Тест для Officers onboard about Navigation, Operational Level (CES v6.0)

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Правильні відповіді:

How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage.

What sound signal shall be used on ship’s whistle when there is a man overboard?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

3 long blasts repeatedly.

Two ships travelling in opposite directions are to pass each other in a narrow river, as illustrated. Explain what is likely to happen as they pass each other?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Due to interaction, the bows will repel each other, and then when alongside each other the two ships will be sucked together and finally the sterns will be repelled as they start to pass clear.

You are in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That there is a vessel in distress nearby.

The position of the ship provided by the GPS should always be confirmed by other means, when possible. Which of the following suggested methods would be the most accurate?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The ranges of three distinctive shore objects on the radar.

In the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force, what is the Beaufort number associated with the wind force known as a “Gale”? This should not be confused with a “Near Gale” or “Strong Gale”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Eight (8).

You are on a tug and are towing an unmanned barge. You are restricted in your ability to manoeuvre. The total length of the tow is 219 metres. What daylight signals are required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A diamond shape, where it can best be seen shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. Three shapes shall also be displayed in a vertical line, the upper and lower being balls and the middle one a diamond. Diamond shape.

What is the purpose of a sea anchor?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To keep the lifeboat steady against the sea/wind.

If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector.

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.

You are on a sailing vessel, underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the starboard bow, on a steady bearing and the distance is closing. By the International Regulations for the Preventing Collisions at Sea, what action will you follow?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

By Rule 18, a power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel. I will maintain my course and speed, but will continue to monitor situation to ensure the other vessel takes avoiding action.

When navigating along a coastline what should be considered the most accurate method of navigating?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Use of Differential GPS.

How can an ARPA assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the entrance to a channel?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Select ground stabilised true motion display and alter course so that own ships true vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel.

What is the correct understanding of the term “a ship with good Directional Stability”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A ship which when the rudder is left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course.

You are approaching a port in a snowstorm. You hear this signal. What kind of vessel is it and what is it doing?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the water.

You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port bow, on a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action will you take in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea.

Ваша відповідь правильна:

This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep clear and will take appropriate avoiding action.

Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any misunderstanding in communications?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet.

What are the immediate duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly runs into a fog bank?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Commence sounding the fog signal, engines on standby, call the Master and lookout, if not already on duty.

The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a magnetic compass. How should an error of 5° WEST be applied to the compass bearings?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Subtract 5° to the bearings.

What is the situation of this vessel?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

This vessel is not under command, but is making way through the water.

When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Make two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts, fig. 4.

This vessel is sighted ahead and slightly to port. What is her situation? What will you do?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

This vessel is aground. I will navigate with extreme caution given the nature of the hazard.

Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct for an observer in position Latitude 30° 00′ North; Longitude 15° 00′ West, when observing the sun on the meridian, if the sun’s Declination is 15° 00′ South?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Figure 4 is correct.

Which of the following answers correctly specify the following most common rudders? a) UNBALANCED, b) BALANCED, c) SEMI-BALANCED and d) UNDERHUNG BALANCED. i. e. The number in the picture is related to the letter adjacent to the name of the rudder.

Ваша відповідь правильна:

1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c and 4 = d.

What is the correct understanding of the term “Isobar”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An “Isobar” is a line joining places of equal pressure.

The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous navigational area. What is the probable cause of the error?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An uncorrected course and speed error.

Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the ARPA for anti-collision purposes?

Правильну відповідь:

The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.

Ваша відповідь:

True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships.

You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.

What is the description for a sidelight, as shown in rule 21 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?

Правильну відповідь:

A green light on the starboard side and red light on the port side, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 112,5°, from right ahead to 22,5° abaft the beam on the respective side.

Ваша відповідь:

A red, green or yellow lantern, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 112,5°.

Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the ARPA for anti-collision purposes?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.

A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the required procedure?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The overtaking vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF contact.

Who is responsible for the number and the position of any tugs to be used during a mooring operation?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The Master, with consideration of the advice of the pilot.

A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much area should this be to call it a balanced rudder?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It should be about 20 %.

A tug is moving towards the bow of the ship to make fast and is in the vicinity of the ship’s shoulder, as illustrated. What specific danger should be considered when making this approach to the bow?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The tug may be turned across the bow of the ship and also suffer a lose of stability with a danger of being turned over if touched by the ship.

If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first action that should be taken?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Attempt to establish contact with the distressed vessel.

What are the additional duties required by the Officer of the Watch when navigating in fog?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Sound fog signal, effective radar watch reporting ship movements to Master and keep a good lookout for ships and fog signals.

