Test about Oil Discharging Monitoring Equipment

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Правильні відповіді:

Are you allowed to discharge oil while at anchor more than 50 nautical miles from shore?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


For how long must you save the Oil Record Book on board?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

3 year.

For how long must you save the printouts from the ODME?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

3 year.

How far from the nearest land do you have to be before you can discharge any oily waste or residue into the sea?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

50 nautical miles.

What is the maximum instantaneous rate at which oil can be discharged into the sea?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

30 litres per nautical mile.

What medium is used to calibrate the ODME?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Fresh water.

Which of the following items shall be recorded in the oil record book? Click all that applies:

Правильну відповідь:

Ballasting of cargo tanks.; Failure on the ODME.; Maintenance of the ODME.; Discharge of slop water to a shore facility.

Ваша відповідь:

Failure on the ODME.; Maintenance of the ODME.; Discharge of slop water to a shore facility.

Which of the sea areas below are defined as special areas in MARPOL? Click all that applies:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The Mediterranean Sea.; The Baltic Sea.; The Black Sea.; The Red Sea.

Which water can be discharged into the sea without using the ODME?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Ballast water from segregated ballast tanks (SBT).

Who must sign for each completed operation in the Oil Record Book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The Officer in charge of the operation.