The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
What is a polar (liquid)?
A liquid that mixes with water
A liquid that conducts electricity
A liquid that emits flammable vapour
A liquid that doesn't mix with water
*Monoammonium phosphate used as a dry powder can be effective on:
solid, liquid, gases and metals
The duty engineer of a UMS ship is approached by a member of the ship's staff, seeking permission to hang wet working clothes in the engine room to dry. Should he:
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail anywhere.
Allow the clothes to be hung over rail next to the warm F.O. service tanks.
Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmanned machinery spaces.
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail provided there is no electrical equipment directly below.
*Under which circumstances should a sprinkler head of a common fixed sprinkler fire-extinguishing system be activated?
Automatically, when the temperature is within a range from 68°C to 79 °C
When the temperature is within a range from 68°C to 79°C, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel
When the smoke density exceeds 12,5% obscuration per meter, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel
Automatically, when the smoke density exceeds 12,5% obscuration per meter
*Which of the following preventive actions are required by the International Maritime Dangerous Guide Code?
Actions relating to the classification of the dangerous goods
Actions realting to the segregation of the dangerous goods
All these actions are required
Actions relating to the packing of the dangerous goods
In case each hydrant is not fitted with hose and nozzles, what is the requirement? (SOLAS II-2/4.6.1)
Hoses with fixed nozzles to be kept ready for use in conspicuous positions near the hydrants
Complete interchangeability of hose couplings and nozzles
Hoses and nozzles for each hydrant to be available at the fire stations
At each fire station, sufficient number of hoses with nozzles for the hydrants in the area shall be available
*Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A-
Cargo pump room of tankers
Ro-ro cargo spaces capable of being sealed, if it is deemed that it gives an equivalent protection as the one that should be achieved by a fixed CO2 system
What is the gas releasing device allowed for a CO2 fixed fire-extinguishing installation?
A manually operated release system only
An automatic release system activated by the ship's fire alarm
An automatic release system incorporating alarm system for manned compartments
An automatic release system activated by fire detectors
*How long does it take for a fixed low expansion foam fire-extinguishing system of an engine room to discharge a 15 cm thick layer of foam on the largest single area over which oil fuel is liable to spread?
you cannot find such a system in the engine room
The discharge arrangements for halogenated hydrocarbon total flooding systems shall be so designed that the minimum quantity of medium can be discharged in (based on the discharge of the liquid phase):
Dry chemical powders extinguish fire by...
Cooling and/or smothering
Unfeeding, cooling and/or smothering
Cooling and/or inhibition
Inhibition, smothering and/or opacification
What is the capacity of the required portable fluid extinguishers
Not more than 13,5 litres and not less than 9 litres
Not more than 20 litres and not less than 12 litres
One has a direct connection with a telex-subscriber by way of a coast-station. What command break the land line connection with the subscriber:
Fleetnet communication via the Inmarsat-system is an EGC among other things intended for all:
vessels of a certain shipping-company
vessels in a certain geographical area
The category of a DSC-call determines is:
how the rest of the call is to be composed
for whom the message is destined
In radio-telex distress traffic preference is given to FEC because:
the system automatically requests repetition when reception garbled
Acoustic feedback can arise:
because the volume adjustment of the speaker is too high
because outside noise is amplified by the loudspeaker in the microphone
because the loudspeaker works as a microphone
The squelch on a mariphone serves:
to suppress background noise in the wheelhouse when transmitting
to increase or decrease the transmission range
At present the MF/HF transmitter often has an automatic aerial turning unit. Should this fail:
No distress frequencies can be used at all
Its always possible to put the turning unit in a fixed position, so the MF distress frequencies can still be used
The transmitter will automatically keep operating on the MF and HF distress frequencies
At the entrance to the space where batteries are stored on board the following notice must be fitted:
no entry with naked light and/or flame
What is the radio telephone distress signal?
The relay of a distress-call by an RCC for coast-station begins with:
" On area A4 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based on:"
the use of HF DSC and COSPAS SARSAT Epirbs
the use of HF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
the use of MF DSC and INMARSAT Epirbs
the use of VHF DSC and VHF Epirbs
How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call on your VHF DSC equipment
" All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" MAYDAY - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" PAN PAN - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" SECURITE - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
To what purpose is safety meetings held prior to surveys?
To account for all personnel involved and divide individuals into groups. Ref. IMO Chapter 12.
To check out if the rules of ISGOTT Chapter 10 is followed.
No particular reasons for holding a safety meeting.
To meet all participants and distribute equipment.
What is the result of a "high metacentric height"?
The vessel will roll violently?
The vessel will roll slowly or be unstable?
The vessel will have a great bending moment?
The vessel-s tweendeck heights is too high?
There exists an unqualified obligation to assist persons in distress, but does the Master have an obligation to assist in towing a vessel?
The Master has no obligations to assist in towing a vessel
Only if the vessel in distress can supply the insurance wire
The Master has no obligations to assist in towing a vessel in distress, but may do so when taking necessary precautions in coordination with the Chief Engineer and Company Claims Manager
Yes, but weather permitting
The ship is berthed in a steady offshore beam wind of 30 knots which suddenly increases to 60 knots. What will be the change of force exerted on the ship driving it off the jetty?
The force will be Doubled
The force will be Tripled
The force will be Quadrupled
The force will be Quintupled
Your vessel is moving in Panama canal waters. When must the chief engineer remain on duty in the engine room?
Only if the regular engineer is off duty
Only when requested by the pilot
When approaching or passing through locks and Gaillard cut.
On board reflections in the ionosphere can be used determine i.a.:
the class of transmission
Define the class of emission F1B :
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of sub-carrier with error correction
Radiotelephony - Frequency modulation
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of carrier with error correction
Which of the following is a SART transponder frequency :
The thermal insulation provided to the wearer of an anti-exposure suit is sufficient to ensure that the wearer's body core temperature does not fall at a rate of more than:
0.5°C per hour after the first 1.5h immersion in calm water at a temperature of 5°C
1.5°C per hour after the first 2,5h immersion in calm water at a temperature of 5°C
1.5°C per hour after the first 0.5h immersion in calm water at a temperature of 5°C
1°C per hour after the first 2h immersion in calm water at a temperature of 5°C
How is the painter attached to the lifeboat released once the boat is waterborne and ready to leave?
Remove the toggle which will release the painter
Cut it with the axe provided
The painter will automatically part by the weak link when the boat goes astern to clear the ship
Cut it with the knife contained in the equipment locker
How much water per person is provided in a liferaft not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Start air filling of the davit launched liferaft
Start air filling of the liferaft
Start ventilation of the rescue boat
What is the greatest interest of the "help" position ?
It lessens the survivor's stress
It prevents the survivor's blood from collecting in the lower part of his body
It lessens the survivor's fatigue
It lessens the survivor's heat escape
*Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
How to recover survival craft and rescue boats including stowage and securing
How to use surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
How to use navigational equipment for survival crafts
How to use escape routes and other escape methods
What special safety measures are required by a seaman when working aloft on a stage?
Safety harness with a rope secured to a safe point above.
No special safety measures required.
A safety harness secured to the stage.
Helmet, safety shoes and gloves.
Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?
To allow overhaul of the screw down valve when the non-return valve is shut and the boiler is steaming.
To allow fine tuning of feed water flow to the boiler.
To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.
To increase the workload for staff when overhauling the boiler.
Which plan shows the position of the vertical and longitudinal centres of gravity for each cargo compartment on a Bulk Carrier?
UFL and LFL are commonly used expressions. What do they signify?
Expressions have no meaning.
Unstable Flash Level / Lower Flash Level?
Upper Fixed Level / Lower Fixed Level?
Upper Flammable Level / Lower Flammable Level of explosive atmosphere?
In the event of a severe scavenge fire, which of the following is most likely to be seriously damaged?
Piston rod and stuffing box.
Under which of the following conditions would it be dangerous to load a cargo of bulk coal?
When the temperature of the coal to be loaded exceeds 55 degrees Celsius
When the temperature of the coal to be loaded exceeds 30 degrees Celsius
When loading is required from open stockpiles
When loading coal from an open stockpile and it is wet
What is the time limit for abandonment of passenger ships?
30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
2 hours from the time the abandon ship signal is given
15 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
A record is to be made of the functions of an operational refrigerated container. Select, from the options given, the most likely method that would be used to make such a record.
The record would be made on a 'Partlow Chart'.
The record would be made on a paper printout.
The record would be made from manual checks made throughout the time onboard.
The record would be made on an electronic data logger.
What is the meaning of the term "Steady as she goes" when acting as helmsman?
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steeriing a set course
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
While altering the ships head, the instruction "steady as she goes" means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Use fire fighting water in the cargo space
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
Hydrocarbons belongs to a chemical group named:?
A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
Who is normally deciding which search pattern to use?
Power is available at a three-phase motor starter but nothing happens (at starter or motor) when the start button is operated. Which of the following is a likely cause?
Open circuit in one of motor cables
What is very important to do when starting to crude oil wash?
To fill up the lines slowly.
To build up pressure first.
Stop discharging and then start the whole operation slowly.
You are to load a cargo of Cyclohexanol to tanks 2, 3 and 4 centre and 2 and 4 wing tanks. The lines to these tanks are all connected at the manifold with flexible hoses and are all capable of being isolated with the exception of 2 centre, which has therefore been designated as the last tank to load. What will you do with the other tanks as they complete loading?
Close only the tank loading valves, so that pressure remains constant around the pipeline system and flexible hoses. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the high-level alarms are not activated as the ship's trim changes.
Close only the corresponding manifold cross-over valves as the tanks finish, so that the pressure in the lines equalises with the pressures in the tanks. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading as they will have changed as the trim of the ship has changed.
Close the tank loading valves, then close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves. After a few minutes, re-open the tank loading valves and leave them like this until cargo operations are completed, to ensure they drain fully. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading and then close the tank loading valves.
Close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves and tank loading valves as each tank finishes. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the valves are not passing.
What is the main purpose of 'gassing up' the cargo tanks of an LNG carrier?
To ensure a uniform temperature in the cargo containment system prior to loading.
To remove IG tank atmosphere with warm cargo vapour prior to loading the cargo.
To avoid a pressure rise in the liquid dome during loading.
To bring the cargo containment system to a temperature which will prevent excessive boil off during loading.
What are the duties of engine room ratings forming part of an engine room watch?
To note all machinery not functioning properly.
To clean and maintain dirty equipment.
To assist in the efficient and safe watchkeeping.
To verify the current operational parameters.
Under what circumstances may a watch-keeping engineer undertake other duties?
A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when the main propulsion controls are in manual operating mode
A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when the main propulsion system requires constant supervision
A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when he has been properly relieved of his watch-keeping duties
A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when the ship is at sea and the weather is calm
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
Maintenance is to be carried out on a diesel engine. How long after stopping the engine should the cooling water and lubricating oil be kept circulating in order to avoid any undue thermal stress from residual heat?
10 minutes is sufficient.
A medium speed diesel engine, operating on heavy oil has suffered repeated exhaust valve failure. Upon inspection damage is noted on the underside of the valve resulting in some cases in holes passing through the valve even though the seating face appears hardly damaged. Which of the given options is the most likely cause of this type of damage?
High temperature corrosion due to high vanadium content in the fuel oil.
Failure of the valve rotators causing distortion of the valve seat.
Incorrect tappet (rocker arm) clearance preventing the valves from closing properly.
Cold temperature corrosion due to high sulphur content in the fuel and incorrect grade of cylinder lubricating oil.
In the diagram which line would be the "AFT SPRING", if the vessel was port side alongside a jetty?
The Aft Spring is indicated by B, in the figure
The Aft Spring is indicated by C, in the figure
The Aft Spring is indicated by D, in the figure
The Aft Spring is indicated by A, in the figure
Which of the following is the purpose behind holding a pre-cargo transfer meeting before discharging a number of chemical grades?
To enable the master to confirm that ship's personnel have been advised of the cargo operation requirements on the Vessel Particular Questionnaire mailed to the ship's agent prior to arrival in port.
To ensure that all personnel involved are aware of the details of the proposed cargo operation, the services required and the safety considerations.
To establish tank readiness and the status of any other pre-operation preparations in order for the master to be able to confirm a time of arrival.
To ensure that the responsibility for all items on the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist is assigned and understood before the vessel arrives alongside.
A vapour compression refrigeration system is usually fitted with a number of devices to give protection and control of the system. Which of the methods given in the options should be used to test the high pressure cut out during routine maintenance and checking of the system?
Manually close each of the evaporator coils by switching off the electrical supply to the liquid line solenoid shut off valves and monitor the condenser pressure.
Close the condenser outlet valve and closely monitor the condenser pressure.
Gradually shut in the condenser cooling water valve or the condenser refrigerant inlet valve while closely monitoring the compressor discharge pressure.
Charge the system with refrigerant until the high pressure cut out operates.
A steel spear thermometer is to be used to check the pulp temperatures of a cargo of chilled beef which is vacuum wrapped in plastic and packed in cardboard cartons. Which of the given options is the most appropriate method of using the thermometer to get the pulp temperatures of this high value commodity?
Remove the carton lid and drive the thermometer directly into one of the pieces of beef through the plastic wrapping.
Drive the thermometer directly through the carton and the plastic wrapping into the beef.
Remove the lid of the carton and place the thermometer so that it is completely covered between two of the plastic wrapped pieces of beef.
Drive the thermometer through the cardboard but avoid piercing the plastic wrappings.
How should chemicals and harmful substances be stored on board?
In a separate locker. The locker shall be clearly marked, locked and ventilated.
n the central store or in the engine room
In a locker preferably on boat deck. The locker shall be clearly marked.
In a gas-tight locker close to the bridge
When loaded to what depth can bulk carriers constructed after 1 July 1999 withstand flooding of any one cargo hold?
The Winter North Atlantic loadline
Which kind of cargo pumps are the most commonly used in cargo systems for gas carriers?
Hydraulic driven screw pumps.
Hydraulic driven submerged pumps.
Submerged electric motor pumps.
Electric driven screw pumps.
On a RoRo vessel, where will escaping gasoline vapours settle in a cargo hold? If the forced ventilation system is shut down
What do we mean by purging a cargo tank?
To purge a cargo tank means that we liquid free the tank with hot gas.
To purge a cargo tank is to load cargo into the tank.
To purge a cargo tank is to change the vapour phase either with cargo or neutral atmosphere.
To purge a cargo tank means that we blow air into the tank.
What does the term "Hard a Starboard" or "Hard to Starboard" mean?
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
When there is doubt about the freshness of the atmosphere in ro-ro cargo spaces, what action should be taken?
Supply filter masks to all crew working on ro-ro deck
Ro-ro decks are always ventilated in advance of an operation
Arrangements should be made for testing of the atmosphere to ensure maintenance of 21% oxygen and a carbon monoxide content below 50 ppm in the atmosphere of the space
Open both bow- and stern doors
The reliquefaction plant for cargo cooling of liquefied gas cargoes can operate on either a direct or indirect cycle. On which liquefied gas cargoes must indirect cycle cargo cooling plant be used according to the IMO Gas Codes?
All liquefied cargoes in north European waters during winter time
Cargoes such as butadiene and vinyl chloride which need two stage cycle with intercooling.
Cargoes such as chlorine, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide for which the vapours cannot be compressed due to temperature restrictions.
LPG cargoes being carried in north European waters during winter time
All liquefied gas carriers, including LNG carriers, must comply with the requirements of the IMO Gas Codes. Which certificate confirms compliance with the Gas Code requirements?
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
Which is the preferred state to have the main turbine in while shutdown for a short stay in port?
Left with autospin operating to give periodic turning.
Gland steam left on to keep the rotor and casing warm and with turning gear switched off but engaged to 'lock' the rotor in position.
Turning with the turning gear and gland steam on.
All steam shut off with turning gear switched off but engaged to 'lock' the rotor in position.
With regard to fire hose boxes and/or fire hydrants, what must be ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations on a General Cargo vessel?
Fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes must be lashed so as to prevent accidental opening
Fire hose boxes must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes and fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
At what latest time shall doors, side scuttles, gangway doors, cargo- and coaling ports and other openings which are to be kept closed watertight at sea be closed at the start of the voyage?
Before leaving the pilot station
Before entering open waters
here do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for life-saving appliances?
Life-Saving Apliance Code (LSA Code)
As per SOLAS every fast rescue boat shall be provided with:
Thermal protective aids for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate
Emersion suits for each person the boat is permitted to accommodate
3 Thermal protective aids
Thermal protective aids for at least 10% of the persons the boat is permitted to accommodate or two, which ever is greater
The circuit shows a full-wave bridge rectifier. Which electronic component will you connect between 'a' and 'b' in order to obtain reduced ripple voltage to the load RL.
The power requirements for the excitation winding/circuit for a 3-phase alternator operating at rated output power are supplied by:
The alternators output itself via the automatic voltage regulator and the prime mover
The main switchboard via a three phase rectifier
Independent battery supply with the AVR
Independent power supply and rectifier unit
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?
During a pre-loading survey prior to loading grain on a Bulk Carrier, very small amount of the previous grain cargo is found in a cargo hold; what is the significance of this situation?
The cargo hold can be cleaned while other holds are loaded
The affected cargo hold should be left empty
The vessel may fail the pre-load survey and be declared off-hire
The remaining cargo from the previous voyage can be ignored
Where is the "FORECASTLE", in the figure?
The Forecastle is D, in the figure
The Forecastle is B, in the figure
The Forecastle is C, in the figure
The Forecastle is A, in the figure
What should you observe when patrolling public areas on board?
If all the fire extinguishers are in place and that fire doors are open
All abnormalities that may affect the safety/ security of passengers, crew and the ship
What special design feature is attributed to pure car carriers?
A small GM when fully loaded
A very large windage area
Is it possible to discharge a fully-refrigerated gas carrier if brake down on a discharge pump?
Fully-refrigerated gas carrier can be discharged by condensate the cargo to shore or another cargo tank or let it boil off
We can not discharge any gas carriers without pumps
Fully-refrigerated gas carrier can be discharged by pressurising the cargo tanks
Fully-refrigerated gas carrier can be discharged by using a spare discharge pump lowered down in the cargo tank
For a Nitrate based cooling water treatment system, what would you consider to be the normal operating limits?
You have received the nine digit MMSI of a ship on your DSC equipment. In which publication will you find the name of the ship?
The ITU List of Callsigns and Numerical Identities of Stations used by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services
The ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Services
The ITU List of Ship Stations
The ITU List of Coast Stations
What is characteristic for alkanes?
Alkanes has single or triple bonds between the atoms
Alkanes has only single bond between the atoms
Alkanes has triple bonds between the atoms
Alkanes has double or triple bonds between the atoms