The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
*What is the minimum capacity of a ventilation system protecting cargo spaces, other than special category spaces, intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their thanks for their own propulsion in a ship carrying no more than 36 passengers or in a cargo ship?
*What is (are) the basic component(s) of a Fire detection system?
All the alternatives mentioned
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric installation (for example the main switchboard)?
In case of a fire on the line in an oxyacetylene-line gas welding equipment, what action should be taken?
Close the valves on both bottles, first the acetylene and then the oxygen bottle
Do not close any valve and attack the fire, preferably with powder
Close the valve(s) on the acetylene bottle only
Close the valve(s) on the oxygen bottle only
*A self contained breathing apparatus should contain at least 1200 litres of air. How long should this last for a normal person who is not carrying out hard work?
Instructions for "Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks" is laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Which of the following requirements regarding welding or hot work corresponds to these instructions?
An officer shall always attend the first entry after tank cleaning and gas freeing.
There shall be two stand by watchmen on the watch with walkie-talkie communication.
In case of hot work, the work party shall always consist of 3 men.
Before the tank is entered, lifeline, rescue harness and compressed air apparatus shall be ready at the relevant hatch.
The volume button of a mariphone controls:
The batteries must be placed in a well ventilated place, so that:
the production of detonating gas can be prevented
there is sufficient oxygen available for optimum working of the batteries
the detonating gas can be discharged
What are the three Search and Rescue urgency phases
Uncertaity – Search – Rescue
Search – Assistance – Rescue
Uncertainty – Alert – Distress
After confirmation that there is no other radio-traffic, we call on a VHF working channel of a coast-station. When you don’t get any reply:
you must wait 3 minutes minimum before repeating your call
you must wait 1 minute minimum before repeating your call
you can repeat your call immediately
What is meant in mariphone traffic with a coast-station by a ”personal call”:
a telephone conversation, stating name and address for account of the shore subscriber
a telephone conversation with a person whose name is known, department or extension on the telephone number given
a phone-call, stating name and address, with a person who has no telephone himself
What does the term OIL mean, as used in the Oil Pollution Regulations?
If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as acetone cyanohydrin and has ceased breathing, you would:
Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it?
Place him in a stream of fresh air and let breathing restart by itself?
Do nothing until professional medical help arrives?
Immediately start mouth to mouth resuscitation?
*Which of the following preventive actions are required by the International Maritime Dangerous Guide Code?
Actions relating to the segregation of the dangerous goods.
Actions relating to the classification of the dangerous goods.
All these actions are required.
Actions relating to the packing of the dangerous goods.
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Portable fire extinguisher
Watch the situation. Which of the two vessels is most to blame?
Vessel "B", merchant vessel
Both "A", merchant vessel and "B", merchant vessel
Vessel "A", merchant vessel
Vessel "C", fishing vessel engaged in fishing
The vessel has weighed the anchor and is heading for sea. The anchor is to be stowed in position. How?
The anchor to be as far inside hawsepipe as possible and secured by cable stopper
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by the brake
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by brake on winch and wire/chain stopper
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by wire lashings only
In maritime communication two international treaties are primarily involved. They are:
The IMO at London and the ITU at Geneva
Gmdss hand book and Mersar
Solas and the international treaty for messaging
According to the rules of GMDSS, on behalf of safe navigation a listening watch should be Kept on:
VHF-channel 13 in the areas where the master deems it necessary
What transmitting equipment as a rule is not allowed for us in territorial waters:
By frequency is meant:
time lapse of vibrations.
number of vibrations per unit of time
What mode must be used on the MF/HF transmission, when transmitting a telex-message:
Public correspondance VHF communications should normally be operated :
In J3E mode – on simplex basis
In G3E mode – on duplex basis
In G3E mode – on simplex basis
Which frequency is used for MF DSC distress calls
" What is the meaning of the abbreviation ""RQ"" at the end of a DSC sequence?"
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
muster station to davit launched liferaft
muster station to liferaft
What is the minimum number of immersion suits that are required to be provided for each open lifeboat under SOLAS rules?
For how long and at what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather ?
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one immersion suit for each person
portable fire-extinguishing equipment suitable for oil fires
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one immersion suit for each person
a radar reflector or a radar transponder
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Lower rescue boat to water
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the muster station?
Wait for the order to put on your life jacket
Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship drills corresponds to present SOLAS regulation?
Drills shall be conducted when the ship is in a harbour.
All lifeboats shall be lowered during drills.
On ships on short international voyages, each lifeboat shall be launched and manoeuvred in the water at least every six months.
Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned crew, and manoeuvred in the water at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill.
What is the purpose of the LD (low duty) compressors on an LNG carrier?
To deliver inert gas and to aid cooling down of the cargo tanks.
To transfer cargo vapour to the shore installation during loading operations.
