Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 390
What quantity of reserve fuel is to be available for diesel driven fire pumps outside of the main machinery space? (SOLAS II-2/
Sufficient amount of 15 hours operation at full capacity.
Sufficient amount of 6 hours operation at full capacity.
Where in accommodation spaces shall smoke detectors be located? SOLAS II-2/13.2.2.
In stairways, corridors and escape routes.
In all crew and passenger cabins.
Near ventilation ducts throughout the accommodation spaces.
In messrooms, public lounged and other public rooms.
What would you call the wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea?
When passage planning on ECDIS, which two functions should always be set correctly?
Safety depth contour and safety depth value.
Course and speed of the vessel on each leg.
Safety depth and UKC at a critical waypoint.
Speed of the vessel and ETA to destination.
The rudder is hard over with the engine at full ahead. Will the turning effect of the rudder be changed if the engine is stopped?
Yes, the turning force will be dramatically reduced when the engine is stopped.
Yes, the turning force will be reduced about 50 % of the original force when the engine is stopped.
No, the turning force applied by the rudder will be maintained within about 90 % of the turning force when going full ahead.
No, the turning force is unaffected by the speed of the propeller.
After just leaving a berth, which is the best way to quickly assess the compass error?
By taking a transit bearing of two fixed geographical objects.
By using the variation value on the navigational chart in use.
By taking the error from the deviation table on the bridge.
By taking the azimuth of a celestial body.
If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?
The force will be Quadrupled.
The force will be Tripled.
The force will be Quintupled.
The force will be Doubled.
What does the abbreviation STCW stand for?
The International Convention on Standards of Trading, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers.
The International Convention of Ship’s Trading, Chartering and Waybills.
The International Shipowners, Transport and Cargo Work Convention.
Seafarer’s Training and Competence of Watchkeepers.
When steel reinforcing rods are loaded in open-top containers, claims against the vessel would most likely arise due to:
Cargo staining by rust, hydraulic oil or grease.
Physical damages to the cargo.
Cargo being loaded less than the full height of the container.
If a DSC distress alert is received on board your ship, what is the first action that should be taken?
Listen for a distress message on the appropriate radio frequency for 5 minutes.
Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coast Radio station.
Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel.
Immediately answer the distress message on the correct radio frequency.
Which publication should be used to assist learn the nautical English language?
The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet.
The (ICS) Bridge Procedures Guide.
The Oxford Concise Dictionary.
Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary.
If vessel has been advised of the tendency of a particular cargo on a flat-rack to deform or compact during voyage, you would:
Ensure that the cargo is secured as per shipper’s instructions.
Slacken the cargo securing gear during voyage to allow for movement.
Accept the cargo as it is and clause the mate’s receipt accordingly.
Where detectors of a fixed fire detection system are grouped in sections, each of these sections:
None of the answers is correct.
May cover more than one deck within accommodation spaces.
May cover more than one main vertical zone in a passenger ship.
May cover a machinery space of category A together with a control station.
What do you understand by: “Let go the port anchor”?
Put the port windlass brake in gear and lower the anchor.
Open the port windlass brake.
Slacken the port anchor cable.
Put the port windlass brake in gear.
The main function of twist-locks is:
To couple containers vertically.
To couple containers horizontally.
To lock containers vertically and horizontally.
Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because either pressure or volume of circulating blood has fallen to a dangerous level. What is the skin colour of a pasient in shock?
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Davit launched rescue boat.
The emergency battery of a GMDSS portable radio:
Must be tested once a week.
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
Must be charged after expiry date.
In the diagram, which letter is indicating the “bitts” which would probably be used by the mooring the ship?
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by B, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by C, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by A, in the figure.
The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by D, in the figure.
“Parametric Rollin” on a container ship results in:
A large unstable roll motion suddenly occurring in head or stern seas.
The unexpected roll to a large angle of heel due to a beam sea.
The gradual build up of rolling angle in a head sea.
The sudden unexpected occurrence of large rolling angles in beam seas.
What is the anticipated rolling period of a ship with a large initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) and would there be any associated dangers to consider?
Short sharp period of roll associated with breaking lashings and shifting cargo.
Short period of roll, but a very stable ship and no associated dangers.
Long period of roll with free surface effects at a maximum.
Long slow roll and no particular hazards.
The receipt of a distress alert is to be pronounced as followed:
Mayday (1x), call-sign of ship in distress (3x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) / received mayday.
Mayday (3x) / this is / own call-sign (1x) / received mayday / call-sign of ship in distress (1x).
Mayday (1x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) received mayday.
Mayday (1x) / distress alert / own ship call sign.
You wish to carry out a test transmission on your radio equipment. What precautions should be taken if any?
All of the items in the other alternatives should be done.
Listen out to ensure that no safety/distress traffic is in progress.
Test transmission should be kept to a minimum.
Test transmission should be carried out on artificial aerials and/or reduced power.
What is “FREEBOARD”, in the figure?
Freeboard is indicated by B, in the figure.
Freeboard is indicated by A, in the figure.
Freeboard is indicated by C, in the figure.
Freeboard is indicated by D, in the figure.
What is meant by the term “Single up” when a vessel is preparing to leave the jetty to which it was moored?
This term used when there is only one single rope left out between the ship and the jetty, when leaving the berth.
This term used to describe the process of letting go most of the moorings lines and just leaving sufficient lines to stay safely alongside.
This term used when only one single tug is used to assist the ship in leaving the berth.
When steel reinforcing rods are loaded in open-top containers, claims against the vessel would most likely arise due to:
Cargo staining by rust, hydraulic oil or grease.
Cargo being loaded less than the full height of the container.
Physical damages to the cargo.
Where is the “PORT QUARTER”, in the figure?
The Port quarter is D in the figure.
The Port quarter is A in the figure.
The Port quarter is B in the figure.
The Port quarter is A in the figure.
When a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight off the deck of a ship, from which position can the centre of gravity of the weight be considered to act?
From the head of the derrick or crane.
From the centre of the weight lifted.
From the position on the deck from which the weight was lifted.
From a position on the deck at the base of the derrick or crane.
What is the minimum distance between the helmet and the head of the wearer supposed to be?
What could the wheelman be asked to do, to help in the preparations to leave the berth and go to sea?
Help the after team let go the ropes.
Standby in the mess room until called to the bridge.
Test the steering by putting the wheel hard over both ways.
Help the forward team let go the ropes.
What do you do after receiving a VHF DSC DISTRESS call?
You set watch on VHF channel 16.
You send immediately a DSC DISTRESS RELAY call.
You send immediately a DSC DISTRESS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT call.
You set watch on channel 13.
MARPOL – Annex V. Disposal of garbage outside “Special Areas”. After unpacking spares, you are left with a limited amount of packing materials. Is this prohibited, if not, what will be the nearest distance to land for disposal into the sea of these materials?
If your vessel is fitted with wires on self-stowing “split drum” winches, the advantage of having these split drum winches is:
All the listed alternatives.
Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum.
Less chance of the wire being jammed in the reel.
During carriage in containers, if cashew nut shell liquid has been noted to spill out, the ships staff should:
Avoid skin contact and inhalation of toxic fumes.
Cool the container with water spray from as far away as possible.
Approach the container wearing a chemical protection suit.
Clean up the spillage wearing rubber boots and safety gloves.
What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error?
All of the data in the suggested answers.
Maximum helm angle and rolling period.
According to basic principles regarding fire protection the ship is to be divided in zones by structural and thermal boundaries (SOLAS II-2/2.2.1).
In main horizontal zones.
In main zones according to utilization (Accommodation, Machinery, Cargo).
Main Fire zones in accordance with the ship’s fire-fighting system.
The purpose of the dovetail foundation on container vessel is:
Act as a sliding base for twistlocks.
To secure double stacking cones.
To secure a single stacking cone.
To lock adjacent containers together.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
“RECEIVED MAYDAY” is used in a:
Receipt of a distress alert.
When received a weather report.
Supplementary receipt on a distress alert.
On a container vessel, flexitanks are used for:
The carriage of non-hazardous liquids, in bulk.
The carriage of hazardous liquids, in bulk.
