Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 689
Any ship of 10 000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges. What kind of equipment is required in this connection?
Either Oil fitting equipment, or Oily-water separating equipment, or combination of both.
Oil fitting equipment only.
Oily-water separating equipment only.
What methods could be introduced into a passage plan for continuous monitoring of the ships position when navigating along a coastline?
All of the suggested answers.
Conspicuous headlands and navigational marks for taking positions.
The radar ranges of the coastline at all course alteration points.
A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water pressure at the bows causing an effect known as “Panting”. What structure in the forward region of the ship combats the effects of Panting?
Collision bulkhead and deck.
Double bottom tanks and floors.
Panting beams and stringers.
A distress alert on board may only be transmitted on explicit order of:
The navigating officer on duty.
Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine the latitude of the observer when the sun is on the meridian?
Calculation 3 is correct.
Calculation 2 is correct.
Calculation 4 is correct.
Calculation 1 is correct.
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
The distress message is used when the vessel is threatened by a serious and imminent danger and is in need of immediate assistance. What is the telegraphy and telephony distress message like?
T T T (Telegraphy) / SECURITE (Telephony).
F F F (Telegraphy) / RESCUE-RESCUE (Telephony).
S O S (Telegraphy) / MAYDAY (Telephony).
X X X (Telegraphy) / PAN-PAN (Telephony).
When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward anchors, to what particular aspect should the officer of the watch be paying special attention?
The two anchors will restrict the ships swing with the tide and the ship may not lie to the prevailing current and wind.
The tension on both cables should be similar, to avoid one dragging and all the weight of the ship remaining on the other anchor only.
The ship will become controlled by the tide and the wind will not be allowed to have any effect on the direction the ship lies at anchor.
When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to avoid the anchor cables becoming wrapped round each other.
When fully loaded, a lifeboat should have a sufficient strength to withstand a drop into the water from a height of:
Not less than 3,0 metres.
Not less than 0,5 metres.
Not less than one third of the distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition.
Not less than 1,5 metres.
What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’s for survival craft?
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain maritime assistance?
By “collect call” is meant:
A call for account of the receiver.
A call to collect the charges in office.
Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by “A” or “B” class divisions on a ship?
All the mentioned alternatives.
On the Ship’s fire control plans.
On the general arrangement plan.
An optical fire detector head is activated by:
The radiation of the heat given off by flames.
The flames that are a result of combustion.
The visible smoke that is a result of combustion.
What special equipment can often provide assistance in locating a survival craft or man overboard and in the water?
A sectored search pattern.
If your vessel is fitted with wires on self-stowing “split drum” winches, the advantage of having these split drum winches is:
Less chance of the wire being jammed in the reel.
All the listed alternatives.
Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum.
Wire antenna of 12 metres long is probably:
B Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of a standard fire test held for:
The fire control plan on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted onboard. In port, a copy of this plan shall in addition be available from somewhere else. Where must this copy be available?
Handed over to the surveyors.
In the engine control room.
A “Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports” (SITREPs) should be used by vessels in distress. The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details). Which of the following information shall be included when using the “short form”?
Where can a ship expect an act of piracy to take place?
At the south end of the Red Sea.
If the flow of gas to shore reaches the maximum declared capacity whilst using the Vapour Emission Control System (VECS), the OOW should:
Say nothing and hope nobody notices, so that loading is completed as soon as possible.
Reset the lifting pressure level on the Pressure/Vacuum valves to allow them to release more vapour to atmosphere.
Request the terminal to reduce the loading rate until the flow of gas to shore is controlled.
Open the mast riser vents to relieve the excess pressure and bring the flow within the declared range.
You are sailing in shallow water with a 15 % Under Keel Clearance. Turning the ship around, what space do you need compared to deep water?
Need more space than normal.
To port less, to starboard more space.
The turning diameter of your ship is the same for all water depths.
Need less space than normal.
What is the minimum number of “international shore connections” that should be provided on vessels of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?
0. Such connections only have to be provided on vessels over 1 000 gross tonnage.
The vessel is in a 360° turn with engine full ahead. If the engine speed is reduced during the turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter?
No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced.
Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced.
Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced.
No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced.
What is the ideal humidity in a working environment?
If Mouth-to-Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty’s heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. what is the complete rate when performing ECC?
Complete 10 compressions at the rate of 40 compressions per minute.
Complete 15 compressions at the rate of 80 compressions per minute.
Complete 25 compressions at the rate of 75 compressions per minute.
Complete 20 compressions at the rate of 60 compressions per minute.
The prescribed test of an approved portable VHF radio set (portophone) must be done once a:
When should voyage planning be done?
During the pilotage when leaving the berth.
Prior to leaving the berth.
Before the pilot is leaves the vessel at the departure port.
Before the vessel completes the previous passage.
What is the approximate pressure of the CO2 stored in a cylinder at an ambient temperature of +20 °C?
With regard to radar, what would be a correct form of response to the question: What range scale are you using?
The correct form of response would be: I am using the 12 mile range scale.
The correct form of response would be: I am using the 10 cm radar.
The correct form of response would be: I am using the 3 cm radar.
The correct form of response would be: I am using the largest range scale.
What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would this be carried out on board?
Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper.
Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor the work activity and review.
States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried out.
Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be required to complete the work.
During tank washing, besides maintaining the tank oxygen content below 8 % by volume, it should also be ensured:
That a positive pressure is maintained in the tank.
That a negative pressure is maintained in the tank.
That a minimum of 2,4 bar inert gas inlet pressure is maintained in the tank.
That the tank is maintained at atmospheric pressure level.
The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314° and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?
Relative vectors, sea stabilised.
Relative vectors, ground stabilised.
What should be a correct form of response to the question: What is the weather in your position?
The correct form of response would be: “The weather is bad with restricted visibility”.
The correct form of response would be: “The wind and sea is fine”.
The correct form of response would be: “The weather is satisfactory and there no restriction to the vessels progress”.
The correct form of response would be to give the wind force and direction, the range of visibility and the sea state.
A quick change of liquid flow in a pipe line e. g. by sudden closure of valves against flowing oil, which can cause extensive damage to valves and fittings, is called:
Hand flares and buoyant smoke signals can continue to burn or emit smoke after having been immersed for a period of 10 s.
Right, if the immersion depth is more than 1 m.
Right, if the immersion depth is smaller than 100 mm.
When commencing the cargo transfer at the terminal, the decision to commence the transfer is made by:
The person in charge of cargo operation at the terminal.
The person-in-charge of the chartering and operation of the vessel.
The mutual agreement of those in charge of cargo operation, both on board and ashore.
The person in charge of cargo operation on the vessel.
What is the colour and characteristic of a “towing light”, as defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?
One of two all-round amber, alternate flashing lights, displayed where they can best be seen.
White, fixed, displayed as an additional light on the foremast over an arc of 225°, from right ahead to 22,5° abaft the beam on each side of the vessel.
Amber, all-round, flashing, where it can best be seen.
Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135° and so arranged as to display 67,5° from right aft on each side of the vessel.
Which class of emission is used for VHF DSC transmissions?
In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?
Skin penetration and skin absorption.
Which of the following precautions should be taken when work is to be carried out on the radar scanner unit on the mast?
Only the electrical fuses for the radar undergoing repairs needs to be removed, allowing the ship to retain a workable radar.
A sign needs to be attached to all the radars warning the bridge officers of repairs and the fact the radars are “Not to be used”.
A “Not to be used” sign on all radars and fuses for the complete radar systems to be removed.
Only the electrical fuses for the scanner motor needs to be removed.
What mode must be used on the MF/HF transmission when making a radiotelephone call?
Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems are widely employed in all kinds of vessels, mainly passenger ships and ro-ro ships, with a high degree of success. The aim of these systems is to put out a fire but they may also be very useful even if they only ensure.
The structural protection of the vessel.
The control of temperatures of surrounding areas.
The confinement of a fire.
All the answers are good.
On area A4 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of HF DSC and Inmarsat Epirbs.
The use of MF DSC and Inmarsat Epirbs.
The use of VHF DSC and VHF Epirbs.
The use of HF DSC and COSPAS SARSAT Epirbs.
What is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the earth?
The transmitting receiving method, when both stations can transmit and receive at the same time is called:
The names and addresses of accounting authorities can be found in:
The ITU List of Callsigns and Numerical Identities of Stations used by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services.
The ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Services.
The ITU List of Ship Stations.
The ITU List of Coast Stations.
If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure gradient and the space between the isobars, which of the following statements is correct?
Strong winds are found in areas where the isobars are not close together.
The closer the isobars are together the stronger will be the predicted wind.
The wind force is related to the difference in pressures and blows directly between the centres of high and the low pressure.
The pressure gradient is a measurement of the distance between the high and the low pressures and is not associated with isobars.
The word NAVTEX is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
November, Anna, Victor, Tango, Eduard, X-ray.
November, Alfa, Victor, Tango, Echo, X-ray.
November, Apple, Victoria, Tango, Echo, X-mas.
November, Able, Valencia, Tripoli, Echo, Xantippe.
What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate?
Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board?
Where may as a general rule pressure containers for gas fire-extinguishing medium be kept? (SOLAS II-2/5.1.10).
In the space which is to be protected.
Outside the space which is to be protected.
The ballast that may be discharged from an oil tanker without the use of the ODME is:
Ballast from segregated ballast tanks (SBT).
Clean ballast from cargo tanks.
Dirty ballast from cargo tanks.
A pilot ladder shall, to prevent twisting, be fitted with “battens”. The lowest batten shall be the 5th step from the lower end of the pilot ladder. At what intervals should there be further battens upwards on the pilot ladder?
At intervals not exceeding 9 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 15 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 12 steps.
It does not matter where the battens are fitted.
During loaded passage, it is important to check ullages of cargo tanks and sound double bottom tanks, so as to:
Ensure that there is no excessive loss of cargo within the vessel.
Ensure compliance with the charterers requirements.
Confirm that the measurement equipment is functioning properly.
Confirm that there are no internal or hull leakages.
On an oil tanker fitted with an Inert Gas System, prior to commencement of tank washing, the oxygen content within the cargo tanks shall be:
Not more than 5 % oxygen content by volume.
Less than 2 % oxygen content by volume.
Not greater than 8 % oxygen content by volume.
The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous navigational area. What is the probable cause of the error?
Fluctuations in the electrical supply to the compass.
An uncorrected course and speed error.
Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?
For a period of at least 72 hours.
Propeller permanently driven by the engine.
Starting achieved within 2 min of commencing the start procedure at an ambient temperature of -15 °C.
The “buckling” of strength members of an oil tanker results due to high:
If the oxygen level in the cargo tanks during Crude Oil Washing rises beyond 8 %, as an OOW you should:
Continue washing, but increase the delivery rate of inert gas from the IG generator.
Stop the washing operation and resume only after a level of less than 8 % by volume has again been achieved.
Stop using crude oil to wash and immediately change over to water washing.
Continue to wash tanks as it is safe to wash till the oxygen level reaches beyond 11 %.
When navigating along a coastline what should be considered the most accurate method of navigating?
Use of radar ranges and bearings.
Passing close to navigational buoys.
Bearings of navigational shore marks such as lighthouses.
What is the anticipated rolling period of a ship with a large initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) and would there be any associated dangers to consider?
Long slow roll and no particular hazards.
Short period of roll, but a very stable ship and no associated dangers.
Long period of roll with free surface effects at a maximum.
Short sharp period of roll associated with breaking lashings and shifting cargo.
The freeboard of a lifeboat, measured from the waterline to the lowest opening through which the lifeboat may become flooded:
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seated to one side of the centreline.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when fully loaded.
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when fully loaded.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seatd to one side of the centreline.
A Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of a standard fire test held for how many minutes?
If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a “crash stop” when proceeding at full ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?
Similar distance to deep water.
About 1,5 nautical miles.
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice?
On area A3 the function “Reception of shore to ship distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs and NAVTEX.
The use of VHF DSC and NAVTEX.
The accuracy of an Inmarsat-E positioning-system is:
A “free flow system” with reference to an oil tanker means:
The vessel is not equipped with its own discharging equipment.
The vessel has no connection between individual cargo tanks.
A vessel without ordinary bottom lines where the cargo flows from tank to tank through bulkhead valves.
A vessel without any cargo lines where the cargo is loaded via portable hoses directly into each tank.
What is the main theme of modern safety practice?
Consult the chief officer before commencing work.
Health & Safety at Work Act.
Use the same practice that has been in place for some time.
Making use of Risk Assessment as a means to improving safety.
The proper operation of an Inmarsat-C terminal can be tested by:
Requesting a “self test”.
Doing a “recommissioning test”.
Sending a message to MF DSC.
The authority to order the use of distress signal or distress alerts is:
The person designated to maintain communication during distress situations.
The first person to discover the distress situation.
The word CHANNEL is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Cornelies, Hotel, Alfa, November, November, Echo, Lima.
Cornelies, Hotel, Apple, November, November, Echo, Land.
Charlie, Hotel, Able, November, November, Echo, Liverpool.
Charlie, Hotel, Alfa, November, November, Echo, Lima.
An Oil Record Book, Part 1, shall be provided to every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above to record machinery space operations. Out of below mentioned operations, it is compulsory to record:
Transfer of oil from settling – to daytank.
Discharge of water from Aft, Peak Tank.
Bunkering of bulk lubricating oil.
Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel and a wreck?
At the and of a radio telex-connection, when a “store and forward” – message has been transmitted, the coast-station at least gives a:
Time (in UTC) where upon the telex for the subscriber is delivered.
Code in letters which will be repeated when the telex has been delivered to the subscriber.
Approximate time when telex will be delivered.
Where can the size of the Magnetic Compass Error be found?
By taking the error from the Deviation Table on the bridge.
By reference to the last entry in the Compass Error Log Book.
On the chart in the centre of the compass rose or by reference to the Variation chart, taking into account the annual changes.
By taking a transit bearing of two fixed geographical positions and comparing it with the bearing of the same points on the chart.
How is a Safety Management Certificate obtained?
RSS issue SMC with Register.
Vessel is surveyed by MCA and certificate issued.
Ship owner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed and holds all statutory certificates.
Ship owner is authorised to carry out internal audits and issue SMC.
The ship is drifting in the open sea with a temporary engine breakdown. The ship is equipped with GPS navigation equipment. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch do in this situation?
All of the possible answers.
Keep a good lookout for other ships.
Display the “Not under Command” signal and switch off the normal steaming lights.
Plot the direction and rate of drift and predict the ships position for the period while the ship is “Not Under Command”.