Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
Falls used in launching shall be turned end for end at an interval of not more than X months and to be renewed not later than every Y years, where the intervals are:
What are class "C" bulkheads?
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 15 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials but do not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor limitations relative to temperature rise.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 30 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 45 minutes.
The free volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) of a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system shall be calculated at
What is the requirement as regards stopping arrangements for power ventilation of accommodation spaces, cargo compartments, machinery spaces, service spaces and control stations?
Only a manually operated stopping arrangement is allowed
Ventilation must be remotely controlled from a central fire control panel
Ventilation must stop automatically whenever the ship's fixed fire detection and alarm system is activated
Ventilation must be capable of being stopped from an easily accessible position outside the space being served
Where shall shore side fire-fighting personnel find necessary information on the ship's fire control in an emergency situation? (SOLAS II-2/20.2)
The Captain of the ship is responsible for giving the necessary information of the ship's control plan
Copy of the fire control plans/folders to be stored in a watertight prominently marked container outside the deck house
Copy of fire control plans/folders to be posted in a prominently marked localisation on the navigating bridge
Information to be given by the ship's Owner through the nearest Rescue Coordination Centre
DSC-test transmissions may:
Be sent by any installation
Only be sent on an MF-installation on frequencies other then the DSC-distress frequency
Only be sent with MF/HF-installation on other frequencies than the DSC-distress frequencies, if the tele-command ‘test' is used
Be sent by an MF-installation on the DSC-distress frequency
The following DSC-message was received:(see original )The nature of the distress is:
Select the correct send and receive frequencies for sending a DSC ‘distress alert’ in the MF band:
TX: 2189.5 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
TX: 500.0 KHz RX: 518.0 KHz
TX: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2187.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
The legal type VHF-antenna has a length of:
" On area A4 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
the use of SART transponders
One of the sailors needs urgent medical assistance. The VHF-call starts with:
For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?
For passenger vessels only.
For all vessels except passenger vessels.
For tankers and other vessels carrying persistent oil as cargo.
What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?
Fruit and vegetables only.
Brandy, whiskey or other strong drinks.
A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar plexus) can upset the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and signs?
The casualty may start sweating profusely and develops a fever.
Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty may be unable to speak.
The casualty feel very hungry.
The casualty is speaking in a very load manner.
Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings
You are about to pass another ship in a close situation. What can happen in this situation?
Due to suction, the two ships will be sucked together
The two ships will be pushed towards the banks
The bow of your ship will be sucked towards the stern of the other ship
Your ship will not be affected in this situation
Who is authorized to prescribe use of locomotives and canal deck-hands during transit of the Panama Canal?
The Cristobal or Balboa harbour masters respectively.
As regards supervising authorities at home and abroad it is determined that:
the master can always refuse them access to the radio-equipment on board
they only have access with permission of the counsel of the vessel’s flag country
they always have access to the radio-equipment on board
HF communication is usually provided by :
Public correspondance MF communications should normally be operated :
In G3E mode – on simplex basis
In J3E mode – on simplex basis
In G3E mode – on duplex basis
Distress MF communications should normally be operated :
In J3E mode – on simplex basis
In G3E mode – on duplex basis
In G3E mode – on simplex basis
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
four rocket parachute flares
one life-jacket for each person
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Start air filling of the liferaft
Start air filling of the davit launched liferaft
Start ventilation of the lifeboat
*On-board training in the use of davit-launched liferafts (including inflation and lowering whenever practicable) must take place
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Means of escape - escape routes
Illumination in launching areas
The use of all survival equipment
The use of all detection equipment
The maximum height that a pilot should be required to climb on a pilot ladder before reaching the deck or stepping onto an accommodation ladder platform is:
Which routine procedures should be carried out before cold work commences?
Sound the general alarm and carry out procedures to instructions for cold work including filling in forms and having them signed.
Have a breathing apparatus standing by
Carry out procedures to instructions for cold work including filling in forms and having them signed.
Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?
To allow overhaul of the screw down valve when the non-return valve is shut and the boiler is steaming.
To allow fine tuning of feed water flow to the boiler.
To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.
To increase the workload for staff when overhauling the boiler.
What is the requirement with regard to Familiarisation on board?
Seafarers, on being assigned to any ship, shall be familiarized with their specific duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties.
Seafarers shall be familiarized with all life saving appliances and emergency exits in case any emergency situation occurs. It takes normally an hour to complete the Safety Familiarisation. The safety Officer is responsible.
Seafarers on board passenger vessels must as soon as possible learn the names of all persons working in the same department in order to ensure efficient daily operation.
During the first tenure, seafarers are responsible for asking at least a 100 questions to the Safety Officer.
The majority of medium speed main propulsion installations incorporate a reduction gearbox between the engine and the propeller shaft. Why is this arrangement usually required?
So that the engine can be more easily reversed.
So that the engine can be coupled to a controllable pitch propeller.
So that the propeller operates in a relatively efficient speed range.
So that the engine can also drive a shaft alternator.
At what temperature is it recommended that frozen fish is stored?
Between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius.
A loaded bulk carrier experiences heavy ice accretion on deck forward, what are the major concerns of the changes in stability?
Excessive trim by the stern
Reduction of speed and additional fuel consumption
Reduction of metacentric height (GM) and loss of freeboard forward
Increase in metacentric height (GM)
When discharging dirty ballast from an oil tanker at a high flow rate with main cargo pumps, the limiting factor on permitted overboard discharge is the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil. Which of the following formulae is used to calculate this rate?
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/nm) = oil content (ppm) x flow rate (m3/h) / speed (knots) x 1,000
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/nm) = oil content (ppm) x 1,000 / flow rate (l/h) x speed (knots)
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/h) = oil content (ppm) x flow rate (l/h) / speed (knots) x 10,000
Instantaneous rate of discharge (ml/nm) = oil content (ml/nm) x flow rate (l/m) / speed (knots) x 100
What necessary precautions should be taken before entering a tank or an enclosed space?
Make sure that the tank/ enclosed space is gas free, ventilated and the oxygen content is measured. O2 content shall be 21% before entering the tank/ enclosed space
Bring a flashlight and put on safety shoes
Remember to have a colleague standing by to assist you if any problems
Use a breathing apparatus if the oxygen level is below 21%
In terms of instrumentation and measurement, what is an I/P Transducer?
A transducer that converts a known electric current to a pressure proportional to the current.
A transducer that increases a pressure signal which is too low to give the desired effect.
A transducer that converts a pressure to a proportional electric signal.
A transducer that is inverting a pressure signal.
According to the IMO Gas Codes, what is the minimum number of "Firemen’s outfits" required to be carried on an LNG carrier with a cargo capacity above 5,000 m3?
Which of the following is typical for a feed-forward control system
We are controlling the process inlet side
The process is always oscillating
We can calculate the system response mathematically
It is easy to obtain a perfect control
What are the main components causing the magnetic compass to require a regular evaluation and compass correction?
The change in the position of the magnetic pole causing annual changes in the variation
Permanent and induced magnetism in the ships structure
The continual changes of courses steered by the ship
If a boiler is smoking “black smoke” a possible cause can be
Too little combustion air
Fuel oil temperature too low
What would be the most likely cause of a smell of "rotten eggs" in the upper casing of the engine room?
Fresh water evaparator malfunction.
Open or leaking acetylene bottle.
A leak of exhaust gas from a boiler or diesel engine exhaust.
Failure of the ship's refrigeration system.
Which of the following statements regarding a centrifugal pump is correct?
A centrifugal pump is always self priming.
Under normal operation the fluid being pumped discharges from the center of the impeller.
A centrifugal pump is always fitted in a vertical possition.
It is important that the rotation direction is correct to avoid dry running.
When checking the cylinder pressures of a 6 cylinder medium speed diesel engine it is found that one of the cylinders has a high maximum pressure. What is the most likely cause of this?
Fuel pressure to the engine is too high.
Exhaust valve on the cylinder with the high pressure is leaking.
Fuel timing to that cylinder too far advanced.
Fuel timing to that cylinder too far retarded.
What cooling medium is normally used to cool the condenser of a fresh water generator?
During routine checking of an engine after start up it is discovered that a pipe leading to a starting air valve is hot. Is this due to;
A sticking start air valve.
A sticking exhaust valve.
As understood within the IMDG Code, what is an "article"?
Something that is packed within a freight container.
A device that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction.
A device that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
A form that contains important information about a hazardous substance.
When data are to be transferred over a telephone line, we often utilize modem at each end. Which of the following adapter cards (parts) will you use for interfacing a modem to a computer?
Which function is this operational amplifier circuit performing?
When could there be a demonstration of how to start a lifeboat engine?
There is an instruction card inside the lifeboat showing how to start the engine.
A demonstration could be arranged during a lifeboat drill
A demonstration is not necessary, because there are a limited number of persons who given the responsibility for starting the lifeboat engine
Starting the lifeboat engine is very easy and there does not need to be any demonstration
Which of the following forms of food poisoning is particularly associated with outbreaks on cruise ships?
Staphylococcal enterotoxin.
What do Tonnes per Centimeter immersion (TPC), Moment to Change Trim by one Centimeter (MCTC) and Longitudinal Centre of Floatation (LCF) have in common?
They vary with changes in displacement
They vary with small angles of heel
They vary with changes in the shape of the waterplane
They remain unaffected by changes in displacement
What indicates the correct weight of a wrongly declared container?
The ship’s loading computer
Strain gauges fitted to the shore gantry cranes
The tare weight stamped on the container
Where are cargo residues usually concealed?
In the upper sections of the ship’s frames
In recesses below manhole covers
The wheatstone resistance bridge is often used for measuring resistances in, forexample, Pt 100 temperature sensors or strain gauges. This figure shows such a bridge. Under what conditions will the bridge be balanced? i.e. the current through the meter i(m) = 0.
For what purpose is inert gas normally used in the cargo tanks of a liquefied gas carrier?
To maintain an inert atmosphere in the tanks during a loaded voyage.
To prevent an explosive atmosphere forming in the cargo tanks before gas freeing.
To pressure test the cargo tanks after repair work.
To help displace the cargo from the tanks during discharge.
On oil tankers, what is generally used to control the safety of the atmosphere in the cargo tanks?
Who is responsible for ensuring that your ship’s security plan meets the requirements of the ISPS Code?
Recognized Security Organization
Flag State Administration
In what kind of measuring equipment might we find a Bourdon-tube?
In a temperature transmitter.
In a pressure transmitter.
What do the letters IMDG stand for?
International Monitoring Department (Geopolitics)
Interactive Maritime Dangerous Goods.
International Marine Dangers Group.
International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
During loading of bananas the fruit should be visually inspected frequently to check the quality and for any indications as to its physiological development. Which one of the options given would indicate that the fruit is in suitable condition for shipment?
The bananas are green with a yellow hue. They are not really hard and do not break cleanly.
The bananas are green in colour with patches on the shoulder from the effects of sunshine and have relatively sharp ridges along the length. They can be snapped with sap clinging to the broken parts.
The bananas are yellow with small black spots on the skin. They cannot be snapped but the skin can be peeled off.
The bananas have a uniform green colour with relatively sharp ridges along the length. They can be snapped or broken with sap clinging between the broken parts.
Where would you look to find details of the crude oil washing system, its equipment and operating procedures? ,
The Operations and Equipment Manual (COW Manual).
What is a hydraulic hand pump usually used for?
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to slacken the windlass brake
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used in an emergency to open the hatch covers
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to steer the ship from the Emergency position
A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to tighten G-nuts
There are a number of different designs of tanks used for the cargo containment systems for liquefied gas carriers including independent tanks. How many different types of independent tanks are there in the IMO Gas Codes?
There are three types of independent tanks; Spherical tanks, Membrane tanks and Prismatic tanks
There are three types of independent tanks, type A, B and C
There are two types of independent tanks; type 1 and 2
There is only one type of independent tanks; Spherical tanks
What makes cargo holds weather tight?
The hatch coaming compression bar
Firm contact between the hatch cover rubber seals and the hatch coaming compression bar
Steel-to-steel contact between hatch covers and coaming
Hatch cover rubber packing
What kind of safety equipment should be used when operating a grinding wheel?
How is positive stability maintained when loading heavy lift cargoes?
By completely filling the ship’s double bottom tanks and monitoring the loading operation
By monitoring the vessel’s stability during the loading operation
By completely filling those double bottom tanks associated with the cargo hold concerned
By listing the vessel to the opposite side to which the load is being lifted
During start up of a steam plant it is necessary to warm through the steam range prior to use. How should this warming through be carried out?
Open the bypass/warming through valve and then fully open the main stop valve over a period of two minutes to ensure the warming through is completed as quickly as possible.
Using the bypass/warming through line for the main stop valve and with all line drains open to ensure all condensate is removed.
With the line drains closed to avoid losing too much high quality water.
Crack open the main stop valve and keep the drains open.
The wire mesh guards for the fans of refrigerated containers sometimes have coloured ribbons tied to them. Which of the options is the reason for fitting these ribbons?
To indicate if the fan is running too slowly.
To indicate that the fan is running in the correct direction.
To indicate to the crew that the fan is running as a safety consideration.
To indicate that the fan is running at the correct speed.
Who decides the number of lashings you should put on a trailer?
What is most important when preparing a cargo hold to receive containers?
Ensuring that stacking cones are correctly positioned
Removing all loose equipment
Checking for cracks in tank top plating in areas where stack loads are transmitted
Debriefing of an emergency drill:
focuses attention on the debriefer's feedback
expands the experience of all personnel
encourages crewmembers to focus on their duties
is most effective when held at a safety meeting
What is the time limit for abandonment of passenger ships?
15 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
2 hours from the time the abandon ship signal is given
30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
For a search to be effective it must be:
Conducted by personnel with limited knowledge of the ship’s layout.
Inclusive of all personnel.
On a Container vessel, what precautions should be taken when cashew nut shell liquid has spilled out of a container?
Avoid skin contact and inhalation of toxic fumes
Cool the container from as far away as possible
Approach the container wearing a chemical protection suit
Clean up the spillage wearing rubber boots and safety gloves
On a RoRo vessel, which of these stowage situations produces high friction that does not allow movement of the cargo?
A single tier of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks
Steel plates placed between vehicles and steel decks
Vehicles in direct contact with steel decks
Two tiers of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks
What is the maximum allowable tank design pressure in the vapour space for Independent tanks type "A"?
What is the most important consideration when planning the lashing system for a particular sea route on a General Cargo Vessel?
Encountering heavy weather
The breaking strength of lashing materials
The size and weight of general cargo items to be loaded
The turbocharger on a diesel engine is surging and making occasional, loud "whoofing" noises. Which one of the options given is the most probable cause of this?
Engine on bridge control.
Rapid changes in engine load due to rough sea conditions.
Exhaust system recently cleaned.
Air leakage from scavenge receiver.
What can be done to effectively reduce the rate of ice accretion on containers during loaded sea passage?
Have the crew remove the ice
During cargo operations, involving perishable cargoes, deck officers should be aware that the cargo is subject to the effects of the weather and ambient conditions. From the options given, select the one which is likely to cause the most rapid temperature change in a refrigerated commodity.
Earlier reefer vessels designed and built for liner trade usually had two or three tween decks approximately 2 to 2.5 metres in height and deep lower holds approximately 4 to 5 metres deep. Modern designs usually incorporate more decks each approximately 2.3 metres in height. What is the main reason for this fundamental design change?
The increased proportion of chilled as opposed to frozen cargoes that are carried.
There is an almost universal use of standard height pallets.
It is easier to construct vessels with shallow decks.
The increased number of container vessels has reduced the tendency to carry general cargo outbound from Europe or North America to Australia and New Zealand on reefer vessels.
With regard to radar, what would be a correct form of response to the question: What range scale are you using?
The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 12 mile range scale"
The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 3 cm radar"
The correct form of response would be: "I am using the largest range scale"
The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 10 cm radar"
In discussing the properties of oil cargoes, which of the following are examples of Aromatic Hydrocarbons?
Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Monoxide.
Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Propane, Butane and Pentane.
A vessel which normally operates with the engine room in UMS mode is unable to do so because of defects to some of the critical alarm functions. What are the main considerations that the Chief Engineer must take into account when planning alternative arrangements to cover the engine room requirements until the defects are cleared?
A work rota is established to ensure at least one person is in the engine room at all times while the defects exist.
A work rota is established to ensure that normal routine maintenance is carried out on time in accordance with the planned maintenance schedule.
A work rota is established to ensure that the necessary repairs can be carried out as soon as possible.
A work rota is established to ensure full coverage of engine room watchkeeping duties and adequate rest periods for the engineering staff.
What kind of damages do steel coils sustain?
Chemical reactions between the steel banding and outer envelope