The carriage of liquid cargoes of a particular specific gravity.
The carriage of liquid cargoes that do not have a Proper Shipping Name.
Which among the following list is particularly required for a totally enclosed lifeboat?
Windows on both sides can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation.
Self-bailing arrangements.
Handrails inside for persons moving to their seats.
Hatches positioned so as to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed without any occupant having to leave the enclosure.
Read the text in the diagram and answer this question: “What should be given to prospective seafarers”?
Survival and protective clothing.
Approved training in survival techniques.
What would you call the wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea?
How many Radar Transponders (SART) are required to be carried on board a ship for use in survival crafts?
One on each side of the ship.
Two on each side of the ship.
2, one of which being capable of floating free if the ship sinks.
Two ships travelling in opposite directions are to pass each other in a narrow river, as illustrated. Explain what is likely to happen as they pass each other?
Due to interaction, the bows will repel each other, and then when alongside each other the two ships will be sucked together and finally the sterns will be repelled as they start to pass clear.
Due to interaction, the bows will attract each other as they approach, then they will repel each other alongside and as they pass clear, the sterns will be attracted.
As they approach, rudder should be applied quickly to avoid sheering into the path of each other. Then as they are alongside they will be attracted and finally repel each other as they pass clear.
There will be very little effect between the two ships as they pass.
Under ISM, what is a “non-conformity”?
An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirements.
The wearing of non-standard Personal protective equipment.
Official log book entries not being completed correctly.
A safety officer not being nominated for the vessel.
The limitations of a Cargo Securing Manual of a container vessel may include the fact that:
They are drafted whilst the ship is still under construction and need to be checked against the ship’s “as completed” condition in order to be fully reliable.
Some Cargo Securing Manuals cover a full range of sister ships.
Cargo securing arrangements in the manuals may be unsuitable for heavy weather conditions.
They are not always approved by a classification society.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
Survival craft pyrotechnic distress signals.
What is the correct setting of the “Anti sea clutter” control on the radar?
A few sea returns remaining on the screen.
All of the suggested answers.
A removal of all the sea returns down to about a mile from own ship.
No sea returns left on the screen which may confuse with small target echoes near the ship.
Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is located during a search?
Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.
Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
Throw the object overboard.
Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket.
Containerised scrap metal fire is best extinguished by:
Allowing cargo to smoulder.
Poster or sign shall be provided on or in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching controls. Which one of the following requirements has to be included?
Give relevant instructions and warnings.
Give information on survival craft capacity.
Give an overview of location of all lifesaving appliances.
Give information on survival craft speed and seaworthiness.
Which option correctly identifies the meaning of the abbreviation ZOC, in relation to ECDIS?
Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to IMDG Class 2 cargoes?
These goods need to be stowed in a protected location.
These goods require protection from heat.
These goods require protection against the accumulation of dangerous vapours.
These goods require protection against moisture.
When forces on a container stow are being calculated, the motion that is not accounted for is:
What would indicate the onset of Parametric Rolling?
When the wave encounter period approaches the natural roll period of the ship.
When twice the wave encounter period approaches the natural roll period of the ship.
When wave heights experienced from the bows exceed 6 meters.
IT When wave heights experienced from either quarter exceed 6 meters.
When planning the loading containers, the planning officer must refer to:
The Cargo Securing Manual (CSM).
The Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS).
The Cargo Stowage and Security (CSS) Code.
Who is responsible for ensuring your ship completes a security assessment?
Company Security Officer.
Flag State Administration.
Recognized Security Organization.
When a satellite receives a “distress alert” from a Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB, the relay of the “distress alert” can be delayed because the satellite cannot immediately contact a:
LUT before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station.
NCS before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station.
LES before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station.
Which option correctly completes the following statement? When an ECDIS system is in DR mode:
It is probably using the course and speed through the water for position update.
It stops working not showing the position on the screen or freezing the last position.
The bridge team can rely on this trusted method of navigation.
It is in normal operational mode.
What is one of the dangerous states a survivor may suffer from?
Where shall shoreside fire-fighting personnel find necessary information to control a fire on board a cargo ship in an emergency situation?
In the fire control plans or booklet that must be stored in a watertight prominently marked container outside the deck house.
Through the nearest Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre, who will get them from the ship’s owner.
The captain of the ship is the only person that may give such information.
In the fire control plans or booklet that must be posted in a prominently marked localisation on the navigating bridge.
What letter is represented by this flag and what is it’s meaning when displayed by a vessel in port?
P – All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
W – All persons should report onboard as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
S – I am operating astern propulsion.
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical assistance?
The relieving watchkeeper arrives on the bridge and is not in a fit state to take over the watch, what should the present watchkeeper do?
Not hand over the watch and inform the vessel master.
Hand over the watch as normal.
Hand over the watch as normal but ask the lookout to keep an eye on the relieving watchkeeper.
Hand over the watch and then go down and tell the vessel master what has happened.
DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000 is assigned to:
A coast-station or coast guard-station.
Can anything be done on a vessel with forward speed, to reduce the change in heading caused by a right hand fixed pitch propeller being put astern?
The rudder should be put hard to starboard to reduce the water flow to the left side of the propeller.
No, the rudder should be kept amidships when going astern and there is little that can be done to reduce the swing to starboard.
The rudder can be cycled from side to side.
Yes, the rudder can be put to port.
During a loaded winter passage across the North Atlantic, the master of a container vessel would be most concerned with:
The added weight of icing on container stacks, leading to loss of GM.
The presence of icebergs leading to hazard of navigation.
Temperature differential between air and seawater, leading to shell plating damage.
A container loaded onboard a vessel would be likely to experience a force of 100 % of its weight:
When the ship is rolling.
When the ship is pitching.
When the ship is rolling and pitching.
When the ship is heaving.
Once a ship (equipped with self-stowing auto-tension winches) is moored alongside a loading or discharging berth, it is recommended that:
All winches to be left with the manual brake on and out of gear.
The “spring” winches be left in the auto-tension mode and all other winches with the manual brake on.
All mooring winches be left in “auto-tension” mode.
The “breastline” and “headline” winches be left in the auto-tension mode and spring winches with manual brake on.
Which of the following answers would most appropriately describe shell plating damage to the vessel?
My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating below the waterline in way of No. 3 cargo hold, starboard side.
My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating in way of No. 3 cargo hold.
My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating below the waterline.
My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating above the waterline.
The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314° and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?
Relative vectors, sea stabilised.
Relative vectors, ground stabilised.
To stop a mooring line paying out, it is possible to set the motor to “heave” as well as having the winch brake fully on. Is this a good idea or can it cause problems?
All the listed alternatives.
The increased braking power of the winch can exceed the breaking strength of the line.
Damage to the winch by distorting the shaft.
Strain on the fairleads and rollers in use in excess of their Safe Working Load.
What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?
Once the Safety Management System is verified and working effectively, what document is issued to the ship?
The Document of Compliance.
The Document of Conformance.
The Safety Management Certificate.
What do you understand by the term “luffing”?
The raising or lowering of a crane jib, moving the head of the crane and therefore a suspended load horizontally towards or away from the crane.
The initial phase of hoisting a load, where the crane wire and structure takes the weight of a suspended load.
The rotating of a ship’s jib in a circular movement about the crane.
The combined movement of hoisting a load and slewing the crane, employed when lifting a load from a dockside over and into a ship’s hold, or vice versa.
What are the tricing pendants made for?
They automatically prevent any gap between the ship side and the lifeboat at the first stage of its launching.
They prevent people from falling down if the lifeboat falls down.
They prevent the lifeboat from falling down if one or both davit breaks.
They prevent the lifeboat from falling down if the falls break.
Which part of the magnetic compass error changes with a change in the course steered?
All of the suggested answers.
Which option best describes what lies below an isolated danger symbol seen on the chart display of an ECDIS?
There is a wreck from a sunken vessel.
There could be any obstruction that infringes the safety depth settings.
There is a rock outcrop not seen by the survey team.
There is probably a man made subsea structure associated with oil or gas.
A cargo of explosives carried in containers needs maximum protection against:
Other explosives in the vicinity.