The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self-contained air support system. With the engine running, what is the minimum period of time the air should remain safe and breathable?
The outside manually controlled lamp of a liferaft must be capable of working at minimum for a period of:
According to European standards (E.N.) fire can be classified…
*A fault in the fire detection and fire alarm systems will be indicated:
By fully automatic separate test boards where any faulty condition is initiated by audible and visual signals
By audible and visual signals at the control panel, distinct from the fire signal
*All waste receptacles shall be of non-combustible materials, built and equipped with:
No openings in sides and bottom
A cover of a hinged self-closing type
Permanent means for lashing
A permanenlty attached cover
In addition to cargo & machinery spaces, which other spaces, if any, have to be fitted with an approved fixed fire fighting system on General Cargo ships?
No additional fixed systems are required.
Which of the following statements is NOT correct about high expansion foam?
You can survive in H.E. foam by breaking the bubbles to release the air.
It extinguishes by smothering.
It has only a limited cooling effect.
You cannot survive in H.E. foam as the oxygen content is reduced.
*For how long should the self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat having its engine running be capable of providing safe and breathable air ?
*Which of the following hose lengths corresponds best to the most common ones found onboard?
What is the number one job for the ship management team when fire break out?
The ship management team must organise the fire squads and then the squads have to rescue missing personal
The ship management team must call the nearest fire brigade and police station
The ship management team and the crew must evacuate the ship
The ship management team must fight the fire and then call the fire squads
Which of the following items SHALL be included in a fire drill?
checking the operation of fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
operating one of the fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
checking capability of persons to prevent panic
What is the general requirement for the closing mechanisms of the inlets and outlets of all the ventilation systems?
Only a manually closing mechanism is allowed
Closing must be remotely controlled from the central fire control panel
Closing must be possible from outside the spaces being ventilated
An automatic closure for each section protected by a fire detection and alarm system must be provided
When a DSC-message of the ‘distress’ category is received, in order to start distress alert communication in so far as not indicated in the alert, you will switch to VHF channel:
What should be applicable to tank cleaning operations by means of circulation products with low flash products (below 60° C) ?
It can be done without problems.
It can be done on stainless steel tanks only and if the tank cleaning hoses are grounded.
It can be done if the tankcleaning hoses are grounded.
It should be avoided, unless the tank atmosphere is inerted.
If there is an accidental discharge of oil from a tanker, which of these items will NOT have to be noted in the Oil Record Book ?
The time the discharge occurred
The ship-s position when the discharge occurred
The approximate quantity and the type of oil
The name of the person responsible for the oil discharge
If you discover alcohol and drug abuse onboard, Whom do you report to?
You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms ?
The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.
The person starts to talk a lot and seems superactive.
The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold.
What is the search pattern system called where 1 ship and 1 plane are involved ?
What would be the correct definition of the term "Squat"?
Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance due to increase of water flow under the keel and an increase in the water pressure
Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance of a ship when it moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure.
Squat is the loss of effectiveness of the rudder and propeller as a ship moves through shallow water due to the reduction of water pressure.
Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance and the possible change of trim of a ship when it moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure.
Can voyage planning be executed on ECDIS?
Only if approved by the owner
Only if approved by the Flag State
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
location of embarkation ladder
lower embarkation ladder to water
*The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:
equally spaced, not less than 200 mm or more than 280 mm
equally spaced, not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm
An inflatable lifejacket has:
1compartment automatically inflatable and 1 compartment manually inflatable
The lifebuoy making part of quick-release arrangement must have a weight of at least:
*Which one among the following information shall be marked on the container of an inflatable liferaft:
the number of the liferaft
the name of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the port of registry of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
watertight receptacles containing water for each person
one buoyant line, not less than 50m in length, of sufficient strength to tow a liferaft
one set of fishing tackle
*What is the meaning of this symbol ?
What colour flare is used to signal a safe landing place for small boats ?
*How often are "abandon ship" drills required to be held on cargo vessels?
Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals.
Checking passenger's immersion suits.
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies.
Checking that lifejackets are correctly donned.
Which of the following items shall be included in an "abandon ship"-drill?
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
Checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed and lifejackets correctly donned
Checking that all crew and passenger are present
You are proceeding along a narrow channel behind another vessel. You have a higher speed and have signalled your intention to the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake him on his port side. The vessel responds with this sound signal. What does it mean?
That the vessel suggests I overtake on the starboard side instead.
This is a signal intended for another vessel or shore station. It is nothing to do with our vessel.
That the vessel is indicating her agreement with my proposed manoeuvre.
That the vessel does not agree with my proposed manoeuvre.
What do you understand by the term ‘Terminal Representative’?
A cargo facility terminal agent
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for matters related to crew welfare under the International Labour Convention
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for operations conducted by that terminal with regard to a ship
A bulk cargo terminal agent
What standing orders must be issued to engineers with regard to fuel oil tanks located below vehicle decks?
Never to heat fuel oil to more than 50?C
Never to heat fuel oil to more than 45?C
Never to heat fuel oil to more than 55?C
Never to heat fuel oil to more than what is specified for the vessel
When is a vessel deemed to be cargo worthy?
When the hatch covers and/or hatch pontoons are weather tight
When the vessel’s Safety Construction Certificate is valid
When the hatch covers and/or hatch pontoons are watertight
When all her certificates are in order
How is the cargo tank pressure controlled when loading an LNG carrier?
By varying the amount of boil-off to the boiler.
By using a vapour return to shore system and controlling the loading rate.
By opening the tank vents to atmosphere.
By adjusting the relief valve settings to the required tank pressure.
The continuity resistance of a 100m long X 25 sq. mm cable (rated at 100A) is to be checked. Which of the following results would you anticipate?
between 0.1 and 1.0 M ohm
between 0.1micro ohm and 1.0 micro ohm
What would indicate that the cargo holds are not properly sealed?
When dew point temperatures inside cargo holds are the same as when the cargoes were loaded
When dew point temperatures inside cargo holds remain the same despite cargo hold ventilation
When dew point temperatures inside and outside the cargo holds are closely matched
When dew point temperatures inside and outside the cargo holds are substantially different
In a series installation of a purifier and a clarifier, what is the purpose of the clarifier
As a safety net, for improved cleaning of the fuel oil
You will probably have less alarms
In case the gravity disc is too small
To get round the problem of fluctuating temperature
When work must be done on High Voltage equipment, it is vital that the equipment is earthed (grounded) after isolation procedures have been carried out. Why is this?
To provide a reference point, and so ensure accuracy of any test results.
To ensure that the equipment does not overheat due to currents circulating through earth (ground).
To ensure that no energy remains in the system and that it cannot be recharged by external influences.
To ensure that it is dead, even if there was a flaw in the isolation procedure.
Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships are nomally closed during sea passage. Why are passengers not allowed to be on the car-deck during sailing?
Vehicles and other cargo can shift when the ship is rolling. Persons may be trapped between vehicles or cargo.
f the car decks are empty, it will be easier for the crew to locate all passengers in case of an emergency
To prevent burglary and damage to cars
In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape. Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial chance for passengers to get injured. Vehicles and other cargo might also shift when the ship is rolling.
What are the more likely causes of damage to the cargo holds internal structure on a General Cargo vessel?
Damage may be caused by fork lift truck operations and loading/discharge of heavy cargo
Water entering hold in bad weather
Leakage of small amounts of cargo from drums
Lightweight cargo being loaded on top of heavy cargo units
You have just completed your cargo watch on deck, during which you have been working around the manifold, connecting and disconnecting hoses, etc. It is meal-time. Should you take any precautions before entering the messroom and why?
I will remove my overalls and work boots and wash my hands, to avoid the risk of introducing chemical contaminants into the accommodation.
No, I am just going in for my lunch and then returning to work on deck, so it would be a waste of time to get changed.
I will wipe my boots and brush down my coveralls before entering the accommodation, to make sure I don't bring any dirt inside.
I will remove my overalls and workboots, because I will get in trouble from the captain if he catches me in work clothes in the messroom.
The purpose of profiling is to?
Categorize people based on their nationality and ethnicity.
Make judgements about people based on heir appearance.
Identify different personality types.
Get beneath the outer shell of an individual to obtain a more complete picture.
What action would you take if the performance of a plate type heat exchanger was falling off even though flow rates and pressures of the primary and secondary fluids were normal?
Iincrease the flow of both fluids.
Clean the heat exchanger.
Add some more plates to the exchanger.
Increase the pressure of both fluids.
What are cargo residues considered as under MARPOL 73/78?
What is important to prepare prior to a helicopter operation?
To stop the vessel completely
Make sure all loose deck equipment at helicopter deck is stowed away and secured.
To increase the speed of the vessel
To light up the area for pick-up
To evaluate the condition of a heat exchanger the following measurements should be recorded:
In and outlet temperatures, and flow rates for both media
In and outlet temperatures for both media
In and outlet temperatures on one media
The diagram shows a thyristor (SCR) with a Resistor and Capacitor (R and C). The RC network shown, performs which of the following applications?
Divert fast voltage spikes which may lead to uncontrolled switch on.
Provide voltage smoothing for SCR power supply.
Allow bypass route for ac signals.
What will a cadet find in the engine room store?
A Cadet will find the emergency steering gear in the engine room store
A Cadet will find the spare anchor in the engine room store
A Cadet will find the spare propeller in the engine room store
A Cadet will find machinery spare parts in the engine room store
What is a "trailer horse" used for?
It is used to secure cargo in bad weather conditions
It is used as a fire-fighting vehicle
It is used to push lorries into their lanes
To secure and tow loose trailers
Prior to commence loading, in what way would you best ensure a smooth technical operation?
Test/check the COW system?
Test/check the cargo pumps?
All the mentioned alternatives?
Which statement is true about loading lifeboats?
Passengers with physical disabilities should go on life rafts.
Passengers with physical disabilities should go on lifeboats.
Only passengers with physical disabilities should go on lifeboats.
Passengers with physical disabilities are loaded from a floating platform.
Frostbite is one of the main hazards that personnel must be aware of when working on liquefied gas carriers. Which of the given options is the recommended first aid treatment for a person with frostbite injuries to the hand?
Rub victim's hands vigorously to warm them up quickly.
Place victim's hands in hot water to warm them up quickly.
Place victim's hands on the surface of a heater to warm them up.
Place victim's hands in a bowl of lukewarm water to gradually warm them up.
If the high PPM alarm is actuated on an automatic O.W.S. What should happen?
Overboard discharge is stopped.
Overboard discharge continues.
The oil outlet valve opens.
How would you arrive at the ‘Stowage Factor’ of a carogo commodity?
By dividing the volume of the space by the tonnage of the commodity
By dividing the area of the space by the tonnage of the commodity
By dividing the gross tonnage of the space by the area of the commodity
By dividing the gross tonnage of the space by the volume of the commodity
What is the most utilised pump type for cargo discharge on a gas carrier?
Hydraulic driven centrifugal pump.
An electrical operated submerged centrifugal pump.
IMO publishes the IGC Code relating to LPG and other liquefied gas carriers. What does the IGC code primarily deal with?
Specifically, how gas carriers for hydrocarbon gases are designed
Specifically, the safety of personnel sailing on gas carriers.
How all liquefied gas carriers are constructed and equipped.
The most efficient way to operate any gas carrier.
What type of bomb search should you conduct to avoid panic when the credibility of the threat is in doubt and you don’t want to disrupt ship business?
Nominated officers search
The charge air pressure supplied to a diesel engine, which is normally 2.0 bar, is reduced to 1.5 bar . What will be the likely effect on the engine operation?
The performance of the engine will be reduced noticeably.
The turbochargers cooling water flow will increase.
The performance of the engine will be similar to normal conditions.
The cylinder cooling water flow will increase.
What dangers are associated with the carriage of empty tank containers?
They may not declared as being empty when in fact they are not
They could easily collapse due to being empty
They may contain flammable cargo residue
They could explode if their vents are closed
Why are many machinery components onboard ship now tightened using cylindrical jacks and hydraulic oil pressure rather than more traditional methods such as, for example, the use of torque wrenches?
Hydraulic tightening avoids the risk of unwanted bending stresses when compared to other methods.
Hydraulic tightening of fastenings is always more accurate than any other method.
It is easier to slacken off component fastenings that have been tightened hydraulically when maintenance is due.
It is possible to get the component fastenings tighter using hydraulic equipment than by using other methods.
What is meant by being intrinsically safe?
Electric wiring executed by approved manufacture?
Any electrical product, being water resistant?
Explosion proof product having a special wiring system?
Can not produce enough energy to ignite a gas (explode)?
On a Container vessel, where should containers with untreated fishmeal cargo be carried?
On deck away from sunlight
Separated from class 4.2 containers
A bulk coal cargo is to be loaded and the moisture content is declared as 19 ; the transportable moisture limit of the cargo is declared as 15, what should the Master do?
Load the cargo as the moisture limits are within acceptable limits
Refuse to load the cargo unless the vessel is specially designed for the carriage of cargo which may liquefy
Load cargo and ventilate on passage to remove water
You are going to do deballasting of a double bottom tank. The pump is of centrifugal type and mounted above tank level. You are having problems getting the pump to take suction. What can you do to solve the problem?
Repeat start and stop of the pump until it gets suction.
Feed the pump from the sea water inlet pipe.
Get somebody to do the job for you.
Disconect the manometer pipe to get rid of an air pocket .
After a couple of hours of operation the failure alarm sounds for a heavy fuel oil purifier which is operating on a timed automatic sludge cycle. Upon investigation the purifier is found to be running slowly and when opened up the casing and sludge outlet is heavily fouled with sludge in contact with the bowl. From the options given what is the most likely cause of this problem?
The heavy fuel is unstable leading to excessive high viscosity sludge formation.
The dirty oil throughput is excessive.
The purifier bowl has not closed properly.
The clutch for the drive shaft is worn and slipping.
Which of the following is an artificial sweetener?
A vessel’s midship draught is 8.50m. What is the corrected midship draught if the vessel is on an even keel? Midship marks are painted 0.05m forward of midships; LBP is 162m.
