The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
*Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?
For a period of at least 72 hours
Starting achieved within 2 min of commencing the start procedure at an ambient temperature of -15°C
Propeller permanently driven by the engine
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for survival crafts do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/15)
Only one type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival crafts onboard the ship
Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival crafts during abandonment
each lifeboat shall be provided with an appliance which is capable of launching and recovering the lifeboat
Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that the operator can observe the survival craft during launching and, for lifeboats, during recovery
A rocket parachute flare reaches an altitude of
Which one of the following is a limitation on the use of chemical powders?
In some cases they may cause a violent reaction on combustible metals such as sodium
Some of them may give off NH3
All the below mentioned alternatives
They may put an insulating deposit on electronic equipment
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard.
Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire
*Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A-
Cargo pump room of tankers
Ro-ro cargo spaces capable of being sealed, if it is deemed that it gives an equivalent protection as the one that should be achieved by a fixed CO2 system
On a RoRo vessel, if the Manufacturer and shipper of a vehicle have not provided instructions and the vehicle does not have fixed lasing points what can be used to secure the lashings
The wheel apertures, or other suitable fixed point on the vehicle
What is the most common fixed fire fighting extinguishing system fitted in an engine room?
An halogenated hydrocarbon system
A pressure water-spraying system
A carbon dioxide (CO2) system
The good operation in any location, whether the NAVTEX is working properly or not, can be checked using:
Test transmissions specially broadcast for this purpose once a week
A compulsory built-in alarm for defects
A testing program built in for this purpose
What should be applicable to tank cleaning operations by means of circulation products with low flash products (below 60° C) ?
It can be done without problems.
It can be done on stainless steel tanks only and if the tank cleaning hoses are grounded.
It can be done if the tankcleaning hoses are grounded.
It should be avoided, unless the tank atmosphere is inerted.
Due to exposure to heat fatigue, heat stroke and dehydration, what is the maximum recommended effective temperature (ET) for full work load in enclosed spaces?
MARPOL 73/78 - Annex IV. Your ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant certified by the Administration. During discharge, while vessel is awaiting pilot off Cape Henry, USA, the surrounding water is discoloured. What kind of action would be appropriate to take?
Reduce discharge rate in order to have less discolouration of surrounding water.
Continue discharge since Annex IV of MARPOL is internationally not yet in force.
Continue discharge since the treatment plant is of an approved type.
You are on duty on vessel "A", to avoid collision in the described situation, how will you act?
Wait and see. Maybe the situation will be cleared by itself
By giving the vessel a port turn
By giving the vessel a starboard turn
When a number of merchant vessels, but no rescue units or warships, are participating in a search and rescue operation, one of the vessels will have to assume the duty as co-ordinator (CSS). Which one of the listed items is most important when designating a CSS?
The manoeuvring of the vessels.
Service speed of the vessels.
Senior deck officers rescue operations experience.
Good radio communication facilities (preferable 2182 kHz and/or 156.8 MHz (channel 16) radiotelephony and 500 kHz radiotelegraphy).
Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must the master be on the bridge?
When entering or leaving a lock, passing through Gaillard cut, berthing & unberthing, anchoring or heaving anchor.
When his qualified representative is present
When entering or leaving a lock only
What is the status and function of a Panama canal pilot?
He is an advisor to the vessel's master
He shall have control of the navigation and ship handling.
He will take over all the responsibilities of the master on embarkation
He will be responsible for canal crew mooring gangs and use of locomotives during lock transits
When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?
" On area A4 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based on:"
the use of MF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
the use of VHF DSC and VHF Epirbs
the use of HF DSC and SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
the use of HF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
Which one of the following requirements regarding radio telephone stations do not correspond to present regulations?
There shall be an efficient communication between the radio station and the bridge
An instruction card giving a clear summary of the distress procedure shall be displayed at the operators position
While at sea the installation shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition
The radiotelephone station shall be located in the upper part of the ship, sheltered to the greatest extent from noise impairing reception of messages/ signals
The responsibility for the transmitting equipment lies with the:
The purpose of a VHF-installation onboard is in the first place:
To enhance safety in general
To make radio telephone calls with party concerned onshore
To maintain mutual radio contact
Before a mariphone is installed on board:
a letter of registration must be applied for
contribution must be paid
When modulating the amplitude:
the LF-vibration is modulated
the carrier wave is modulated
the amplitude is modulated
Which class of emission is used for MF radio telephony transmissions ?
