A bunker quality claim may include several issues depending on the extent of loss and associated cost. Which of the following statements describes the issues that may be included in a quality claim? Tick all that you think apply:
Apart from bunker fraud relating to fuel quality, there is also bunker fraud that relates to fuel quantity. Please identify from the following list the five issues that are bunker QUANTITY fraud:
Normally, as a local requirement in a Singapore bunkering Port, 3 samples should be taken on board ship or by the buyer. Which three of the following correctly describe these samples?
The Chief Engineer is in charge of the whole process of bunkering and his demands certain responsibilities. Pick four of the following selections below which are the responsibility of the Chief Engineer during the whole bunkering process:
Which four of the following statements correctly describe ways of knowing if the integrity of bunker sample bottles has been maintained?
Which of the following statements describes why we need to check the general terms and conditions of the bunker contract? Tick all that you think apply:
Which one of the following is the correct name for the main document which forms the basis for indicating grievances encountered in bunkering to settle disputes and claims relating to quality and quantity of the bunker oil delivered?
Letter of Claims.
Letter of Protest.
Letter of Indemnity.
Letter of Disputes.
Which of the following statements in the name given to the additional level of evidence collection covering a particular bunker fraud problem, and might include, the taking of tank samples, retention of parts apparently damaged as a result of using the fuel oil, ships general arrangement plan, statements from the ship’s engineers and, perhaps, additional surveys attended by representatives of the parties involved?
Routine evidence collection.
Non-routine evidence collection.
Document evidence collection.
Proof of liability evidence collection.
Which of the following statements in the name given to the level of evidence collection consisting of documents and notes that normally accompany a bunkering operation – for example a chief engineer’s notebook, the loading plan, ullage reports and the routine sampling and analysis of fuel oil?
Document evidence collection.
Routine evidence collection.
Non-routine evidence collection.
Proof of liability evidence collection.
Which one of the following terms best describes a deliberate act intended to deceive a buyer about the true nature of supplied bunker quality and/or quantity, including provision of incorrect information or other irregularities?
Breach of contract.
Bunker fraud.
Bunker misinformation.
Which three of the following are bunkering practices which help prevent bunker QUANTITY fraud?
Which three of the following statements describe the purpose of a Bunker Delivery Note?
Which two of the following documents should the Chief Engineer ask the barge officer for before starting to load bunker oil?
Which two of the following statements describe practices used to determine off-specification fuel oil or bunker oil?
Тест проверяет знания о методах предотвращения мошенничества с бункеровкой топлива, выявлении мошеннических схем и способах защиты судовладельца.
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