To handle the LNG boil-off vapour for fuelling the boiler.
To discharging the LNG cargo at a slow rate.
If a seaman has to walk across a stow of cartons containing perishable foodstuffs what should he do to minimise the risk of damage to the contents? Select the most appropriate option from those given.
He should step on the middle of the cartons.
All parts of the carton are of equal strength and therefore it doesn't matter which part he steps on.
He should step on the edges of the cartons.
He should step on the corners of the cartons.
If an inhibitor is added to an oil cargo, which of the following is a summary list of items to be included on its accompanying certificate?
Inhibitor name; amount added; date added; period of efficiency; precautions if voyage length exceeds that period; eventual temperature limitation.
Inhibitor class; amount added; date of expiry; minimum period of optimum efficiency; precautions to be taken when added; minimum temperature requirement.
Inhibitor class; percentage blended; date added; maximum period of efficiency and applicable temperature limits; maximum storage period on board; contact number of manufacturer.
Inhibitor name; percentage applied; date of expiry; precautions to be taken on voyage and interval of application; maximum temperature at which continuously effective.
A conventional reefer vessel fitted with derricks has four large diameter Yokohama fenders supplied by the charterer. What kind of cargo operation from those given in the options is the vessel most likely being chartered for?
Loading at a dock equipped with poor fendering.
Loading cargo from barges.
Transhipment in the open sea directly from fishing boats.
Loading at a dock which experiences a large tidal range and at which strong winds are common.
Under international regulations where should draught observations be recorded?
On a RoRo vessel, what standing instruction should be given to protect the Ramps when loading ro-ro units?
Damaged units should be rejected for loading
All ro-ro units must be thoroughly checked for damage prior to the loading ramp
Units whose weights exceed the ramp load density/SWL must not be loaded
What is the full name of the International Convention dealing with stability of passenger ships?
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
International Safety Management code
On a Container vessel, what is the function of a lashing plate?
As tie down point for turnbuckles on deck or hatch cover
A means of securing buttresses under-deck
A means of securing the hatch covers
A means of securing lashing chains
It is possible to successfully mix certain types of refrigerated cargo in the same space if they are compatible. Sometimes apparently dissimilar cargoes can be successfully mixed. Which one of the combinations given in the options could be successfully carried as a mixed cargo in the same cargo space?
Oranges and rock lobster.
What is "Viscosity"?
The property of a liquid which determines its resistance to flow.
The scale which records the pour point of liquids.
The ability of a substance to overcome friction.
When discussing oil tanker design, what do the letters "VLCC" stand for?
Variable Level Cargo Container
Virtual Loss (of) Cargo Capacity
Very Large Combination Carrier
After washing with fresh water how would you know whether salt remains in the cargo holds of a Bulk Carrier?
By carrying out a visual inspection of the cargo holds
By carrying out silver nitrate tests which should turn milky in the presence of chlorides
Using silver nitrate which should remain colourless in the presence of salt
By appointing a surveyor to inspect the cargo holds
A refrigerated container vessel described as being 'con-air' would most likely maintain perishable products by which of the following means?
By supplying fresh water to the holds for additional cooling of suitable integral units.
Electric power supplied to clip on units which are attached to the reefer containers.
Cold air delivered direct to the containers via a system of ducts.
Electric power supplied direct to the containers via connections on deck and in the holds.
When do vertical accelerations acting on containers reach their maximum values?
When a ship is changing direction at its extreme angle of pitch and roll simultaneously
When a ship is changing direction at its extreme angle of pitch
he instrument most widely used for testing of semiconductor diodes is
What are the type of signal output is derived from a NiCr/Ni thermocouple?
What sort of information must an inhibitor certificate contain?
Inhibitor name, number of cargo tanks inhibited, duration of effectiveness of inhibitor, expected duration of sea voyage and temperature limitation qualifying the lifetime of the inhibitor
Inhibitor name, number of cargo tanks inhibited, duration of effectiveness of inhibitor, expected duration of sea voyage and date the cargo tanks are inhibited
Inhibitor name, date inhibited and expire date of the inhibitor
Inhibitor name, concentration of inhibitor, duration of effectiveness of inhibitor, expected duration of sea voyage, temperature limitation qualifying the lifetime of the inhibitor and number of cargo tanks inhibited
What general background colour is used on warning signs which require a specific "mandatory" action, such as one which might require the wearing of a safety harness during a particular work task?
Which symptoms would indicate piston blow-by when operating a 4 stroke trunk piston type engine ?
Increased pressure in the air inlet manifold.
Increased pressure in the crankcase and smoke at the crankcase vent.
Smoke and sparks from the scavenge manifold drains..
Increased temperature in the inlet air manifold on the engine.
Which of the following alternatives are recommended when decanting water overboard from the sloptank?
