Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 470
What is a “cargo plan”, when applied to a ship?
The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities.
The plan showing the cargo spaces and their capacity.
A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo.
The plan to show the staff requirements at each hatch while the ship is loading cargo.
A lifejacket is so constructed that a person can correctly don it within a period of:
To conform with “best practice”, can you drive a crane and stand-by for a colleague who has entered a cargo tank at the same time?
Wearing an immersion suit when abandon ship is effective permits the person:
To jump from a height of 4,5 m into the water without being injured or damaging the suit.
Not to wear a lifejacket because the suit has sufficient buoyancy.
Not to wear warm clothing because the suit has sufficient insulation.
To climb up and down vertical ropes.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “AFT” shown. Which one is the correct one?
Aft is defined as A on the figure.
Aft is defined as C on the figure.
Aft is defined as B on the figure.
Aft is defined as D on the figure.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term “AIR DRAUGHT” are given. Which one is the correct one?
Air draught is given by C on the figure.
Air draught is given by B on the figure.
Air draught is given by A on the figure.
Air draught is given by D on the figure.
Why is an Inert Gas system used during a Crude Oil Washing operation?
To ensure a safe atmosphere in the cargo tank throughout the operation.
To build up internal pressure and so increase the pumping rate.
To protect the condition of the steel structure of the tank.
By introducing Inert Gas bubbles into the oil, the build up of sediment is kept at a minimum.
What would you do if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once, “Man overboard”.
What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board?
The lifting equipment on the vessel must be operated by:
Those ship’s personnel who have been assessed as competent and are duly authorised to do so by the master as per the.
Stevedores, manufacturer’s maintenance engineers and senior ratings only.
Deck officers and ratings, engineering officers and ratings, GP crew if applicable, who are in possession of crane operation training certificates issued by the company.
All deck officers and ratings and selected engineroom personnel.
You must not attempt to move a casualty carelessly, if you suspect patient with:
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BOLLARD” given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by C on the figure.
Bollard is given by D on the figure.
Bollard is given by B on the figure.
Bollard is given by A on the figure.
What should be carried out before entering the pump room?
Always carry a walkie talkie with you into the pump room and call for help immediately if you start feeling dizzy.
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty.
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty and run the ventillation for at least 15 minutes.
Run the ventilation for at least 15 minutes.
A lifejacket has sufficient buoyancy and stability to lift the mouth of an unconscious person at a minimum of:
120 mm above the water (in calm water).
40 mm above the water (in calm water).
160 mm above the water (in calm water).
180 mm above the water (in calm water).
Whenever there is a major bleeding, the first priority should be to:
Take the pulse of the patient.
What do you understand by the term “Let Go” when applied to mooring and unmooring?
Let Go means to cast off the mooring ropes and wires.
Let Go means to let seafarers go ashore.
Let Go means to slacken a mooring rope.
Let Go means to leave the ship.
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
Perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a rescue boat.
Jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard.
Don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5 min. If it impairs ability to swim.
Dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with.
In which ways is heat transmitted?
Conduction, convection and radiation.
Delay, conduction, radiation.
Gasification, conduction and convection.
Radiation and gasification.
How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length?
100 % of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100 % must be provided on each side.
75 % of the complement on each side of the ship.
25 % of the complement on each side of the ship.
50 % of the complement on each side of the ship.
The main risk for people when using CO2 as an extinguishing agent in a closed space is:
Low temperature at the nozzle.
The passage of electrical current through the body may result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to break the current safely?
Call the electrician immediately.
Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers.
Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with insulating material.
Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout?
The lookout should go down the accommodation to see where the relief is and make him/her go to the lookout position.
Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions.
When loading a static accumulator oil, to minimise the risk of explosion through electrostatic charge in a tank it must be ensured that:
No metallic devices such as those used for gauging and sampling, should be introduced into the tank during loading and for 30 minutes after completion of loading.
No metallic sampling devices over 2 litres capacity should be permitted on the cargo deck at any time, unless thoroughly cleaned beforehand with soapy water.
No rubber containers over 1 litre capacity, such as those used for sampling, should be introduced into the tank between completion of loading and for 10 minutes after that time.
Where on the illustration of a mooring deck is the “PANAMA LEAD”?
The Panama Lead is indicated by letter C.
The Panama Lead is indicated by letter B.
The Panama Lead is indicated by letter A.
The Panama Lead is indicated by letter D.
The correct method to dispose of any oily/water mixture in the manifold drip-tray is to:
Drain it to a cargo tank.
Mix in an appropriate quantity of dispersant chemicals and drain it overboard when in open water.
Transfer it to the sloptank and later discharge it to a reception facility.
Drain it overboard when the vessel is 50 nautical miles off the coast.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
What is the meaning of the term “Steady as she goes” when acting as helmsman?
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
While altering the ships head, the instruction “steady as she goes” means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course.
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steering a set course.
What do you understand by the order: “Move the pilot ladder to the other side”?
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to move the pilot ladder further along nearer to the bow.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to rig another pilot ladder.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to change the position of the pilot ladder from the main deck to the fore deck.
You are on an oil tanker which is loading at a Single Point Mooring and you are the Deck Rating on duty. Which of the following areas of the ship will you monitor continuously throughout your watch?
Accommodation ladder/radio station/poopdeck.
Forecastle head/manifolds/main deck.
Pump room/engine room/cargo control room.
Bridge/cargo control room/poopdeck.
Oily rags and metal turnings:
Are a fire hazard because they are liable to spontaneous combustion.
Are not a fire hazard unless ignited.
Are not a fire hazard at all.
Are a fire hazard because they generate their own oxygen when ignited and are therefore difficult to extinguish.
In the figure, which letter indicates the “BREADTH” of the vessel?
Breadth is indicated by B, in the figure.
Breadth is indicated by D, in the figure.
Breadth is indicated by A, in the figure.
Breadth is indicated by C, in the figure.
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Take over the steering of the ship.
Take a message to another officer.
To control bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied:
Whenever it is possible to stop bleeding.
Only on Radio medical advice.
Only when all other means have failed.
Whenever you have to transport the casualty.
Monoammonium phosphate used as a dry powder can be effective on what type of fire?
Solid, liquids, and gases.
Solid, liquid, gases and metals.
When reeving a new wire onto a self-stowing winch drum you should, after looking at brake arrangement, reeve it to pay out as follows:
Either direction is acceptable.
Depends on the direction of the lay of the wire strands in the new wire.
When a fire breaks out in the accommodation, cargo holds or on deck, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
The person who is designated in the muster list.
The first officer arriving at the scene.
The first person arriving at the scene.
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
Which is the “STARBOARD QUARTER”, in the figure?
The Starboard quarter is C, in the figure.
The Starboard quarter is A, in the figure.
The Starboard quarter is B, in the figure.
The Starboard quarter is D, in the figure.
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Spreader”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Wide step”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Ani-twist rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Long rung”.
What is the factor that makes the difference between a deflagrating and a detonating explosion?
The speed of the shock wave created by the initial combustion.
The initial pressure, temperature and moisture content.
The material which is at the origin of the explosion (powder or gas).
The confinement of the place where the explosion occurs (inside or outside).
In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the “STERN”?
The Stern area is indicated by C, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by A, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by B, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by D, in the figure.
What is meant by the term “Single up” when a vessel is preparing to leave the jetty to which it was moored?
Single up is the term used to describe the process of letting go most of the moorings lines and just leaving sufficient lines to stay safely alongside.
Single up is the term used when only one single tug is used to assist the ship in leaving the berth.
Singe up is the term used when there is only one single rope left out between the ship and the jetty, when leaving the berth.
As a general rule, what is the minimum flash point of an oil used as a liquid fuel on board?
The most commonly recognised hazard associated with unprotected entry into an enclosed space on board an oil tanker is:
The atmosphere in the space may contain toxic gases or be deficient in oxygen.
The lack of communication with the OOW due to which the work may take longer to complete.
The space may not be well lit up, and hence resulting in inadequate movement of the person entering.
The presence of oil in the space which may result in slips/falls and crew injuries.
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship.
Why could dirty and oily areas of the deck be dangerous?
They may cause people to slip over and hurt themselves.
They show the ship is not efficient.
They are areas which should be cleaned up.
They do not look good to the customers.
Read the text in the diagram and answer this question: What should be given to prospective seafarers? It is recommended that every prospective seafarer should, before being employed in a sea-going ship, receive proper training in personal survival techniques. In respect of such training several recommendations are made.
In a liquid fire the surface of which is about 100 m?
Flames are usually higher than the diameter of the fire.
The radiated heat can spread to exposures placed 100 m away.
The radiated heat is lower than the conducted heat.
The radiated heat can spread to exposures placed 200 m away.
When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew should:
Confirm that it won’t form an emulsion.
Confirm that it will form an emulsion.
The container for an inflatable liferafts shall be made:
Watertight, as far as possible, except for drain holes in the container bottom.
