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On some trades fruit cargoes may be subjected to “in-transit cold treatment” also known as cold treatment. From the options given which is the main purpose of this cold treatment?
To maintain a specified minimum temperature for a prescribed time period to kill off any fruit fly which may be present when loading the cargo.
To maintain the temperature of the fruit within very tight tolerances.
To ensure that the fruit is carried as cold as possible without damaging the fruit.
To achieve uniform quality of the fruit at discharge.
One water fog applicator is required for each pair of breathing apparatus on board which type of ship?
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers.
Passenger ships fitted with car decks.
On a RoRo vessel, when loading Double Stacked containers on Maffi Trailers how many twist locks should have used between 2 containers?
One on every corner, 4 in total.
One at each end, 2 in total.
One at each end, 2 in total.
Three in total, 2 at the door end, 1 at the opposite end.
A coated tank holds 400 tons of sea water when filled. How many tons of liquid of liter weight 0,9300 will it hold when filled to 90 % capacity?
What nominal filling restriction exists under the IBC Code for a single tank on a type 3 chemical tanker? Not counting structural, capacity or cargo specific limitations.
There is no filling restriction for a type 3 chemical tanker.
A bulk carrier is loading to complete on summer draught of 10,00 m when in salt water; the vessel is loading in river water; The dock water allowance is 80 mm; The maximum draught when loading is completed is:
You are the Officer in Charge during the loading of a tanker at a terminal in the Persian Gulf. The deck watchman reports “There is a lot of oil on the water to starboard”. What should be your FIRST action?
Tell the jettyman to stop loading immediately.
Check the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME).
Find out if the oil is coming from your vessel.
What could be the possible cause of an engine knocking?
Faults in injection valves, injection too early.
Too big a piston clearance, worn cylinder liner.
The gudgeon pin or big end bearing having too big a clearance.
In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?
Skin penetration and skin absorption.
Is the master under obligation to do a maritime inquiry if a crewmember suffered a considerably injury onboard and died after a week on a hospital ashore?
Yes, if the seaman was at work.
Yes, because of the fatal consequence.
Yes, even if he/she did not die while onboard.
On board a DSC-call is to be made in case of an OBS. Choose the category:
High Voltage (HV) cables are smaller than low voltage cables for a given power rating. Why is this?
The HV cable carriers a smaller current and therefore requires less copper.
The HV cable uses Aluminium conductors and therefore requires them to be a smaller cross-sectional area.
The HV cable uses higher quality copper conductors and therefore requires them to be a smaller cross-sectional area.
The HV cable has a thinner wall of special insulation material.
With two alternators operating in parallel at 75 % load capacity, one trips without any warning. What is the first action that should be taken?
Check the circuit breaker of the tripped alternator.
Start and connect the emergency alternator.
Trip/stop all nonessential loads that are connected to the switchboard.
Restart the tripped alternator immediately.
According to the rules of GMDSS vessels are equipped with certain radio-communication devices depending on:
In respect of washings from the cargo area of an oil tanker, what is the maximum instantaneous rate of oil that can be pumped into the sea when a vessel is outside a special area, proceeding en route, has in operation a monitoring and control system for the discharge of oil and is located more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land?
30 litres per nautical miles.
300 litres per nautical miles.
60 litres per nautical miles.
0,03 litres per nautical miles.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to present regulation? The enclosures shall be provided with:
Windows on both sides which can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation.
Access hatches which can be closed watertight.
Access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides.
If oil flows out of the bowl casing drain of a solids ejecting separator what is the most likely problem?
Oil has been fed to the separator before full speed.
The flow rate is too high.
The sludge tanks is full.
Insufficient amount of bowl closing water.
You have just joined a chemical tanker. Where would you find a description of the ship’s cargo handling equipment, details on the ship’s cargo unloading procedures and tank stripping and details on procedures relating to the cleaning of cargo tanks, the discharge of residues, ballasting and deballasting?
