Test for seamans Oil Record Book, Part II

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Правильні відповіді:

A PSCO asks why an oil record book entry for Crude Oil Washing (COW) has no entry for item 17. The officer who made the entry is no longer on board. Which of the following is the best way to avoid these questions?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Enter “not applicable” (N/A) as item 17 every time that the COW manual requirements were met.

A Port State Control Officer (PSCO) wishes to remove your oil record book ashore as evidence in a possible pollution case. What should the master do about this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Make copies of all the completed pages and get the PSCO to certify they are true copies.

A Port State Control Officer finds a mistake in the oil record book dated last week, when the ship was in the middle of the Pacific. Can you or the ship be fined for the mistake?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


A small “product tanker” and a “tanker engaged in specific trades” are both discharging dirty ballast from their cargo oil tanks to a reception facility ashore. Which one of the following statements about their oil record book entries is true?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The tanker engaged in specific trades must have the entry signed by a shore official.

After Crude Oil Washing a cargo tank how is the washing time recorded in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The start and stop times are recorded as separate items.

After which one of the following would you need to make a Code N entry in the oil record book Part II?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An oil sheen is seen on the sea while discharging segregated ballast overboard.

Ballasting of No 1 Centre cargo oil tank started at 9 pm on May 19th and took 5 1/2 hours. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record these times in the oil record book against operation Code E 19.2?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Start 19-MAY-2011 21:00 Stop 20-MAY-2011 02:30.

During discharge of water from the slop tank your ship’s ODME alarm operates because no ship position input is being received. This is traced to a faulty GPS and the backup GPS is connected within 30 minutes instead. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

M 70 0915 (1015 UTC) 71 0945 (1045 UTC) 72 Primary GPS position output failed – switched to back up.

How are amounts of cargo loaded to be recorded in the oil record book Part II?

Правильну відповідь:

In cubic metres, corrected to volume at 15 °C.

Ваша відповідь:

In metric tonnes, corrected to 15 °C.

If an entry in an oil record book looks incorrect or improbable, what would the authorities conclude?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That an illegal discharge may have been made and that this an attempt to cover it up.

It is the last day of September and you are going to make an entry in the oil record book. Which one of the following is the correct date format?

Правильну відповідь:


Ваша відповідь:


The flow rate sensor on the ODME has failed. Which of the following is the correct operation code for recording this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code M.

The oil record book entry relates to the loading of a cargo of 350 m3 of diesel oil. Which one of the following is the correct operation code to enter?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code A.

When starting a new oil record book you notice that the slop tank capacity on the IOPP certificate does not match that in the slop tank sounding tables, which you believe to be accurate. Which one of the following best describes what you should do about this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Ask the master to get the IOPP certificate corrected.

When you take the oil record book to the master for his signature he points out that last week’s discharge of slops to shore has not been recorded. Which one of the following is the best way to correct this mistake?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A code O entry must be made explaining that the following is a missed entry, underneath write the late entry.

Which of the following best describes what PSCOs are likely to think if they find an oil record book containing many corrected entries?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The crew have a casual attitude to MARPOL compliance.

Which of the following best describes what reason a PSCO might accept to explain why the slop tank contains less today than was recorded in the oil record book yesterday?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Yesterday’s sounding was taken during bad weather.

Which of the following best describes what should be recorded in the oil record book after Crude Oil Washing (COW) a cargo tank as item 17?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An explanation of why COW manual requirements were not met.

Which of the following best explains why the washing line pressure is recorded in the oil record book after Crude Oil Washing (COW) a cargo tank?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To show that the COW manual requirements were met.

Which of the following describe errors that are regularly found in oil record book part II entries by inspections? Tick all those that apply:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Wrong codes used.; Entries not in order of date and time.; Record of the ship’s position missing.

Which of the following is the correct format to be used for writing dates in an oil record book entry?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


Which of the following statements about a Clean Ballast Tank (CBT) tanker is true?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The Clean Ballast Tanks remain connected to the cargo oil system.

Which one of the following best describes how the ship’s position in oil record book Part II entries can easily be found to be false, even after some time has passed?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The position in the oil record book Part II do not match those in the bridge log book.

Which one of the following best describes the action to take if you realise the entry you have just made in the oil record is partially incorrect?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The incorrect part should be struck through with a single line in such a way that the incorrect entry is still legible. The incorrect entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following.

Which one of the following best describes the number of signatures you would expect to find on one page of an oil record book when it is completed?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

One for every entry plus the master’s signature.

Which one of the following best describes what should be done with an oil record book when it has been filled up?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It must be kept on board for 3 years from the date of closure.

Which one of the following best describes what should be done with an oil record book when it is full?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Enter the end date and get the master to sign the last page before storing it for the next 3 years.

Which one of the following best describes what should be written under each oil record book entry by the officer in charge of the operation?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

His signature, name, rank and the date.

Which one of the following best describes what you should do if your old oil record book is full and the only available new one is found to contain out of date MARPOL operation codes?

Правильну відповідь:

Use the new book after replacing the out of date codes with a copy of the current ones.

Ваша відповідь:

Use the new book and use the out of date codes for entries in it.

Which one of the following best describes where you would expect to find a receipt for cargo slops that were discharged ashore?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

With the oil record book Part II.

Which one of the following best describes which ships are required to maintain an oil record book part II according to the MARPOL Convention?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Oil tankers over 150 gross tonnage and other ships which carry more than 200 m3 of bulk oil as cargo.

Which one of the following best describes why MARPOL requires ships to maintain an oil record book part II?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To provide the authorities with a record of the handling of cargo oil and residues on the ship.

Which one of the following describes the best way of making sure that the quantity of slops discharged to reception facilities matches the reduction in slops retained on board?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Check the quantity of slops on board immediately before and after discharge ashore and make sure the reception facility receipt matches the change.

Which one of the following describes the best way to find out which tanks have been designated as slop tanks on your ship, as far as oil record book entries are concerned?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Check the IOPP certificate.

Which one of the following is recommended as the first thing to do when starting a new oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Check that it contains the current operation codes.

Which one of the following is the maximum fine that could be imposed in Germany for an incorrect entry in the ship’s oil record book according to this program?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

25 000 Euros.

Which one of the following is the maximum penalty that could be imposed in the United States for a deliberately false entry in the ship’s oil record book according to this program?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

250 000 $ and 5 years in jail for each violation.

Which one of the following operation codes would be the best to use to record the fact that the overboard discharge valve from the slop tank has been sealed while the ship passes through the Mediterranean MARPOL Special Area?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code O.

You are on a tanker “engaged on a specific trade” which is discharging ballast. Which of the following is the correct operation code for recording this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code R.

You find that the deck cadet has made an entry in the oil record book using a pencil. Which one of the following best describes what you, as senior officer on watch, should do about this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

You erase the pencil entry and replace it with an entry using pen, explaining to the cadet why this is required.

You have just finished Crude Oil Washing the forward half of No 2 Centre while discharging at the SupaOil berth in Singapore. Which of the following is the correct operation code?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code D.

You have just finished Crude Oil Washing the forward half of No 2 Centre while discharging at the SupaOil berth in Singapore. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to start this entry in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

D 9 SupaOil terminal Singapore 10 2C Forward section.

You have just finished discharging all of the crude oil in 3P and all but 2 000 m3 of 3S ashore to the Staten Oil terminal in New York. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

C 6 Staten Oil terminal, New York 7 3P&S 8 3P – Yes 3S – 2 000 m3 retained.

You have just finished loading sea water ballast into No 2 Port and Stbd oil cargo tanks while at sea on passage. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

E 18 Start 49° 45’N 13° 10’W, Stop 50° 55’N 13° 02’W 19.1 2P&S 19.2 Start 0300 Stop: 0445 19.3 1 180 m3 to each.

You have just finished transferring 30 m3 of oil from No 3 Port to No 3 Stbd. Which of the following is the correct operation code?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code B.

You have just transferred all the remaining cargo in 1C to top up 5C, adding 125 m3 to the 450 m3 already in 5C. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

B 4.1 From 1C 4.2 To 5C 125 m3 5C = 575 m3 5 Yes.

You have to make an oil record book entry relating to the loading of a cargo of 350 m3 of diesel fuel. Which of the following is the correct operation code to use in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Code A.

You see that a previous oil record book entry shows that dirty ballast was discharged overboard (item 35) but also to the slop tank (item 39). Which of the following best explains this?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The oily residues were transferred to the slop tank after the clean water was discharged to the sea.

Your ship has discharged its slops to shore reception facilities. Based upon the recommendations in this training program which of the following is the correct way to record this in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

J 55 Slop Tks P&S 56 Trans P=37,4 m3 S=10 m3 Ret P=1,2 m3 S=3,6 m3 57.1 Southern Tank Cleaners, New Orleans 47,4 m3.

Your ship has discharged water from the slop tank into the sea. Which of the following best describes why it is a good idea to record the ship’s times and UTC times in the oil record book for this operation?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The oil record book times should match those stored in the ODME and they are normally set to UTC.

Your ship has discharged water from the slop tank into the sea. Which of the following best describes why there are 2 items for recording discharge flow rates in the oil record book for this one operation?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It is expected that the discharge rate will be slowed as the oil interface reaches the outlet pipe.

Your ship is a “tanker engaged in specific trades”. Which of the following describes the best way of finding out where your ship is allowed to trade?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Check the IOPP certificate supplement.

Your ship’s oil cargo tanks have been cleaned by washing with seawater and a chemical cleaning additive before dry-dock. Which of the following best describes how the use of chemical additives should be recorded in the oil record book?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It should be recorded as part of the method of cleaning (item 30).