Test for Officers onboard about Navigation, Operational Level (CES v6.0)

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Total questions on this topic: 209
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Right answers:

What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS receiver to a paper chart?

Your answer is correct:

That the chart datum is also WGS84 or there are corrections.
Ships vary considerably in design and underwater shape, but does the ship’s trim ever have any influence on its steering abilities?

Your answer is correct:

Yes, the ship often steers better if trimmed by the stern.

You are approaching a port in a snowstorm. You hear this signal. What kind of vessel is it and what is it doing?

Correct answer:

It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the water.

Your Answer:

It comes from a vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length.

Can the OOW be the sole lookout?

Your answer is correct:

During daylight when visibility and traffic allows.

What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?

Your answer is correct:

Stop engines and call the Master.

What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?

Your answer is correct:

Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.

What is the purpose of a sea anchor deployed from a lifeboat?

Your answer is correct:

To keep the lifeboat’s heading against the wind and sea and reduce drift.

You are proceeding along a coastal route when you hear this signal. The visibility is severely restricted. What does the signal mean?

Your answer is correct:

There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are “running into danger”.

What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship’s steering gear fails?

Your answer is correct:

All of the suggested answers.

Which statement best describes how land moves, if at all, on an ECDIS set in North-up, relative motion mode?

Your answer is correct:

Land on the chart screen moves relative to the ship symbol.

You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?

Correct answer:

A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal to give warning of her position.

Your Answer:

A vessel aground, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates which side the clear water lies on.

What can be a cause of error observed on a gyro compass reading?

Your answer is correct:

Incorrectly set latitude and speed values.

A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much area should this be to call it a balanced rudder?

Your answer is correct:

It should be about 20 %.

When splicing an eye on a mooring wire (using the recommended 5 full tucks and 2 half tucks) the effective breaking strength of the wire may be affected by the splice. What would be the anticipated change in the breaking strength of the wire?

Your answer is correct:

A reduction in strength of 10 % to 15 %.

The ship is sailing in shallow water with reduced Under Keel Clearance. If the ship is steaming with the engines at full RPM, what would be the speed in comparison to the speed achieved in deep water?

Your answer is correct:

Slower than deep water.

The ship’s rudder is full over when the ship’s engines are full ahead. Will the turning effect (lift force) of the rudder be changed when the engine is stopped?

Your answer is correct:

Yes, the lift force will be dramatically reduced when the engines are stopped.

After passage planning with ECDIS, how should the route be checked for safety?

Your answer is correct:

Using the ECDIS route checker and by visually sighting all along it.
What is happening here?

Your answer is correct:

These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair trawling), showing the additional volutary signals for hauling nets.

If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres, will manoeuvring and warning signals, as defined by rule 34 of the International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, be given on one or both whistles?

Your answer is correct:

They shall be given on one whistle only.

Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any misunderstanding in communications?

Your answer is correct:

The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet.
The ship has a single fixed pitch right-handed propeller and is going astern as illustrated. What is the most likely way the ship will react in these circumstances?

Correct answer:

The stern will “back” into the wind and the ship’s heading will swing to starboard.

Your Answer:

The stern will fall off to starboard, making the heading swing to port.

What is the direction of wind associated with an anticyclone (area of high pressure) in the Northern Hemisphere?

Your answer is correct:

Clockwise around the high pressure.

You are in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?

Correct answer:

That there is a vessel in distress nearby.

Your Answer:

That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity.

Who is responsible for the number and the position of any tugs to be used during a mooring operation?

Correct answer:

The Master, with consideration of the advice of the pilot.

Your Answer:

The Pilot is fully responsible for the number and use of tugs within the port area.
When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to:

Your answer is correct:

Make two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts, fig. 4.

When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a “Temperature Inversion” and may influence the performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?

Your answer is correct:

Abnormal ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar.

The ship has a right-handed propeller and is swinging to starboard when the engines are slow ahead and the rudder is to starboard. The engines are stopped and the rate of swing rapidly slows down. How could the swing to starboard be maintained without the ship making much headway.

Correct answer:

Astern on the engines will allow Transverse Thrust to continue the swing.

Your Answer:

Transverse Thrust will reduce the swing and therefore a kick ahead is necessary with full starboard helm applied.

What is the direction of wind associated with an anticyclone (area of high pressure) in the Northern Hemisphere?

Your answer is correct:

Clockwise around the high pressure.

When navigating along a coastline what should be considered the most accurate method of navigating?

Correct answer:

Use of Differential GPS.

Your Answer:

Bearings of navigational shore marks such as lighthouses.

What sound signal can be made when nearing a bend in a river, with the view around the bend obscured by an intervening obstruction?

Your answer is correct:

One prolonged blast.

During an STS operation with one ship at anchor, should an anchor watch be maintained?

Your answer is correct:

Both ships have normal anchor watch responsibility in addition to watching ship to ship fendering, mooring etc.
A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the required procedure?

Your answer is correct:

The overtaking vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF contact.
Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine the latitude of the observer when the sun is on the meridian?

Correct answer:

Calculation 3 is correct.

Your Answer:

Calculation 1 is correct.

You are in open water and clear conditions. You are approaching the pilot station when you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify?

Your answer is correct:

That the vessel is operating astern propulsion.

When plotting a position, where should the Officer of the Watch select as the ships position, when three gyro compass bearings intercept as a triangle (Cocked Hat) and not as a single point?

Your answer is correct:

At the point nearest to the danger, if any.
You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?

Your answer is correct:

You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.
The ship is drifting in the open sea with a temporary engine breakdown. The ship is equipped with GPS navigation equipment. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch do in this situation?

Your answer is correct:

All of the possible answers.

What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error?

