Test online for seamans about Deck department, Support level, RoRo Cargo Vessel (CES v6.0)

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Right answers:

Noise level called “the injurious area” starts at:

Your answer is correct:

100 dB.

What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?

Your answer is correct:

Lifeboat drill.

With regard to the characteristics of a mafi trailer what must be ensured prior to unfastening this unit on board?

Correct answer:

That after unfastening it will not move.

Your Answer:

That the cargo details have been checked.

On a RoRo vessel, which of the following is likely to tip over in heavy weather?

Your answer is correct:

Cargoes with high centres of gravity.

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BREADTH” given. Which one is the correct one?

Correct answer:

Breadth is defined as “B” on the figure.

Your Answer:

Breadth is defined as “C” on the figure.

What do you understand by: “Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder”?

Your answer is correct:

Lower the accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right next to it.

Normally ventilation fans in enclosed RoRo spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board. Why?

Correct answer:

An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed RoRo spaces.

Your Answer:

It is easier for the crew, they don’t have to think about starting and stopping of fans.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Your answer is correct:

Sprinkler section valve.

Which is the “Windlass”, in the figure?

Correct answer:

The Windlass is indicated by “D”, in the figure.

Your Answer:

The Windlass is indicated by “A”, in the figure.

On a RoRo vessel, to what should a heavy vehicle be secured on a car deck?

Correct answer:

Clover leaves.

Your Answer:

Crinkle bars.

Is it allowed to have animals on the car deck during a voyage?

Your answer is correct:

Yes, if they are safely placed in a suitable vehicle.

How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?

Correct answer:


Your Answer:


What is the meaning of the term “Steady as she goes” when acting as helmsman?

Correct answer:

It means the helmsman has to try and keep the vessel heading as it is.

Your Answer:

Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.

On a RoRo vessel, what must you ensure where the cap of a sounding pipe is flush with a ro-ro deck?

Your answer is correct:

Prohibit all cargo stowage around this area.

What is a deck lift vehicle?

Your answer is correct:

As detailed in the instructions provided by the manufacturer or shipper.

What is the main characteristic of the weak link in a float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts?

Your answer is correct:

Be of sufficient strength to permit to pull the painter from the container and the inflation of the liferaft.

When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew should:

Correct answer:

Confirm that it won’t form an emulsion.

Your Answer:

Use it liberally.

An inflatable lifejacket will inflate:

Your answer is correct:

Either automatically on immersion or by a single manual motion or by mouth.

For which of the following groups of substances or materials is the use of water as an extinguishing agent dangerous?

Your answer is correct:

Sodium hydrosulphite, potassium hydroxide, magnesium.

On the diagram provided, there are four (4) possible directions indicating the term “AHEAD”. Which one is the correct?

Your answer is correct:

Ahead is indicated by “A”, in the figure.

What is the main duty of the “Standby Watch keeper” when they are not on the bridge?

Correct answer:

Remain available and in contact with the bridge team.

Your Answer:

Patrol the ship and report anything unusual to the bridge.

On a RoRo vessel, how often should a dangerous goods stowage plan be produced?

Your answer is correct:

Every time you load a dangerous cargo.

On a RoRo vessel, which is the correct method of securing a lashing belt to a vehicle?

Your answer is correct:

By means of a hook facing the deck.

Apart from steering the helmsman should also:

Correct answer:

Regularly check the gyro against the magnetic compass.

Your Answer:

Keep a good lookout.

On a RoRo vessel, what is the common factor between a clover leaf and crinkle bar?

Correct answer:

They are items of fixed lashing equipment.

Your Answer:

They are tools used for tightening RoRo lashings.

What do you understand by the order: “Move the pilot ladder to the other side”?

Your answer is correct:

To shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.

On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed RoRo unit that is towed onto a ship called?

Your answer is correct:

Mafi trailer.

What is the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives the helmsman the order to: Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering?

Correct answer:

Start following the order from the OOW using the manual control.

Your Answer:

Check that the wheel or tiller is amidships, then switch over the control to “manual”.

When patrolling the car deck during a voyage you should observe the following elements:

Your answer is correct:

Any abnormalities such as leakages, fumes, smoke or fire. Check if the lashings need to be tightened on lashed cargo.

Where and for what are rubber mats used on board a pure RoRo car carrier?

Your answer is correct:

Under the loading ramp flap to prevent vehicle damage.

On a RoRo vessel, what should be used to secure cars with aluminium tyre rims?

Correct answer:

A car sling.

Your Answer:

Steel chains.

What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?

Your answer is correct:

Start collecting rain water.

On a RoRo vessel, what should a duty crew member do immediately upon observing funnel soot emissions?

Correct answer:

Inform the duty officer.

Your Answer:

Inform the Master.

What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?

Your answer is correct:

The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Spreader”.

When securing cars on a RoRo vessel, what is the preferred lashing angle in any direction from the lashing point?

Your answer is correct:

45 degrees.

What is the normal name of the waterproof suit shown in the picture?

Correct answer:

Survival suit.

Your Answer:

Life suit.

On a RoRo vessel, which of these stowage situations produces high friction that does not allow movemement of the cargo?

Correct answer:

Vehicles in direct contact with steel decks.

Your Answer:

Two tiers of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks.

On a RoRo vessel, what is important with regard to a loading ramp resting on a jetty?

Correct answer:

It must not foul the ship’s mooring ropes.

Your Answer:

The position of mats between the ramp flap and jetty must be maintained at all times.

On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if cracks are found on portable deck supports?

Your answer is correct:

Stop cargo operations on that deck and inform the master.

During a bomb search, which of the following is an important principle to follow?

Your answer is correct:

Do not touch any suspicious packages.

Under what circumstances should gangway nets be rigged under the gangway?

Your answer is correct:

Whenever the gangway is rigged between ship and shore.

On a RoRo vessel, which of the following is not required in the pre-stowage plan?

Correct answer:

Checking communications equipment.

Your Answer:

Assigning crew duties.

Having boarded the liferaft, how do you release the painter?

Your answer is correct:

Cut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment point.

Whenever RoRo/car decks are unattended the following applies:

Your answer is correct:

Fire detection systems should be switched on, deck and engine crew should be trained in the use of the drencher systems and their operation, continuous monitoring of RoRo/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place. All fire doors should be kept closed on RoRo/car decks when the vessel is at sea.

On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if the surface of the loading ramp is oily?

Your answer is correct:

Immediately clean the oil-affected area(s).

On a RoRo vessel carrying no more than 36 passengers, what is the minimum capacity of the ventilation system protecting standard cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion.

Your answer is correct:

6 air changes per hour.

Why are handrails in Ro-Ro decks painted?

Correct answer:

To prevent contact with vehicles.

Your Answer:

To highlight deck walkways.

On a RoRo vessel, why are short lashings better than long lashings for ro-ro units?

Your answer is correct:

Because they’re easily tightened and tensioned.

What might safely be used to prevent a load swinging when lifted by a crane?

Your answer is correct:

Guide or tag lines, tended from a safe location.

What is the main fixed fire-fighting system on a car deck?

Your answer is correct:

Water sprinkling.

What does the cargo capacity of a RoRo car carrier depend upon?

Correct answer:

The size of vehicles for which it is designed.

Your Answer:

The number of vehicles it can carry.

What is the correct understanding of the term “gangway”?

Your answer is correct:

Portable bridge arrangement between ship and shore, when alongside.

Which of the following are frequent causes of fires in accommodation?

Your answer is correct:

All alternatives.

During the loading of cars and vans on a RoRo vessel, what must be verified by the vessels crew when the vehicle is in its stowage position.

Your answer is correct:

All of the following answers.

On a RoRo vessel, why is it considered good practice to have a duty crew member standing by the loading ramp?

Your answer is correct:

To record the nature and extent of any pre-loading damage to cargo.

On a RoRo vessel, what is lashing equipment used for?

Your answer is correct:

To prevent the cargo from shifting during the voyage.

On a RoRo vessel, which of the following is not designed to hold chain lashings?

Correct answer:

Crinkle bars.

Your Answer:

Clover leaf lashing sockets.

When fighting fire, why shall you never pour water into hot fat?

Your answer is correct:

The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.

During RoRo cargo operations, what must be monitored at all times where the ramps are concerned to prevent damage to the cargo.

Your answer is correct:

The angle of the loading ramp is not to steep and that the ramp has not lifted of the jetty.

What is understood by the term “take the helm”?

Your answer is correct:

Change the place where the lookout is standing.

A lifebuoy is constructed to withstand a drop into the water from a height of:

Correct answer:

30 m.

Your Answer:

18 m.

On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with loaded container tractors passing over large fittings on the loading ramp on the vessel’s decks?

Your answer is correct:

The container jumping the trailer.

What should the gangway watchman always ensure is available for visitors at the top of the gangway?

Your answer is correct:

Safety and security information.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Your answer is correct:

B class fire door self closing.

When keeping a lookout, what would be the correct understanding of the question “What is the aspect of the other ship”?

Your answer is correct:

The question is requesting some indication of what lights or part of the vessel is seen.

In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use:

Correct answer:

Anti-alcohol foam.

Your Answer:

Water and foam.

On a RoRo vessel, what additional securing arrangements should be used when loading a vehicle on an incline or fixed ramp.

Your answer is correct:

The vehicle should also be chocking under its wheels.

Which of the following is false when a casualty is bleeding?

Correct answer:

Cover the wound with a cloth.

Your Answer:

Treat for the shock.

Normally ventilation fans in enclosed RoRo spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board. Why?

Your answer is correct:

An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed RoRo spaces.

How should you, as helmsman, give feedback to the OOW (officer on watch) that his orders are understood?

Your answer is correct:

By repeating the order.

Prior to entering a cargo hold to check the cargo condition stowed in it, you must ensure that:

Your answer is correct:

The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other applicable tests, are issued and valid for entry.

On a RoRo vessel, what should be used to secure cars with aluminium tyre rims?

Correct answer:

A car sling.

Your Answer:

Wooden wheel chocks only.

On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with loaded container tractors passing over large fittings on the loading ramp or on the vessel’s decks?

Your answer is correct:

The container jumping the trailer.

On a RoRo vessel, what standing instruction should be given to protect the ramps when loading RoRo units?

Correct answer:

Units whose weights exceed the ramp load density/SWL must not be loaded.

Your Answer:

All RoRo units must be thoroughly checked for damage prior to the loading ramp.

On a RoRo vessel, why should there be no more than two lashings secured to any one point on a ro-ro unit?

Your answer is correct:

Because the vehicle securing point is likely to break in heavy weather.

“Overshoot” is an expression related to a ship’s steering ability. What is the correct understanding of this expression?

Correct answer:

It is how many degrees of the compass a ship continues to turn after applying counter-rudder.

Your Answer:

It is the amount a ship moves forward after the engines are stopped.

On a RoRo vessel, which of the following can cause an unplanned list at sea?

Correct answer:

Ballast water exchange.

Your Answer:

Turning the vessel.

On a RoRo vessel, to what should a heavy vehicle be secured on a car deck?

Correct answer:

Clover leaves.

Your Answer:

Lashing holes.

A road trailer is marked as follows: SWL 70t; Tare wt. 6t. What is the gross weight of the trailer when carrying it maximum payload?

Correct answer:

76 tons.

Your Answer:

70 tons.

Once a non dangerous cargo unit has been stowed on board a RoRo vessel, what should duty crew members ensure?

Correct answer:

That the vehicle is lashed immediately.

Your Answer:

That the duty officer is notified of the vehicle’s position.