Marine (Agency) Services Limited, abbreviated as MAS is MLC-2006 certified from Bureau VERITAS (BV) is a leading & well reputed Ship Manning Agent in Bangladesh, a sister concern of MAS Group. The Company is registered under the joint stock companies and duly licensed as manning agent by the Department of Shipping, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We have started our glorious journey since year 2000 by supplying Bangladesh seafarers towards 17 world class Principal/ Ship-owners / Managers.
Presently, there are 24 full ships which includes 2 VLCC crude oil tanker, 2 oil tankers, 6 containers and 12 bulkers with totally manned by Bangladesh crew through our agency and at the same time more than 90 part ships of bulker/ oil tanker / chemical tanker/ storage tanker/ container/coaster supply vessel.
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