Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
The effectiveness of foam is based on:
smothering and dispersion
On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action should you take first?
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.
Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is.
Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the situation is.
As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in putting out the fire.
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Disconnect the smoke detector.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
*All waste receptacles shall be of non-combustible materials, built and equipped with:
No openings in sides and bottom
A cover of a hinged self-closing type
Permanent means for lashing
A permanenlty attached cover
What kind of measure is the division of the vessel in upright areas by using thermic and structural separations?
It is neither a prevention nor a protection measure
It is a prevention measure
It is both a prevention and protection measure
It is a protection measure
*What is the list that must be overcome by a self-closing fire door on a passenger ship?
*Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed carbon dioxide (CO2) fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A
Special category spaces of passenger ships
In carbon dioxide fire-fighting systems for use in machinery spaces the fixed piping system shall be such that:
100% of the gas can be discharged into the space within two minutes
85% of the gas can be discharged into the space within two minutes
70% of the gas can be discharged into the space within one minute
100% of the gas can be discharged into the space within three minutes
Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by "A" or "B" class divisions on a ship?
On the general arrangement plan
All the mentioned alternatives
On the Ship's fire control plans
Which of the following items SHALL be included in a fire drill?
checking the operation of fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
operating one of the fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
checking capability of persons to prevent panic
What is the minimum number of portable two way VHF walkie talkies for use in survival craft, that should be carried onboard vessels which comply with GMDSS regulations?
There is no requirement to carry them.
Automatic amplifier regulation is used for the following reasons:
with varying incoming signals the variation in the out going signal is as small as possible
in absence of incoming signals the noise is reduced
with weak incoming signals distortion is reduced
Which of the following equipments doesn't transmit the MMSI of the ship
How often must inspection of proper working of the EPIRB ‘s and SART ’s take place on board? Once per:
A distress-call received via RCC should:
Only be given receipt, if the master has confirmed that assistance indeed can be given
Be given receipt, even when indubitably too distant from the distress case
What should a complete set of safety equipment at least consist of (required by IBC/BCH in addition to Solas) ?
One self-contained air breathing apparatus (Not using stored oxygen), protective clothing, boots, gloves and tight-fitting goggles, chemical resistance lifeline and explosion-proof lamp.
One self-contained air breathing apparatus (Not using stored oxygen) and protective clothing, boots, gloves and tight-fitting goggles.
One self-contained air breathing apparatus.
One self-contained air breathing apparatus (Not using stored oxygen), protective clothing, boots, gloves and tight-fitting goggles, fire and chemical resistance lifeline and explosion-proof lamp.
To what pressure will a new length of cargo hose be tested by a manufacturer prior to its supply to a vessel for service onboard a chemical tanker?
Not more than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not less than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its nominal bursting pressure, but not more than four-fifths of its specified maximum working pressure.
2 times its designed working pressure, but not more than three-fifths of its nominal bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not more than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
What does the "S" mean in the Hazard colum under summary of minimum requirements in the IBC ?
It means that the product is included in the code because of it`s safety hazards.
It means that the product is included in the code because of it`s sailing hazards.
It means that the product is included in the code because of it`s pollution hazards.
It means that the product is included in the code because of it`s smelling hazards.
What is NOT a precaution to be taken when topping off?
Maintain communications with the dock man.
Notify the engine room of the procedure.
Give the operation your undivided attention.
What is the most probable place that any oil will flow over the ship's side in case of an overflow during loading/discharging?
Near the sounding pipe of the tank being loaded/discharged
Near the hatch of the tank being loaded/discharged
Aft part of the tank-deck
If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector.
The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.
The target is stopped and making no way through the water
The target is on a constant bearing and getting closer to own ship.
The target is on a collision course with own ship.
You are duty officer on the bridge. A person is reported missing. Which of the following actions are to be considered as the correct manoeuvre in this situation?
When a conventional rudder is put hard over it creates a lift force and a drag force. When the ship has started to turn, how much lift force do you think remains if the rudder-angle is decreased to 20 degrees from hard over position (35 degrees)?
What is the main purpose of a VHF-installation onboard:
to enhance the safety of lives at sea
safe navigation and internal communication
Vessels communicating directly with each other by mariphone, work:
dependent on the set on board, either simplex or duplex
During duplex mode you are able to:
Talk to two stations simultaneously
Interrupt after releasing the PTT-switch
What does the abbreviation VHF means ?
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one life-jacket for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
a jack-knife attached by a lanyard
Having boarded the liferaft, how do you release the painter?