Maintain a speed of at least 12 knots when pumping overboard
Leave a "cushion"of water in the sloptank, to minimize the risk of polluting the sea
Using dispersing chemicals in the sloptank
Discharge under the waterline to avoid any sheen on the surface
A conventional reefer vessel is loading cargo of palletised fruit under controlled atmosphere (CA). Which of the given options is it essential that the deck officer confirms at completion of loading and before applying CA to the cargo?
All of the cargo hatches are sealed properly.
All of the cargo hatches are closed properly.
All personnel are out of the cargo holds.
That there is a tight stow in the cargo hatches.
What kind of Crude Oils are required by MARPOL to be specifically listed in a tanker's Crude Oil Washing manual as unsuitable for cleaning by that method?
Those with highbenzene content.
Those with high basic sediment and water content.
Those with high pour point or viscosity.
Those on the IMO Oil Tanker Technical Committee COW banned list.
An OBO or O/O carrier, due to the movement of liquid in a cargo hold during rough weather, the possibility of liquid entering the inert gas piping is great. To avoid this U-bends are sometimes fitted on the line emerging from the hatch coaming. These bends generally have a drain cock at the bottom. These cocks should be:
Opened and checked every day irrespective of the weather?
Opened after rough weather or before loading/discharging or transferring cargo to check for liquid accumulation and contents drained into a drip pan.
Left open during rough weather to prevent liquid being trapped in the U-bend and blocking the line?
Is it required to have full secondary barrier on spherical Type "B" tanks?
Yes, and the secondary barrier must be able to contain tank leakage for a period of 15 days.
Yes, if the tank is not crack propagation resistant.
Yes, it is required to have full secondary barrier.
Only partial secondary barrier required.
The picture shows the component parts of a fluorescent light (items 10 to 14) above a circuit diagram (items 1 to 9). Between which terminals of the circuit should the ballast (or choke) be connected?
In some reefer trades cargoes of chilled horse meat carcasses are stowed hanging from deckhead rails in refrigerated locker spaces. What position should the centre of gravity be assumed to be at when carrying out the stability calculations for a vessel with such a stow?
At the mid-height of the hanging carcasses.
At the deckhead of the lockers.
At the point indicated for the lockers in the approved stability handbook.
At the point indicated for the lockers in the approved stability handbook with an arbitrary adjustment to take account of the centre of mass of the hanging carcasses.
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar / 4-20mA for level measurement. The transmitter is for different reasons installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank, and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is full? (Pending no calibration is made)
What danger is associated with damaged expanded metal gratings on loading ramps?
Vehicles’ windscreens may be damaged during cargo operations
The front and/or rear ends of vehicles may be damaged during cargo operations
Vehicles’ tyres may be damaged during cargo operations
The load density of the ramp will be affected
How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in various conditions, including righting after capsizing?
Which of the following cargoes will easily tip over in heavy weather?
Flatbed trailers carrying transformers
Transformers and machinery shipped in high wooden crates
Who must make and sign the individual entry for a loading, discharging or cleaning operation in the Cargo Record Book?
The officer (or officers) in charge of that operation.
The Officer of the Watch at the commencement of that operation.
The pupman or other crewmember assigned to carry out that operation.
On a RoRo vessel, why is it necessary to maintain safety markings/luminous paint on pillars in ro-ro decks?
To comply with the company's standing instructions
Because it is a port state control requirement
To comply with the ship's Planned Maintenance Schedule
To prevent damage during cargo operations
The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and / or marine pollutants is regulated under which international guidelines?
Protocol I of MARPOL 73/78.
The UN Convention on the Reporting of Accidents and Incidents which Present a Hazard to the Marine Environment 2004.
Appendix B of the Supplement to the IMDG Code.
The auxiliary boiler for the supply of low pressure heating steam has an automatic combustion control which operates on a two step control principle. The boiler fails to attempt to start up during a period of normal operation even though the steam pressure has fallen below the set point. What is the most likely cause of this fault?
The photocell for detecting flame on is dirty.
The pressure switch for the combustion air supply is faulty and remains open.
The pressure switch for low steam pressure is faulty and fails to close.
The electrical supply for the control system is isolated.
Where will you find the Dangerous Goods List?
In chapter 3.6 of the IMDG Code volume 2
In chapter 3.2 of the IMDG Code volume 2
In the Cargo Securing Manual
The effective stability of a tug, when assisting a vessel to manoeuvre, can be decreased by hydrodynamic interaction with the ship it is assisting. Where is the most dangerous position of the tug relative to the ship, for this adverse affect to be found?
The most dangerous position is when the tug is alongside the amidships section of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug has made fast the towing spring and is then moving ahead of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the stern of the larger vessel and enters into its associated positive pressure field.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the bow rounding the forward shoulder of the larger vessel.
What will happen when you start a centrifugal pump with the delivery valve closed?
The starting load on the motor will cause overload.
The pump will lose suction.
The delivery pressure will be large causing the relief valve to open.
The starting load on the motor will be minimum.
A two step controller (open/close) has failed and the only available spare controller is a P+I controller. Select, from the options given, how the P+I controller could be set up to achieve approximate two step control.
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
What problem is associated with the use of twistlocks?
Sliding of containers when a vessel is pitching or surging
Susceptibility to wear and tear
Failure during heavy weather
The mixed use of left and right-handed twistlocks on the same vessel
Which oxygen content shall we measure before entering a tank or space after venting?
The oxygen content shall be measured to 10,8% by volume
The oxygen content shall be measured to minimum 19% by volume
The oxygen content shall be measured to 21% by volume
We don’t need to measure the oxygen content
What is the most important consideration when planning the lashing system for a particular sea route on a General Cargo Vessel?
Encountering heavy weather
The breaking strength of lashing materials
The size and weight of general cargo items to be loaded
What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?
25-50% of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
The percentage is not specified.
100% of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
5-15% of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
What is one reason for repeating a command to passengers in an emergency?
You can establish your presence.
You won't have to say the command more than twice.
You don't have to be as clear in what you say.
More people will have a chance of hearing the command.
When disconnecting the cargo hose after discharging, some oil is drained into the drip-tray under the manifold which already contains a small amount of dirty water. What is the correct way to dispose of this oil?
Drain it to a cargo tank.
Mix in an appropriate quanoity of dispersant chemicals and drain it overboard when in open water.
Drain it overboard when the vessel is 50 nautical miles off the coast.
Transfer it to the sloptank and later discharge it to a reception facility.
What is the procedure if a tank lorry containing dangerous goods is not clearly marked?
As long as the driver looks ok, load the cargo
Ask the driver to write a declaration of contents and load the vehicle
Load it, usually tank lorries are not clearly marked
Refuse to load the vehicle
LNG carriers often operate between two fixed ports. Why is there likely to be a significant difference in the amount of LNG onboard arriving at the discharge port compared to the amount onboard departing the loading port?
Part of the cargo is used as ship's fuel in the form of boil off gas.
Inefficient reliquefaction plant operation means only some of the vapours are recovered.
Normal leakage through the cargo containment system leads to loss of cargo.
The vapours are constantly vented to atmosphere.
Whish of the following disposal would be permitted?
Food waste from a vessel outside a special area and 10 miles from nearest land
Food waste from a vessel inside a special area and 10 miles from nearest land
Paper products from a vessel inside a special area and 15 miles from the nearest land
Food waste from a vessel outside a special area and 12 miles from the nearest land
During maintenance work at sea an engine room rating is moving a heavy component to the workshop using a chain block attached to an overhead trolley on a rail. Part way through the operation the rating is asked by the engineer to go immediately to the store for some equipment. What should the rating do?
Immediately land the component on the deck and secure it to a hand rail stanchion and go and get the equipment from the store.
Leave the component suspended from the chain block and go and collect the equipment from the store.
Continue with the moving operation until the component is properly secured in the workshop before going to the store for the equipment.
Immediately land the component on the deck but leave the chain block attached and go and collect the equipment from the store.
What is the main reason for sometimes having a separate forced lubrication system for the camshaft on large cross head engines?
To prevent the camshaft system being contaminated with any water leaking into the main lubrication system from faulty cylinder liner seals.
Because the camshaft lubrication system has a lower pressure than the main lubrication system.
To prevent any fuel leakage from the high pressure fuel pumps contaminating the oil in the main lubrication system.
Because the camshaft system uses a different grade oil from that used in the main lubrication system.
What will occur within the cargo tank if Crude Oil Washing is undertaken with oil containing a substantial amount of water?
It will be impossible to separate the oil and water at a later stage
Ther will be inadequate drainage due to emulsification
An electrically charged mist may be generated
It will assist in the cleaning of the tank
What type of lashing arrangement are needed on weather deck for securing two container high?
Twistlocks and rods with turnbuckles?
No lashing arrangement needed?
What is the IMDG-Code?
A code issued by IMO for use onboard vessels carrying persistent oil in bulk?
A code issued by IMO for use onboard vessels carrying packaged dangerous goods?
A colour code for identification of different cargo lots when more than one lot is stowed in same hold?
The new name for the MARPOL convention?
What pressure shall a cargo hose be marked with?
Maximum working pressure times 1,5
Safety relief valve setting
Maximum allowable working pressure
During cargo operation damage occur to the ship's gear or equipment. What to do first?
Report to the stevedore superintendent?
Report to the chief officer or chief engineer.
Report to the Port Captain?
Just place the damage gear or equipment out of the way?
How often should cargo hoisting equipment be thoroughly examined?