Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 689
You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?
Vessels may proceed – two-way traffic.
A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.
Vessels may proceed – one-way traffic.
A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so, except that vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this message.
The vessel is steaming off the coast when the engine room informs the bridge it must stop engines immediately. Shortly afterwards they informed the bridge they would need a least three hours to fix it. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable taken by the bridge?
Display the NUC signal and keep a good lookout.
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and wait for further developments.
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and ask the Engine room to be a quick as possible.
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and determine how the ship is drifting and the probable position after 3 hours.
Where shall shoreside fire-fighting personnel find necessary information to control a fire on board a cargo ship in an emergency situation?
In the fire control plans or booklet that must be posted in a prominently marked localisation on the navigating bridge.
In the fire control plans or booklet that must be stored in a watertight prominently marked container outside the deck house.
The captain of the ship is the only person that may give such information.
Through the nearest Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre, who will get them from the ship’s owner.
Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by “A” or “B” class divisions on a ship?
All the mentioned alternatives.
On the Ship’s fire control plans.
On the general arrangement plan.
The Urgency Message from a ship is used to notify other traffic of a situation where the ship is not in imminent danger, but where the development of the situation is uncertain and may need assistance in the near future. What is the telephony urgency message like?
What is the required number of hours that a SART’s battery must be able to operate the unit in the standby mode?
What would the Second Officer report to the Master when entering an area where the visibility is reduced to 2 n. miles?
The Second Officer would call the Master to the bridge because he is needed there.
The Second Officer would report to the Master that he is having difficulty seeing other ships.
The Second Officer would report to the Master that the visibility is reduced to probable range of 2 n. miles and the engines are on standby.
The Second Officer would tell the Master he is calling him in compliance with the instructions in the Night Order Book.
What would you call the wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea?
What is the emergency channel on VHF?
The “buckling” of strength members of an oil tanker results due to high:
For how long time should a “SARSAT COSPAS” epirb be able to operate on its batteries?
If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure gradient and the space between the isobars, which of the following statements is correct?
Strong winds are found in areas where the isobars are not close together.
The closer the isobars are together the stronger will be the predicted wind.
The wind force is related to the difference in pressures and blows directly between the centres of high and the low pressure.
The pressure gradient is a measurement of the distance between the high and the low pressures and is not associated with isobars.
You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?
I am about to depart the berth.
You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.
Caution! I have an anchor down.
How can an approximate value of the initial transverse Metacentric Height (GM) be found from the Curve of Statical Stability (GZ curve)?
Drawing a tangent to the curve thought the origin and erecting a perpendicular through the angle of heel of 57,3 degrees.
Drawing a tangent from the highest point of the curve to the X axis and measuring it in metres.
It is impossible to establish the GM value from the curve of righting levers (GM).
The value in metres from the X of the point where the curve changes from concave to convex shape.
By “collect call” is meant:
A call for account of the receiver.
A call to collect the charges in office.
In the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force, what is the Beaufort number associated with the wind force known as a “Gale”? This should not be confused with a “Near Gale” or “Strong Gale”?
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Strong winds and heavy rain.
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Strong winds but with very little rain.
Persistent rain and very humid weather.
The temperature control system of the main engine crankshaft bearings indicates high temperature. What would be the correct way to open and check the crankcase?
Stop the engine immediately and keep the lube oil pump running for at least 20 minutes before opening the crankcase.
Stop the engine immediately, stop the lube oil pump, and inspect the crankcase after 5 minute.
Stop the engine and open crankcase down immediately for inspection.
Reduce the RPM to a minimum and open the crankcase doors carefully.
The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:
12th day, 1310 hours UTC.
12th day, 1310 hours local time.
12th month, 13th day, 1000 hours UTC.
12th month, 13th day, 1000 hour local time.
What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-water?
Segregated Ballast Tanks on an oil tanker may best be defined as:
Cargo tanks which may be used for the carriage of ballast.
Cargo tanks which may be used for ballast, where the lines are not connected to the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment.
Tanks which are completely separate from cargo or fuel oil systems, being permanently allocated to the carriage of ballast and fitted with their own pumps and associated piping.
Cargo tanks which each have their own individual pumps, are fitted with independent piping systems and are served by unconnected ventilation arrangements.
B Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of a standard fire test held for:
If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a “crash stop” when proceeding at full ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?
Similar distance to deep water.
About 1,5 nautical miles.
Under GMDSS which VHF channel is used for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)?
What is the purpose of the ODME (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) printer?
To prove fault conditions in the ODME.
To prove that oil has been pumped overboard according to regulations.
To prove that the ODME system has been used.
In which areas is plastic material accepted for overboard disposal?
In specially designated areas (ref. MARPOL).
100 n. m. from shore line.
Not permissible anywhere.
The traffic list of a coast-station is a list of:
Pertinent navigational and weather information.
Names of ships which, on behalf of safety at sea, are being routed by a traffic control system.
Name of ship’s scheduled for berthing.
Call-signs of ships for which a radio-telephone call, a telegram or another call is intended.
What is the correct understanding of the term “Isobar”?
An “Isobar” is the line of the cold front in a frontal depression.
An “Isobar” is the line showing the direction of the predicted path of a hurricane.
An “Isobar” is a line joining places of equal pressure.
An “Isobar” is a line joining places of equal temperature.
The rudder is in the hard over position with the propeller stopped and the ship turning slowly. On a ship with a single fixed pitch right handed propeller and no thrusters, what can be done to make the ship increase the speed of turn without significantly increasing the forward speed of the ship?
Give half astern on the engines as this will increase the rate of turn.
Give the engines a short kick ahead.
Give full astern on the engines until ship has stopped and then full ahead on the engines with rudder hard over.
Give dead slow ahead on the engines and leave the rudder in the hard over position.
In radio-telex distress traffic preference is given to FEC because:
The system automatically requests repetition when reception garbled.
Everybody can read along.
What would be the correct form of response to the question: What kind of assistance do you require?
The correct form of response would be: I need help on board with a fire and the smoke is very toxic.
The correct form of response would be: I need help as soon as possible.
The correct form of response would be: There is a fire onboard my vessel.
The correct form of response would be: My vessel has a fire in the accommodation and we require fire-fighting assistance.
What possible reason could there be for the identification mark associated with a Racon not being visible on the radar screen?
The Racon may not be transmitting a pulse.
The transmitted radar frequency may not trigger the Racon transmitter.
All of the suggested answers.
The radar may be suppressing the mark with application of the Interference Rejection control.
A wire aerial for an MF/HF-transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
To make the way for aerial currents as long as possible.
To prevent burns when touching the aerial.
To prevent contact with earth.
“RECEIVED MAYDAY” is used in a:
Receipt of a distress alert.
When received a weather report.
Supplementary receipt on a distress alert.
If a ship in the MF-band wants to have a DSC-connection with a coast-station (no “distress alert” or a test alert) the following frequencies are chosen:
TX: 2 177,0 kHz RX: 2 189,5 kHz.
TX: 2 187,5 kHz RX: 2 182 kHz.
TX: 2 177,0 kHz RX: 2 177,0 kHz.
TX: 2 189,5 kHz RX: 2 177,0 kHz.
As regards the launching and recovery arrangements for rescue boats which is required among the following:
Each lifeboat shall be provided with separate appliances which is capable of launching and recovering the lifeboat.
Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that they can be operated at all times from the bridge.
Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival craft during abandonment.
Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival craft on board the ship.
When cargo discharge reaches stripping levels on an oil tanker, it is necessary to reduce the inert gas pressure so as to:
Avoid over-capacity in the IG generator.
Avoid locking the cargo pump impeller.
Comply with the requirement of MARPOL Annex VI.
