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CES online tests for seafarers page 5

Total found: 183

Test for seamans about Work in the Galley, Safety

Who is the test for:
Ship types:

Test about Gas Tanker Training System, Advanced

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:
Gas tanker

Test about English Language and Grammar v5.0

Test about IMSBC Code v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:
Bulk Carrier

Test about Basic Ship Handling v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Radar Observation and Plotting v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Flex Inert Gas Generator System v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:
Gas tanker, Oil tanker

Test about Wall Washing Cargo Tanks v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:
Oil tanker, Chemical tanker, Gas tanker

Test about MARPOL Convention v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:

Test about Medical Care v5.0

Test about Personal Survival and Survival Craft v5.0

Test about Oil Viscosity v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:

Test about Crowd Management v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Catering
Ship types:

Test about Pumps and Pumping Operations v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng, Engine Support
Ship types:

Test about Sulzer Medium Speed Diesel Engine v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:

Test about Crisis Management v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng
Ship types:

Test about Basic Hydraulic v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng, Engine Support
Ship types:

Test about Food Handling v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ship types:

Test about Basic Refrigeration Theory v5.0

Who is the test for:
Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng, 3rd-Eng/4rd-Eng
Ship types:

Test about ECDIS System v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Mooring Vessel v5.

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Navigation in Ice v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Differential Global Positioning System v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about COLREG Rules v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Тест по Doppler log (CES v5.0)

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:

Test about Oil Discharging Monitoring Equipment v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Ch-Eng / 2nd-Eng
Ship types:
Oil tanker, Chemical tanker

Test about Crude Oil Washing v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:
Oil tanker

Test about IMDG Code v5.0

Who is the test for:
Deck Support
Ship types:

Test about Introduction to Navigation v5.0

Who is the test for:
Deck Support
Ship types:

Test about Automatic Radar Plotting Aid v5.0

Who is the test for:
MASTER / Ch-Officer, 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off
Ship types:
1 4567
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