Test for seamans about Deck department, Management level, Chemical Tanker (CES v6.0)

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Тест состоял из 80 случайных вопросов.
Всего вопросов по данной теме: 196
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Правильные ответы:

To what pressure will a new length of cargo hose be tested by a manufacturer prior to its supply to a vessel for service onboard a chemical tanker?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Not less than one and a half times its nominal bursting pressure, but not more than four-fifths of its specified maximum working pressure.

You are to load a number of chemical cargoes in Rotterdam in December, for eventual discharge in Australia, after the ship has called at Singapore and Malaysia. None of the cargoes on board at any stage of the voyage require heating. None of the tanks to be discharged in Singapore and Malysia will require hot washing after discharge. What will need to be considered when determining the filling limits of the tanks containing the Australian cargoes?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The maximum anticipated temperature that the cargoes will reach bearing in mind ambient air and sea temperatures to be encountered on passage, so that any expansion does not result in overflow.

The compensation payment by the charterer that is due when a vessel is unable to load / discharge her cargo within the allowed and contracted time is referred to as:

Ваш ответ правильный:


The “dew point” of a liquid chemical can be defined as:

Ваш ответ правильный:

The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.

You can reduce the need for security guards in certain areas by installing:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Anti-intruder devices.

During the survey of Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) equipment, which document must be available to the surveyor to demonstrate compliance with SOLAS?

Ваш ответ правильный:

A report giving the result of the Conformance Test issued by an Application Service Provider on behalf of an Administration.

The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Equally spaced not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm.

The mode J2B is used:

Ваш ответ правильный:

For radiotelex-traffic in the MF/HF band between the ship and shore stations.

Who are responsible for safe working conditions onboard?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Master, Chief Engineer & Chief Officer.

Where would you find the document relating to the “Condition of Freeboard Assignment” onboard?

Ваш ответ правильный:

With the Loadline Certificate.

Which of the following is a coast station MMSI?

Ваш ответ правильный:

What type of vessel would show the illustrated lights?

Ваш ответ правильный:

A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on.

To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides.

A large tanker is proceeding slowly up a narrow channel, using its own engines and assisted by the use of one tug. Where should the tug be connected to assist the ship in maintaining its course in the centre of the channel?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Made fast on a line through the centre lead astern.

A satellite receives the transmissions of the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB. The transmissions of the EPIRB will be:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Always passed on to a LUT.

Not counting actual capacity or structural and cargo specific limitations, the IBC Code states that for a single tank on a type 3 chemical tanker:

Ваш ответ правильный:

There is no filling restriction for a type 3 chemical tanker.

A small vessel with a right handed propeller and no thruster is approaching a berth with an onshore wind. What is the best way to have a controlled berthing?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Dredge a forward anchor, working the engine and rudder against it to keep the stern up.

Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the Master on the other vessel?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Name of vessel; IMO number; Port of registry; Port of destination of your vessel.

For security purposes, the IMDG Code should be read in conjunction with the:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and Part A of the ISPS Code.

A tank which contained a category “X” product must undergo a prewash before leaving port in compliance with MARPOL. The resulting residues shall be discharged to a reception facility until the concentration of the substance in the effluent, as indicated by analysis of samples of the effluent taken by the authorized surveyor reaches a certain level. What is that level?

Ваш ответ правильный:

0,1 % by weight.

On area A4 the function “Transmission and reception of signals for locating” is mainly based on:

Ваш ответ правильный:

The use of SART transponders.

Onboard training should be organised in such a way that:

Ваш ответ правильный:

It is an integral part of the overall training plan.

The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Equally spaced, not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm.

On area A4 the function “Transmission and reception of on scene communications” is mainly based on:

Правильный ответ:

The use of MF and/or VHF R/T.

Ваш ответ:


When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws, who may be held responsible?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Any one involved in the operation.

What is the MARPOL definition of a “high-viscosity substance”?

Ваш ответ правильный:

A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa×s at the unloading temperature.

If your chemical tanker is equipped with high velocity venting valves, at what minimum height above the weather deck or catwalk should they be installed?

Правильный ответ:

3 metres.

Ваш ответ:

6 metres.

In a typical shipboard de-humidifier plant as may be found on a modern chemical tanker, operating on a “rotating bed” principle, what names are given to the two parts of the rotating bed?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The “process sector” and the “reactivation sector”.

What is the probable cause of an error in the position shown on a GPS receiver set into “2D” fixing?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Incorrect height of the antenna set into the receiver.

The carriage of a new Noxious Liquid Substance not yet listed in the IBC Code may be considered possible, provided it is achieved through a “tri-partite” agreement between:

Ваш ответ правильный:

The Port State of the Shipper/the Flag State of the Carrier/the Port State of the Receiver.

A SART is used by a vessel in distress. This SART is seen on the screen of a:

Ваш ответ правильный:

3 Cm radar.

A chemical tanker may be granted, by the Government of the receiving Party, an exemption from carrying out a mandatory prewash provided that the:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Unloaded tank is to be reloaded with the same substance or another substance compatible with the previous one and that the tank will not be washed or ballasted prior to loading.

Wire antenna of 12 metres long is probably:

Ваш ответ правильный:

A MF/HF-antenna.

The minimum permissible distance measured horizontally between the ship’s shell plating and the outer side bulkhead of the first cargo compartment on a type II chemical tanker is:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Not less than 760 mm.

Cargo residues of certain chemical substances are permitted to be removed by ventilation. This may be carried out provided that:

Ваш ответ правильный:

That the cargo discharged has a vapour pressure greater than 5 KPa at 20 °C.

When using an ENC chart to passage planning, why should a scale at or near its compilation scale always be used?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The chart detail is correct for its usage band.

A DSC distress alert is received. The message states that communication by radiotelex is preferred. One preferably uses:

Ваш ответ правильный:

FEC mode.

Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Ch. 13.

What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Stop engine(s).

While navigating using a paper chart marked WGS84 the OOW plots the ships position by four different methods and they all give slightly different positions. Which of the following would be considered the most accurate.

Ваш ответ правильный:

Radar ranges from two radar destinctive headlands.

When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship?

Ваш ответ правильный:

A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea.

Which of the following is a definition of “dew point”?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.

The relay of a distress-call by an RCC for coast-station begins with:

Ваш ответ правильный:


Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life-rafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances.

The “dew point” of a liquid chemical can be defined as:

Ваш ответ правильный:

The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.

If all indications are that a cargo has been received without damages, irregularities or short shipment and the phrase “apparent good order and condition” is entered on the Bill of Lading, then this Bill is this said to be:

Ваш ответ правильный:

A clean Bill of Lading.

A DSC distress alert single frequency call attempt is awaiting acknowledgement:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Automatically repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes.

You are close to the entrance to a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does it mean?

Ваш ответ правильный:

That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length.

Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of life-saving appliances correspond to present regulations?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance with the regulations shall be provided.

As per SOLAS regulations, the general emergency alarm system must be tested:

Правильный ответ:

Every week.

Ваш ответ:

Every month.

On a chemical tanker having 2 foam tanks for deck monitor use the foam quality has been found to have deteriorated. A new supply of foam is ordered. Your usual chandler does not have the required quantity of foam in one type and offers 2 types of foam instead, one for each tank. You would:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Reject the offer?

By what formula is the displacement calculated? W = Displacement; L = length; B = Breadth; D = depth of vessel; Cb = Block Coefficient; Cw = Coefficient of waterplane; RD = relative density.

Ваш ответ правильный:

W = L×B×d×RD.

A message is send by the Inmarsat-C set. The land earth station will:

Правильный ответ:

Only send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender if the sender requested, so in the send menu.

Ваш ответ:

Never send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender. The addressed will have to confirm the message through the ground-station and request for further information, if desired.

Which of the following requirements regarding on board stability data corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.1).

Ваш ответ правильный:

A calculation example showing the use of “KG” limitation curves.

For how long time must the printout from the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME) be retained onboard?

Ваш ответ правильный:

3 years.

