When is a vessel deemed to be an overtaking vessel?
When coming up with another vessel from any direction abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 10 degrees abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 45 degrees abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
Under GMDSS rules the trading area A1 can be considered to be:
Within range of VHF coast radio stations.
Within the coverage of INMARSAT.
Within range of MF coast radio stations.
A vessel is equipped for all sea areas. In the middle of the Indian Ocean the EGC-receiver appears out of order. Is it still possible to receive MSI-messages?
yes, with the MF/HF-radio telex
Which International Convention introduced the GMDSS ?
Define the acronym GMDSS.
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
Global Mundial Direct System Safe.
General Maritime Directories for Safety and Search.
General Mundial Distress and Safety System.
When modulating the amplitude:
the LF-vibration is modulated
the carrier wave is modulated
the amplitude is modulated
MF radio signals mainly propagate mainly:
through hops between ionised layers and the earth
between the earth and satellites
along the curvature of the earth
Which of the following services is not provided by INMARSAT C:
A floating liferaft is capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at least:
Which IMO convention takes care of the human safety at sea ?
there isn-t any conventions that take care of the human safety at sea
The buoyancy and the stability of a lifejacket is sufficient to turn the body of an unconscious person in the water from any position to one where his mouth is clear of the water in not more than:
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
two buoyant smoke signals
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one life-jacket for each person
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
tools for minor adjustments to the engine
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one immersion suit for each person
Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to present regulations? The totally enclosed lifeboats shall:
automatically attain a position in damaged condition, providing an above water escape for its occupants
have safety belts to be designed to hold a person of 100 kg securely in place with the lifeboat in a capsized position
have self-bailing arrangements
have automatic self-righting abilities
Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
The use of escape routes and other escape methods
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The use of all survival equipment
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
"A contractor is hired to install new navigation equipment onboard your ship while it’s berthed. For a period of time he’s left unsupervised and photographs schematics of the ship that he finds rolled up and stored in the corner of a nearby office. Later, from home, he hacks into the network and prints off information about the ship’s security procedures. Which of these information security measures would have prevented his unauthorized access?"
"Protective markings, reference checks, and passwords."
"Secure area, passwords, a firewall and a secure network."
"Firewall, protective markings, vetting and a secure network."
"Secure area, passwords, a firewall and protective markings."
The abbreviation "NPSH" is often seen in connection with the efficiency of cargo pumps on oil tankers. What does this abbreviation stand for?
Necessary Pumping Suction Hazard.
Natural Pumping Standard Height.
Nominal Pressure Suction Head.
Net Pressure Suction Head.
What is a digital signal?
A signal indicating Revolutions per minute (RPM)
A signal used by multimeters to measure resistance.
The reading of a multimeter when indicating voltage, current or resistance.
A signal with discrete levels such as 0 = "low" and 1 = "High"
A diode is in good condition when the following test results are obtained using a Digital Multi-Meter.
With + to A a reading of about 0.6V, and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to K a reading of about 0.6V and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to A good continuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinity.
With + to K good contiuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinty.
When there is a need to interupt current flow in a high voltage system it may be very difficult to quench the electrical arc which is generated at the circuit breaker contacts. Which of the following arcing media is commonly found in high voltage marine switchgear?
Ballast introduced into a cargo tank on a chemical tanker which has been washed to such an extent that the ballast contains less than 1 ppm of the substance previously carried may be discharged into the sea without regard to the discharge rate, ship's speed and discharge outlet location, but under certain conditions. What are those conditions?
That the vessel is not less than 50 miles from the nearest land and is proceeding on route.
Provided the ship is underway and a sample of the ballast water has been drawn from the tank and is stored on board, there are no additional conditions to be imposed on such a discharge.
That the discharge is passed through the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment and a visual watch is maintained on the vessel's wake.
That the vessel is not less than 12 miles from the nearest land and is in water that is not less than 25 metres deep.
Which type of temperature sensor is used in this temperature measuring system shown?
Platinum resistance sensor
You have just started to load Dicyclopentadiene to 5 port and starboard cargo tanks, but no cargo seems to be coming into the tanks. What will you do?
Stop cargo - notify the Duty Officer and / or the terminal dependng on the agreed communication procedure. Re-check the lines, valves and connections carefully, bearing in mind that there might be a build-up of pressure. Advise as appropriate.
Open the main lid on the tank and use a flashlight to try and see if there is a problem with the pump or line inside.
Carefully slack the bolts back on the connections, working initially on the off-shore mainifold, to determine how far the pressure extends in the ship's pipeline system, to determine which valve is giving the problem.
Re-check all valves. Just say nothing and open it, if one is found closed.
What does MARVS mean on a cargo tank?
Maximum Allowed Relive Valve Setting.
Minimum Allowed Relive Valve Setting.
Which of the following groups of chemical cargoes is particularly susceptible to polymerisation, especially through exposure to heat?
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Use fire fighting water in the cargo space
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
What does the word "condiments" refer to?
A sauce or seasoning, such as mustard or pepper.
Persons suffering from food poisoning.
What is the correct understanding of the term "FAIRLEAD"?
The access point where mooring lines are lead when making fast to the shore.
A fairlead is the hole through the deck where the anchor chain passes into the chain locker.
A fairlead is the direction that a mooring rope makes from the ship when made fast to the shore.
A fairlead is the hole through the ships side through which the anchor chain passes.
The figure shows the cross section of a ship floating in water with the hull coloured in red and the seabed below the vessel shaded. On this figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE" given. Which one is the correct one?
Underkeel clearance is given by B on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by D on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by A on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by C on the figure
What must be ensured at the commencement of cargo operations?
That the draught survey has been completed
That all fire dampers are closed
That all fire dampers are open
That CO2 gas lines to each cargo hold are clear
What is meant by the term "keeping a proper lookout" as applied to the bridge lookout?
Keeping a visual lookout all round the vessel
Continually visually scanning the horizon all round the ship
Keeping a visual lookout all round the ship and also actively listening out for audio signals
Keeping a very visual lookout ahead and abeam of the ship
For what purpose is inert gas normally used in the cargo tanks of a liquefied gas carrier?
To maintain an inert atmosphere in the tanks during a loaded voyage.
To prevent an explosive atmosphere forming in the cargo tanks before gas freeing.
To pressure test the cargo tanks after repair work.
To help displace the cargo from the tanks during discharge.
After water-washing the turbocharger exhaust side it starts to vibrate even though it was operating normally prior to the washing procedure. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
The foundation bolts for the turbocharger are loose.
The rotor blades are damaged or the blades are not properly cleaned
Water drain for washing system is blocked allowing water to build up in the turbine casing.
The turbocharger bearings are worn out.
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the dynamic stability
A non-reversing medium speed diesel engine is used to drive a controllable pitch propeller through a pneumatic clutch and reduction gearbox. The engine has been tested and brought up to operating temperatures on engine control. Which of the options given would be the preferred status of the engine and associated equipment when it is handed over to bridge control?
Engine stopped with clutch disengaged and propeller in zero thrust position.
Engine running, clutch disengaged, propeller at zero thrust.
Engine running with clutch engaged and propeller in ahead position.
Engine stopped with clutch disengaged and propeller at zero thrust.
Which of the following cargoes will easily tip over in heavy weather?
Flatbed trailers carrying transformers
Transformers and machinery shipped in high wooden crates
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Wide step'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called an 'Ani-twist rung'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Long rung'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Spreader'
Generator 1 and 2 are initially working in parallel. Prime-mover 2 suffers a total fuel loss. The likely outcome is:
Generatorset 2 trips on reverse speed
No.1 machine overspeeds and trips out on overload
No.2 generator trips on reverse power
No.1 machine overloads and trips out on overspeed
What is known as a "Non-Standardized Cargo" on a General Cargo Ship?
Cargo for which the ship is not provided with an approved securing system
Cargo which must be secured in accordance with the shipper's instructions
Cargo which requires individual stowage and securing arrangements
Cargo for which there is no standard securing system
Before a solid bulk cargo is loaded, the Master and shore representative must agree a loading plan which covers which of the following aspects?
Maximum permissible forces and moments on the ship
Quantity and rate of loading the cargo
All of the items specified in the possible answers
What are the properties of IMDG Class 4 (Flammable Solids) cargoes?
These cargoes emit flammable gases
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion or when in contact with water emit flammable gases
These cargoes emit toxic gases
On a conventional reefer vessel carrying palletised cargo, dunnage bags (air bags) are used to prevent the pallets from moving during bad weather. Assuming that the air bags are correctly positioned and inflated, select, from the options given, the other important function provided by these bags
They will help to achieve a good stowage factor.
They will prevent short circuiting of the cold air.
They will prevent chafing between the pallets
They will protect the ships structure.
The timing of the engine is delayed. The exhaust temperatures are high. How would you expect this to affect the turbocharger?
Higher air and gas temperature after turbocharger.
Surging of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions.
Increased turbocharger revolutions.
Simple gauge glasses for indicating the boiler water level, such as the one shown here, are often fitted to low pressure boilers. What would be a reasonable schedule for blowing through the gauge glasses?
A palletised cargo is being loaded onto a reefer vessel. The cargo is stowed on wooden pallets. Select from the options given the best method to be used for lifting the pallets onboard the vessel in order to avoid damage to the pallet boards.
By using rope endless strops.
By using a patented semi-balanced lifting fork.
What is Inert gas ?
It is a gas containing insufficient oxygen to support combustion of hydrocarbons
It is a gas containing only nitrogen
It is a gas containing less than 21 % by volume oxygen
It is a gas containing no oxygen
What are the duties of the watch-keeping engineer?
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to keep constant surveillance of machinery and auxiliary systems and to inspection the steering gear at least once a watch
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to maintain the required ship's speed
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to ensure that the machinery spaces are properly manned
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to keep constant surveillance of the steering gear and hydraulic system
What is the purpose of automatic trip system onboard, and how does it function?
Automatic trip is to avoid over pressuring of cargo tanks, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks and pressurised vessels becoming overloaded, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks being cooled too much, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch or a temperature switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks becoming overloaded; the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
A Ship Security Assessment is integral to the creation of your ship’s security plan.
On the air compressor's crankcase there is a small valve that lets off overpressure. What do we have to do if this valve is letting off pressure and oil moisture ?
Check the clearance in the bearings.
Increase the flow of cooling water.
Overhaul the compressor unit.
Block the valve because it pollutes the engine room (block off the valve).
Personnel in a high voltage switchroom smell ozone. This is likely to indicate which of the following?
Vacuum circuit breaker problems
Arcing at badly connected bus bars
Air circuit breaker problems
In what circumstances can a ships loading computer be used with confidence on a container vessel.
When the computer has been manufactured by a reputable supplier.
When a new computer with a large RAM has been received.
When the loading computer has been approved by Class.
When the computer has been supplied by the company IT department.
On a RoRo vessel, what must be ensured onboard the vessel prior to commencing cargo?
That all cargo is ready for loading
That the vessel has been cleared by immigration
Cargo hold ventilation systems are operational
Oil tankers built and delivered after 6th July 1986 must have a double hulled ballast arrangement extending throughout the cargo tank length, or wing ballast tanks that extend throughout the cargo tank length. If it is the latter, what design feature is applied to guard against pollution in the event of the bottom being breached?
The cargo tank levels must be set so that hydrostatic pressure will stop oil outflow.
The pressure vacuum valves must be capable of complete sealing, and the integral strength of the tank such that a total vacuum is capable of being maintained in the breached compartment, thereby preventing outflow of oil.
Steel thickness in the bottom area must be a minimum of 1.36 times that otherwise required by construction regulations to minimise the extent of any breach.
Additional level sensors and alarms must be fitted to give early warning of oil outflow.
Some new maintenance routines are being planned and a risk assessment is necessary so that the required procedures can be entered into the ship's Safety Management manual. Which of the following should be the first step in this risk assessment process?
Identify the safety precautions that may be necessary to prevent injury or harm to personnel carrying out the routines.
Identify who may be harmed or injured in carrying out the maintenance routines.
Identify the hazards that may exist which may affect personnel involved with the maintenance routines.
Identify how much it will cost to implement the necessary precautions to prevent injury to personnel.
Large bulk carriers are more likely to suffer from cracks in structure in which of the following parts of the vessel?
In number 1 and number 2 holds
Around hatch corners and upper ballast tanks amidships
On bottom plating in the after part of the vessel
After discharge of a cargo of bananas there are a lot of cartons of condemned fruit on the deck. The vessel is not in a special area and is more than 100 miles from land. Select from the given options the best way to dispose of the condemned fruit.
Remove and retain all of the packaging including any inner plastic bags and dispose of the condemned fruit overboard.
Keep the cargo onboard until the vessel enters a port with suitable disposal facilities.
Dispose of the complete cartons of condemned fruit overboard and make an entry into the Garbage Disposal Log.
Keep the fruit for crew consumption and dispose of the packaging.
On a RoRo vessel, what factor(s) determine whether or not a cargo unit will tip over?
The length and width of the cargo unit
The width of the cargo unit
The shape and centre of gravity and securing arrangements of the cargo unit
Which plan should be consulted if it is found that two separate tanks are filling when it was intended for only one to be filled?
What would you do immediately if you saw oil spilling from a bunker hose during cargo operations?
Stop the bunker operation
Look up instructions in the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
A ships 3 - phase a.c. system has 440 V and 220 V sections. The effect of a single short circuit fault to earth on a 220 V line will cause which of the following earth lamp indications:
In 440 V section: all lamps equally bright. In 220 V section: Two lamps bright one lamp dark.
In 440 section: All lamps equally bright. In 220 section: All lamps dark.
In 440 V section: All lamps equally bright. In 220 V section: One lamp dim.
In 440 V section: One lamp dim. In 220 V section: One lamp dim.
With regard to portable fire-fighting equipment on ro-ro decks, what must be ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations?
The equipment must be lashed so as to prevent accidental movement
All items of equipment must be in the designated position
Water applicator nozzles must be moved away from vehicles’ exhausts
Fire extinguishers must be moved away from vehicles’ exhausts
Passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
Port State Control Officers are authorised to:
Detain ships that are not meeting the requirements for a minimum of 30 days
Regularly inspect ships known to meet the requirement
Inspect and detain ship that are not meeting the requirements until they are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulations
Sign oil record book entries
Which shipboard equipment will detect a signal from a SART?
Is it allowed to gas up LPG on inert gas atmosphere?
We are in all cases allowed to gas up LPG on inert gas as long as the dew point is less than 5oC
We are allowed to gas up LPG on inert gas if the charterer do not instruct the vessel to use nitrogen
We must have nitrogen atmosphere in the cargo tanks before gassing up with LPG
We are not allowed to gas up LPG on inert gas if the charterer do not instruct the vessel to do so