The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
Which class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and/or other carbonaceous materials?
*How long does it take for a fixed low expansion foam fire-extinguishing system of an engine room to discharge a 15 cm thick layer of foam on the largest single area over which oil fuel is liable to spread?
you cannot find such a system in the engine room
Which of the following items shall be included in each fire drill?
Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and relevant communication equipment
Checking closure mechanism for all air ventilators and other openings to accommodation, engine rooms and cargo spaces
Checking the operation of fire doors
Instructions for "Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks" is laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Which of the following requirements regarding welding or hot work corresponds to these instructions?
The tank shall have been mechanically vented for at least two hours before it is entered for inspection or work.
If the ventilation has been stopped for more than 30 minutes, new gas measurement shall be carried out before the tank is reentered.
The tank shall be mechanically ventilated as long as there is people in it.
If the mechanical ventilation is stopped, the tank shall be left within 5 minutes.
The type of Inmarsat station A,B,C,M is recognized by
The first four digits of the identification
Last digit of the identification
The first two digits of the identification
The first digit of the identification
A wire aerial for an MF/HF –transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
to prevent contact with earth
to make the ………way for aerial currents as long as possible
to prevent burns when touching the aerial
When during transmitting the display of a radiotelephone-installation shows a decrease intransmitting power it is:
An adjustment of the semi-duplex transmitting power
An indication of chosing a wrong channel
An indication of aerial problem
An automatic adjustment of the chosen transmitting mode
Proper transmissions of the NAVTEX-message can be aided ………… by:
automatically comparing the message earlier received ones
request for repetition of the garbled text fragment by the receiving NAVTEX installation
A distress alert on board may only be transmitted on explicit order of:
The navigating officer on duty
The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:
12th day, 1310 hours local time
12th month, 13th day, 1000 hours UTC
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
MARPOL 73/78 - Annex IV. Your ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant certified by the Administration. During discharge, while vessel is awaiting pilot off Cape Henry, USA, the surrounding water is discoloured. What kind of action would be appropriate to take?
Reduce discharge rate in order to have less discolouration of surrounding water.
Continue discharge since Annex IV of MARPOL is internationally not yet in force.
Continue discharge since the treatment plant is of an approved type.
What is the advantages of a GPS-satellite system compared to other navigational aids?
The GPS system gives information about weather- and waveconditions in the area.
The GPS system gives information about position, speed and time continuously world wide.
The GPS system has built in a group of six radio-beacons called a Decca-chain.
The GPS system is based on hyperbola navigation.
Two synthetic fibre lines of the same size and material are run out and pretensioned at the berth. However one line (line A) is secured to a shore bollard twice as far as the other line (line B). If a sudden increase in wind now causes an extra load to come on the lines, the extra load will be shared by the lines as follows:
A will take 3/4 of the extra load. B will take 1/4 of the extra load.
A will take 1/3 of the extra load. B will take 2/3 of the extra load.
A will take 1/2 of the extra load. B will take 1/2 of the extra load
A will take 1/4 of the extra load. B will take the 3/4 of the extra load.
Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must a crew man capable of and ready to operate the anchors be on the forecastle?
When passing through the Gatun Lake
When passing through Gaillard cut
When anchoring in Gatun Lake only
When a Panama Canal pilot is onboard
Rigging of the Pilot Ladder and embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot should be supervised by:
A vessel is equipped for all sea areas. In the middle of the Indian Ocean the EGC-receiver appears out of order. Is it still possible to receive MSI-messages?
yes, with the MF/HF-radio telex
What VHF-channel is according to the rules of the GMDSS, appointed for mutual radiotraffic between ships at sea (with the exception of co-ordination of shipping movements and other kinds of communication …………… to safety:
What is the usual range of a VHF equipment ?
Satellite communication is usually provided by :
What is the travelling speed of radioelectric waves?
Which of the following services is not provided by INMARSAT B:
*Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to members of the crew ?
operation of the vessel's propulsion system
preparation of manoeuvres intended to ease launching of the survival craft
preparation of immersion suits for the ship's passengers
equipping of the survival craft
*On board a ship, how many lifebuoys is required to be fitted with a buoyant lifeline ?
At least one lifebouy with buoyant lifeline on each side of the ship
Half of the total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Only the two lifebuoys of the quick-release system
The total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure suit ?
is marked that it must be worn in conjunction with warm clothing if it is made of material which has no inherent insulation
is marked with the name of the vessel to which the appliance belongs
is made of such a material that it cannot be torn
can be continously worn without impeding every duties to be performed by the wearer when in normal watch on the bridge
Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the regulations?
Inspection of life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment shall be carried out monthly to ensure they are complete and in good order
Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to ensure they are ready for use
Lifeboat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week
General emergency alarm to be tested daily
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft portable radio
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
Who is the leader of the lifeboat drill (abandon ship drill)?
The appointed lifeboat commander
The first member of the crew arriving at the survival craft
*Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
Checking that lifejackets are correctly donned
Checking that passenger's immersion suits are correctly donned
*Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?
summoning of passengers and crew to muster stations with the alarm required
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
Checking passenger's immersion suits
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
The use of escape routes and other escape methods
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The use of all survival equipment
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you take?
Send out a distress message on their behalf.
Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance.
Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required.
Inform the local coast radio station of the incident and submit your name as a witness.
Which is the preferred method for starting an air conditioning refrigeration compressor which has been shut down for a period of time?
Start with all system valves fully opened.
Start with the discharge valve throttled in to prevent excess condenser pressure.
Start with suction valve throttled in to minimise risk of drawing liquid refrigerant into the compressor.
Start and stop repeatedly until suction pressure and oil pressure are normal.
Which of this information must be included in a piracy attack alert?
The type of weapons being carried by the pirates/highjackers.
The number of pirates/highjackers.
The number of crew onboard.
Your ship’s name and call sign.
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the sketch?
Basic manual dew point measurement devices are commonly used by surveyors when monitoring the dryness of a cargo tank prior to loading a liquid chemical product. Which of the descriptions below is a summary of how the measurement is carried out?
A small quantity of Methanol is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the surface of the Methanol. When the first signs of evaporation are observed (smoke rising from the surface), the temperature of the Methanol is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for calculation purposes.
A quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously pumped through the liquid. Bubbles will be seen to reach the surface of the bath until the dew point is reached. When the flow of bubbles ceases, the temperature of the Acetone is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the polished or mirrored surface of the container. When the first drop of mositure (dew) is observed to form on the polished surface, the temperature of the Acetone bath is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of dry-ice is placed into the device, submerged in deionized water. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing across a reagent filter. When the dew point is reached, this reagent filter will change colour from white to green, indicating saturation. The temperature of the deionized water is noted at this time and corresponds to the dew point. Reference to correction tables is required to correct the reading for barometric pressure.
Why is it necessary to check for cold spots in the hold spaces of an LNG carrier during loaded voyages?
To check the efficiency of the insulation between the cargo tank and the hull.
LNG cargo containment systems frequently leak.
Because there is not normally any temperature monitoring of the hold space.
To check for signs of leakage since the very cold carriage temperatures for LNG could result in hull structural damage in the unlikely event of a leak.
A steward reaches into a sink filled with soapy water to remove the plug. He cuts his hand on a carving knife lying in the bottom. What policy will best eliminate the chance of this kind of accident happening again while still maintaining hygiene standards?
Everymember of the galley staff is made responsible for washing their own knives.
Heavy duty gloves are to be worn when working at the sink.
Detergent shall not be used if knives are to be washed.
There is a dedicated sink for washing knives.
How are the officers informed of the ship's stability in damaged conditions?
By the Captain's instructions
By damage-control board on the bridge
By permanently exhibited damage control plans
By damage-control information included in the muster list
Why is an inhibitor added into, for instance, butadiene?
To prevent the cargo producing heat.
To remove the oxygen and by that avoid a chemical reaction.
To minimise the tank pressure.
On the charter’s recommendation.
What should the master know prior to loading iron ore?
The maximum angle of heel under normal sea-going conditions
The virtual loss of GM en route
The maximum righting lever
The maximum angle of heel that will be caused by a shift of cargo
What is a low location lightning system?