Cut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment point
Cut it with the axe provided
Wait for it to break as it is provided with a weak link
Let go the quick release toggle
*How much water per person is provided in a lifeboat not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring?
All of the mentioned equipment.
Boiler suit, working gloves.
Safety helmet, safety shoes.
How much can the concentration of oxygen in the air decrease before it is dangerous to stay in the atmosphere without breathing apparatus?
A pilot ladder shall, to prevent twisting, be fitted with 'battens'. The lowest batten shall be the 5th step from the lower end of the pilot ladder. At what intervals should there be further battens upwards on the pilot ladder?
It does not matter where the battens are fitted.
At intervals not exceeding 15 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 9 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 12 steps.
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in ports has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks has to be included in the watchman's duties?
Checking the trim of the vessel.
Checking the moorings for tightness/slack.
Checking the number of persons entering/leaving the vessel.
Checking the safe and secure handling of cargo.
In chemical tankers, to avoid having a deteriorating effect on cargoes and also to avoid cargoes attacking them, steam heating coil are generally made of:
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the dynamic stability
Why do blunt knives cause accidents?
Because they will need to be held at a more shallow angle when cutting.
Because the blunt edge will contain grease particles.
Because they require more pressure to be used and are more likely to slip.
Because the handles are more likely to be loose.
What is the main advantage of having a central cooling system fitted on board ship?
It should require less maintenance than a conventional system using only sea water.
It does not require any seawater.
It is a simple system with minimum control requirements.
Only one heat exchanger is needed for all cooling duties.
Which shipboard publication sets out calculations for cargo lashings?
The Cargo Securing Manual
The Cargo Stowage and Security (CSS) Code
LPG and other liquefied gases are often transported by sea on fully refrigerated gas carriers. What is the generally accepted definition of a fully refrigerated gas carrier?
Any gas carrier designed to carry liquefied gases and is fitted with a cooling plant.
A gas carrier, fitted with a reliquefaction plant, and designed to carry liquefied gases at the boiling temperature and at pressures slightly above atmospheric.
A gas carrier designed to load and carry liquefied gases at boiling temperature and at pressures slightly above atmospheric. No cooling plant is necessary as the cargo is loaded fully refrigerated.
Any gas carrier designed to carry pre-cooled liquefied gases in thermally insulated cargo tanks.
What does MARVS mean?
Maximum Recovery Setting.
Minimum Allowed Relive Valve Setting.
Maximum Allowed Relive Valve Setting.
During the 5-yearly overhaul and operational test of a lifeboat on-load release gear, to what level should the gear be load tested?
0.8 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons, equipment and stores.
1.25 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
The equivalent to the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
"If drugs or suspected drugs are found onboard your ship, follow the five C’s. Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Control and:"
One of the categories of information that must be included in your SSP is:
Weaknesses in security measures
When data are to be transferred over telephone lines, we often utilize modem at each end. Which of the following adapter cards (parts) will you use for interfacing a modem to a computer?
What pressure is present in the crankcase of a vapour compression refrigeration compressor?
The same as the discharge pressure.
The same as the atmospheric pressure.
The same as the lubricating oil pressure.
The same as the suction pressure.
The type of pump used for delivering the oily-water mixture to an oily-water separator governs considerably the degree of contamination in the effluent. What type of pump would be best suited not to churn the supply and produce small oil droplets (less than 200µm) dispersed throughout the water?
Mixed flow (part axial, part centrifugal).
There are strict rules governing the placement and category of electrical equipment allowed in certain areas of liquefied gas carriers. One such category is that of flameproof enclosures. What is a flameproof enclosure?
One in which the equipment has such low electrical power that there is insufficient energy to ignite a flammable mixture and cause a flame.
One which can withstand the pressure build-up during an internal ignition of a flammable mixture and is designed to cool any flames occurring within the enclosure to below the ignition temperature.
One which is filled with inert gas to prevent formation and possible ignition of a flammable mixture.
One which is maintained under positive pressure so preventing the formation of a flammable mixture.
What is the best method to use to remove heavy scale and fouling from the plates of a heat exchanger?
Use wire-brush, metal scrapers and chipping guns.
Use high-pressure cleaner with abrasive additives.
Soak the plates in a recommended cleaning solution and then use a soft brush or pressure cleaner.
What is a low location lightning system?