The Annex II Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
The applicable equipment manufacturer’s maintenance and operation manuals.
The Cargo Handling Logbook.
There is requirement in MARPOL for the slop tank capacity of oil tankers. What is the requirement for SBT tankers?
2 % where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are provided in accordance with MARPOL.
3 % where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are provided in accordance with MARPOL.
5 % where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are provided in accordance with MARPOL.
1 % where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are provided in accordance with MARPOL.
If the heat transfer capacity in a heat exchanger is dropping, the following action should be taken:
Clean the heat transfer surface.
According to SOLAS Regulation all dedicated seawater ballast tanks on oil tankers shall have an efficient corrosion prevention system such as hard protective coatings or equivalent. With regard to coatings do SOLAS set any requirement to colour?
Preferably light red colour.
Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate action should be taken?
Get out of the engine room as soon as possible.
Get into the control room.
What is the main vitamin found in flour and grain products?
In case of diesel driven fire pumps, for how long shall the fuel tank capacity allow the pump to be run at full capacity? (SOLAS II-2/
When discussing the properties of an oil cargo, what is the “wax content”?
The percentage of paraffinic wax by volume, based on a representative sample of the crude oil.
The amount of additive in an oil product, expressed in ppm, designed to inhibit solidification at lower temperatures.
The observed volume percentage of waxy deposits found in a cargo tank after discharge in relation to the total volume of cargo previously carried.
The percentage of wax, expressed as a percentage, remaining in an oil product after distillation.
The abbreviation “NPSH” is often seen in connection with the efficiency of cargo pumps on oil tankers. What does this abbreviation stand for?
Nominal Pressure Suction Head.
Natural Pumping Standard Height.
Necessary Pumping Suction Hazard.
Net Pressure Suction Head.
What are the compressors fitted as part of the cargo system onboard LNG carriers normally used for?
Inerting and gas freeing the cargo tanks.
What symptom would you think shows that the freon filter drier has become blocked?
Pressure rise before the drier.
A large temperature drop across the drier.
A hammering noise from the drier.
A hammering noise from the compressors.
What is the meaning of the following symbol?
Close rescue boat ventilation aperture.
Secure liferaft canopy closing device.
Falls used in launching shall be turned end for end at an interval of not more than X months and to be renewed not later than every Y years, where the intervals are:
On a general cargo ship, where would the fire hydrants be located?
At such locations that at least two jets not emanating from the same hydrant may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the crew while the ship is being navigated, one of these jets coming from a single length of hose (the other jet may come from two hoses joined).
At such locations that at least two jets not emanating from the same hydrant may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the crew while the ship is being navigated, each of these jets coming from a single length of hose.
At such locations that no part of the ship normally accessible to the crew while the ship is being navigated is located more than 20 metres away from a hydrant.
At such locations that no part of the ship normally accessible to the crew while the ship is being navigated is located more than 40 metres away from a hydrant.
What should you do if the temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 65 % carried is raising 2 °C per 5 hours and the temperature is above 40 °C?
No special action to be taken.
To avoid uncontrolled decomposition the cargo should be discharged overboard.
The cargo should be heated up to 45 °C.
The cargo should be monitored closely for the next 12 hours.
On a container vessel, where should a mid-bay guide be positioned?
On the tank top mid-way in 40′ guides to prevent transverse movement of 20′ containers.
On the tank top at the ends of 40′ container bays.
At the base of cell guides.
Between 20′ container bays on deck.
What action should be taken if the heat transfer capacity of a heat exchanger operating as a lubricating oil cooler is reducing?
The heat transfer surfaces should be cleaned.
Increase the cooling water pressure.
Increase the lubricating oil flowrate.
Decrease the lubricating oil flowrate.
What is the correct chemical name for Caustic Soda in liquid form?
Potassium Hydroxide solution.
Sodium Chlorate solution.
Sodium Hydroxide solution.
Sodium Hypochlorite solution.
Considering the range of sensitive liquid chemicals which routinely require wall-wash prior to loading, what product is mainly used as the rinsing agent in wall-washing?
When is a tank gas free?
A tank is only to be considered as gas free when no traces of flammable and/or poisonous gas are measured and in addition O2 content is measured to be 21 %.
A tank is only to be considered as gas free when it has been cleaned and the O2 content is measured to be 21 %.
A tank is only to be considered as gas free when it has been cleaned, ventillated and there is no smell in the tank.
A tank is only to be considered as gas free when it has been cleaned and there is no smell in the tank.
This circuit consists of two resistances, R1 = 6 ohm and R2 = 12 ohm, connected in series. Calculate the equivalent resistance R(S) of the two resistances.
On the figure possible definitions of the term “HEIGHT” are given. Which one is the correct one?
Height is given by D on the figure.
Height is given by C on the figure.
Height is given by B on the figure.
Height is given by A on the figure.
When will a ro-ro vessel pitch heavily?
When wave lengths are equal to the ship’s length.
When wave lengths are equal to half the ship’s length.
When wave lengths are equal to twice the ship’s length.
Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Lowering of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching.
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water.
Launching and recovery of a survival craft.
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances.
The picture shows a common used 3,5 inches diskette type for storing data. What is the data storing capacity for such diskette?
What is polymerisation?
The process by which unsaturated chemical compounds are heated under pressure, causing the molecules to react with each other and form larger molecules.
The process by which the molecules in unsaturated chemical compounds react with each other during cooling, forming larger molecules.
The process by which saturated chemical compounds are heated under pressure, causing the molecules to react with each other and form smaller molecules.
The process by which saturated chemical compounds react as pressure is released during heating, causing the molecules to react with each other and form larger compounds.
When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?
Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension.
Because long lashings are more prone to vibration.
Because some of the ship’s lashing points may not be designed to hold long lashings.
Because the safe working load of lashing materials decrease with length.
At what calendar interval is a “Special Survey” required?
Other than the official log book what other publications must be carried on board of a vessel?
ISGOTT, SOLAS, MARPOL, Bridge Team Management, OCIMF Mooring guidelines.
The official log book and crew agreement are the only two publications which must be carried on board.
Charts, nautical publications, GMDSS log, Oil Record book(s).
All technical books relevant to the machinery currently on board.
Which electronic component does this graphical symbol represent?
Silicon controlled rectifier.
Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed carbon dioxide (CO2) fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A.
All the spaces mentioned.
Special category spaces of passengers ships.
On a Container vessel, what determines how containers should be lashed?
Advice from shore planners.
The cargo securing manual.
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Take over the steering of the ship.
Take a message to another officer.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
In the case when the temperature of the ambient air is equal to 10 °C and the wind is blowing at a speed of 10 m/sec the shipwrecked person must consider that the effect of air on his body is equivalent to that of an air whose temperature would be approximately:
A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is water hose with spray jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to put out this fire using water?
Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire.
Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only.
Water should not be used on any type of oil fire.
The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a sweeping motion.
What is the normal thickness of the primary barrier (membrane) on membrane containment type systems as used in LNG carriers?
This circuit consists of two capacitors, C(1) = 6 μF and C(2) = 12 μF, in series. Calculate the equivalent C(S) of the two capacitors.
What is the main requirement of a lookout posted on the bridge?
Good eyesight and able to communicate with the OOW (officer on watch).
To see changing weather patterns.
To detect new targets when they break the line of horizon.
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present regulations?
The use of the ship’s line throwing apparatus.
The use of escape routes and other escape methodes.
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors.
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts.
Which type of compressors is used as cargo compressors onboard gas carriers?
Oil free piston compressors.
Three stage piston compressors.
Piston, screw and centrifugal type compressors.
Three stage screw compressors.
The Master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly emergency drills. If 25 % of the crew (or more) has not participated in such drill during the last month, what is the time limit to conduct such a drill after the vessel has left a port?
What is the purpose of the LD (low duty) compressors on an LNG carrier?
To handle the LNG boil-off vapour for fuelling the boiler.
To discharging the LNG cargo at a slow rate.
To deliver inert gas and to aid cooling down of the cargo tanks.
To transfer cargo vapour to the shore installation during loading operations.
Which is the “Fairlead”, in the figure?
The Fairlead is indicated by C, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by D, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by B, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by A, in the figure.
There are many types of pumps fitted onboard ship which an engine room rating may be required to assist with the maintenance of. Which type of pump is shown in the illustration?
Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?
To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.
To increase the workload for staff when overhauling the boiler.
To allow overhaul of the screw down valve when the non-return valve is shut and the boiler is steaming.
To allow fine tuning of feed water flow to the boiler.
When carrying LNG cargoes it is useful to have information about its thermodynamic properties. What is a common source of information that can be used to obtain values for a wide range of these properties?
Material safety data sheet.
You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?
That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.
That there is another vessel nearby, but that she is at anchor.
That there are two more vessels nearby.
That there is another vessel in the vicinity and that she has just altered course to port.
What is the minimum capacity of a ventilation system protecting cargo spaces, other than special category spaces, intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their thanks for their own propulsion in a ship carrying no more than 36 passengers or in a cargo ship?
The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for:
What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart?
Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum.
Ensure that the chart has been corrected up to date.
It is important to ensure that the GPS is setup on 2 dimensional and not 3 dimensional position fixes.
Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart.
In which provision of the Act is the responsibility of the master for the observation of the provisions relating to supervision of maritime service stated?
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings.
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard.
What contributes most to rust formation on vehicles/Ro-Ro units?
Cargo hold ventilation systems and associated ducting.
Pipes passing through cargo holds.
Hydraulic units in cargo holds.
What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam applicator?
During crude oil washing of No: 1C tank the duty deck officer reports that the oxygen reading in the tank is 9 %. What should you do?
Stop the washing process and not resume until the oxygen content in the tank below 8 %.
Carry on and ask the engineers to check the inert gas system.
Stop the washing process and not resume until the oxygen content in the tank is below 2 %.
Carry on with the washing as the reading is below 11 %.
Is it necessary to construct a passage plan (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when under pilot?
A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot.
A passage plan is required only when there is no pilot on board.
A passage plan is required from departure from port to arrival at the pilot station at the destination.
A passage plan is required for all deep sea passages, but not for transiting a canal under pilotage.
Which is the “FORWARD BREAST LINE”, in the figure?
The forward breast line is indicated by B, in the figure.
The forward breast line is indicated by C, in the figure.
The forward breast line is indicated by D, in the figure.
The forward breast line is indicated by A, in the figure.
Normally ventilation fans in enclosed ro-ro spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board, why?
An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed ro-ro spaces.
It is better to run the fans continuously instead of testing the atmosphere.
It is easier for the crew, they don’t have to think about starting and stopping of fans.
The manufacturer of the fans recommends continuous operation to reduce maintenance cost.
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Strong winds but with very little rain.
Strong winds and heavy rain.
Persistent rain and very humid weather.
If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the chemicals do?
Contain the oil within a small area.
Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water.
Remove the oil from the water.
Absorb the oil for easy removal.
What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?
Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.
Any fire extinguisher with a weight of less than 100 lbs.
Fire extinguishers filled with fresh water only.
Fire extinguishers of the handy-size types only.
A contractor is hired to install new navigation equipment onboard your ship while it’s berthed. For a period of time he’s left unsupervised and photographs schematics of the ship that he finds rolled up and stored in the corner of a nearby office. Later, from home, he hacks into the network and prints off information about the ship’s security procedures. Which of these information security measures would have prevented his unauthorized access?
Secure area, passwords, a firewall and a secure network.
Protective markings, reference checks, and passwords.
Firewall, protective markings, vetting and a secure network.
Secure area, passwords, a firewall and protective markings.