The test consists of random questions on a selected topic.
Falls used in launching shall be turned end for end at an interval of not more than X months and to be renewed not later than every Y years, where the intervals are:
A lifejacket or immersion suit light has a luminous intensity of, and is capable of working at minimum for a period of:
2 candelas (about 1,7 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 8 hours
2 candelas (about 1,7 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 4 hours
0,75 candelas (about 0,6 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 8 hours
0,75 candelas (about 0,6 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 4 hours
Welding and use of open flames on board tankers in operation are subject to regulation laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (Norwegian Ship Control Legislation - NSCL). Which of the listed requirements regarding washing and gas freeing before hot work in cargo tanks corresponds to these regulations? (NSCL 22/1294/6).
During loading and discharging of liquified gases and cargo with a flashpoint below 60° C, the use of open flames in machinery and boiler spaces must not take place.
For ships provided with inert gas system minor welding work may be permitted.
No welding or hot work on board ships carrying cargo with flashpoint below 60° C must take place in the tank area before the cargo has been discharged and gas freeing carried out.
The ventilation system shall have a capacity of at least two changes of air per hour for work in enclosed spaces.
Which element must be removed to extinguish a fire?
Either of the mentioned elements
Fuel oil from a leaking fuel pipe has been collected in a drip tray under the boiler furnace. The oil is suddenly ignited by a backflash from the boiler burner. You are in the boiler room and you may chose among various extinguishers. Which one can you use?
Any of the mentioned extinguishers
For a DSC-connection (no ‘distress alert’) with another vessel the following frequencies are used:
TX: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2187.5 kHz
Tx: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2182.0 kHz
TX: 2189.5 kHz RX: 2189.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
The DSC-controller display the following: DOO: 244562000 CH16 ; S distress sinking After receiving this DSC message the following is done immediately:
Give a “DSC-acknowledgement”
Listen out on VHF channel 16
Send a "distress alert relay"
When directing an Inmarsat-A aerial the following is irrelevant:
The azimuth of the satellite
The heading of the vessel
The battery of an EPIRB:
must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded
load must be checked weekly
must be renewed every year
The hydrostatic release of an EPIRB should be changed
The word SHIP is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sugar, Hotel, Italia, Peter
Sierra, Hotel, India, Papa
Singapore, Hotel, India, Paris
Sierra, Hotel, Item, Papa
The word EIGHT is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Echo, India, Golf, Hotel, Tango
Echo, Israel, Golf, Hotel, Tango
Echo, Istria, Gulf, Hotel, Tango
Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90)
Only communication with USCG
Only verbal reports for documentation
Every report or message must be logged including time and date
Only initial reports to be logged
Which of the four calculations below is the correct set up, if you want to find observed latitude when the sun is on the meridian?
Calculation 2 is correct.
Calculation 4 is correct.
Calculation 3 is correct.
Calculation 1 is correct.
What is the flash point of a Class 3.2 substance?
Lower than or equal to 61?C
The ship is berthed in a steady offshore beam wind of 30 knots which suddenly increases to 60 knots. What will be the change of force exerted on the ship driving it off the jetty?
The force will be Doubled
The force will be Tripled
The force will be Quadrupled
The force will be Quintupled
A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0.5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes
A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the required procedure?
The overtaking vessel can overtake but must allow sufficient space to reduce the interaction between the two vessels
The overtaking vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF contact.
There should be no overtaking in these confined waters
The overtaking vessel should request permission to overtake from the Port Control VTS
In the situation illustrated, what should be the distribution of the power requirements from the tugs, if the ship is to be moved sideways without changing the heading? Both tugs have similar bollard pull and are of conventional propulsion.
Much greater power on the forward tug than on the after tug while monitoring the gyro heading
Equal power required by both tugs, but monitor the gyro heading to ensure sideward movement only
It would be very difficult to predict the power requirements in this circumstance and it could only be found by observation.
Much greater power on the aft tug than on the forward tug while monitoring the gyro heading.
