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Online Delta Tests for Seafarers

Select the type of vessel for which you want to take tests:


Online tests on selected topics:

Total found: 16

Тест по специальности вахтенный помощник капитана

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
2nd-Off / 3rd-Off

Тест по специальности капитан судна

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer

Тест по специальности старший механик

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng

Тест по особенностям работы на танкерах

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:
Oil tanker, Chemical tanker, Gas tanker

Тест по специальности судоводитель

Questions in the test:
1 132
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off

Тест по должности матрос

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Deck Support

Тест по Кодексу ОСПС (ISPS)

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng

Тест по должности вахтенный механик

Questions in the test:
1 000
Who is the test for:

Тест по навигационной системе ECDIS

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off

Тест Конвенция плюс по должности электромеханик (квалифицированный)

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Engine Support

Тест по системе связи при бедствии GMDSS

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off

Тест по должности моторист на судне

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Engine Support

Тест по должности матрос

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Deck Support

Тест для старпомов

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer

Тест по танкерам (квалифицированный)

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:
Oil tanker, Chemical tanker, Gas tanker

Тест для судовых электромехаников

Questions in the test:
Who is the test for:
Engine Support
Global Application $$$

Delta Tests (or Delta Test) are computer-based tests designed to assess the knowledge and skills of seafarers in accordance with international safety and professional training standards, particularly under the requirements of the STCW Convention (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers).

These tests are used as a tool to verify the qualifications and compliance of seafarers with professional standards, which is important for working on international vessels.

Examples of topics covered by the tests include navigation, ship handling, mechanics, electrical engineering, ship management, and onboard safety.

Questions may address both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that seafarers need to demonstrate in real-world conditions.

Global Application $$$