Non-watertight if fitted with drain holes in the container bottom.
Prior to entering a cargo hold to check the cargo condition stowed in it, you must ensure that:
The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other applicable tests, are issued and valid for entry.
Written instructions from the Chief Officer on what to check in the holdare signed by all persons entering the space.
A list of the items stowed in the applicable hold, extracted from the Cargo manifest, must be available for reference during the checks.
Emergency equipment at the after end of the main deck is in place.
When handling slops on an oil tanker, what is meant by “settling”?
Allowing the oil and water to separate out.
Allowing any waxy layers to settle below the residual oil.
Allowing the mixture to rest once it has been pumped into the slop tank, so that any static charge disperses.
Allowing any sediment to separate out and drop to the bottom of the tank.
What name is given to the process of discharging water from a designated slop tank on an oil tanker while minimising the disturbance of the oil layer on top, with the objective of removing as much water as possible?
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in port has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks should be included in the watchman’s duties?
Check the moorings for correct tightness and ensure the gangway remains safe and secure.
Check the safe and secure handling of cargo.
Check the number of persons joining and leaving the vessel.
Check there is always a shore watchman on the jetty.
The aim of fire detection is:
All the answers are correct.
To begin applying an emergency plan.
To discover where a fire starts.
What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Rinsing of the eye with water
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking.
When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up a pilot and enter harbour, there should be someone required to stand by the anchor forward. How should the anchor be prepared and ready?
The brake securely applied, all cement/covering into the chain locker and securing arrangements from windlass removed. The guillotine can remain for removal when ready.
The brake may be insufficient to hold the anchor, so leave everything in place except the cement/covering of the chain locker.
The use of the anchor will not normally be required when going straight into port, so the anchor does not need to be prepared, but left ready for going back out to sea.
If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?
Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances.
Call the officer on duty.
The diagram shows the direction that a rope runs during a mooring operation and a possible place where it may break. Where would be considered the safest position to stand?
Outside the blue coloured zone.
Inside the blue coloured zone.
Behind the point of restraint, but inside the blue coloured zone.
Between the “point of break” and the “fairlead”.
In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use:
What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Port 20” and after a while the order “Ease to 10”?
Apply 20 degrees of rudder towards port and then after the second command reduce the wheel to 10 degrees of helm.
Keeping a very visual lookout ahead and abeam of the ship.
Continually visually scanning the horizon all round the ship.
Keeping a visual lookout all round the vessel.
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Take over the steering of the ship.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
Commonly used on an oil tanker, what is another name for a “Combustible Gas Indicator”?
When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places.
By folder distributed to each crewmember.
By alarm instructions in all crew cabins.
By oral instructions by the Captain.
What is the correct location or working station for the deck watchman during cargo operations on an oil tanker?
On the cargo tank deck at all times.
Available somewhere on the weather deck only.
In the cargo control room.
Standing by in the crew mess.
What is the minimum number of lifebuoys carried by a cargo vessel of more than 200 metres in length?
What are the components of the personal equipment of the fireman’s outfit?
Boots and gloves of rubber.
Protective clothing to protect the skin from heat, burns and scalding.
A rigid helmet, an electric safety lamp and an axe.
Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?
Extinguishing attempt is started immediately.
All fire-fighting teams are organized as soon as possible.
All possible fire-fighting equipment is brought to the scene.
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire.
The bones in the human body are connected to each other by:
Different type of joints.
What are the main components of the atmospherical air?
O2: 21 %, N2: 72 %, H2O: 5 %, CO2: 2 %, Rare gases: traces.
O2: 75 %, N2: 10 %, H2O: 5 %, CO2: 5 %, Rare gases: traces.
O2: 21 %, N2: 78 %, H2O: traces, CO2: traces, Rare gases: traces.
Apart from steering the helmsman should also:
Regularly check the speed.
Regularly check the gyro against the magnetic compass.
What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe condition?
How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?
10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.
What name is given to the part of the discharging operation on an oil tanker when the last remaining contents of a tank or line are being pumped out?
Which mooring lines are shown in this picture?
The forward head lines are visible in this picture.
The forward back springs are visible in this picture.
The forward breast lines are visible in this picture.
The forward headline and breast rope are visible in this picture.
What does the abbreviation “OBO” stand for?
What are the duties of the “Standby Watch keeper” when he is not on the bridge?
Remain in the expected location, available for immediate call from the bridge.
Tidy up the accommodation and clear the mess rooms.
Return to his cabin and catch up with some sleep.
Patrol the ship and report anything unusual to the bridge.