You are duty officer on "A" and you are observing "B" on your starboard side. "A" is a heavy loaded tanker, while the other vessel "B" is in ballast. You would like to increase the CPA and reduce the speed to stop your vessel. You are going into the chart room to check the position. The other vessel has engine failure and stops the engine. Suddenly the two vessels are colliding, how can this happen?
It is impossible, since there is a change in the bearing
It is possible since the loaded vessel stops faster than the ballasted vessel
It is possible since the ballasted vessel stops faster than the loaded vessel
It is possible as both vessels will stop at the same rate
What does the abbreviation VHF means ?
An area A1 is:
an area within sight of a MRCC
an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which a continuous watch on channel 16 is available
an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available
an area which extend to 10 nautical miles from the coast stations
Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list ?
the specific duties assigned to passengers that are in charge of a group of others
the abandon ship signal consisting of two long blasts
the muster list has been prepared and approved by the Administration before the ship proceeds to sea
how the order to abandon ship will be given
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signalling
one set of fishing tackle
watertight receptacles containing water for each person
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
a food ration for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one life-jacket for each person
Which one of the given requirements regarding survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements corresponds to the present SOLAS regulations?
Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from accommondation and work areas.
Searchlights to be provided at the launching station.
Davit-launched survival craft muster and embarkation stations shall not be arranged to enable stretchers to be placed in survival craft.
Muster and embarkation stations are to be arranged separately to improve working conditions.
The Muster List shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew. Which of the following duties shall be included according to present regulations?
Ensuring that a sufficient supply of water is brought to the survival crafts.
Ensuring that the passengers' thermal protective aids is brought to the survival craft.
Seeing that the passengers are suitable clad.
Ensuring that a supply of food is brought to the survival crafts.
*An abandon ship drill include definite actings and checkings. Which among the following ones is not mandatory
starting and operating their engines
summoning persons to muster stations
checking that persons are suitably dressed
*Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
ensuring that passengers and crew are made aware of the order to abandon ship
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
Checking passenger's immersion suits
*Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water
Launching and recovery of a survival craft
a mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms
Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk of a fire on board ship. Which of the following safety precautions may be regarded as the most important in order to minimise this particular risk?
Electric welding plants should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
Only use electrodes from a well known manufacturer.
Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board ships.
The area where the welding is to take place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary materials and objects to be removed.
Chemical tankers are built with either "gravity" or "pressure" type cargo tanks. A "gravity" tank is one having a design pressure at the top of the tank of:
In respect of washings from the cargo area of an oil tanker, what is the maximum instantaneous rate of oil that can be pumped into the sea when a vessel is outside a special area, proceeding en route, has in operation a monitoring and control system for the discharge of oil and is located more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land?
0.03 litres per nautical mile.
30 litres per nautical mile.
300 litres per nautical mile.
60 litres per nautical mile.
What is characteristic of titanium, magnesium and lithium catching fire?
There is always risk of explosion
These fires are self-extinguishing
These fires can only be extinguished using water
Due to chemical reactions these cargoes will continue to burn
Following complete shut down of the steam plant, the boiler has been heated in accordance with the correct starting up procedure, and the steam pressure is rising. What is the correct procedure to be adopted when opening the main steam valve to the range?
Use the main steam valve bypass/warming through line to gradually heat up the steam range with the drains open before opening the main valve.
Open the main valve a little bit to allow the range to heat up.
Open the main valve as quickly as possible to get rid of any water that has collected in the steam range.
Don't open the main valve until the boiler reaches normal working pressure.
A loaded bulk carrier experiences heavy ice accretion on deck forward, what are the major concerns of the changes in stability?
Excessive trim by the stern
Reduction of speed and additional fuel consumption
Reduction of metacentric height (GM) and loss of freeboard forward
Increase in metacentric height (GM)
The DoS addresses the responsibility for the security of the water around the ship and the verification of increased threat levels.
Where do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for life-saving appliances?
Life-Saving Apliance Code (LSA Code)
Which of the following is part of the spill response equipment inventory?
A simple level control for a water tank consists of a horizontal lever with a float at one end and a filling valve at the other. The lever is provided with an adjustable pivot positioned between the valve and the float. How will the 'offset' in the system be affected under changing demand conditions if the pivot is moved closer to the filling valve?
It will increase the offset across the demand range.
It will reduce the offset on low demand but increase it during high demand.
It will increase the offset on high demand but reduce it on low demand.
It will reduce the offset throughout the demand range.
Which group of containerised dangerous goods is considered the most hazardous for marine transportation, due to possible decomposition at normal temperatures?
What do the letters "TPC" stand for?
Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion.
What causes shock loads in a container lashing system?
Who is responsible to ensure that all personnel on board are provided with suitable Personal Protective Equipment where it is needed?
What has the cadet been ordered to do?
The Cadet has been ordered to to dismantle the evaporator
The Cadet has been ordered to test the steering gear
The Cadet has been ordered to help the Bo's'un sandblast the poop deck
The Cadet has been ordered to paint the evaporator using a paint brush
Over a period of a few hours of operation the main diesel engine speed gradually falls off. From the options given what is the most likely cause of this fault?
Fouling of turbocharger intake filters.
Injection valve opening pressure is too low.
You are loading a cargo of Vinyl Acetate Monomer to several tanks on board. Tank 6 centre is about to finish and the next tank to load is 2 centre. How will you operate the valves to achieve this change-over?
I will close the valves for tank 6 centre when the required ullage is reached and then open the valves for 2 centre.
When the required ullage is reached in tank 6 centre, I will close the manifold valve, then close the tank valves for that tank. I will then open the tank valves for 2 centre and finally open the manifold valve again. (Using the manifold valve to control the flow avoids any pressure-surge in the shore line).
I will open the valves for tank 2 centre and then close those for 6 centre, as the required ullage is reached.
I will stop loading cargo when tank 6 centre reaches its required ullage and close the valves to that tank. I will then open up the valves to tank 2 centre and resume loading cargo.
Continuity testing of a delta connected three phase induction motor yields the following results; U-V =3 ohms, V-W =3 ohms, W-U =6 ohms.Which of the following is the likely condition?
Short circuit winding between W and U
Open circuit winding between W and U
Short circuit between V and Earth
Partial fault between W and U
What is the meaning of "stand by"?
That you shall keep on with your work.
That you are properly relieved from your duties.
That you shall stand very close to the engineer officer.
That the watch keeping personnel shall be ready for starting or manoeuvring the main engine.
Fully pressurised ships are fitted with type "C" tanks. What is the normal design pressure?
Design pressure of about 12 barg
Design pressure of about 2 barg
Design pressure of about 15 barg
Design pressure of about 18 barg.
During the hose testing of hatch covers what is the maximum distance from which a jet of water must be directed onto each part of every hatch cover joint?
What is ‘Standardized Cargo’?
Cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system
Cargo that is shipped in standard dimensions
A rating on boiler watch notices water coming from the safety valve chest drain while the boiler is in operation. What action should be taken by the rating?
Contact the engineer officer of the watch and inform him immediately.
Put a bucket under the drain to prevent the deck becoming wet and slippery.
Hit the safety valve with a hammer to try and get it to reseat tightly.
Operate the safety valve using the release gear to try and get it to reseat tightly.
Power is available at a three-phase motor starter but nothing happens (at starter or motor) when the start button is operated. Which of the following is a likely cause?
Open circuit in one of motor cables
The diode shown performs which function?
Reference the transistor to +15V.
Provide an overload route for transistor current.
Allow Op Amp to top up +15V rail.
Return inductive current to supply at switch off.
What are the disadvantages of large double bottom tanks on a double hull oil tanker?
The effect of free surface and reduction in the transverse metacentric height.
Suddenly developing a severe trim.
Potential hazards relating to damage to internal structure and pipelines.
Increased longitudinal bending moments.
A positive displacement, rotary type, volumetric flow meter reads low with an error reading of 1% when used to measure flow of heavy oil and 2.5% when used to measure the flow of diesel oil. From the options given select the most likely cause of this difference in error?
The lower mass of diesel oil results in a lower reading.
The higher viscosity of the heavy oil is slowing down the rotary element in the meter.
The low lubricity of the diesel oil is increasing the friction in the rotating element and slowing the rotor down.
The meter is worn internally.
How many rescue boats should be provided on passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two, one on each side of the ship
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
What does the term liquefaction mean with respect to some heavy metal concentrate cargoes on a Bulk Carrier?
The cargo is very dry and will not reach a flow state
The cargo may suffer moisture migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow
The cargo may self-heat on voyage
The cargo pile will always be stable
Which Convention placed on the shipowner an obligation to exercise due diligence to make a ship seaworthy, requiring him "before and at the beginning of a voyage…to….make the ship seaworthy…and…make the holds...and all other parts of the vessel in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation"?
What is shown on the new ‘Marine Pollutant’ label under the IMDG Code?
A dead tree and dead fish
Dead fish and dead sea birds
According to the specification for Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control Systems for oil tankers laid down by IMO, which of the following is the definition of an 'overboard discharge control'?
A system which receives automatic signals of oil content, flow rate, ship's speed, ship's position, date and time.
A system which monitors the discharge into the sea of oily ballast or other oil-contaminated water from the cargo tank areas.
A facility which prevents the initiation of the opening of the discharge valve or the operation of other equivalent arrangements before the monitoring system is fully operational.
A device which automatically initiates the sequence to stop the overboard discharge of the effluent in alarm conditions and prevents the discharge throughout the period the alarm prevails.
On a Container vessel, which of these motions is not taken into account when calculating forces on a container stow?
What is the meaning of "make fast"
Chemical tankers commonly use portable "closed gauging systems". What is the particular safety design feature of such equipment?
They are attached to a special fitting on a tank lid and can only be operated when an indicator shows that the connection is "closed".
They can only be used on tanks in an enclosed area, such as the engine-room.
They allow the contents of a tank to be measured without any lids being opened, so protecting the operator from the possible release of any harmful vapours.
They clearly indicate when the surface of a cargo has been detected because an electrical circuit "closes" and a warning light is displayed.
What is the preferred method of accommodating expansion in cargo pipeline systems on gas carriers?
Use Viking Johnson expansion couplings.
Which of the following letter combinations represents a temperature controller on a process and instrumentation diagram?
During maintenance work on a fuel tank the engine room ratings are removing scale in preparation for re-coating. One of the ratings suddenly notices the smell of fumes even though the atmosphere had been satisfactorily tested before the work started. What action should the ratings take?
Stop work until the smell disappears and then carry on removing the scale.
Leave the tank immediately and have the atmosphere retested.
Ask for another fan to be switched on to increase the ventilation in the tank.
Put on breathing apparatus and carry on with the task.
Which of the following statements is in compliance with international regulations?
The securing of cargoes must be completed before sailing
The securing of cargoes must be completed within two hours of leaving the berth
The securing of cargoes must be completed before the ship leaves the berth
The securing of cargoes may be completed at anchorage
A small electric motor needs to be taken to the bottom plates for fitting to a domestic water pump. It is only just too heavy to be manually carried so is to be lowered using the engine room crane. Which of the options given would be a suitable strop to use for the operation?
Any piece of rope will do as the motor is only just too heavy to carry.
A wire strop which is rated for twice the required load but is out of certification.
Any strop which looks big enough to carry the load.
Any certified strop which has a safe working load greater than the weight of the motor.
Which of the options given is the most likely reason for a drop in pressure at the charge air manifold of a diesel engine?
Air filter to turbocharger fouled or obstructed.
Charge air cooler fouled on waterside
Air passageways or ports to the engine cylinders partly blocked due to fouling.
On a Container vessel, why must duty crew members supervise the lashing of containers?
Because stevedores often apply container lashings haphazardly or place twistlocks incorrectly
Because of local port regulations
Because of time constraints on the vessel towards the end of cargo operations
Because it is an international requirement under the ISM Code
What precautions should be taken, in addition to shutting the main air start valve, if work is to be carried out inside the main diesel engine crankcase?
Engage the turning gear and close every valve on the starting air receivers.
Engage the turning gear and put a notice at each engine control position.
Engage the turning gear, stop the starting air compressors and drain the air receivers.
Keep a man posted in the control room to stop anyone who tries to start the engine.
Give clear, direct instructions in an emergency, and show passengers exactly what they need to do. What is the most important reason for doing this?
3% of passengers have little or no ship safety knowledge.
25% of passengers go into shock.
75% of passengers are confused, and feel helpless.
During 'dry lay up' of a main water tube boiler it is necessary to maintain dry, low humidity environment in the water spaces. Which of the chemicals given in the options would best achieve this condition?
On a RoRo vessel, where will escaping gasoline vapours settle in a cargo hold? If the forced ventilation system is shut down
What does the 1 Engineer want to have done?
He wants the feed water tank cleaned
He wants the feed water tank inspected
He wants the heating coils inspected
He wants the Fitter to Check the CO 2 equipment
The fuel consumption for the main engine is calculated using the readings from the supply and return flow meters which are of the positive displacement type. When compared to the quantities calculated from tank soundings and calibration tables and indicated on the contents gauges the consumption appears consistently high. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this discrepancy?
The supply flow meter is giving too high a reading due to internal wear.
The tank calibration tables are incorrect.
The tank contents gauges are calibrated for the wrong fuel type.
The return flow meter is giving a low reading due to internal wear.
One of the tubes in a seawater cooled condenser is leaking due to being holed half way along its length. What is the most appropriate onboard repair method to be used from the options given?
Roll both ends of the leaking tube using a tube expanding tool.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends with steel screw plugs after cutting an internal thread using a suitable tap.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends using suitably tapered brass plugs.
Blank off the leaking tube by brazing a cap to each end of the tube.
What does a "compactor" do?
It compresses and forms raw meat into burgers, patties and other pre-formed shapes prior to packing and freezing.
It disposes of waste material through high-temperature combustion.
It crushes and compresses garbage, such as food packaging, into a more manageable shape and form prior to disposal.
It crushes and grinds food waste into small particles that can be washed overboard as "grey water".
A seawater pump requires overhaul but there are no spare wear rings for the casing and impeller. It is decided that new wear rings will be fabricated onboard using the ship's lathe. What would be the most suitable material to use to fabricate the rings onboard?
On a RoRo vessel, what is the Maximum Securing Load of web lashings?
60% of the breaking strength
65% of the breaking strength
50% of the breaking strength
Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board passenger ships?
From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location
Captain's- and Chief Officer's office
Many chemical tankers are fitted with deepwell centrifugal cargo pumps. What is the process by which any leakage of cargo or hydraulic oil into the pump cofferdam is detected?
Which of the following is an acceptable reason to avoid a mandatory prewash and may result in an exemption being granted by the Government of the receiving Party?
That the unloaded tank will be washed outside a special area.
That the vessel's stripping system can reduce the residues to less than 10 litres in the relevant tank and its associated piping.
That the vessel temporarily has defective tank cleaning equipment and the prewash will be carried out at the first available opportunity after repairs have been completed and the tank will not be loaded or ballasted before that time.
That the unloaded tank is to be reloaded with the same substance or another substance compatible with the previous one and that the tank will not be washed or ballasted prior to loading.
Achieving a good air flow through the various cargo compartment of a reefer vessel is a principal design aim of a Naval Architect. Which of the options given represents the optimum cargo space shape?
A flared space that would be found in a forward upper deck.
A narrow tapered space as would be found in a forward lower deck.
A long oblong space as would be found in an after upper deck.
A square space as would be found in a midships lower deck.
Liquefied gas is, by IMO, divided into different groups. What is the criterion for this division?
The boiling point, chemical bindings, toxicity and flammability.
The nitrogen and hydrocarbon content.
Which of the following terms may be used to describe a cloth or paper towel which picks up water or spilled liquid easily and effectively?
The wooden hatch gratings (Warkhaus boards) use on the deck of some conventional reefer vessels can become badly damaged during cargo operations, particularly when forklift trucks are being used. Which one of the actions given in the options is the most appropriate to take when considering repairs to these gratings?
Cut a new board into small pieces to repair as many damaged boards as possible.
Use heavy plywood or strong timber to make the repairs.
Use a whole new board whenever possible to achieve the greatest strength.
Use boards that have been previously removed and repaired.
Which of the following cargoes can explode?