The lights here show those that must be exhibited by a vessel engaged in towing, as per rule 24 of the International Collision Regulations. But how long is the tow behind this vessel?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It exceeds 200 metres.

You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal to give warning of her position.

What are we seeing here?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on.

The rudder is in the hard over position with the propeller stopped and the ship turning slowly. On a ship with a single fixed pitch right handed propeller and no thrusters, what can be done to make the ship increase the speed of turn without significantly increasing the forward speed of the ship?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Give the engines a short kick ahead.

The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35°. Do you think this is the angle that the rudder is most effective?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30°, this is because the rudder is stalling at 35° angle.

A ship is navigating in the Caribbean in August when it receives the warning of a Hurricane. To determine the centre of the storm the Master uses “Buys Ballot’s Law” and faces the wind. On what side of the Master would the low pressure area be located?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

On the right side.

What is the advantages of a GPS satellite system compared to other navigational aids?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The GPS system gives information about position, speed and time continuously world wide.

What could be the reason for the magnetic compass to swing through large angles when the ship is rolling in a seaway?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The heeling error magnets are upside down and/or not in the correct position.

When should voyage planning be done?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Prior to leaving the berth.

A ship normally turns (swings) around a point which is not the centre of gravity. What is this point normally called?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Pivot Point.

A man is reported to have fallen overboard and the Officer of the Watch releases the lifebuoy and starts a man overboard manoeuvre, who are the first persons onboard he should inform?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Master and Engine Room.

What are the main components causing the magnetic compass to require a regular evaluation and compass correction?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Permanent and induced magnetism in the ships structure.

When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Make two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts, fig. 4.

The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314° and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

True vectors.

Can the OOW be the sole lookout?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

During daylight when visibility and traffic allows.

The tug has been released and is all clear. As officer in charge of that operation, should this be reported and to whom?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Reported all clear to the Bridge.

The ship is to berth alongside a quay in calm conditions of no wind or current. The ship has a single fixed pitch right handed propeller. Which angle of approach would be considered the most favourable?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

No. 2.

Which of the answers best summarises the information which should be provided for the bridge Officer of the Watch within an effective Voyage plan?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

All of the suggested answers.

You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted wide on the port bow. It’s bearing is opening, but its distance is closing rapidly. Which of the following is a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I will continue to monitor the situation.

What, by definition in the International Collision Regulations, is a “vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.

What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Stop engines and call the Master.

When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward anchors, to what particular aspect should the officer of the watch be paying special attention?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to avoid the anchor cables becoming wrapped round each other.

The maximum height that a pilot should be required to climb on a pilot ladder before reaching the deck or stepping onto an accommodation ladder platform is:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

9 mtrs.

What do the shapes that this vessel is displaying tell us about her?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That she is not under command.

The ship is required to be stopped in the water as quickly as possible, but without major changes to the ship’s heading. What is the most effective method to achieve this?

Правильну відповідь:

The use of the rudder hard over both sides combined with reducing engine power, a method known as “high frequency rudder cycling”.

Ваша відповідь:

Put the engine full astern and keep the rudder amidships.

What does this flag mean?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.

What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-water?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Vegetable/Fish Oil.

Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A long ship with a narrow beam.

When should gangway nets be rigged?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Whenever the gangway is rigged.

What corrections must be applied to the echo sounder reading to compare the depth of water with the depth printed on the chart?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Draught of the ship.

The IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases are recommended to be used when the ship’s Officer is verbally talking to whom?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

In circumstances described in all of the answers provided.

You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at 2 minutes intervals. What does it indicate?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.

What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Variation and Deviation.

What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship’s steering gear fails?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

All of the suggested answers.

What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Latitude and Speed.

Which is the “CENTRE LINE”, in the figure?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The Fore and aft Centreline is indicated by A, in the figure.

Where would the “pivot point” be considered to be located when the ship is proceeding at full speed ahead and there is no wind or current?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

At about 1/6 of the ship’s length from the bow.

What is “AIR DRAUGHT”, in the figure?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure.

Which of the following answers most suitably cover the standard duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship is at anchorage?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Display anchor signal, check the ships position and keep a good lookout.

If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a “crash stop” when proceeding at full ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A greater distance.

What is correct UTC in this example? Approx. Pos: N49° 51′ W35° 23′, zone +2, Local Time 0900.

Ваша відповідь правильна:

11 00.

When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a “Temperature Inversion” and may influence the performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Abnormal ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar.

What is happening here?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair trawling), showing the additional volutary signals for hauling nets.

What is the depth of an iceberg below the surface of the sea?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The draught of an iceberg varies with the type of berg and its age.

What is “AIR DRAUGHT”, in the figure?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure.