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Усього питань на цю тему: 301
What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Port 20” and after a while the order: “Ease to 10”?
Apply the wheel to alter the course 20 degrees to port and then after the second command change the heading a further 10 degrees.
Change the compass course to a new heading which is 20 degrees to port of original heading and then after the second command reduce it to only 10 degrees to port of original heading.
Apply 20 degrees of rudder towards port and then after the second command reduce the wheel to 10 degrees of helm.
As per the IMDG Code, an “article” is referred to as:
A device that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
Something that is packed within a freight container.
A device that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction.
A form that contains important information about a hazardous substance.
The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:
12th month, 13th day, 10:00 hours UTC.
12th day, 13:10 hours UTC.
12th day, 13:10 hours local time.
Code signals concerning request and general information on medical matters normally consist of:
Letter M plus two other letters.
Letter P plus two other letters.
Letter D plus two other letters.
Letter H plus two other letters.
If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout?
The lookout should go down the accommodation to see where the relief is and make him/her go to the lookout position.
Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions.
Stay on lookout until the relief eventually arrives.
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice?
The IBC Code prescribes certain design conditions for a cargo heating or cooling system fitted to a chemical tanker. What does it require in respect of pressure within such a system, for any condition other than when it is empty?
That an automatic alarm is fitted to alert the operator when the pressure within the system drops to within 0,2 bar of the pressure measured at the lowest located cargo pressure sensor within the tank.
That the system must be fitted with automatic control valves that will maintain the inlet pressure at not less than 0,2 bar above the return pressure.
That a higher pressure can be maintained within the system than the maximum pressure head that could be exerted by the contents of the cargo tank on that system.
On an oil tanker, are there any restrictions as to the maximum amount of treated water that originates from cargo spaces that has passed through a bilge water separator that can be discharged?
Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/10 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 60 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
There isn’t any restrictions of pumping sludge from ships outside special areas.
The MF/HF-transceiver on board is tuned to the assigned frequency of a station. To make this connection the following mode is used:
Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?
What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?
In a typical shipboard de-humidifier plant as may be found on a modern chemical tanker, operating on a “rotating bed” principle, what names are given to the two parts of the rotating bed?
The “live sector” and the “reserve sector”.
The “active sector” and the “dormant sector”.
The “inbound sector” and “outbound sector”.
The “process sector” and the “reactivation sector”.
What type of search pattern is recommended in the IAMSAR Manual as most effective when the location of the search object is known within relatively close limits?
When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up a pilot and enter harbour, there should be someone required to stand by the anchor forward. How should the anchor be prepared and ready?
The brake may be insufficient to hold the anchor, so leave everything in place except the cement/covering of the chain locker.
The use of the anchor will not normally be required when going straight into port, so the anchor does not need to be prepared, but left ready for going back out to sea.
The brake securely applied, all cement/covering into the chain locker and securing arrangements from windlass removed. The guillotine can remain for removal when ready.
Leave the brake on securely.
What are the conditions that influence the efforts for organising the fire fighting?
Where the fire breaks out, how many fire teams are available, the strength of the fire, the ships mobility, what is burning and communication.
Where the fire breaks out, how many fire teams are available, what is burning, distance to the fire station.
Where the fire breaks out, the ships mobility, distance to the fire station and the size of the fire brigade.
Distance to the fire station and the size of the fire brigade, what is burning possibility to get water.
What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would this be carried out on board?
States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried out.
Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper.
Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor the work activity and review.
Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be required to complete the work.
Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel’s structural strength?
The Flag State Administration.
The Shipping Company and Classification Society.
For how long time should a COSPAS-SARSAT Epirb be able to operate on its batteries?
Measuring the ullage at a cargo tank would mean:
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo.
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck.
IMO MSC.1/Circ 1321 requires that cargo pump rooms on oil tankers shall be mechanically ventilated, using non-sparking suction type fans. What is the minimum number of changes of air per hour that a ventilation system must deliver?
When initially setting up the GPS to provide positions for use with a paper chart, what Chart Datum should be selected:
Select WGS84 and when plotting on the chart apply the stated corrections.
WGS78 and input the corrections stated on the chart into the GPS.
Select the datum stated on the chart in use.
The Muster List shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew. Which of the following duties shall be included according to present regulations?
Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires.
Operation of the vessel’s propulsion system.
Preparation of immersion suits for passengers.
Special duties assigned with respect to the use of pyrotechnics.
Which of the following is most commonly used by the oil industry to assess the volatility of crude oil?
Reid vapour Pressure (RVP).
Methane Evolution Index (CEI).
True vapour pressure (TVP).
Volatile Organic Compound content (%).
As per the OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases both vessels engaged in the cargo transfer operation shall:
Have their main engines ready and available for immediate use.
Their officer of the watch manning the bridge at all times, with engines on 30-minutes notice of readiness.
Have their duty engineers on stand-by so as to prepare the engines if required for use at any time.
Their main engines on 1 hour readiness of readiness.
