Тест состоит из 80 случайных вопросов.
Всего вопросов по данной теме: 470
What is commonly recognised as the main hazard associated with unprotected entry into an enclosed space within the cargo area on an oil tanker?
The atmosphere within the space may potentially contain too little oxygen or it may contain toxic vapours.
There may be restrictions on access and mobility within the space.
There are no significant hazards associated with entry into closed spaces on tankers.
Which of the following is part of the spill response equipment inventory?
On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action should you take first?
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.
Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is.
Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the situation is.
As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in putting out the fire.
During bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship.
What is the most common fixed fire fighting extinguishing system fitted in an engine room?
A pressure water-spraying system.
A carbon dioxide (CO2) system.
An halogenated hydrocarbon system.
A chemical powder system.
What is the necessary protection when you are rust chipping with air tools?
Gloves, goggles, earmuffs.
Protective clothing, safety shoes, earmuffs.
Goggles and ear protectors.
Protective clothing, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, earmuffs.
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
What is the correct understanding of the term “gangway”?
Portable bridge arrangement between ship and shore, when alongside.
The ladder arrangement to allow walking access down the ship’s side into a boat alongside the vessel.
The access arrangements on an oil tanker between the bow and the after accommodation.
The access arrangements between the decks on the ship.
When acting as helmsman would you expect the reading of the gyro compass to be the same as the magnetic compass?
Very seldom would they be the same.
They would always be within 1 or 2 degrees of each other.
They would never be the same.
They would always be the same.
Hydrocarbon gas encountered in oil tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing less than approximately what percentage of oxygen (by volume)?
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term “AFT SPRING” are shown. Which one is the correct one?
Aft spring is defined as A on the figure.
Aft spring is defined as B on the figure.
Aft spring is defined as C on the figure.
Aft spring is defined as D on the figure.
What is the meaning of “Make fast”?
Make fast means to avoid all meals.
Make fast means to act very quickly.
Make fast means to coil a rope.
Make fast means to secure a rope.
What name is given to the process on an oil tanker, when inert gas is being blown into a cargo tank, to reduce the level of oxygen it contains?
When you are taking an “ullage” at a cargo tank on an oil tanker, what are you actually doing?
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo.
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck.
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Spreader”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Wide step”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Ani-twist rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Long rung”.
Which is the “STARBOARD BOW”, in the figure?
Starboard bow is given by B.
Starboard bow is given by C.
Starboard bow is given by A.
Starboard bow is given by D.
Whenever there is a major bleeding, the first priority should be to:
Take the pulse of the patient.
What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe condition?
In a smoke filled alleyway where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?
Sit and wait for the rescue party.
It will be the same in all parts, therefore I would just leave as quickly as possible.
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible.
Towards the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out.
How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?
By smothering and also by providing some cooling.
What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10 % of complement, minimum 2).
Thermal protective aids for each person.
At least 10 % of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided.
When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up a pilot and enter harbour, there should be someone required to stand by the anchor forward. How should the anchor be prepared and ready?
The brake securely applied, all cement/covering into the chain locker and securing arrangements from windlass removed. The guillotine can remain for removal when ready.
The brake may be insufficient to hold the anchor, so leave everything in place except the cement/covering of the chain locker.
Which statement about the garbage record book is true?
It is used to record all operational and accidental garbage discharges.
Each entry is to be signed by the Master.
It is required by all ships on International voyage.
Each entry is to be written in the language of the ship’s flag state.
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in port has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks should be included in the watchman’s duties?
Check the moorings for correct tightness and ensure the gangway remains safe and secure.
Check the safe and secure handling of cargo.
Check the number of persons joining and leaving the vessel.
Check there is always a shore watchman on the jetty.
What is the meaning of the term “Steady as she goes” when acting as helmsman?
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steering a set course.
While altering the ships head, the instruction “steady as she goes” means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course.
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
What is the objective of the merchant navy?
To safely transport goods by sea.
To provide employment for persons who wish to become seafarers.
To transport and deliver goods as quickly as possible.
To earn money for the shipowner.
What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other carbonaceous materials?
Which of air and water is the fluid that transfers the greatest amount of heat during the same time, given that the fluid is not flowing along the immersed body?
Both are transferring quickly.
Which of the following may cause a fire in the accommodation spaces?
All the mentioned alternatives.
Overloading electric plugs.
Covering electric heaters with blankets.
What measures should be taken when handling mail?
X-ray or scan parcels before opening them.
Tear open letters with your hands.
Open any mail that looks suspicious.
Wear rubber gloves and protective clothing when opening suspicious looking mail.
What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the “Abandon ship” signal?
The “Abandon ship” signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated.
Six short blasts, followed by one long blast.
Seven short blasts followed by one long blast.
What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?
Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.
Any fire extinguisher with a weight of less than 100 lbs.
Fire extinguishers filled with fresh water only.
Fire extinguishers of the handy-size types only.
Apart from steering the helmsman should also:
Regularly check the gyro against the magnetic compass.
Regularly check the speed.
How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?
10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is the greatest.
How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge.
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun.
Under what circumstances should gangway nets be rigged under the gangway?
Whenever the gangway is rigged between ship and shore.
A gangway net is only required to be rigged when required by the port regulations.
When instructed by the Master or the Chief Officer.
Whenever the ship is moving slightly back and forth along the quay due to wind and current.
“UFL” and “LFL” are commonly used abbreviations associated with cargo and cleaning operations on an oil tanker. What do the letters stand for?
Upper Flammability Limit and Lower Flammability Limit.
Upper Flash Point Level and Lower Flash Point Level.
Unidentified Fire Liability and Located Fire Liability.
Upper Filling Level and Lower Filling Level.
As a general rule, what is the minimum flash point of an oil used as a liquid fuel on board?
When must personal protective equipment be worn?
At all times when identified as a control method with risk assessment.
When making the vessel fast.
In which direction would the “FORWARD HEAD LINE” normally run?
The forward head line would normally lead forward from the bow.
The forward head line is normally the line used by the forward tug.
The forward head line would normally lead straight across to the jetty and be as short as possible.
The forward head line would normally lead from the bow back towards the stern.
Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure suit?
Is fitted with a light and a whistle.
Is marked with the name of the vessel to which the appliance belongs.
Is made of such a material that it cannot be torn.
Can be continuously worn without impeding every duties to be performed by the wearer when in normal watch on the bridge.
What is the correct understanding of the term “LEE SIDE”?
The lee side is the side of the ship which is facing away from the wind.
The lee side is the side of the ship which is facing into the wind.
The lee side is the starboard side of the vessel.
The lee side is the side of the ship alongside the quay or jetty.
The rescue quoit of a liferaft is attached to a buoyant line whose length is at least:
Whilst in the engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any should you take?
Proceed to the engine control room and call the bridge for further instructions.
Take no actions as it is probably someone testing the system, as the fire alarm has not been sounded and the engine room is not on fire.
As CO2 can not kill you, secure present work and proceed out of engine room.
Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you.
Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts is made to provide a connection between the ship and the liferaft?
The hydrostatic release unit.
What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing freon?
Depletion of the ozone layer.
Depletion of oxygen in the air.
Development of explosive gas.
Development of nitrous gases.
When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places.
By oral instructions by the Captain.
By folder distributed to each crewmember.
The container for an inflatable liferafts shall be made:
Watertight, as far as possible, except for drain holes in the container bottom.
Non-watertight if fitted with drain holes in the container bottom.
When connecting the loading/discharging hoses/arms prior to cargo operations on an oil tanker, it is quite common that a reducer is required. What is the name given to the part of the ship’s pipeline onto which the reducer is fitted?
If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to: “Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering”.
Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm with the OOW the change-over is complete and the course you are to steer.
Standby the wheel and wait for the OOW to apply the appropriate controls to change from Automatic pilot to hand steering.
Apply the appropriate controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start manually steering the same course as was being steered by the automatic pilot.
Ask the OOW what course you are to steer and standby the wheel. Tell the OOW you are ready for changing over.
Proteinic foams have the feature of being:
Of low expansion, not easily contaminated by hydrocarbons.
Of high expansion, not easily contaminated by hydrocarbons.
Of high expansion, made of tense-active compounds.
Of low expansion, viscous and solid, easily contaminated by hydrocarbons.
Read the text in the diagram and answer the following question: When should training in personal survival techniques be given? It is recommended that every prospective seafarer should, before being employed in a sea-going ship, receive proper training in personal survival techniques. In respect of such training several recommendations are made.
During the first week on board.
“Overshoot” is an expression related to a ship’s steering ability. What is the correct understanding of this expression?
It is how many degrees a ship continues to turn after you apply counter-rudder.
It is the way a ship turns when you put the helm in a hard over position.
It is the way a ship shoots forward when you give “a kick ahead”.
It is the way a ship continues to turn when the helm is put amidship.
How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?
10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.
What letter indicates the direction “AHEAD”, in the figure?
Ahead is indicated by A, in the figure.
Ahead is indicated by B, in the figure.
Ahead is indicated by C, in the figure.
Ahead is indicated by D, in the figure.
What do you understand by “Secure the tug”?
Secure the tug means: to let go the tug.
Secure the tug means: to make fast the tug.
Secure the tug means: to pass a line to the tug.
Secure the tug means: to pick up the tug line.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Remote controlled fire pumps.
What is a “cargo plan” when applied to a ship?
The plan showing the cargo spaces and their capacity.
A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo.
The plan to show the staff requirements at each hatch while the ship is loading cargo.
The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities.
How is a EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) activated?
Most EPIRBs are remotely activated from the ship.
The EPIRB is always transmitting and does not need to be activated.
Most EPIRBs are automatically activated when they enter the water.
Most EPIRBs must be manually switched on.
In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the “STERN”?
The Stern area is indicated by C, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by A, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by B, in the figure.
The Stern area is indicated by D, in the figure.
What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Port 20” and after a while the order: “Ease to 10”?
Apply 20 degrees of rudder towards port and then after the second command reduce the wheel to 10 degrees of helm.
Apply the wheel to alter the course 20 degrees to port and then after the second command change the heading a further 10 degrees.
Change the compass course to a new heading which is 20 degrees to port of original heading and then after the second command reduce it to only 10 degrees to port of original heading.
Turn the wheel until the rate of swing of the ship is 20 degrees per minute and then after the second order, reduce the wheel to make it swing at only 10 degrees per minute.
What do you understand by: “Let go the port anchor”?
Open the port windlass brake.
Slacken the port anchor cable.
Put the port windlass brake in gear and lower the anchor.
Put the port windlass brake in gear.
What is the main fire fighting medium used for the cargo area of an oil tanker?
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
Perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a rescue boat.
Jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard.
Don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5 min. If it impairs ability to swim.
Dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with.
What name is given to the rotating jet water outlets on a tank-cleaning machine that is used on an oil tanker?
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
What are the duties of an effective bridge look out?
Keeping a constant observation around the ship.
All of the alternatives specified.
Keep a lookout for other ships; navigation lights and any other dangers which may have no lights.
Ensure there is always a bridge lookout on duty and only leave the lookout when given permission.
When is it good practice to check the pressure-vacuum valves?
After cargo transfer operations.
Before the next dry-docking.
What do you understand by the order: “Move the pilot ladder to the other side”?
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to move the pilot ladder further along nearer to the bow.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to rig another pilot ladder.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to change the position of the pilot ladder from the main deck to the fore deck.
A person wearing a thermal protective aid shall be able:
To wear a lifejacket inside.
To climb up and down a vertical ladder.
To jump into the water from a height of 4,5 m.
Wearing a lifejacket, jump into the water close to the raft and then swim to it.
In the diagram, which letter is indicating the position “MIDSHIPS”?
Midships is indicated by B, in the figure.
Midships is indicated by A, in the figure.
Midships is indicated by C, in the figure.
Midships is indicated by D, in the figure.
What do you understand by the term: “Let go the tug”?
Let go the tug means: to cast off the lines that secure the tug to the ship.
Let go the tug means: to tell the tug master to steer away from the ship.
Let go the tug means: to cut the lines securing the tug to the ship.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term “BREADTH” are given. Which one is the correct one?
Breadth is given by B on the figure.
Breadth is given by C on the figure.
Breadth is given by A on the figure.
Breadth is given by D on the figure.
When keeping a lookout, what would be the correct understanding of the question “What is the aspect of the other ship”?
The question is requesting some indication of the direction the other ship is heading.
The question is requesting some idea of how far away the other ship is from your own ship.
The question is requesting where on the horizon the other ship was sighted.
The question wants to know what type of ship has been sighted.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
A class fire door self closing.
B class fire door self closing.
Closing appliance for exterior.
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Disconnect the smoke detector.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout?
The lookout should go down the accommodation to see where the relief is and make him/her go to the lookout position.
Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions.
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric installation (for example the main switchboard)?
During bunker transfer operations, deck scuppers should be:
Plugged to prevent spilled oil flowing overboard.
Only fitted to the side of the vessel that bunkers are being loaded.
Attended by crew to collect any spilled oil that approaches.