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Online CES tests for position MASTER / Ch-Officer on board the ship Chemical tanker

Select CES test online for MASTER / Ch-Officer, Chemical tanker:

Test of 90 random questionsTest for seamans about Controlling Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons On Board (CES v6.0)Test Online and Answers for Marine Engineering and Navigation (CES v6.0)Test Online for Seamans to check English Proficiency (CES v6.0)Test for seamans about Deck department, Management level, Chemical Tanker (CES v6.0)Test Online for Seamans about Survival (Advanced) (CES v6.0)Test for Seamans, Assessing Professional English Language (CES v6.0)Test about Deck department, Management level, Chemical Tanker (CES v6.0)Test about Navigation for Deck Department (Management) (CES v6.0)Test about Cargo Compatibility, Cargo Groups and Compatibility ChartTest about Fire-fighting, Advanced, Hazards and Tactics v5.0Test for seamans about Fire-fighting, Advanced, Management of Fire-FightingTest about ECDIS Display Feature v5.0Test for seamans about Volatile Organic CompoundTest about Ship Security Officer Training SystemTest about Voyage Planning, Pilotage and BerthingTest about Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness v5.0Test for seafarers about Search and Rescue Transponder – Distress Urgency and SafetyTest for seamans about Report Writing (Maritime English)Test about Hull and Machinery InsuranceTest for seamans about ECDIS System and Chart TypesTest for seamans about Fire-fighting (Advanced)Test for seamans about Ship to Ship transfer operationsTest about Passage Planning with ECDISTest about LRM FASSMERTest about Risk Assessment and Management v5.0Test about Incident Investigation (CES v5.0)Test for seafarers about SMCP – Navigation and Cargo HandlingTest for seamans about Tanker Management and Self Assessment 3Test about LRM MILLS TITANTest about Energy Efficiency in ShippingTest about Integrated Survey Program (ISP)Test for seamans about Sea ​Passage PlanningTest for seafarers about LRM Harding FFTest about Integrated Navigation System (INS)Test for seamans about Chemical Tanker Training SystemTest about Handling Nitrogen onboard Chemical TankersTest about Lifeboat Release Mechanism IHI GTCTest about Basic Ship Handling v5.0Test about Radar Observation and Plotting v5.0Test about Wall Washing Cargo Tanks v5.0Test about MARPOL Convention v5.0Test about Crisis Management v5.0Test about ECDIS System v5.0Test about Mooring Vessel v5.Test about Navigation in Ice v5.0Test about Differential Global Positioning System v5.0Test about COLREG Rules v5.0Тест по Doppler log (CES v5.0)Test about Oil Discharging Monitoring Equipment v5.0Test about Automatic Radar Plotting Aid v5.0Test about Gas Measurement v5.0Test about Assessor Training v5.0Test about Ship Inspection v5.0Test about Ship Stability v5.0Test about Cargo Properties v5.0Test about Emergency Towing System v5.0Test about Protection and Indemnity v5.0Test about Ballast Water Management v5.0Test about Voyage Planning v5.0Test about GMDSS v5.0Test about SAR operations v5.0Test about Steering Gear Operation v5.0Test about Corrosion Protection v5.0Test about Ship Structure v5.0Test about Tanker Operation v5.0Test about Inert Gas Generator v5.0Test about Flue Gas Plant v5.0Test about OPA-90 v5.0Test about ISM Code v5.0
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