A small electric motor needs to be taken to the bottom plates for fitting to a domestic water pump. It is only just too heavy to be manually carried so is to be lowered using the engine room crane. Which of the options given would be a suitable strop to use for the operation?
Any piece of rope will do as the motor is only just too heavy to carry.
A wire strop which is rated for twice the required load but is out of certification.
Any strop which looks big enough to carry the load.
Any certified strop which has a safe working load greater than the weight of the motor.
The buoyancy forces upwards act at what part of the hull?
All over the underwater volume.
At the centre of gravity (G)
At the centre of buoyancy (B)
After discharging a high density cargo a serious crack is found in an upper ballast tank amidships of a Bulk Carrier; what must the Master do?
Note the dimensions of the crack and measure regularly
Proceed on ballast voyage without ballast in this tank
Repair with cement box or temporary welded patch until next drydock
Inform Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and call in Classification Society
Under most circumstances, how will communication be carried out between a ship and a SAR helicopter?
A large post Panamax container vessel is sailing during the winter months. In which sea areas is she most likely to encounter conditions which could cause a parametric roll?
Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to preparing the cargo holds for receiving bagged cargoes?
Cargo holds should be free of infestation
Cargo holds should be clean
Cargo holds should be free of cargo residues
Marine steam boilers are protected with a number of safety features which are designed to prevent damage to the boiler due to overheating or overpressure. How is this protection achieved when a very low water level condition (often referred to as low low level) develops during operation?
The main and auxiliary feed control valves open fully while all burners continue to operate.
All burners are automatically and immediately shut off.
All but one of the burners is shut off with the remaining burner being reduced to minimum firing.
All burners are automatically set at minimum firing rate.
For a search to be effective it must be:
Conducted by personnel with limited knowledge of the ship’s layout.
Inclusive of all personnel.
To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:
Polite and diplomatic while talking to crew members
Strict and authoritative while giving orders
Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides
What term is applied to solid foods, commonly vegetables, that have been mashed and stirred until smooth?
You have just loaded a cargo of Toluene and are about to clear the lines into the ship. What particular hazard must you be aware of with this product?
It is a carcinogen but has a relatively high odor threshold value. Personnel may not readily detect any vapour that is ejected through the vent risers and should therefore use filter masks while this operation is in progress.
It is a static accumulator and settling time must be allowed before gauging.
It has a relatively high freezing point and additional line blowing will be required to ensure the vessel's lines are completely clear.
It has a relatively low density. Tanks which are close to maximum filling are especially liable to overflow during the line clearing operation unless the flow of blowing medium is strictly controlled.
What name is given to the part of the discharging operation on an oil tanker when the last remaining contents of a tank or line are being pumped out?
Why is it important to have an efficient fire patrol system on board passenger ships?
To show passengers in public areas we are on duty 24 hrs
To control that passengers adhere to smoking regulations on board
To ensure that an outbreak of fire may be prompltly detected
To verify that the automatic fire-detection system is working properly
The torsion meter for the main propeller shaft is reading high. The torque is sensed using the angle of twist principle with two clamp rings attached to the shaft at a fixed distance, with stationary proximity switches for measuring the angle of twist and also shaft speed fixed to a rigid stool. What is the most likely cause of the high reading?
Axial slip of one of the clamp rings to bring them closer together.
Circumferential slip of the after clamp ring in the opposite direction to shaft rotation.
Axial slip of one of the clamp rings to move them further apart.
Circumferential slip of the forward clamp ring in the opposite direction to shaft rotation.
At which of the pressures shown should the low oil pressure trip operate on a freon compressor?
The purpose of remotely controlled measuring of tank levels are to measure:
Height from bottom shell to top stringers in the tank
Height of liquid in the tank
Height from liquid surface to top stringers in the tank
Height of bottom girders in the tank
During inspection of the fan spaces an access hatch between the delivery and return side of the fan space is inadvertently left open. What would be the most likely consequence of this situaqtion?
Chilled air would short circuit from the return to the delivery air side.
The delivery air side would become overpressurised.
The fan speed would be affected.
Air would short circuit from the delivery to the return air side.
A ships 3 - phase a.c. system has 440 V and 220 V sections. The effect of a single short circuit fault to earth on a 220 V line will cause which of the following earth lamp indications:
In 440 V section: all lamps equally bright. In 220 V section: Two lamps bright one lamp dark.
In 440 section: All lamps equally bright. In 220 section: All lamps dark.
In 440 V section: All lamps equally bright. In 220 V section: One lamp dim.
In 440 V section: One lamp dim. In 220 V section: One lamp dim.
What is the minimum Initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) allowed under the International Load Line Rules?
What is the name given to a liquid, in which the bones of a fish, poultry or meat carcass have been boiled, along with some vegatables, to be used later as the basis of a soup or sauce?
Who may serve as the person in charge of an oil transfer aboard a tanker in a US port?