Test results
A Chlorine carrier must be equipped with a chlorine absorption plant connected to the cargo tanks and cargo lines. What is the gas detectors alarm setting?:
A fully refrigerated gas carriers, equipped with membrane tanks with MARVS less than 0,7 bars and cargo temperature less than -10 °C. What type of barrier is required?:
After arms and communication plugs are connected, the ESD is tested from:
Cargo hoses have to be tested at a pressure of 1,5 times the maximum working pressure. How often do we have to carry out the pressure test?:
Cascade cooling plant is basically a direct cargo cooling plant where the cargo is condensed against a secondary refrigerant. Which type of secondary refrigerant is most commonly used for cooling of the cargo condenser?:
Enthalpy is an expression of how much energy is tied up in one kilo of a substance. A substance’s total energy consists of:
Fully refrigerated gas carriers are designed for excess tank pressure less than 0,7 bars. What tank types are they built with?:
How do we control the cargo tank pressure when loading a gas carrier?:
How many carbon atoms are there in solid materials?:
How many electrons are there totally in a carbon atom?:
How many elements are arranged the periodic table?:
How many groups is the cargo tanks divided into?:
How safe is LNG compared to other substances handled in ports and land-based facilities?:
Isomer compounds is substances with:
Name three international conventions that cover the international shipping trades:
On all pressure vessels above 20 m3 that is used to safety valves. What do we mean with MARVS?:
One of the purposes to MARPOL Annex I is to:
Organic chemistry mostly deals with chemical compounds containing carbon:
Propane has a boiling point at -42,8 °C at atmospheric pressure. Can we load fully refrigerated propane on a fully pressurised gas carrier?:
Referring to IMO IGC Code all gas carriers mentioned in Chapter 19 is given one of the following descriptions for tanks: which tank type can carry all cargoes mentioned in Chapter 19?:
The ABC method stands for air, breathing and circulation. If a person has stopped breathing, how many respirations and heart compressions are to be given if there are two rescuers?:
The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Pressurised Natural Gas (PNG) technology offers interesting possibilities for handling of associated gas and for exploration of marginal fields. What is the advantage of this system?:
The IMO gas carrier code defines liquefied gases as gases with vapour pressure higher than 2,8 bar at which temperature?:
The Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) used for measuring the volatility of petroleum liquids is conducted at 37,8 °C (100 °F). What RVP has crude oil?:
The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) refers to as parts to million (ppm) by volume of gas in air. What does the time weighted average of ppm indicates?:
The periodic system is built on the principle that the electrons in the outer shell determine the chemical properties of a material. What is the maximum number of electrons in the outer shell?:
There are three gas codes issued by IMO. Which are they?:
What IMO conventions take care of the human safety at sea?:
What are actual cargoes for fully pressurised gas carriers without cooling capacity?:
What are saturated hydrocarbons?:
What are the most common products in NGL?:
What does the IGC Code primarily deals with?:
What does the cargo’s data sheet tell us about the character of the cargo?:
What is IMO’s requirement to maximum temperature for fully pressurised cargo tanks at ambient temperature?:
What is LEG (Liquefied Ethylene Gas) utilised for?:
What is characteristic for Alkanes?:
What is extremely important to remember when measuring hydrocarbon gas in an inerted atmosphere using the Riken model 17HC?:
What is likely to happen if a randomly chosen hose is used?:
What is the atmospheric content of oxygen that is required before tank entry?:
What is the boiling temperature of propane at atmospheric pressure?:
What is the intension of the Safety Meeting?:
What is the maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks on gas carriers?:
What is the maximum size of a cargo tank on a Chlorine carrier?:
What is the most common way of handling the LNG boil off gas?:
What is the name of UN maritime division?:
What is the normal relief valve setting on a fully pressurised LPG carrier?:
What is the number one job for the ship management team when fire break out?:
What is the purpose of an automatic trip system on board, and how does it function?:
What is the purpose of the ship/shore safety check list?:
What is the typical size of a LNG carrier?:
What kind of span gas is used to adjust the Servomex OA 262 to the 21 % mark?:
What kind of span gas is used to zero adjust the Servomex OA 262?:
What purpose has the discharge booster pump on a gas tanker?:
What temperature do we calculate on when loading clean cargoes?:
What temperature do we calculate on when using the ASTM-IP tables?:
What type of compressors is used as cargo compressors on board gas carriers?:
When did the transportation of fully refrigerated liquefied gases start?:
Where do we find information about what cargo the vessel is allowed to carry?:
Which are the three most common energy forms?:
Which are the three most common used valves for cargo handling equipment on gas carriers?:
Which certificate is issued in accordance with the IGC Code?:
Which is the most utilised pump type for cargo discharge on a gas tanker?:
Which of the following indicators is based on the paramagnetic principle?:
Which of the following materials has the highest diffusion resistance?:
Why is it important that you become familiar with the vessel, the equipment and your own duties on board as soon as possible?:
Why must some chemical gases be carried on gas carriers as specified by the IMO’s gas code?: