Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 176
Why should knives never be left submerged in washing-up water?
Because you may cut your fingers.
Because the blades may be stained and rust coloured.
Because they may be lost when the sink is drained.
Because the knives may be blunt and need resharpening.
Internal bleeding will never lead to circulation failure:
If Mouth-to-Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty’s heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. When performing ECC, where do you place your hand on the casualty’s body?
Place the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the bottom of breastbone. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.
The correct position of your hands are of no importance.
Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.
What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Loading plan for general cargo.
When using cleaning equipment, what is important before starting?
Knowing exactly how the equipments are working.
That the electric cord is long enough.
Conferring with the working-plan.
Cardiac arrest leads to circulation failure:
Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the insect?
Gently flood the casualty’s ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out.
By using rubber vacuum pump and suck the foreign body out.
By using a Q-tip and carefully try to get the insect out.
What is the fat content of whole milk?
Improvised splints can only be made of solid materials:
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Keep your working area clean and tidy.
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Do not carry lighters or matches when working outdoors.
Keep tools within easy reach during work.
Damage to the spinal cord will always result in immediate neurological malfunction:
Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What is the correct thing to do for minor burns and scalds?
Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes, but preferably until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold, harmless liquid.
Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.
Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.
Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.
Shock and circulation failure are equivalent:
A seriously hypothermic patient should as soon as possible be placed in a warm bath (>50 °C) to regain normal body heat:
According to the International Chamber of Shipping, what are the THREE key components to developing an effective safety culture? Select the THREE correct answers:
It may be difficult to tell if there is a fracture or a sprain:
Once a bandage is in place it should be left alone:
Why do we clean?
Because if we don’t clean it will influence safety, economy, our own well-being and maintenance.
Because I like to clean and feel good after having done a good job.
Because we have to do it.
Because catering personnel is the first to discover dirt.
On average, how much filter-ground coffee would you need for a crew of 20 Filipinos and 10 Norwegians for 6 months?
A patient with a major burn is liable to develop circulation failure:
You will be at sea for 45 days with a crew of 30 men. How much tomatoe would you buy?
A patient who is shouting has an open airway:
Spillage of corrosive chemicals is poisonous and can also result in burns:
Dressing should always be larger than the wound they cover:
In a lockout-tagout system, what is the main purpose of the lock and tag?
To prevent anyone else making equipment you are working on dangerous by trying to re-start or re-energise it.
To hold valves in the closed position, or isolators and switches in the open position.
So that the duty officer knows you are working on equipment.
To give you permission to work on equipment.
What operations does the ISM Code cover?
Operations which could affect safety or cause pollution.
Only operations that affect safety.
Only operations conducted at the management level.
Operations by ship management companies.
Injuries resulting from slips and falls constitute the largest percentage of accidents that occur in the catering department. What should be done to reduce this high accident rate?
Keep the floors and decks free from fat and grease.
Do not wash off all rubbish to prevent persons slipping.
Install thermostates to avoid water from freezing to ice.
Ensure that slippery substances are not left where several persons are expected to be.
A casualty with burns has less need for fluid:
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in ports has a number of important task to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks has to be included in the watchman’s duties?
Checking the mooring for tightness/slack.
Checking the trim of the vessel.
Checking the number of persons entering/leaving the vessel.
Checking the safe and secure handling of cargo.
R-I-C-E treatment has no effect if postponed more than 4 hours after the injury took place:
What does “periodic cleaning” mean?
Washing and polishing floors, chemical cleaning of furniture and carpets in cabin and other common rooms.
Clearing all showers and WC.
Removing trash, dusting and light cleaning in cabins and common rooms.
If a patient has heat exhaustion, the symptoms are weakness, vertigo, headache and nausea. Initially the skin is cool and clammy.
The passage of electrical current through the body may result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to break the current safely?
Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating material.
Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pilers.
Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
A bandage is always applied to an open wound:
It is the increased pressure in the head that is fatal, not the bleeding itself:
The respiration system of a person suffering from flame burns is very exposed to damage:
The red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen:
A sudden fall in blood pressure does not normally lead to circulation failure:
Symptoms of serious head injury are unconsciousness, low pulse rate and high blood pressure:
You can threat a person with heat exhaustion by giving him salt and water:
Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
When loading provisions/stores in a tropical harbour on sunny days, which of the following would you arrange to get out of the sun as soon as possible?
When performing C-P-R it is advisable to elevate the patient’s legs to secure sufficient blood to the chest and head:
There is always a remote possibility that a fish and meat freezer could break down. What product should you always keep enough of in stock?
You should terminate resuscitation after 15 minutes:
Cooling does not reduce pain in a sprain:
The position and direction of entry and exit wounds will alert you to the likely extent of hidden injury, and to the degree of shock that may ensue:
What shall be done with left over food?
It shall be properly stored and prepared for another meal.
It shall be left in crockeries on the table for the next meal.
It shall be thrown over board to avoid any bad smell.
The value of the left over food shall be paid by the cook.
A good splint should prevent adequate blood circulation and compress nerves, so the casualty will not feel any pain:
The main goal of splinting is to render a pulling strain on the fractured bone ends, in order to prevent them from touching each over:
Respiration while resting is normal if the frequency increases to more than 20 ventilations per minute:
Personal hygiene is important in all professions, especially cooks who should be particularly careful. Why?
Because a cook handles food and beverages and could easily be spreader of viruses and infections.
Because a cook meets many people and shakes a lot of hands.
Because a clean and properly dressed cook often is respected.
Because if not the cook’s superior will not like it.
A limb with an external bleeding should be lowered to maintain circulation in order to supply the cells with oxygen and prevent cell death:
Parts of the body can be used as splints:
If there are signs of tendon damage, the tendon must be sutured by a surgeon before closing the wound. If so, put on a dressing until qualified treatment can be administered:
Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
When you are taking out provisions for the next day, you notice that the temperature in the meat freezer is only -8 °C. How would you react to such a situation?
Report it immediately to the Chief Engineer.
Wait until the next day to report it.
Report it immediately to the Chief Officer.
What will you do if you are told to operate unknown mechanical equipment?
Ask your superior for advise before attempting to operate it.
As time is money, the trial and error method shall be used.
Ensure that all safety guards and devices are disconnected.
Do not operate the machine, but read the manual before reporting to the head of your department.
Which of the following actions will most effectively prevent fire in a cabin?
Ensuring that all persons avoid smoking in bed.
Request people to refrain from smoking.
Install fire detecting devices.
What kind of routine would you follow to make preparations for the next day’s menu (frozen meat and fish)?
Chief cook and second cook work together to select provisions for officers and crew, discussing needs and quantities, if necessary.
Second cook selects provisions based on a fixed menu for officers and crew.
Chief cook selects provisions alone. No discussion with the second cook.
Messman selects provisions on the basis of instructions from the chief cook.
The walls in the blood vessels are completely resistant to diffusion:
A chemical burn from fluid must be bandaged firmly to prevent fluid from covering greater parts of the skin:
You should always wash your hands before preparing food. Wear protective gloves or waterproof plasters if you have cuts on your hands:
When an ambulance or more qualified personnel arrives at the scene, there is no need to tell them about the poisonous chemical inhaled since they will find out themselves:
Head injury will lead to circulation failure:
Which of the following are evidence of a POOR safety culture onboard a ship? Select any options that you think apply:
To render correct first aid one should be certain that there is a fracture before treating the patient:
What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?
Brandy, whisky or other strong drinks.
Fruit and vegetables only.
When should equipment be cleaned?
Before starting to use it.
An unconscious patient suffering from a major spine injury should not be placed in recovery position, as this may increase the damage and lead to paralysis:
Why should “near miss incidents” be reported?
To avoid accidents and injuries in the future.
To comply with the regulations.
To find the person who was to blame.
It is best not to report them; it makes the company look like they are having too many incidents.
In general cleaning it is recommended and suitable to use cleaning products which are:
Which of the following meats is most perishable in cold storage?
Heat cramps seldom occurs after excessive sweating precipitated by strenuous exercise:
A haematoma can be caused by head injury:
All fires will burn easier and faster in an oxygen-rich environment. Therefore, do not use oxygen bottles near an open fire. Smoking is not allowed.
When dealing with a heat stroke your aims are to lower the casualty’s body temperature as quickly as possible, and to arrange removal of the casualty to hospital. Do NOT use iced water as they may constrict blood vessels:
A person under influence of alcohol will suffer from frost injuries quicker than a sober person:
Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water Jel is delivered in different sizes. Biggest is a carpet with the size 182×152 cm. What is the highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
Breathing is controlled by the respiratory centre in the brain: