Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
As regards the launching and recovery arrangements for rescue boats which is required among the following?
Launching shall be possible at the ship's headway speed up to 8 knots in heavy weather
The release mechanism shall be of an automatic type approved by the flag state Administration
Rapid recovery shall be possible with the boat's full complement of persons and equipment
Embarkation and launching arrangement shall be such that the rescue boat can be boarded and launched in less than 10 minutes
The self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat is designed to provide safe and breathable air with the engine running for a minimum of how many minutes?
What are class "C" bulkheads?
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 15 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials but do not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor limitations relative to temperature rise.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 30 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 45 minutes.
Which one of the following appliances is allowed to burn an oil fuel, the flash point of which may be a little bit lower than the one used for the main *engine?
All the answers are wrong
*At what temperature do the sprinklers come into operation in accommodation and service spaces ?
Which of the following may cause a fire in the accommodation spaces?
All the mentioned alternatives
Overloading electric plugs
Covering electric heaters with blankets
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an open oil fire?
Instructions for "Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks" is laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Which of the following requirements regarding welding or hot work corresponds to these instructions?
When the tank has been satisfactory cleaned.
Measuring of tank atmosphere shall be performed by one explosimeter.
When the tank has been satisfactory cleaned there shall be a 24 hour quarantene. Ventilation to be stopped and gas measuring to be carried out every second hour.
Ventilation from deck may only be carried out with the ship's inert gas fans.
Instructions for "Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks" is laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. During ongoing inspection on work in cargo tanks, the gas concentration shall be checked:
A telex connection via Inmarsat-A can be disconnected on board by entering:
If a ship in the MF-band wants to have a DSC-connection with a coast-station (no ‘distress alert’ or a test alert) the following frequencies are chosen:
TX: 2177.0 kHzRX: 2189.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHzRX: 2177.0 kHz
TX: 2189.5 kHzRX: 2177.0 kHz
The sound-level of the speaker on e.g. an MF/HF radiotelephony installation is adjusted with:
" On area A1 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SART transponders
the use of INMARSAT Epirbs
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
What is the required number of hours that a SART's battery must be able to operate the unit in the standby mode?
On board they want to send a telex message to the Apollogracht via Inmarsat. In the guides the following ID’s are found for the Apollogracht:24432000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should be chosen:
What is the purpose of a Medico Message?
Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.
Medico is the certificate which permit the Master to be doctor onboard.
Call an hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.
Calling the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio practice.
Which of the following is NOT required to be in the oil transfer procedures?
Any special procedures for topping off tanks
A line diagram of the vessel's oil transfer piping
The location and capacity of all fuel and cargo tanks on the vessel
The number of persons on duty during oil transfer operations
*A cargo hold containing such cargo as nitrates, chlorates etc which produces oxygen under the influence of heat catches fire. If you have a lot of water at your disposal, how would you deal with this?
Close the hatches and use the fixed CO2 system because water cannot be used with this type of cargo
None of the above answers are correct
Apply boundary cooling only
Use large quantities of water as soon as possible
According to the IMDG code which class of materials can have an extra number on the label to indicate its incompatibility with another material of its class?
The vessel is involved in a rescue operation for a Man Overboard and is to launch a lifeboat. What additional items would be very useful to take onboard the lifeboat to assist in the operation?
VHF or some means of communication
What is the search system pattern called using 1 vessel?
Two lines sent out and pretensioned equally have the same length, same breaking strength and same directional load. However, one is made of wire (which has a full load elastic elongation of about 1.5 % of its length) and the other made of nylon (which has a full load elongation of about 30 % of its length). If a sudden gust of wind increases the load on the lines, this increased load will be shared as follows:
Wire takes 55 % of the extra load. Rope takes 45 % of the extra load
By the wire and rope equally
Wire takes 45 % of the extra load. Rope takes 55 % of the extra load
Wire takes 95 % of the extra load. Rope takes 5 % of the extra load
If you are ordering chain for use as 'Chain Stoppers' on mooring wires, the length of chain usually recommended for use in each stopper is:
In maritime radio traffic sea area A2 is considered a sea area:
with the exception of sea area A1 where communication is possible with at least one coast radio station MF telephony and continuous DSC alerting is possible
where reliable radio communication can be established with the use of a DSC on the MF frequency of 2187.5 kHz with one or more coast stations
of appr. 200 Nm offshore within the radio range of the radiotelephony distress frequency 2182 kHz
The range of a VHF-set is mainly determined by:
the length of the antenna
the time in UTC, as regards propagation
Define the class of emission H3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelephony - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
Which one of the listed requirements regarding inflatable liferafts corresponds to present regulations? Every liferaft shall be so constructed that:
in the event of capsizing it will automatically attain a position providing an above water escape
have at least two entrances
it's canopy has viewing ports in all directions
it can be dropped from a height of maximum 18 metres
Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferaft over the side?
Disconnect the painter and launch it, checking that all is clear below
Inflate it on deck and then launch it if clear below
Check that the painter is made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear
Take circular gripes and adhesive tape (see photo) off the container to enable raft to inflate once in the water. If all clear, throw raft over side
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Lower rescue boat to water
Embarkation ladder to the rescue boat
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft portable radio
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
*How often are "abandon ship" drills required to be held on cargo vessels?
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Method and use of devices for protection in launching areas
Method of launching from inside survival craft
Release from launching applications
Use of breathing apparatus
A pilot ladder shall, to prevent twisting, be fitted with 'battens'. The lowest batten shall be the 5th step from the lower end of the pilot ladder. At what intervals should there be further battens upwards on the pilot ladder?
It does not matter where the battens are fitted.
At intervals not exceeding 15 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 9 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 12 steps.
Your vessel is a tanker in ballast and the two vessels are interlocked after collision. You have already made clear that all people are well taken care of and you will try to separate the two vessels. What should be your greatest concern?
If the vessels separate, the other vessel may run away and you will be the only one to blame.
That the separation may cause sparks that can possibly ignite the oil or any other flammable substances.
The exact time of the collision.
That you have your permission from the company to do so.
If your chemical tanker is equipped with high velocity venting valves, at what minimum height above the weather deck or catwalk should they be installed?
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Persistent rain and very humid weather
Strong winds and heavy rain
Strong winds but with very little rain
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Where on board ozone depleting substances are found?
In compressed air systems
You have recently discharged a cargo of Isoprene and the tank has now been cleaned. There is still a strong smell of Isoprene vapour from deck. Can you save some time and use a mask fitted with an "Inorganic Gases and Vapours" filter to enter the tank for mopping and inspection?
No. Filter masks are not permitted for enclosed space entry where the oxygen content of the atmosphere may be insufficient to sustain life.
No. Entry into a tank which previously contained Isoprene requires the use of a filter for "Organic Gases and Vapours".
Yes, provided mechanical ventilation continues whilst you are inside the tank.
LNG is made up of a number of saturated hydrocarbons the greatest percentage of which is Methane. What are saturated hydrocarbons?
Saturated hydrocarbons contain atoms of hydrogen and carbon and also other elements such as chlorine.
Saturated hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon atoms with single carbon to carbon bonds.
Saturated hydrocarbons are compounds of hydrogen and carbon which contain the maximum amount of water vapour.
Saturated hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon atoms with double carbon to carbon bonds.
Under U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations when is a Vertical Tandem Lift possible?
When two intermodal containers one on top of the other are connected by semi-automatic twistlocks
When three intermodal containers in a stack are connected by fully-automatic twistlocks
When two intermodal containers one on top of the other are connected by fully-automatic twistlocks
When three intermodal containers in a stack are connected by semi-automatic twistlocks
What should not be done when a container of liquid ammonia is on fire?
Cool the container with water
Use a dry chemical fire extinguisher or carbon dioxide gas
Use self-contained breathing apparatus
What is the purpose of the "forcing vaporizer"?
To provide gas for burning in the boiler.
For initial heating in the insulating spaces.
Discharge cargo without vapour return from shore.
To displace inert gas from cargo tanks.
Gas welding is carried out in the work shop. Prior to lunch break the following precaution is carried out:
One of the ratings is left "on watch" during the lunch break.
The main supply valves in the deck storage are closed prior to switching to UMS-mode
The local acetylene/oxygen valve in the work shop is closed prior to switching to UMS-mode
What is the purpose of having deep tanks on a general cargo ships?
Primarily for ballasting and to aid the stability when loaded, but may be used for liquid cargo
To raise the centre of gravity of the ship and make it a smaller GM and reduce the rolling period
Before leaving the machinery spaces of a UMS vessel whose engine room is protected by a fixed CO2 installation, should the duty engineer:
Ensure all doors are in closed position.
Lock all of the entry exit doors to prevent entry by unauthorised personnel.
Hook the main entry/exit doors in the open position to speed up entry in the event of an alarm.
Leave the doors in whatever position they are in.
On a RoRo vessel, what must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes on ramps?
SWL and loading limit of the ramp and Minimum clearances for the operation of ramp doors
The extent of lashings due to the ramp slope
On a Container vessel, what can cause large loads in lashings when containers are secured to a lashing bridge?
The lashing bridge is flexible but the hatch covers are fixed, causing the lashings to go alternately slack and tight
The lashing bridge is fixed but the hatch covers move when the ship rolls and pitches, causing the lashings to go alternately slack and tight
Due to flexibility of the hatch covers
Due to inflexibility of the lashing bridge
When an air compressor is going to be started it is important that the compressor is started with the "blow off" valves open. Why?
To ensure that the electric motor will not have a too low torque during start.
To ensure that we do not have any water assembly in the cylinders when the compressor start.
To be sure that all pressure valves in the HP line to the starting bottle are open.
To ensure that the compressor does not have any back pressure due to a leak suction valve in stage one.
When a large motor load suddenly is disconnected from the switchboard and the generator is AVR controlled, what will the ouutput voltage do ?
Remain approximately constant, due to governor action.
Initially rise, then reset to the set value.
Remain approximately constant, due to AVR action.
Initially fall, then reset to the set value.
What is the correct definition of: -boat drill?
Training in lifeboat handling.
You are alongside, loading several grades of chemicals, some with an explosion and flammability hazard. It is late evening. Whilst moving some equipment with the manifold crane, you accidently hit one of the deck flood-lights, smashing the glass cover and the light bulb inside. What will you do?
Replace the light bulb with one taken from another area. Temporarily tape back the pieces of the cover, making as good a seal as possible, without losing too much of the light. Inform the Duty Officer at the end of the watch.
Say nothing. Inform the Electrician in the morning.
Report the accident to the Duty Officer immediately. Switch off the power to the light concerned. Place an isolation notice over the switch to prevent anyone else operating the switch. Advise your relief at the end of the watch.
Go and find a portable light with a cable. Rig and secure it as close as possible to the damaged flood-light. Inform the Electrician when you next see him.
For how long must you save the printouts from the ODME?
Until the end of the voyage.
During an unmanned period on a UMS vessel the "low water level" alarm for the jacket cooling water system expansion tank activates. What action would you take as duty engineer?
Answer the alarm and adjust the alarm set point for the water level in the expansion tank before resuming unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm then block the alarm function for later action and resume unmanned operation.
Answer the alarm then block the alarm and change to manned engineroom condition.
Answer the alarm, top up the tank and check the system for leakage before resuming unmanned operation.
You are to load a number of chemical cargoes in Rotterdam in December, for eventual discharge in Australia, after the ship has called at Singapore and Malaysia. None of the cargoes on board at any stage of the voyage require heating. None of the tanks to be discharged in Singapore and Malysia will require hot washing after discharge. What will need to be considered when determining the filling limits of the tanks containing the Australian cargoes?
The potential damage to tank coating in the upper areas of any tanks which are not fully loaded due to the duration of exposure to cargo vapour.
The accuracy of the tank level monitoring systems in potentially sub-zero conditions.
The anticipated cargo loss due to the projected evaporation rates as the vessel passes through the tropics.
The maximum anticipated temperature that the cargoes will reach bearing in mind ambient air and sea temperatures to be encountered on passage, so that any expansion does not result in overflow.
What is the structure to which fiberglass yachts are secured once loaded on board?
The deaerating heater is used on
Only low-pressure boilers
The closed-type feed-water system
The open-type feed-water system
When discussing ther chemistry of petroleum cargoes, if 'Alkanes' are saturated hydrocarbons, what are unsaturated hydrocarbons?
They are also referred to as Alkanes.
An International oil pollution prevention certificate is required for:
All ships of 150 gross tons or more
Oil tankers 150 gross tons or more
Oil tankers on International voyages
By what practical means can the upper reaches of a bulk carrier’s hold be inspected?
Standing on the Australian ladder’s upper platform
What should be the breaking stress of lashing belts used to secure light vehicles, on board a ro-ro vessel?
How many rescue boats should be provided on passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two, one on each side of the ship
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
When preparing the hold of a bulk carrier for cargo when that hold has previously been ballasted, which of the following must be checked
The ballast lines must be blanked off and the bilge lines opened and tested
Paint coating re- painted
What distinguishes vapour connections (headers) from liquid cargo connections on a ship's manifold?
Liquid and cargo connections actually appear the same, but the ship's personnel always attach a small board to the applicable flange, identifying the cargo to be loaded and indicating whether it is for the liquid or vapour hose.
Vapour connections are painted yellow with green end bands, are marked with the words "not for liquid" and have a small hole capable of receiving a stud on the flange face at the six o'clock position.
Liquid connections are always marked with the corresponding tank number, while vapour connections are marked with the letter "V".
Vapour connections are painted yellow with red end bands, are marked with the word "vapour" (or "vapor") and have a small stud located on the flange face at the twelve o'clock position.
In order to speak clearly and effectively you should:
stand tall with shoulders squared
never open your mouth too wide
open your mouth, pronounce your consonants, and shape your sounds well
If you alter the field excitation voltage (or field current) of one alternator operating in parallel, this will cause change in that alternators:
None of the mentioned alternatives
The maximum cylinder pressure is lower than normal due to:
Fouling in the turbocharger.
Fuel oil filters are clogged.
Fuel oil with poor combustion properties.
What is an analogue signal?
A measure of voltage using an oscilloscope.