Your answer is correct:

Latitude and Speed.

What, by definition in the International Collision Regulations, is a “vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre”?

Your answer is correct:

A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.

What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning “Calling All Ships”.

Your answer is correct:


The Second Officer, when on watch on the bridge, is often referred to as the OOW. What does OOW actually stand for?

Your answer is correct:

Officer of the Watch.

What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?

Your answer is correct:

Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.

What are the immediate duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly runs into a fog bank?

Your answer is correct:

Commence sounding the fog signal, engines on standby, call the Master and lookout, if not already on duty.

When should voyage planning be done?

Your answer is correct:

Prior to leaving the berth.

The Master arrives on the bridge obviously under the influence of alcohol and states he is taking over the “con” of the ship. What actions should the Officer of the Watch (OOW) take in this situation?

Your answer is correct:

Attempt to diplomatically avoid taking any actions that would put the ship or crew into danger and call the Chief Officer for assistance.

The lights here show those that must be exhibited by a vessel engaged in towing, as per rule 24 of the International Collision Regulations. But how long is the tow behind this vessel?

Your answer is correct:

It exceeds 200 metres.

What is the depth of an iceberg below the surface of the sea?

Your answer is correct:

The draught of an iceberg varies with the type of berg and its age.
The ship is to berth alongside a quay in calm conditions of no wind or current. The ship has a single fixed pitch right handed propeller. Which angle of approach would be considered the most favourable?

Correct answer:

No. 2.

Your Answer:

No. 3.
Which is the “CENTRE LINE”, in the figure?

Your answer is correct:

The Fore and aft Centreline is indicated by A, in the figure.
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port bow, on a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action will you take in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea.

Your answer is correct:

This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep clear and will take appropriate avoiding action.

What would be the stopping distance of a VLCC when proceeding at 8 knots in deep water and the engines are put “Full Astern”?

Your answer is correct:

Varies, but can be determined from trial data.

How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?

Correct answer:

Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage.

Your Answer:

Decrease the speed and keep this ship to the centre of the channel where the water is probably deepest.
Two ships are meeting in a restricted channel as illustrated. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable to take on both vessels as they approach and pass each other?

Your answer is correct:

Slow down if possible without losing steerage and be prepared for prompt application of rudder to counteract any swing as they approach and pass each other.

In a canal without water flow, if a vessel was approaching a bank at an angle, what would be the probable effect on it?

Your answer is correct:

The vessel’s bow is pushed away from the bank.

A ship is equipped with a right-handed fixed pitch propeller, which when going from Full Ahead to Full Astern will make the ship sheer to starboard. Can anything be done to reduce this change in heading?

Your answer is correct:

The rudder can be put to Hard to Port to reduce the water from to the right side of the propeller.

What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning “Calling All Ships”?

Your answer is correct:


Where can a ship expect an act of piracy to take place?

Your answer is correct:

All over the world.

What sound signal shall be used on ship’s whistle when there is a man overboard?

Your answer is correct:

3 long blasts repeatedly.

You are in open water and clear conditions. You are approaching the pilot station when you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify?

Your answer is correct:

That the vessel is operating astern propulsion.

What could be the reason for the magnetic compass to swing through large angles when the ship is rolling in a seaway?

Your answer is correct:

The heeling error magnets are upside down and/or not in the correct position.

A ship normally turns (swings) around a point which is not the centre of gravity. What is this point normally called?

Correct answer:

Pivot Point.

Your Answer:

Centre of Buoyancy.

Is the location of a vessel’s standard compass binnacle critical?

Your answer is correct:

Yes, for the reasons stated in all of the suggested answers.

What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system?

Correct answer:

Incorrect height of the antenna.

Your Answer:

All of the suggested answers.
This vessel is sighted ahead and slightly to port. What is her situation? What will you do?

Your answer is correct:

This vessel is aground. I will navigate with extreme caution given the nature of the hazard.

When should gangway nets be rigged?

Your answer is correct:

Whenever the gangway is rigged.

What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart?

Correct answer:

Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum.

Your Answer:

Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart.

The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a magnetic compass. How should an error of 5° WEST be applied to the compass bearings?

Your answer is correct:

Subtract 5° to the bearings.
How will the ship behave if it experiences a complete loss of power (black out) in the situation illustrated?

Correct answer:

The vessel will gradually swing to port and the speed will slowly reduce.

Your Answer:

The vessel will continue on course and the speed will slowly reduce.

If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector.

Your answer is correct:

The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.
You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?

Your answer is correct:

A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.

How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?

Your answer is correct:

Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage.

With the Master on the bridge, when is the Officer of the Watch officially relieved of their responsibility for the vessel?

Your answer is correct:

When the Master informs the Officer of the Watch that he is taking over the “con”.
What does this flag mean?

Your answer is correct:

I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.

What is the correct understanding of the term “Block Coefficient” as applied to a ship?

Your answer is correct:

The comparisons of the underwater shape of the ship, to a rectangular block of the same extreme dimensions.
The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314° and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?

Your answer is correct:

True vectors.
Two ships travelling in opposite directions are to pass each other in a narrow river, as illustrated. Explain what is likely to happen as they pass each other?

Your answer is correct:

Due to interaction, the bows will repel each other, and then when alongside each other the two ships will be sucked together and finally the sterns will be repelled as they start to pass clear.

The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35°. Do you think this is the angle that the rudder is most effective?

Your answer is correct:

No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30°, this is because the rudder is stalling at 35° angle.
Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?

Your answer is correct:

A long ship with a narrow beam.
When fastening synthetic fibre ropes such as polypropylene on bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to:

Your answer is correct:

Make two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts, fig. 4.
What is “AIR DRAUGHT”, in the figure?

Your answer is correct:

Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure.