Tanker Operations – Ship to Ship (STS)

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Правильні відповіді:

When selecting fenders, consideration must be given to which of the following fundamental criteria?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The reaction force inflicted by the fender onto the structure of the vessel must be less that the hull’s pressure limit.; Under the worst operating conditions, the energy capacity of the fender must be greater that the berthing energy of the manoeuvring ship.

The Master remains responsible, at all time, for the safety of which of the following?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Ship.; Cargo.; Equipment.; Crew.

Which of the following actions can help to reduce the risk of incidents during STS transfers?

Правильну відповідь:

Constantly monitoring weather conditions.; Following the requirements of the STS Operations Plan.; Selecting a suitable location for the transfer to take place.

Ваша відповідь:

Constantly monitoring weather conditions.; Only carrying out operations during periods of inclement weather.; Following the requirements of the STS Operations Plan.; Selecting a suitable location for the transfer to take place.

A copy of the STS Operations Plan must be available in which of the following locations onboard?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Engine room.; Bridge.; Cargo transfer control station.

When selecting an area for a transfer to take place, which of the following should be considered?

Правильну відповідь:

The availability of safe anchorage.; Traffic density.; Sea room.; Water depth.

Ваша відповідь:

The availability of safe anchorage.; Traffic density.; Water depth.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the Person in Overall Advisory Control (POAC)?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Carrying out regular safety checks before, during and after operations are complete.; Ensuring the STS Operations Plan (of both vessels) are followed.; Ensuring that both crews have been briefed and understand their responsibilities during each phase of the operation.; Ensuring that an appropriate communication strategy is in place.

Which of the following details should be included within a ship’s STS Operations plan?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Procedures for reporting spills.; An approved contingency plan.; A description of the berthing and unberthing procedures and arrangements.; A step-by-step instruction of the entire STS Operation.

Which of the following statements is true?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Vessels intending to carry out STS operations must notify authorities no less than 48 hours before operations begin (or as soon as reasonably practicable following an incident).

Which sequence is correct?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Pre-arrival Planning – Arrival – Mooring – Transfer of Cargo – Departure.

STS notices must include which of the following?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Whether the transfer will take place at anchor or underway.; The name, flag, call sign, IMO Number and estimated time of arrival of all vessels involved.; Planned duration of the operation.; The cargo type and quantity.

Ship to ship transfer is regulated by which of the following pieces of legislation?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

To carry out safe STS transfer operations, personnel involved in the transfer must be fully trained and competent in all areas of the operation.

Ваша відповідь правильна:


Ship to Ship (STS) transfer (or lightering) is the transfer of cargo between two vessels.

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