Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 147
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Do not carry lighters or matches when working outdoors.
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Keep tools within easy reach during work.
Keep your working area clean and tidy.
What could cause diesel engine lubricating oil to appear cloudy with a slightly “milky” colour?
Fuel contamination of the system.
High temperature of the oil.
Water contamination of the system.
Under what circumstances would you remove guards and safety devices from machinery?
To allow the shaft to be seen to confirm the machine is running.
When they are rattling and vibrating.
During overhaul and maintenance procedures.
When the safety devices keep stopping the machinery.
What function is this operational amplifier circuit performing?
What is the correct name of the tool shown in the illustration?
What is the expansion ratio of the foam produced by the fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system of an engine room?
Greater than 20 to 1 but less than 50 to 1.
What is generally considered as the minimum safe time period before opening a crankcase door after the oil mist detector alarm has activated and the engine has been stopped?
After at least 20 minutes.
After at least 5 minutes.
After at least 10 minutes.
What type of component does this graphical symbol illustrate?
Pressure-reducing regulator.
During maintenance of a piston rod stuffing box on a large, slow speed diesel engine it is usual to measure the butt gaps between the sealing ring and scrapper ring segments. What would be the effect of these gaps being too small?
If the gaps are too small the rings could scope the piston rod.
If the gaps are too small they could close due to the radial wear of the rings before the next scheduled overhaul preventing the rings from contacting the piston rod and sealing it.
If the gaps are too small then the flow of scavenge air through the gland would be reduced and the gland would overheat.
If the gaps were too small then no oil could pass up the piston rod to lubricate the sealing rings.
Which part of the crankshaft of a modern large two stroke diesel engine is most likely to be the origin point for crack initiation during service and therefore needs the greatest attention during maintenance inspection?
The dowel pins and dowel holes.
For ideal synchronising as the incomer circuit breaker contacts make, the phase angle difference between the incomer e. m. f. and the busbar voltage should be:
As part of the regular maintenance for a paramagnetic oxygen analyser used for measuring the oxygen content of exhaust gas it is important to keep the sample line filter as clean as possible. Why is this necessary with this type of instrument?
The filter may rupture due to the high pressures generated by the sample pump.
Pressure variations in the sample chamber can cause errors so restrictions must be kept to a minimum.
The pressure drop across the filter may damage the sampling pump.
A high flow rate is required in order to deflect the sensing element.
How many Radar Transponders (SART) are required to be carried onboard a ship for use in survival crafts?
2, one of which being capable of floating free if the ship sinks.
Two on each side of the ship.
One on each side of the ship.
Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?
A large electric motor is being removed from a main seawater pump with the aid of the engine room crane. Which is the best method of starting the lift from the options given?
Use the full hoist facility on the crane to “break” the motor free after slackening all of the retaining bolts.
Use the “inch up” facility on the crane to “break” the motor free after slackening all of the retaining bolts.
Use a suitable chain block suspended from the crane hook to “break” the motor free after slackening all of the retaining bolts.
Use the full hoist facility to lift the motor clear in one action after removing all of the retaining bolts.
B Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of a standard fire test held for:
An earth fault exists on the blue line of a 100 A bilge pump circuit. A second earth fault occurs on the yellow line of a 10 A ventilation fan circuit. Both systems are supplied from the ship’s 440 V supply. The likely outcome is that:
A short circuit occurs between earth faults and the ventilation fan fuse blows.
An open circuit occurs between earth fault and both motors trip out.
A short circuit occurs between earth fault and the bilge pump fuse blows.
Both motors trip out on overload.
Under which circumstances should a sprinkler head of a common fixed sprinkler fire-extinguishing system be activated?
When the smoke density exceeds 12,5 % obscuration per minute, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel.
When the temperature is within a range from 68 °C to 79 °C, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel.
Automatically, when the temperature is within a range from 68 °C to 79 °C.
Automatically, when the smoke density exceeds 12,5 % obscuration per meter.
In a diesel engine lubrication system the circulating pump normally takes suction from the oil sump tank. Where would the oil normally pass to directly after the pump?
The mandatory color of a hand flare is:
Before leaving the machinery spaces of a UMS vessel after routine watchkeeping rounds in the evening, the duty engineer inspects the doors to Fuel Oil Treatment rooms which are covered by a fixed fire fighting installation. For what purpose does he do this?
To tie them open with a rope to prevent the heat from building up inside, and making it uncomfortable to work.
To make sure that they are properly closed with the self closing device so that any fire is contained and the extinguishing medium can be released without delay.
Wedge them open with an arrangement which allows them to be closed quickly in the event of a fire.quickly.
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats?
A manually controlled lamp fitted on the outside.
A remotely operated steering arrangement.
An electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source.
Permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat.
What type of construction material should be avoided regarding fire protection purposes? (SOLAS II-2/2.2.3).
All combustible materials.
All uncovered wooden materials.
What would be the correct form of response to the question: “What kind of assistance do you require?”
The correct form of response would be: “There is a fire onboard my vessel”.
The correct form of response would be: “My vessel has a fire in the accommodation and we require fire-fighting assistance”.
The correct form of response would be: “I need help on board with a fire and the smoke is very toxic”.
The correct form of response would be: “I need help as soon as possible”.
While alongside at a repair berth a new section of seawater pipe has been fabricated in a shoreside workshop from drawings supplied by the vessel. During fitting of the pipe by ship’s engineers it is noted that the pipe is too short leaving a gap of about 8 mm between the flange faces. What action should be taken to remedy this problem?
The pipe should be returned to the shoreside workshop for modification or to be remade to the correct dimensions.
The ships engineer’s should use extra long bolts and pull the flanges together.
The ship’s engineers should fit extra thick joints between the flanges to fill the gap.
The ship’s engineers should manufacture a spacer piece to fit the gap.
How many separate means of escape are provided from each fire zone above the bulkhead deck?
If a refrigeration system contains air, how would you remove it from the system?
Pump the system down to the evaporator and keep the fan running until the evaporator is at ambient temperature and vent off the air from the top of the evaporator.
Stop the compressor and vent the air from the crankcase.
Pump the system down to the condenser, continue cooling water flow until the condenser is at the same temperature as the cooling water and vent off the air from the top of the condenser.
Stop the compressor and undo a pipe coupling at the highest point in the system to vent off the air.
With two alternators running in parallel, and one is to be disconnected. The first step is to:
Remove the load from the alternator to be stopped.
Increase the frequency on the switchboard.
Trip the main circuit breaker.
Make sure the load is evenly shared.
The circuit consists of two inductors, L(1) = 6 H and L(2) = 12 H, connected in parallel. Calculate the equivalent L(S) of the two inductors.
What will be the probable outcome if the amplification is set too high on a controller?
The process will oscillate and get out of control.
The set-point will change.
The process response will be very slow.
What is likely to be the cause of black smoke from a diesel engine exhaust seen at the funnel?
Engine is burning some lubricating oil.
Incomplete combustion of the fuel.
Which of the options represents the best action to take when an item of machinery, which normally operates in automatic mode, is operated in “manual” mode?
Keep the Chief Engineer informed of machines performance on an hourly basis.
Have someone permanently stationed at the machine in case of an operational problem.
Monitor the operation of the machinery on a frequent basis.
Change over all other machinery to manual mode of operation.
Why is it important to check the timing of diesel engine cylinder oil lubricators?
To ensure the piston is not covering the lubrication points and blocking the flow of cylinder lubricating oil into the cylinder.
To ensure cylinder lubricating oil enters the cylinders when the piston is in the required position.
To ensure the correct amount of cylinder lubricating oil is fed into the cylinders.
To avoid excess pressure in the cylinder lubrication system.
You are starting to get low on water in the lifeboat. What should you do?
Mix sea water with 50 % fresh water.
What is the main reason for keeping engine lubricating oil viscosity within recommended limits?
To reduce system pressure losses.
To ensure the strength of the oil film is sufficient to keep lubricated surfaces apart.
To neutralise any acids that may form.
Which of the following alternatives summarise the benefits of using high voltage on ships?
Smaller conductors, machines and switchgear.
Smaller conductors, insulators and transformers.
Smaller cables and better power factors.
More efficient transformers and electrical machines.
When a fire breaks out in the accommodation, cargo holds or on deck, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
The first officer arriving at the scene.
The first person arriving at the scene.
The person who is designated in the muster list.
Why may wearing sweat rags slung round your neck when working in the machinery spaces be hazardous?
The rags may cause sweat rash.
The rags may cause you to get too hot and faint.
The rags may be soaked with oil and catch fire.
The rags may be caught by running machinery or power tools.
A flame detector is activated by:
Smoke, gas, sparks and high temperature.
The radiation of heat given off by flames.
The rise of the environment temperature.
The infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation given off by flames.
A mechanical seal, consisting of carbon and ceramic seal rings, is to be fitted to a centrifugal pump shaft. What is the most likely result of not being extremely careful when fitting this type of seal?
The seal rings are hard and may score the pump shaft.
The spring and bellows for the seal can be easily damaged.
The seal rings are brittle and can be easily chipped or damaged.
The rubber O rings for the seal can be easily damaged.
The packed gland on a centrifugal pump is leaking even though the gland has been “nipped up”. What is the correct action to take to stop the leakage?
Tighten up the gland as much as possible until the leakage stops.
Ensure the bilge well to which the leakage is draining is regularly pumped out.
Re-pack the stuffing box loosely with the correct size packing at the earliest opportunity.
Fit an extra ring of oversize packing to the stuffing box at the earliest opportunity.
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?
An auxiliary engine is fitted with a duplex type lubricating oil filter. The in-use element requires changing. What procedure should be used to fit the new element?
With the engine running, position the changeover cock so that both filters are in use to reduce the pressure before.
With the engine running, shut off the filter inlet and quickly fit the new element.
The engine must be stopped to fit a clean filter element.
With the engine running, change over to the other filter after priming it and replace the dirty element after checking there is no pressure on dirty filter housing.
Which ships does the ISM code apply to?
All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500 GRT or above.
When a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight off the deck of a ship, from which position can the centre of gravity of the weight be considered to act?
From the centre of the weight lifted.
From the position on the deck from which the weight was lifted.
From a position on the deck at the base of the derrick or crane.
From the head of the derrick or crane.
The two instruments necessary for generator synchonising are:
kW meter and frequency meter.
Voltmeter and synchroscope.
Synchroscope and kVar-meter.
Amp-meter and volt-meter.
What is the correct name of the tool shown in the illustration?
During an unmanned period on a UMS vessel the “low water level” alarm for the jacket cooling water system expansion tank activates. What action would you take as duty engineer?
Answer the alarm then block the alarm and change to manned engine room condition.
Answer the alarm then block the alarm function for later action and resume unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm and adjust the alarm set point for the water level in the expansion tank before resuming unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm, top up the tank and check the system for leakage before resuming unmanned operation.
Thermistors are temperature sensitive devices. A positive temperature coefficient thermistor will typically have:
Relatively linear characteristic.
Relatively non linear characteristic.
A seawater pump requires overhaul but there are no spare wear rings for the casing and impeller. It is decided that new wear rings will be fabricated onboard using the ship’s lathe. What would be the most suitable material to use to fabricate the rings onboard?
On finding a person apparently unconscious in a High Voltage switch room, which of the following should be done?
Raise alarm then drag the victim clear so that they cannot reach live parts while receiving aid.
Check if the victim is in contact with live parts and if not apply first aid.
Raise alarm, identify means of isolation and apply before approaching victim.
Trip all breakers and approach victim.
An electrical power emergency source in a ship is required because:
It satisfies the SOLAS requirements for ship safety.
The main diesel generator(s) can be taken out of service for overhaul or repair.
It satisfies the need to be environmentally “friendly”.
The ships total load can be shared between main and emergency generators.
Which of the following voltage levels would be regarded as high voltage likely to be found on a ship?
Which of the following instruments is normally part of a control-loop?
Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by “A” or “B” class divisions on a ship?
All the mentioned alternatives.
On the general arrangement plan.
On the Ship’s fire control plans.
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?
A section of seawater pipe has been removed for maintenance. When refitting the pipe after completing the work the bolt holes in the flanges are found to be misaligned. What procedure should be followed to finish the work?
Adjacent pipework should be slackened off to allow the pipe to be aligned. Any incorrectly positioned brackets should be adjusted after the pipe is refitted.
Use a chain block to pull the pipe flanges into alignment and leave it in place after the bolts are fitted to avoid overstressing the bolts.
Use wooden wedges to force and hold the pipe into the correct position and then fit the bolts.
Force the pipe into position and then hammer the bolts into the holes to hold the pipe flanges into alignment.
For a Nitrite – Borate based cooling water treatment system, what would be considered to be the normal nitrite concentration limits for a correctly dosed system?
3 000 – 4 500 ppm Nitrite.
1 500 – 3 000 ppm Nitrite.
4 500 – 6 000 ppm Nitrite.
What precautions should be taken, in addition to shutting the main air start valve if work is to be carried out inside the main diesel engine crankcase?
Keep a man posted in the control room to stop anyone who tries to start the engine.
Engage the turning gear and put a notice at each engine control position.
Engage the turning gear, stop the starting air compressors and drain the air receivers.
Engage the turning gear and close every valve on the starting air receivers.
What do you understand by: “Let go the port anchor?”
Let go the port anchor means: slacken the port anchor cable.
Let go the port anchor means: put the port windlass brake in gear.
Let go the port anchor means: put the port windlass brake in gear and lower the anchor.
Let go the port anchor means: open the port windlass brake.
What is the approximate content of oxygen in air?
What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?
It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship’s side.
The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water.
It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind.
The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill.
What acton is required if the crankcase relief valve on an air compressor is operating and emitting an air and oil mixture?
Increase the lift pressure of the relief valve.
Overhaul the compressor unit.
Increase the flow of cooling water to the compressor and intercooler.
Place a drip can beneath the valve to collect any escaping oil.
What is the correct name of the tool shown in the illustration?
Many large slow speed diesel engines operating on heavy fuel oil have a fuel injection system which features Variable Injection Timing. How does this affect engine operation?
VIT increases engine efficiency by automatically maintaining the maximum cylinder pressure over the entire load range.
VIT increases engine efficiency by automatically maintaining the maximum cylinder pressure over part of the load range.
VIT improves engine operation by automatically controlling the start of fuel injection when it detects a poor quality fuel.
VIT allows the ship’s engineers to alter the injection timing for each load setting with a simple single adjustment of the fuel rack.
What effect does an increased oil feed flow rate have on the performance of a centrifuge operating as a purifier?
Separating efficiency is unchanged.
Separating efficiency is increased, more water is removed.
Separating efficiency is increased, more solids are removed.
Separating efficiency is reduced.
During maintenance of a pneumatically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve the diaphragm is found to be split. Select, from the options given, a suitable material to use to make a temporary replacement if there is no spare diaphragm available.
Natural rubber sheet of approximately the same thickness and elasticity as the original diaphragm material.
Cotton reinforced rubber insertion sheet of smaller thickness but similar strength as the original diaphragm material.
Natural rubber sheet of greater thickness and lower elasticity as the original diaphragm material.
Cotton reinforced rubber insertion sheet of approximately the same thickness but less elasticity than the original diaphragm material.
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?
When referring to onboard oil treatments using a centrifuge, what is meant by the term purification?
Separation of solid contaminants from a liquid during the process.
Separation of two insoluble liquids with different densities, and the removal of solids in the same process.
It is a general term applied to a process for cleaning oil using a centrifuge.
Separation of one insoluble liquid from another.
Select the option which best describes the primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer:
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to maintain constant surveillance of the main engine and auxiliary machinery.
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to maintain the ship’s speed.
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to ensure that machinery spaces are properly manned.
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to maintain constant surveillance of the steering gear.
A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water presure at the bows causing an effect known as “Panting”. What structure in the forward region of the ship combats the effects of Panting?
Double bottom tanks and floors.
Panting beams and stringers.
Collision bulkhead and deck.
During an unmanned period on a UMS vessel the “low water level” alarm for the jacket cooling water system expansion tank activities. What action would you take as duty engineer?
Answer the alarm then block the alarm function for later action and resume unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm then block the alarm and change to manned engineroom condition.
Answer the alarm and adjust the alarm set point for the water level in the expansion tank before resuming unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm, top up the tank and check the system for leakage before resuming unmanned operation.
With regard to radar, what would be a correct form of response to the question: “What range scale are you using?”
The correct form of response would be: “I am using the 12 mile range scale”.
The correct form of response would be: “I am using the largest range scale”.
The correct form of response would be: “I am using the 10 cm radar”.
The correct form of response would be: “I am using the 3 cm radar”.
When you are calibrating an instrument what is the most common second step in the procedure?
Adjustment of Zero-point.
Vibration analysis is often used as a conditioning monitoring tool onboard ship as part of the approved planned maintenance system. Many vibration measuring instruments are fitted with a harmonic filter/analyser. How would these filters normally be used during vibration measurement on a centrifugal pump?
To block out any noise or vibration from the surrounding engine room.
To generate an audible sound signal at the same frequency and amplitude as the vibration.
To isolate a single frequency of vibration associated with one of the pumps components.
To sum up all the harmonics of a base frequency to give total vibration for all of the pump’s components simultaneously.
Personnel in a high voltage switchroom and smell rotten eggs. What may this indicate?
Arcing at badly coupled bus bars.
Problems with a vacuum circuit breaker.
Problems with a gas (SF6) circuit breaker.
A vapour compression refrigiration system is usually fitted with a number of devices to give protection and control of the system. Which of the methods given in the options should be used to test the high pressure cut out during routine maintenance and checking of the system?
Manually close each of the evaporator coils by switching off the electrical supply to the liquid line solenoid shut off valves and monitor the condenser pressure.
Close the condenser outlet valve and closely monitor the condenser pressure.
Gradually shut in the condenser cooling water valve or the condenser refrigerant inlet valve while closely monitoring the compressor discharge pressure.
Charge the system with refrigerant until the high pressure cut out operates.
You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms?
The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.
The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold.
The person starts to talk a lot and seems superactive.
Why is it important to check the timing of diesel engine cylinder oil lubricators?
To ensure the piston is not covering the lubrication points and blocking the flow of cylinder lubricating oil into the cylinder.
To ensure the correct amount of cylinder lubricating oil is fed into the cylinders.
To ensure cylinder lubricating oil enters the cylinders when the piston is in the required position.
To avoid excess pressure in the cylinder lubrication system.