Define the class of emission G3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Frequency modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
gathering place for embarkation formalities
muster station for unaccompanied minors (UM)
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one life-jacket for each person
a given number of buoyant oars provided with thole pins or crutches attached by lanyards
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one copy of the prescribed life-saving signals
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
Which one of the listed requirements regarding containers for inflatable liferafts do not correspond to present regulations? The liferaft shall be packed in containers that are:
marked with the date when last serviced
of sufficient buoyancy to operate the inflation mechanism should the ship sink
so constructed as to withstand hard weather condition encountered at sea
How much water would you allow per person as officer in charge of the lifeboat, following an abandon ship operation?
Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/2 litre per day (more in the tropics)
Nothing for the first 48 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
1/2 litre immediately, followed by 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
Basic manual dew point measurement devices are commonly used by surveyors when monitoring the dryness of a cargo tank prior to loading a liquid chemical product. Which of the descriptions below is a summary of how the measurement is carried out?
A small quantity of Methanol is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the surface of the Methanol. When the first signs of evaporation are observed (smoke rising from the surface), the temperature of the Methanol is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for calculation purposes.
A quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously pumped through the liquid. Bubbles will be seen to reach the surface of the bath until the dew point is reached. When the flow of bubbles ceases, the temperature of the Acetone is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the polished or mirrored surface of the container. When the first drop of mositure (dew) is observed to form on the polished surface, the temperature of the Acetone bath is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of dry-ice is placed into the device, submerged in deionized water. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing across a reagent filter. When the dew point is reached, this reagent filter will change colour from white to green, indicating saturation. The temperature of the deionized water is noted at this time and corresponds to the dew point. Reference to correction tables is required to correct the reading for barometric pressure.
How should cargo hold ventilation be carried out on a Ro-Ro vessel loading or discharging cargoes?
With the ventilation fans set to ‘supply'
With the ventilation fans set to ‘exhaust'
With ventilation fans set alternately to ‘supply' and ‘exhaust'
What action would you take if confirmed boiler water test results showed that the pH of the water in the boiler was below 7?
Blow the boiler and top up again with untreated feed water.
Retest the water after increasing the treatment chemical dosage.
Nothing, this is an acceptable value for the pH of boiler water.
Retest the water after decreasing the treatment chemical dosage.
Why should wet cloths not be used for carrying hot cooking pans?
Because Health and Safety regulations prohibit the use of a wet cloth within 2.5 metres of a galley range.
Because they conduct heat quickly and may cause scalding.
Because a cloud of steam will be generated and the person carrying the pans may find it difficult to see where he is going.
Because the mositure will transfer to the pan and cool the contents.
UFL and LFL are commonly used expressions. What do they signify?
Expressions have no meaning.
Unstable Flash Level / Lower Flash Level?
Upper Fixed Level / Lower Fixed Level?
Upper Flammable Level / Lower Flammable Level of explosive atmosphere?
What is the purpose of a "part flow display system" installed on some oil tankers ?
The Part Flow System makes it possible to observe the discharge visually for oil content, even in darkness
The Part Flow System makes it possible to discharge dirty ballast below the water line on older tankers
The Part Flow System makes it possible to measure the oil content, even if the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment is not working
The Part Flow System makes it possible to observe the discharge visually for oil content, on older tankers with discharge below the waterline
What information should be displayed on a Fumigated Container?
The date of manufacture of the container
The proper name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The trade name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The last container inspection date
What is the substance added to a dough mixture to make it rise, during the baking of bread?
What are the basic cargo stowage requirements for a small consignment of household cleaning products when loaded on a General Cargo Vessel?