You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because:
You should have listened on the 2 182 kHz.
You should have listened on VHF.
First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8 MHz.
Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC signals.
A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the false distress alert?
Send all stations urgent priority MF DSC call.
Send a selective distress priority MF DSC call to the nearest MRCC-Inform it that a false distress alert has been transmitted.
Switch off the transmitter.
Make broadcast on 2 182 kHz “Mayday all stations” and cancel the false distress alert.
By a vessel in distress a SART is used. This SART is seen on the screen of a:
Both 3 Cm and 10 Cm radar.
What is the inherent danger in the use of halon to extinguish an extensive fire?
Depletion of the ozone layer.
Depletion of oxygen in the air.
Development of explosive gases.
Development of toxic gases.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
Survival craft pyrotechnic distress signals.
Which of the following spaces is a “special category space”?
A space containing a centralised fire control equipment.
A garage tweendeck on a passenger ferry.
A space the gross calorific value of which may exceed 45 megajoules per square meter of the deck area.
A space specially designed and used for the storage of class 1.1 dangerous goods.
In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?
Skin penetration and skin absorption.
What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning “Calling All Ships”?
A message is send by the Inmarsat-C set. The land earth station will:
The sender has to confirm delivery by sending another separate message.
Never send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender. The addressed will have to confirm the message through the ground-station and request for further information, if desired.
Only send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender if the sender requested, so in the send menu.
Automatically send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender.
After completing all pre-starting checks on the flue gas plant, the first thing that the operator would do is to:
Open the blower discharge valve.
Open the flue gas isolating valve.
What new stability problems would be caused by having deep double bottom tanks on double hull oil tankers?
There are no new stability considerations.
The vessel would be “stiff” and have a sharp rolling period.
The Metacentric Height (GM) would have to be considered.
The depth of the Double bottom would require additional strength members.
What does this flag mean?
My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
I wish to communicate with you.
I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
What action should the Officer of the Watch (OOW) take if he is forced to make a major deviation from the voyage plan?
There is no special action necessary.
Make an appropriate entry in the Log Book.
Check that the deviation will not lead into danger.
The good operation in any location, whether the NAVTEX is working properly or not, can be checked using:
A company test procedure.
Test transmissions specially broadcast for this purpose once a week.
A testing program built in for this purpose.
A compulsory built-in alarm for defects.
By the degree of selectivity of a receiver is meant:
Ability to distinguish weak stations from adjacent stronger stations.
Ability to prevent variations in the strength of radio frequency signal received.
Ability to make weak stations audible.
Ability to receive all signals.
Where on board can you find the different types of protection equipment, the placement, how much equipment etc?
Which of the suggested navigational systems is a “Hyperbolic” navigational system and has hyperbolae as position lines?
All of the suggested systems.
To prevent overload of the MF/HF transmitter:
Do not transmit too long at full power.
Switch over to low power intermitently.
Do not leave the transmitter on stand-by for too long, if not required.
Clean the dust filter of the fan regularly.
What is “AIR DRAUGHT”, in the figure?
Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure.
Air draught is indicated by A, in the figure.
Air draught is indicated by D, in the figure.
Air draught is indicated by B, in the figure.
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings.
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard.
Among working conditions listed below which one is required for every propulsion engine of lifeboats?
For a period of at least 72 hours.
Propeller permanently driven by the engine.
Starting achieved within 2 min of commencing the start procedure at an ambient temperature of -15 °C.
With respect to the ISM, what training in additional to lifeboat and fire drills must be carried out?
Familiarization, and other drills identified as necessary by the ship.
The boat drill and fire drill should be adequate to meet your needs.
Which is the correct term given to the company providing stores and provisions to a ship in port?
Where a fixed fire detection system does not include means of remotely identifying each detector individualy, detectors are grouped in “sections”. These sections may cover up to:
When a character in the NAVTEX message sent is not received in the proper way:
A closely resembling character will be printed.
Any other character will be printed.
The message will not be printed at all until, with repeated transmission, it can be automatically compared and corrected.
Nothing or a special character will be printed.
On a traditional crude oil carrier, it is possible to arrange the valves in the bottom of a pumproom so that cargo flows from one bottom line to another. When more than one grade of cargo is carried, what is the operational safeguard requirement regarding these valves?
That there is two valve segregation.
There is no so special requirement.
That one valve segregation is maintained at all times.
That two valves must be closed on each line or a “spacer” removed to ensure no direct connection between tanks.
In a distress-situation a MF/HF-DSC transmission is used in the 8 MHz frequency. In this case always:
Indicate on what frequency communication will be continued.
Ask the RCC for the frequency.
Turn on the right frequency.
Put in the MMSI number of the coastguard on the DSC.
When decanting water overboard from the slop tank, it is recommended:
It is dependant on the voyage and if there are any river or canal transits.
From Full Away On Passage (FAOP) to End Of Passage.
How is the painter released from the lifeboat, once the boat is waterborne and ready to leave?
The painter will automatically part by the weak link when the boat goes astern to clear the ship.
Cut it with the axe provided.
Remove the toggle which will release the painter.
Cut it with the knife contained in the equipment locker.
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain maritime assistance?
A message is send by the Inmarsat-C set. The land earth station will:
The sender has to confirm delivery by sending another separate message.
Automatically send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender.
Only send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender if the sender requested, so in the send menu.
Never send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender. The addressed will have to confirm the message through the ground-station and request for further information, if desired.
The freeboard of a lifeboat, measured from the waterline to the lowest opening through which the lifeboat may become flooded:
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seated to one side of the centreline.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when fully loaded.
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when fully loaded.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seatd to one side of the centreline.
Testing a SART is permitted:
Only at sea, outside territorial waters.
Only in a port or harbour.
At sea, outside territorial waters, and in port or harbour.
A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much area should this be to call it a balanced rudder?
The whip-antenna of the MF transceiver was lost in bad weather. The MF transceiver can be used again:
Only if the whip-antenna is replaced by another whip-antenna of the same length.
If the whip-antenna is replaced by an antenna of about the same length as the original one.
If instead of the whip-antenna, another whip-antenna such as the spare VHF antenna is connected.
If the whip-antenna is replaced by a Sat-C antenna.
In context of cargo oil depth and ullage measurements, the abbreviation UTI stands for:
Ullage Topping Instrument.
Ullage Temperature Interface.
The quantity of oil obtained after deducting the volume of oil and free water in the tank prior loading, from the total observed volume after loading, is called the:
Gross Observed Volume (GOV).
Gross Standard Volume (GSV).
Total Calculated Volume (TCV).
Net Observed Volume (NOV).
The Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) test is commonly used for measuring:
The nominal vapour pressure of the liquid at 38,7 °C.
The actual vapour pressure of the liquid at 15,6 °C.
The absolute vapour pressure of the liquid at 37,8 °C.
The uncorrected vapour pressure of the liquid at 59 °C.
How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment?
By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the equipment.
The certificate of competency will ensure the officer has suitable competence in operating the bridge equipment.
By following the standard company Induction procedures for a bridge watchkeeping officer.
By using the equipment on regular watchkeeping duties.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Rescue boat with waterproof canopy.
The log-in of an Inmarsat-C installation is important:
To keep watch on Sat-C for safety messages.
To inform the addressee, that one is available for messages offered.
To inform the LES, that one is available for messages offered.
To inform the NSC that one is available for messages offered.
Which equipment will detect a signal from a SART transponder?
Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems are widely employed in all kinds of vessels, mainly passenger ships and ro-ro ships, with a high degree of success. The aim of these systems is to put out a fire but they may also be very useful even if they only ensure.
The structural protection of the vessel.
The control of temperatures of surrounding areas.
The confinement of a fire.
All the answers are good.