A system displaying the escape route from all cabins by light points in the ceiling, powered by battery
A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way to the nearest exit
An emergency illumination system that illuminates all deck areas to a minimum
An illumination system for all corridors in cabin areas
On a Container vessel, who is responsible for the safe lashing and securing of containers?
You are to load a cargo ofIsocyanate to tank 4 centre port and the cargo hose from shore is to be connected to a flange directly adjacent to the cargo pump, so that the manifold cross-over and deck cargo line are not used. What must you place underneath the connection?
A label stating "portable connection".
Some sawdust or other absorbant material.
Despite shipping lines having hulls coloured in the company livery colours e.g. black, blue, green, etc. refrigerated containers are now usually painted white. Which of the options given is the main reason for this?
White paint is cheaper than coloured paint.
White painted containers reduce the load on the refrigeration plant.
White coloured containers are more aesthetically pleasing.
White is synonymous with hygiene and cleanliness.
If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout
The lookout should go down the accomodation to see where the relief is and make him/her go to the lookout position
He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions
Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
Stay on lookout until the relief eventually arrives
The Chief Engineer tells you to carry out Hot work on deck. What kind of permit do you need?
No permit is required as long as the work shall be carried out on open deck
Cold work permit because the work will be carried out on open deck
What procedures should prevent normal ship work activities conflicting with cargo operations on a General Cargo Vessel?
Stevedore and Chief Officer planning meetings
Risk assessments and permit to work systems
Is there any requirements regarding double bottom for large passenger ships?
Yes, in ships of 76 m in length and longer, a double bottom shall be fitted amidships, and extend to the fore and aft not less that ? of the ship length.
No, a double bottom is not required
Yes, in ship of 76 m in length and upwards, a double bottom shall be fitted amidships, and shall extend to the fore and after peak bulkheads, or as near thereto as practicable.
Yes, a double bottom shall be fitted amidship
What action should the Master take if he is suspicious of an Officer’s certificate of competency?
Contact the local Harbourmaster-s office
Contact the issuing authority via the company office
Accept it without question
What should be done if a twistlock is found cracked at the base?
Use it to lock under-deck container stows
Have it repaired on board
Use it in the lowest tier on deck
How will continuous low load operation influence the time between overhauls, tbo, for the cylinder covers and associated valves of a 4-stroke diesel engine?
Reduce the time between overhauls due to increased fouling.
Increase the time between overhauls since fuel injectors work better at low load so combustion will be improved and the maintenance will be reduced.
Increase the time between overhauls since the engine is not working as hard.
No influence at all, the required overhauls are unaffected by operating load.
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupation and Safe Health Association
Overseas Sea Hazard Association
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Occupational Safety and Health Aids
From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?
A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door
Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station within the accommodation
Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also one emergency remote control station
Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at the door
A High Breaking Capacity fuse found in a Main High Voltage Switchboard will have fault level rating of ?
What distinguishes vapour connections (headers) from liquid cargo connections on a ship's manifold?
Liquid and cargo connections actually appear the same, but the ship's personnel always attach a small board to the applicable flange, identifying the cargo to be loaded and indicating whether it is for the liquid or vapour hose.
Vapour connections are painted yellow with green end bands, are marked with the words "not for liquid" and have a small hole capable of receiving a stud on the flange face at the six o'clock position.
Liquid connections are always marked with the corresponding tank number, while vapour connections are marked with the letter "V".
Vapour connections are painted yellow with red end bands, are marked with the word "vapour" (or "vapor") and have a small stud located on the flange face at the twelve o'clock position.
"What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common?"
They’re all employees of the ship.
They’re all onboard the ship for the duration of its voyage.
They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs.
They’re all trained in ship emergency procedures.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is often referred to as natural gas or marsh gas. What is another common name for LNG?
Maintenance of lifeboats and davit arrangements is routine work onboard. Why should you not carry out this type of work alone?
It is boring to work alone and you should be able to chat with colleagues while working
If you need something to drink, the second person can get it for you
If the person working on the lifeboat falls over board, the second person can lower the lifeboat and prepare pick-up immediately
There might be a risk of falling even though harness and lifeline is used. A second person should always stand by to assist with tools etc. and other practical arrangements.
If you alter the field excitation voltage (or field current) of one alternator operating in parallel, this will cause change in that alternators:
None of the mentioned alternatives
Which of the following is an artificial sweetener?
When describing Crude Oil Washing on an oil tanker, what name is given to areas within a cargo tank that are not directly impinged, or hit by the stream from tank washing machines?
What can be the punishment for a subordinate who unlawfully brings intoxicating beverages on board?
He shall be liable to fines or in especially aggravating circumstances to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
He shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
He shall be liable to fines.
He shall be liable to fines or in especially aggravating circumstances to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
With the exception of some citrus fruits and bananas, fruit is usually pre-cooled to the required carriage temperature prior to loading on a reefer vessel. In order to protect the cold chain, and to maintain the temperature of the fruit, a minimum exposure time to ambient conditions during loading is necessary. What action should the deck officers take during loading to achieve this minimum exposure time?
Close the hatches and apply cooling to the cargo already loaded during any break in cargo operations that exceed 30 minutes.
Request that the stevedores work faster to minimise loading time.
Close the hatches for any break in cargo operations that exceed 60 minutes.
Close the hatches and apply cooling to the cargo already loaded during any overnight break in cargo operations.
What kind of safety protection is to be weared during a mooring operation?
Safety shoes and boiler suit.
Helmet, safety shoes, gloves and protecting cloths.
What is the first action that should be taken by the rating on boiler watch in the event of a flame failure on the boiler?
Call the engineer on watch
You enter a high voltage switchroom and smell rotten eggs. What may this indicate?
Problems with a vacuum circuit breaker
Arcing at badly coupled bus bars
Problems with a gas (SF6) circuit breaker
After discharge of a bulk cargo by grabs, tank tops and lower hopper side plating must be checked for ?
Damage and possible leaks
What is the correct sequence of washing a cargo hold?
Saltwater wash, freshwater rinse, dry, sweep
Freshwater wash, saltwater rinse, dry, sweep
Sweep, freshwater wash, saltwater rinse, dry
Sweep, saltwater wash, freshwater rinse, dry
Transportation of oil at sea can be divided in two groups, which?
Crude oil and refined products.
Crude oil and black oils.
Crude oil and lubricating oil.
Data loggers are a vital part of the temperature control and monitoring system on a reefer vessel. In a situation where the data logger fails several days before the end of the voyage it is still necessary to maintain control of and monitor cargo temperatures. How could an accurate, portable thermometer be used to the best effect, to achieve this, in such a situation?
Use the thermometer to maintain the delivery air settings as they were prior to the data logger breaking down.
Use the thermometer to check the pulp temperature by entering the cargo space and placing it in the centre of the stow.
Use the thermometer to check and control the delivery air temperature by inserting it in the delivery air ducting close to the evaporators.
Use the thermometer to check and control the return air temperature by holding it in the return air space on top of the cargo.
A draw card obtained from a cylinder of a large 2 stroke diesel engine shows that both cylinder compression and maximum pressures are low. Cards from other cylinders indicate normal operation. What is the likely cause of this problem?
Faulty cylinder component (piston rings, liner, etc.)
Excessive cooling of the charge air..
Faulty high pressure fuel pump.
When does a bulk carrier experience extreme tension in bottom structure during fast rate loading?
During ballasting in port
During loading of heavy cargo in midship hold
During correct loading pattern but with heavy cargo
What ingredient, made from durum wheat, is commonly used as an alternative to rice with north-African dishes?
What would be the most probable cause if the exhaust gas from a diesel engine looked a bit blue in colour?
Clogged charge air cooler.
Engine burning too much lubricating oil.
Very roughly, the gas mixture from Crude Oil can be represented by the hydrocarbon gas Propane. What is the approximate upper flammable limit(UFL) of crude oil vapours by volume in air?
On a traditional crude oil carrier, it is possible to arrange the valves in the bottom of a pumproom so that cargo flows from one bottom line to another. When more than one grade of cargo is carried, what is the operational safeguard requirement regarding these valves?
That two valves must be closed on each line or a 'spacer' removed to ensure no direct connection between tanks.
That there is two valve segregation.
That one valve segregation is maintained at all times.
There is no so special requirement.
On a RoRo vessel, what factor(s) determine whether or not a cargo unit will tip over?
The length and width of the cargo unit
The width of the cargo unit
The shape and centre of gravity and securing arrangements of the cargo unit
On a RoRo vessel, what is the Maximum Securing Load of mild steel shackles?
35% of the breaking strength
40% of the breaking strength
50% of the breaking strength
25% of the breaking strength
Which is the correct method of securing a lashing belt to a vehicle?
By means of a hook facing away from the deck
By means of a hook facing the deck
How many two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on board a ro-ro passenger ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?
It is required to have a fixed two-way VHF fitted in a survival craft
One for each survival craft