Stow away from any other chemicals
Stow away from foodstuffs
Stow next to bagged grains
On a RoRo vessel, which of the ships trading certificates details the type and location that dangerous goods are allowed to be stowed onboard
The Cargo Ship Safety construction certificate
Safety Equipment certificate
Certificate of compliance for the carriage of Dangerous goods
The end covers for a heat exchanger are held in place by a number of brass studs and nuts. Which of the tools given in the options is best suited for removal and tightening of the nuts?
Adjustable shifting spanner
Is it allowed to have animals on the car deck during a voyage?
Yes, if they are safely placed in a suitable vehicle
Only if the weather conditions permit
It is up to the captain to decide
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the sketch?
Where should placards be located on a freight container?
One of the back end and one on one of the sides (only).
One on each end and one on each side.
Which of these statements is correct?
On certain routes cargoes must always be lashed in a standard manner irrespective of season
Under the Hague and Hague-Visby rules a shipowner must make a vessel seaworthy
Seaworthiness implies cargoworthiness
A vessel must be seaworthy at the commencement of a voyage
What type of discharge pumps are normally in use on gas carriers
It is screw pumps that is normally used on gas carriers
It is centrifugal pumps that is normally used on gas carriers
It is piston pumps that is normally used on gas carriers
It is submerged pumps that is normally used on gas carriers
Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship?
The Company Security Officer
The Classification Society.
The Ship Security Officer
The Port Facility Security Officer
What must by carefully checked when loading a bulk carrier to maximum draft
The minimum bow height must be maintained
The vessel is trimmed by the head on completion
The vessel is trimmed by the stern on completion,
the vessel should have a stern trim of 2.0 metres by stern.
The best way to identify an IED is to?
Measure the size of the object.
Recognize its components.
What is the minimum number of ”Firemen’s outfit” on gas tanker, above 5,000 m3, carrying flammable products?
2 sets of Firemen’s outfits
4 sets of Firemen’s outfits
3 sets of Firemen’s outfits
5 sets of Firemen’s outfits
On a container vessel what effects would exposure to anhydrous ammonia in moderate concentrations have?
Choking and possible loss of eyesight
Under international regulations where must entries be made with regard to the disposal of bulk cargo residues into the sea?
In the Garbage record book
What is the benefit of using prismatic Type "B" tanks?
The benefit of maximising ship hull volumetric and having the entire cargo tank placed beneath the main deck.
The tank is completely self-supported and do not form part of the ship's hull structure.
The hold space can be filled with dry air.
The secondary barrier form part of the ship's hull.
Master of every ship must provide:
Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer
Proper rest to the crew after each training programme
the training during crews working hours only
A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore
What does a low angle of repose indicate with respect to a bulk cargoes?
The cargo is stable in all situations
The cargo Is liable to self-heat
The cargo is more liable to shift than cargo with a high angle of repose
The cargo is unlikely to shift
When securing a non-standardized portable tank what is a favourable securing angle that will prevent it from tipping in the fore and aft direction?
When is the 2nd Mate supposed to call the Captain?
30 minutes from the pilot station
When anything unusual happens, and 30 minutes before the pilot station
Just when he happens to remember
Who must make and sign the individual entry for a loading, discharging or cleaning operation in the Cargo Record Book?
The officer (or officers) in charge of that operation.
The Officer of the Watch at the commencement of that operation.
The pupman or other crewmember assigned to carry out that operation.
Most fuel oil separtors working on the centrifuge principle have an automatic start up and sludging facility. Which of the following actions would you expect to occur first during the start up sequence?
Sealing water supplied to bowl to prevent carry over.
Operating water drained from bowl to open it.
Operating water supplied to bowl to close it
Fuel oil supplied to bowl to fill it.
What do we measure with an explosimeter?
With an explosimeter we measure 0-20/0-100 % LEL hydrocarbons.
With an explosimeter we measure 0-21 % Oxygen content.
With an explosimeter we measure 0-2 % volume hydrocarbons.
With an explosimeter we measure 0-20/0-100 % volume hydrocarbons.
When shall the engineer officer in charge of a watch be readily capable for operating the propulsion equipment?
When a hurricane may be expected.
When there are needs for changes in the ship's course.
When men are working aloft.
When the machinery spaces are in the manned condition.
Which of the following letter combinations represents a temperature controller on a process and instrumentation diagram?
Which of the following is the purpose behind holding a pre-cargo transfer meeting before discharging a number of chemical grades?
To enable the master to confirm that ship's personnel have been advised of the cargo operation requirements on the Vessel Particular Questionnaire mailed to the ship's agent prior to arrival in port.
To ensure that all personnel involved are aware of the details of the proposed cargo operation, the services required and the safety considerations.
To establish tank readiness and the status of any other pre-operation preparations in order for the master to be able to confirm a time of arrival.
To ensure that the responsibility for all items on the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist is assigned and understood before the vessel arrives alongside.
Many reefer vessels are fitted with controlled atmosphere systems (CA). There are a number of different systems available but generally they all work by introducing nitrogen into the cargo space. Select, from the options given, the main reason why nitrogen is generally the gas chosen for controlling the atmosphere in the cargo spaces of a reefer vessel.
Nitrogen is inert and there is no risk of creating a flammable mixture in the cargo space.
Nitrogen remains as a gas at all temperatures used in refrigerated transport.
Nitrogen displaces the oxygen in the cargo space and allows the respiration of the fruit to be controlled.
Nitrogen is the most plentiful gas available.
The wire mesh guards for the fans of refrigerated containers sometimes have coloured ribbons tied to them. Which of the options is the reason for fitting these ribbons?
To indicate if the fan is running too slowly.
To indicate that the fan is running in the correct direction.
To indicate to the crew that the fan is running as a safety consideration.
To indicate that the fan is running at the correct speed.
With regard to folding hatch covers in the open position, what will happen when the hydraulic cylinder piston is extended?
The hatch cover panels should rack backwards
The hatch cover panels should rack backwards releasing the cleat wedges
The vast majority of electrical instrumentation and testing equipment used onboard liquefied gas carriers is classes as intrinsically safe. What is the IMO Gas Codes' definition of intrinsically safe equipment?
Equipment which cannot become filled with a flammable mixture because the casing is completely gas tight.
Equipment which is filled with an inert gas which will prevent any internal ignition when in use.
Equipment which is incapable of releasing sufficient energy, during use or in specified fault condition, to cause ignition of a hazardous atmosphere.
Equipment which is designed to contain any flame which may develop due to internal ignition within the enclosure of the equipment.
On a Container vessel, when preparing to lift hatch pontoons why is it necessary to secure all loose material on it?
Because this is an international requirement
So that loose equipment does not fall into the cargo hold
So that pontoons are not fouled by loose material whilst being lifted
To facilitate the gantry crane operator
The following chemical cargoes are all "carcinogens": Acrylonitrile, Aniline, Benzene, Chloroform, Epichlorohydrin and Toluene. What is a "carcinogen"?
A substance capable of burning tissue from contact with its vapours alone.
A cargo which requires cleaning at a specific temperature as listed in MARPOL.
A substance capable of inducing cancer.
A high-grade oil product, obtained by repeated distillation.
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of immersion suit(s)
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
A bulk cargo has been discharged by grabs; what is an important check to make before closing the hatch cover?
Check that hatch coaming and sealing bar have not been damaged by grab contact
All other cargo holds empty of cargo
An electric motor is to be aligned to a pump by insuring shims under the motor feet. Which of the tools given in the options would be used to check that the alignment is correct by measurement of the gap between the coupling faces?
An inside vernier calliper.
High level and high-high level alarms must be tested at the tank for proper operation within 24 hours of the start of cargo transfer. What acceptable alternative is there to this requirement?
There is no alternative to this requirement. The test must be conducted at the tank location and the audible and visual alrams sighted. The results must be logged accordingly.
That a programme of maintenance, including selective function tests, exists within the vessel's Planned maintenance System, provided all such level alarms are tested at least once within a period of three months.
That a function test is carried out on completion of cleaning operations following discharge.
That a function test is carried out by means of an automatic self-test and circuit monitoring facility within the alarm system.
A medium speed diesel engine is used to drive a controllable pitch propeller through a suitable clutch and reduction gearbox. What should the blade attitude normally be after the engine is started and before the clutch is engaged?
The blades should be in the full ahead position.
The blades should be in the zero pitch position.
The blades should be in the full astern position.
The blades should be in the zero thrust position.
What is the possible concern if fuel tanks on a Bulk Carrier, which are close to cargo spaces containing grain, are excessively heated?
The grain cargo may produce methane gas
The grain cargo may be heated and damaged
You have just completed the discharge of a cargo of Lube Oil additive and are clearing the ship's lines to shore. What piece of equipment can be fitted between a drain cock and the air line to safely release any excess pressure before disconnecting the air line?
What can cause crewmembers to abdicate their safety roles?
Inadequate fire-fighting training
No lifeboat drills for passengers
Inadequate fire-fighting provisions
Records relating to breaches of security and changes in security level must be secured against unauthorized access and available for review by contracting governments.
The Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing was prepared to give guidance in which of the following cases.
Guidance for Port State Control Officers when carrying out ship inspections.
Guidance on securing of cargoes in hazardous ocean areas.
Preparation and content of the Cargo Securing Manual.
Ship specific guidance relating to securing of deck cargoes.
One of the tubes in a seawater cooled condenser is leaking due to being holed half way along its length. What is the most appropriate onboard repair method to be used from the options given?
Roll both ends of the leaking tube using a tube expanding tool.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends with steel screw plugs after cutting an internal thread using a suitable tap.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends using suitably tapered brass plugs.
Blank off the leaking tube by brazing a cap to each end of the tube.
What is ‘Reserve Buoyancy’?
The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline
The residual buoyancy at an angle of loll
The residual buoyancy at the maximum righting lever
The buoyancy provided by all spaces above the waterline
Why should only one set of ballast tanks be filled at any one time on a Bulk Carrier?
To ensure that bending moments do not become excessive
To prevent excessive lists developing
To ensure that free surfaces in ballast tanks do not become excessive during the ballasting operation
To keep the vessel trimmed by the stern
What measures regarding ship stability should be taken in order to make passenger ships able to withstand critical damage?
Damaged stability to be increased by weight redistribution.
Avoid overloading the ship
Damaged stability to be increased by use of water ballast
Maintain sufficient intact stability
The overspeed shutdown is to be tested on a high speed four stroke diesel engine driving through a pneumatic clutch. The overspeed protection is provided by a solenoid operated dump valve in the governor servo system activated by an electrical signal from a small synchro motor. What is the preferred method of testing such a shutdown?
With the engine on a high or full load suddenly disengage the clutch.
Reduce the set point so the shutdown operates at normal engine speed.
With the engine off load manually increase the governor speed setting until the shutdown operates, reduce the shutdown set point if necessary.
Use a crowbar to lever the governor linkage to full fuel with the clutch disengaged and engine off load.
What is the purpose of "fire wires" on an oil tanker and when would they be positioned?
They are quick release wires used in port that can be automatically let go from on board if there is an emergency in the terminal
They are lines postioned at the bow and at the stern of a tanker in port, for the purpose of towing the ship off the berth in an emergency
They are wires hung overboard when at a berth or an anchorage for securing fire tenders and other emergency craft alongside in the event of a fire onboard
They are the control wires that run from the manual control points on deck to remotely start the emergency fire pump
Which of the following statements is correct?
Hot rolled steel coils must not be loaded in a rusty condition
Hot rolled steel coils may be loaded in rain
Hot rolled steel coils must never be loaded in rain
Hot rolled steel coils are always shipped in stainless steel envelopes
Large bulk carriers are more likely to suffer from cracks in structure in which of the following parts of the vessel?
In number 1 and number 2 holds
Around hatch corners and upper ballast tanks amidships
On bottom plating in the after part of the vessel
On a RoRo vessel, who is responsible for discussing the cargo plan with duty crew members?
The ship's cargo or duty officer
Which plan should be consulted if it is found that two separate tanks are filling when it was intended for only one to be filled?