What nominal filling restriction exists under the IBC Code for a single tank on a type III chemical tanker? Not counting actual capacity or structural and cargo specific limitations.

Ваш ответ правильный:

There is no filling restriction for a type III chemical tanker.

Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the individuals is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.

What is the correct setting of the “Anti Sea Clutter” control on the radar?

Ваш ответ правильный:

A few sea returns remaining on the screen.

Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the Master on the other vessel?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Name; Port of registry; Port of destination of your vessel.

What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Vegetable/Fish oil.

By the term “Stand by” the operator of a coast-station means that one should:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Wait until the coast-station calls again.

What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire being reported to the bridge during the 00:00 to 04:00 watch?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Sound the Fire Alarm.

The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:

Ваш ответ правильный:

12th day, 13:10 hours UTC.

You are on a 10 000 ton chemical tanker that in addition to fixed foam monitors, is equipped with portable foam applicators. One of the applicators is lost. When ordering a new one you would order one with:

Ваш ответ правильный:

A throughput of at least 400 litres a minute and a “throw” of 15 metres?

Your chemical tanker is fitted with sumbersible deepwell cargo pumps. When stripping a tank, if excessive air is allowed to be drawn into the suction line, which of the following may occur?

Правильный ответ:

The pump will “race” and there will be a loss of suction.

Ваш ответ:

Control of the operation will be lost and the tank will rapidly empty.

“Passivation” is a restorative process periodically applied to stainless steel tanks on a chemical tanker. What effect does this process have on the steel surface?

Ваш ответ правильный:

It restores and reforms the passive Chromium Hydroxide surface layer.

What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Incorrect height of the antenna.

A tanker in ballast, having recently left the discharge port is involved in a collision. The two vessels are still interlocked after the collision and a survey of the ships gives all crew members are safe and the damage is focussed to the vicinity of the impact. What should be the greatest concern at this time?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The ships moving together in the swell/seaway will cause a spark and consequently an explosion.

How often shall each member of the crew participate in an “abandon ship”-drill?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Once every month.

Chemical tankers of 20 000 tonnes DWT or above, with a keel laid on or after 1st July 1986, when carrying flammable products with a flashpoint not exceeding 60 °C, such as those listed in chapters 17 and 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code, are exempt from the requirement to be fitted with and use an inert gas plant provided certain conditions are met. Which of the following is a summary of those conditions?

Ваш ответ правильный:

The cargo tank does not exceed 3 000 cubic metres capacity/each tank washing machine nozzle does not exceed 17,5 cubic metres per hour delivery rate/the total wash water input to the tank from all tank washing machines does not exceed 110 cubic metres per hour.

A MF/HF-DSC multi-frequency call attempt may:

Ваш ответ правильный:

Be repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes.

A cargo pumproom or other enclosed space which contains cargo handling equipment on a chemical tanker shall be fitted with a mechanical ventilation system, capable of being controlled from outside the space. What is the minimum number of atmosphere changes per hour, based on the total volume of the space, that such a system must deliver?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Not less than 30 charges per hour.

Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board?

Ваш ответ правильный:


As per IMDG Code, the term “separated from” can be defined as:

Ваш ответ правильный:

In different compartments or holds when stowed “under deck”. Provided an intervening deck is resistant to fire and liquid, a vertical separation may be accepted as equivalent. For “on deck” stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 6 metres.

A “Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports” (SITREPs) should be used by vessels in distress. The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details). Which of the following information shall be included when using the “short form”?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Weather on-scene.

Which of the following groups of chemical cargoes is particularly susceptible to polymerisation, especially through exposure to heat?

Ваш ответ правильный:


When loading oil in oil tankers, why are you only allowed to load maximum 98 % of the tank capacity?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Due to temperature expansion.

What are the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual?

Ваш ответ правильный:

I – Organization and Management II – Mission Co-ordination III – Mobile Facilities.

MARPOL 73/78 defines a “high viscosity substance” as:

Ваш ответ правильный:

A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the unloading temperature.

The portable walkie talkies required to be carried by GMDSS regulations should have which channels as a minimum?

Ваш ответ правильный:

Channels 6, 13 & 16.