A stable electric signal.
A continually variable electric signal.
A measure of electric current.
Which of the following terms describes the cooking technique where food, such as a portion of fish, is placed in a shallow dish and partially covered by a liquid and then brought to and maintained at a temperature just below the boiling point?
How can the ship’s master prove that a vessel is British?
By showing survey certificates issued by Lloyds Register in London
By showing the ship-s register
By showing a Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by the MCA
A bulk carrier is about to commence loading steel coils using ships cranes, what three important checks must be made?
Cabs cleaned and lighted, drivers regularly rested
Crane windows cleaned,cab heater on and no- smoking rule enforced
Crane controls tested, limit switches correctly set and SWL never to be exceeded
Planned maintenance completed, all paintwork in good condition and lighting checked
Which of the following statements concerning an accidental oil spill in US waters is true?
The person in charge must report the spill to the US Coast Guard
A warning broadcast must be made by radiotelephone (VHF)
The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the clean up of the oil spill
The Department of Interior is responsible for the clean up of the oil spill
What is a Marine Evacuation System?
Liferafts supported by Fast Rescue Boats and Lifeboats
Assistance from other ships
Evacuation Chute(s)/Slide(s) and Liferafts
What should be done immediately after discharging is completed?
Switch off the lights and close all fire doors
Inspect ro-ro decks. Wipe up spill such as oil or water from the deck and clear up lashing equipment
Why are all passenger ships divided into vertical ’zones’?
Vertical zones are separated with fire doors which will be closed automatically when the fire alarm start.
All vertical zones are separated with watertight doors, which will be closed in the case of a grounding, etc.
Vertical zones are fire zones which can be divided from each other with fire doors. In case of fire, all fire doors in front and aft of the fire will be closed to prevent spreading of smoke/fire.
There is one fire team in each zone.
How many two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on board a passenger ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?
One for each survival craft
It is required to have a fixed two-way VHF fitted in a survival craft
When should additional lashings on general cargoes be considered?
When heavy weather is anticipated for the planned voyage
When passing through the Tropical Zone in winter months
When passing through the Summer Zone in winter months
With the onset of heavy weather
When may watertight doors in watertight bulkheads in tweendeck cargo spaces be open on board passenger ships?
At any time if watched by an authorized person
During cargo handling only
In a two stage compressor you will find pistons with different diameters (one is bigger than the other).Which one of the following statements is correct ?
The smallest diameter piston is the stage two piston
A big piston will give less oil content in the air.
A big piston will deliver dryer air into stage one.
The biggest diameter piston is the stage two piston.
What is the normal name of the special wire/rope on board the ship used to make a tug fast?
A wire rope lashing is connected to an eye plate by means of a shackle. What is the Maximum Securing Load (MSL) for this lashing?
The Minimum Securing Load of the shackle
The Minimum Securing Load of the eyeplate
The Minimum Securing Load of the wire rope
The Minimum Securing Load of either the wire rope or shackle or eye plate
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "AIR DRAUGHT" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Air draught is given by A on the figure
Air draught is given by D on the figure
Air draught is given by C on the figure
Air draught is given by B on the figure
What is the correct definition of: -fair lead?
Where the mooring lines lead.
A remedy leading to fairway.
A lead to test the bottom.
A remedy to close the holds.
Why should ro-ro passenger ships be subdivided into main vertical zones?
To comply with passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training defined in the STCW convention
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined by the Classification Society
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined in SOLAS and to ensure safety of passengers and crew in case of a fire
To comply with company specific standards defined in the Safety Management System
Where will you find instructions on how reduce or control an oil spill during bunker operations on a General Cargo vessel?
In the company's safety manual
In the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
With regard to fire hose boxes and/or fire hydrants, what must be ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations on a General Cargo vessel?
Fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes must be lashed so as to prevent accidental opening
Fire hose boxes must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes and fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal to give warning of her position.
A vessel aground, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates which side the clear water lies on.
A vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal top give warning of her position.
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates that her cable extends at least 25 metres from her bow.
During a stay in port, what shall always be ready at the gangway?
When loading a static accumulator oil, which of the following is a standard precaution applied to eliminate the risk of explosion through electrostatic charge in the tank?
No metallic sampling devices over 2 litres capacity should be permitted on the cargo deck at any time, unless thoroughly cleaned beforehand with soapy water
No metallic devices, such as those used for gauging and sampling, should be introduced into the tank during loading and for 30 minutes after completion of loading
No rubber containers over 1 litre capacity, such as those used for sampling, should be introduced into the tank between completion of loading and for 10 minutes after that time
No plastic, or plastic coated devices, such as those used for sampling or gauging, should be introduced into the tank unless bonded, at any time
What would be considered to be the normal service life for rolling contact bearings fitted to a large turbocharger for a diesel engine?