A system displaying the escape route from all cabins by light points in the ceiling, powered by battery
A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way to the nearest exit
An emergency illumination system that illuminates all deck areas to a minimum
An illumination system for all corridors in cabin areas
A conventional reefer vessel is fitted with hydraulically operated hatches in the 'tween decks. Complete the following statement from the options given. "Careful maintenance of the hydraulic system is important…. ensure that the lids can be opened fully and secured. ensure that the hatch lids operate at the correct speed. ensure that there are no oil leaks which may contaminate the cargo. ensure that the planned maintenance system is up to date.
What action should be taken if machinery does not function properly?
If machinery does not function properly, its condition should be noted and plans for further action developed together with the Chief Engineer
If machinery does not function properly, the operational parameteres should be verified and the machinery stopped
If machinery does not function properly, it should be serviced immediately
If machinery does not function properly, the Chief Engineer should be consulted
The fuel injection timing of a diesel engine is delayed causing high cylinder exhaust gas temperatures. What is the likely effect of this condition on turbocharger operation?
Continuous surging of the turbocharger
Vibration of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions
Increased turbocharger revolutions
What do you understand by: Hydrographic vessel in position…….wide berth requested?
This means: the hydrographic vessel is providing a wide berth
This means: the hydrographic vessel wishes to go alongside a wide berth
This means: the hydrographic vessel is very wide
This means: keep well clear of the hydrographic vessel in position………
Why does the Chief Mate have to reorder the cargo plan?
The wheels of hatchcover No. 7 came out off their tracks
Hatchcover No. 7 cannot be opened due to a defect in the hydraulic pump
Hold No. 7 is already loaded by the company ashore
The cadet disappeared with the cargo plan
Your ship has its main entry door from the maindeck on the starboard side, a few metres back from the front of the accommodation. It is also the closest emergency exit from the ship's offices and the crew mess-room in the event of an emergency. You are about to commence loading cargo. There are no significant security concerns. What should happen to the door?
It can be open, provided the wind is blowing away from the accommodation.
It should be closed and locked.
It should be closed, but not locked.
It should be open in case an emergency occurs.
Why should a container with a damaged corner post not be loaded?
Because during discharge the ship could be held responsible for the damage
Because its strength is weakened
Because it will not fit properly into a container stack
Because the cargo inside might be damaged
What procedures should prevent normal ship work activities conflicting with cargo operations on a General Cargo Vessel?
Stevedore and Chief Officer planning meetings
Risk assessments and permit to work systems
Ro-ro passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
In discussing segregation, the IMDG Code defines what it means by the term "separated from". Which of the following is that definition?
Either in a vertical or horizontal separation: if the intervening decks are not resistant to fire and liquid, then only in a longitudinal separation is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this means a distance of at least 12 metres. This distance also applies to one package stowed "on deck" and another in an upper compartment.
With an intervening compartment, being both a vertical and horizontal separation. Provided an intervening deck is resistant to liquid and fire, a vertical separation of 6 metres is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 12 metres irrespective of compartment divisions.
Effectively segregated so that the incompatible goods cannot interact dangerously in the event of an accident, but may be transported in the same compartment or hold or on deck, provided a horizontal separation, projected vertically, of 3 metres is obtained.
In different compartments or holds when stowed "under deck". Provided an intervening deck is resistent to fire and liquid, a vertical separation may be accepted as equivalent. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 6 metres.
What should be done if a twistlock is found cracked at the base?
Use it to lock under-deck container stows
Have it repaired on board
Use it in the lowest tier on deck
What extra precautions should be taken by the officers and crew if some of the passengers are disabled, i.e. using wheelchair, cane, blind etc.?
All passengers that will require extra assistance, also in case of an emergency situation/ evacuation, must be registered in order to allocate crew to assist them if needed.
Locate them in large cabins to ease their stay.
Passenger with some form for disability must travel with accompany, and live in same cabin or next door.
They must be placed in cabins on the same level as the muster station.
Maintenance of lifeboats and davit arrangements is routine work onboard. Why should you not carry out this type of work alone?
There might be a risk of falling even though harness and lifeline is used. A second person should always stand by to assist with tools etc. and other practical arrangements.
If you need something to drink, the second person can get it for you
It is boring to work alone and you should be able to chat with colleagues while working
If the person working on the lifeboat falls over board, the second person can lower the lifeboat and prepare pick-up immediately
Modern cellular container vessels which carry refrigerated cargo below deck mainly maintain an acceptable temperature in the cargo holds by which of the features given in the options?
By designing the vessels with a larger gap between the columns of containers.
By using large natural ventilators to achieve the required air changes.
By using powerful mechanical fans to achieve a large number of air changes.
By insulating the fuel tanks in the vicinity of the cargo space.
Where do you load dangerous goods on ro-ro/car decks?
As long as the ship is certified to carry dangerous goods there are no restrictions
Dangerous goods shall only be loaded in designated ares on the ro-ro deck
The officer in charge of loading can decide where to load dangerous goods if the number of vehicles and passengers are limited
The driver of a tank lorry can decide where to park the vehicle
Where are cargo residues usually concealed?
In the upper sections of the ship’s frames
In recesses below manhole covers
The abbreviation "COW" applies to a phase of oil tanker operations. What does it stand for?
Computer Operated Washing
Callibration (of) Oil / Water (interface)
What is the IMO recommended allowance for water absorbtion in timber deck cargoes on a General Cargo Vessel ?
5% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
No additional weight allowance is normally made
15% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
25% additional weight should be used in stability calculation for the arrival condition
Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's documents?
What would be a correct form of response to the question: Have you altered course?
A correct form of response would be: "Yes, I have altered course"
A correct form of response would be: "Yes, I have altered course - my new course is one two zero degrees"
A correct form of response would be: "Why should I alter course?"
A correct form of response would be: "Alright, I will alter course"
What can be done to minimize the reduction of GM due to free surface?
Close all watertight doors.
Reduce the number of slack tanks.
Load liquids into only one tank at a time
Load fluids only into tanks with transverse subdivision bulkheads
What is meant by being intrinsically safe?
Electric wiring executed by approved manufacture?
Any electrical product, being water resistant?
Explosion proof product having a special wiring system?
Can not produce enough energy to ignite a gas (explode)?
What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships
Same requirements for Fire alarm systems applies to all ships
Remote control of fire doors and reactivation of ventilation
Centralized in a continuously manned control station with remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors
Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously manned control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up powered
Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?
A pressure gauge of the bourdon tube type is reading incorrectly and shows 2 bar when the pressure in the system is zero. There is no spare available. Which of the options would be the best temporary remedy for this situation?
Use a deadweight tester to mark a new scale on the gauge throughout the working range.
Remove the indicator needle and reposition it to read zero when the system is unpressurised.
Bend the bourdon tube so that a zero reading is obtained when the system is unpressurised.
Subtract 2 bar from the gauge reading when checking the pressure.
Which ideal heat engine cycle is the vapour-compression refrigeration system based on?
The reversed Carnot cycle.
Total Base Number ( TBN ) is important as a measure of neutralizing ability against strong Acids. What will You do if this TBN base number is reduced to a low level?
Send one lub oil sample to new analysis.
Renew lub oil in the system.
What type of lubricating oil is generally used for for cylinder lubrication on a large, 2-stroke diesel, main propulsion engine operating on heavy fuel oil?
Mineral based oil with high alkalinity and other additives.
The same oil as the main lubricating oil system
What could be the cause of a refrigeration compressor running continuously even though normal temperatures for the cold rooms have been reached?
Low-pressure cut-out is stuck in closed position.
High-pressure cut-out is stuck in open position.
The differential pressure switch for the lubricating oil pressure cut-out is stuck in the closed position.
Solenoid valve before the expansion valve stuck in closed position.
So as to avoid possible cargo claims at the discharge port what should be maintained besides the cargo lashings?
Hatch covers, hatchways and cargo hold ventilators
Many chemical tankers are fitted with deepwell centrifugal cargo pumps. What is the process by which any leakage of cargo or hydraulic oil into the pump cofferdam is detected?
The fuel consumption for the main engine is calculated using the readings from the supply and return flow meters which are of the positive displacement type. When compared to the quantities calculated from tank soundings and calibration tables and indicated on the contents gauges the consumption appears consistently high. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this discrepancy?
The supply flow meter is giving too high a reading due to internal wear.
The tank calibration tables are incorrect.
The tank contents gauges are calibrated for the wrong fuel type.
The return flow meter is giving a low reading due to internal wear.
Which food group contains the most calcium per 100 grams of edible product?
How should a crew member on duty prevent scratching vehicles?
By removing his safety helmet when approaching a vehicle
By maintaining a safe distance from all vehicles
By wearing gloves at all times
By not wearing or carrying any external metal accessories
What is the main reason that LPG boil-off gas is unsuitable for use in the vessel's fuel supply?
LPG vapour is heavier than air at atmospheric conditions and represent a risk as they may accumulate in machinery spaces.
LPG vapour is too difficult to ignite.
Reliquefaction of LPG vapour is a simple process and is a cheaper option than burning the boil-off gas in the boiler.
LPG is too expensive to use as fuel.
The pressure inlet to a pressure gauge is varied from zero to full scale and back to zero again. The output (indicating pressure) versus true pressure is shown in the diagr.The non - coincidence(mis - match) of loading and unloading curve is due to internal friction in the instrument. What do we call this phenomenon?
The fire integrity of any bulkhead shall be maintained
At the openings and penetrations
Only at the continuous/solid part of the bulkhead
Up to 5 meters above the deck level
How will you find the Tipping Moment of a cargo item?
Transverse accelerations/10 x weight of cargo item x height of its centre of gravity above its base
Transverse accelerations/10 x weight of cargo item x height of its centre of gravity above the keel
Transverse accelerations/7 x weight of cargo item x height of its centre of gravity above its base
Transverse accelerations/7 x vessel's natural roll period
What factors do you consider as important before mooring a vessel?
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment, Well maintained mooring equipment, Make sure the area is tidy and clean, Mooring stations should have effective hazard markings/ hazard highlighting, Stay clear of mooring ropes/wires, Be aware of Snap-back Zone, Proper procedures, Effective communication
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment, Mooring stations should have effective hazard markings/ hazard highlighting, Stay clear of mooring ropes/wires, Be aware of Snap-back Zone, Proper procedures
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment and be aware of Snap-back Zone
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment
On a hold inspection of a Bulk Carrier it is noted that a number of transverse frame beam knees are slightly distorted; what is the significance of this?
The distorted areas should be painted
There are no concerns with this observation
This is an indication of excessive bending moment stress
This indicates the vessel is suffering racking stress and is potentially serious
As part of a survey of a main steam boiler it is necessary to check the condition of the steam drum. What would be the preferred method for checking drum shell thickness in such a situation?
Drill a test hole in the shell to accurately measure the thickness.
Use magnetic particle inspection equipment.
Use dye penetrant tester.
Use ultrasound equipment.
You are burning garbage containing plastics. What shall you do with the ashes from the vessel's incinerator?
Discharge the ashes to a shore facility
Discharge the ashes at sea providing you are more than 25 nautical miles offshore
Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary
Nothing, ashes from any substance which is incinerated can be discharged over board
Which of the following pump types is not considered to be self priming?
To what Proof Load is an 80T SWL derrick tested?
What is the function of a lashing plate?
A means of securing turnbuckles
A means of securing butteresses under-deck
A means of securing lashing chains
A means of securing the hatch covers
When talking about cargo operations on an oil tanker, what is "topping off"?
Commencing discharge from another tank, to retain suction, when stripping a tank
Completing the loading of a tank to the required ullage
Filling a cargo tank to its maximum level without causing an overflow
Slow pumping a cargo tank at the commencement of discharge, to achieve a safe ullage, before starting discharge from other tanks
A reefer vessel, which is about to carry a palletised cargo, has to have available sufficient cargo equipment including air bags (dunnage bags), air lines and valves, cargo slings, wooden dunnage, nails, etc. These items are required to ensure a quick loading operation and a successful passage. Complete the following statement from the options given. "Air bags are particularly important in that ….
… they are quick and easy to deploy."
… they secure the pallets against movement during the passage."
… they protect the pillars and the vent trunking against damage during heavy weather."
… they reduce the movement of the pallets and prevent short circuiting of the air flow."