By what formula is the displacement calculated? W = Displacement; L = length; B = Breadth; D = depth of vessel; Cb = Block Coefficient; Cw = Coefficient of waterplane; RD = relative density.
Inmarsat Telex Service code “31” can be used:
To ask for maritime inquiries.
When the coast-station is disfunctional.
When technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat terminal.
How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once “Man overboard”.
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric installation (for example the main switchboard)?
What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe condition?
Cargo residues of certain chemical substances are permitted to be removed by ventilation. What criteria is applied in determining if a cargo can be cleaned in this way? (Always accepting that local port authorities may have over-riding regulations on ventilation).
That the cargo discharged has a vapour expansion coefficient of at least 1,025.
That the vessel’s ventilation system is capable of delivering a minimum of 20 changes of atmosphere per hour within the compartment.
That the cargo discharged has a vapour pressure greater than 5 KPa at 20 °C.
According to 33 CFR 156.170, for oil tankers trading in US waters, the minimum requirement for testing of cargo transfer hoses and associated piping system are:
That no leakage occurs under static liquid pressure of at least 1,5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
That no leakage occurs under dynamic fluid pressure of less than 1,5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
That no leakage occurs under static liquid pressure of at least 1,25 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
That no leakage occurs at the nominal anticipated working pressure.
On area A3 the function “Reception of shore to ship distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of MF DSC and Inmarsat-C SAFETYNET.
The use of VHF DSC and NAVTEX.
The use of HF DSC and Inmarsat-C SAFETYNET.
On board an oil tanker, slop tanks may be used for the carriage of oil:
When not being used for the carriage of slops and are included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
Slop tanks may only be used for the carriage of oil on clean ballast tankers and are only included in the total cargo capacity of this type of vessel.
Slop tanks may only be used for the carriage of oil cargo by agreement between the shipper, receiver and charterer. They are not normally included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
Slop tanks may not be used for the carriage of oil cargo under any circumstances and are not included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0,5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes.
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard:
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire.
Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
The “dew point” of a liquid chemical is often quoted in the documentation relating to its loading and carriage. Which of the following is a definition of “dew point”?
The temperature at which dry-ice melts in Acetone.
The temperature at which a saturated gas exhibits condensation.
The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.
Referring to the SOLAS convention, how often should a crew member on a cargo ship participate in one abandon ship drill and one fire drill?
This is only required when he joins the ship.
The rotating jet water outlets on tank cleaning machines used on board oil tankers is called:
The prescribed test of EPIRB, SART and portable VHF radio set must be entered in:
Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?
Is it always possible to use the word “ship” instead of the word “boat”?
A boat can only be used for vessels under 50 metres in length.
Normally a small vessel is called a “boat” rather than a “ship”, otherwise it is not important.
Either can be used anytime.
A large vessel is always called a “ship” and never a “boat”.
What is the correct setting of the “Anti sea clutter” control on the radar?
All of the suggested answers.
A few sea returns remaining on the screen.
No sea returns left on the screen which may confuse with small target echoes near the ship.
A removal of all the sea returns down to about a mile from own ship.
In open water, you see a collision between two other ships. What immediate action should you take?
Slow down and standby to see if any assistance is required.
Nothing, proceed on passage unless they are in distress.
The aerial system of an Inmarsat-C terminal consist of:
An omni-directional aerial.
What device can be used by a tug to get a line aboard a disabled vessel in bad weather, when it is dangerous for the tug to get too close?
Every inflatable liferaft, inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units shall be serviced:
A large tanker is proceeding slowly up a narrow channel, using its own engines and assisted by the use of one tug. Where should the tug be connected to assist the ship in maintaining its course in the centre of the channel?
Made fast on a line through the centre lead astern.
Standing-by – Ready for use anywhere, as required.
Made fast on a line through the centre lead ahead.
In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?
What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring?
Safety helmet, safety shoes.
All of the mentioned equipment.
Boiler suit, working gloves.
An inert gas system is used during a Crude Oil Washing operation:
To build up internal pressure and so increase the pumping rate.
To protect the condition of the steel structure of the tank.
By introducing Inert Gas bubbles into the oil, the build up of sediment is kept at a minimum.
To ensure a safe atmosphere in the cargo tank throughout the operation.
According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a person in water of 4-10 °C, without special protective clothing?
When you are on watch during a stay in port, what should you always ensure is ready at the head of the gangway?
Oil tankers are subject to cyclical bending moments throughout their life as a result classification society rules require a specific minimum reduction in steel thickness to be maintained within “x” length amidships, where “x” is:
The system, which uses gases from an oil tankers main or auxiliary boilers?
Combination – inert systems.
When a Master takes the leadership in approaching a problem, Must his first action be a decision that will directly solve the problem?
Yes, take full control. Do not delegate to other officers, to avoid mistake.
Not necessary, he shall use all available resources. He should resist the temptation to step in and do it all by himself.
No, he should observ the situation, and let the other senior officers solve the situation.
Yes, with his experience it is most likely that he has the best solution.
Under most circumstances, how will communication be carried out between a ship and a SAR helicopter?
With an Inmarsat-C terminal the option “PSTN” for addressing is available. This option:
Is to deliver a message by telephone via a modem on the computer of the suscriber.
To have the operator read the message by phone.
Delivers a message as a telegram.
Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the individual is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?
Confront the individual and demand that he open the package.
Call for help on the radio.
Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.
Take the package and open it.
What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate?
Which mooring lines are shown in this picture?
The forward head lines are visible in this picture.
The forward back springs are visible in this picture.
The forward breast lines are visible in this picture.
The forward back springs are visible in this picture.
With a davit launched lifeboat, what weight is required by SOLAS regulations to be used for the 5 yearly test of the davit and brake system?
1,1 times the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
1,25 times the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
0,8 times the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons, equipment and stores.
The equivalent to the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
At what calendar interval must lifting appliances on board a vessel be suitably tested by a competent person?
For the same vessel and the same rudder angle, is the diameter of the turning circle completed at full ahead smaller than one completed at half ahead?
No, the diameter of the turning circle would be almost the same.
No, it will be much larger turning circle at half ahead.
Yes, it would be a much smaller turning circle at half ahead.
Yes, there would be a change of shape of the turning circle; it would have an increase in the transfer, but not the advance.
Ballast introduced into a cargo tank on a chemical tanker which has been washed to such an extent that the ballast contains less than 1 ppm of the substance previously carried may be discharged into the sea without regard to the discharge rate, ship’s speed and discharge outlet location, but under certain conditions. What are those conditions?
That the vessel is not less than 50 miles from the nearest land and is proceeding on route.
Provided the ship is underway and a sample of the ballast water has been drawn from the tank and is stored on board, there are no additional conditions to be imposed on such a discharge.
That the vessel is not less than 12 miles from the nearest land and is in water that is not less than 25 metres deep.
Your vessel is acting as the on scene commander during a distress rescue. Various vessels are interfering the distress traffic on the VHF. What message would you use to stop them interfering with this traffic?
A “Pellistor” is:
It is a sensor that can be used in a combustible gas indicators to detect and measure flammable gas concentration as a percentage of its lower flammable limit.
It is a sensor used in an oxygen analyser that contains a chemical that are very sensitive to changes in the oxygen content of air.
It is a sensor used in a hydrocarbon measuring instrument that undergoes a chemical change in the resence of a hydrocarbon and air mixture.
Where would you find the document relating to the “Condition of Freeboard Assignment” onboard?
With the Loadline Certificate.
With the Structural Survey File.
With the Classification Records.
With the Safety Construction Certificate.
How should you, as helmsman, give feedback to the OOW (officer on watch) that his orders are understood?
You don’t have to give any feedback.
As a result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire. What are your responsibilities?
The other vessel is in distress and if possible I will render assistance.
Depends on in which seawaters we are.
The battery of a SART:
Must be re-charged weekly.
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
Charged condition must be checked weekly.
If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?
The force will be Quadrupled.
The force will be Doubled.
The force will be Tripled.
The force will be Quintupled.
Master of every ship must provide:
The training during crews working hours only.
Proper rest to the crew after each training programme.
Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer.
A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore.
The word SATCOM is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sierra, Alfa, Tango, Charlie, Oscar, Mike.
Sierra, Able, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Man.
Sierra, Anna, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Mike.
Sierra, Able, Tripoli, Charlie, Oscar, Mike.
How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?
10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.
The number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate.
You are on a sailing vessel, underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the starboard bow, on a steady bearing and the distance is closing. By the International Regulations for the Preventing Collisions at Sea, what action will you follow?
By Rule 18, a power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel. I will maintain my course and speed, but will continue to monitor situation to ensure the other vessel takes avoiding action.
This vessel is clearly a power-driven vessel and I anticipate that the bearing will therefore close and she will pass ahead at a safe distance.
Risk of collision is deemed to exist and, as the other vessel is on a steady bearing on my starboard side, I am required to keep out of the way. I will make a broad alteration of course to starboard.
Risk of collision is deemed to exist and, as the other vessel is on a steady bearing on my starboard side, I will maintain my course and speed.
Wire antenna of 12 metres long is probably:
What significant change to the requirements for the carriage of Vegetable Oils in tankers was introduced by the amendments to MARPOL and the IBC Code on 1st January 2007?
They must now be carried in type II tanks.
They must now be carried in double-hull tankers.
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
Dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with.
Don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5 min if it impairs ability to swim.
Jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard.
Perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a rescue boat.
What type of bomb search should you conduct to avoid panic when the credibility of the threat is in doubt and you don’t want to disrupt ship business?
Nominated officers search.
Known hiding spot search.
Which statement best describes what happens to the vessel symbol on an ECDIS set in North-up, true motion mode?
Vessel symbol moves across the screen.
Vessel is stopped on the screen, land moves relative.