Test about Engine department for all types of vessels (CES v6.0)

Test results

The test consisted of 80 random questions.
Total questions on this topic: 171
Your result: 69%
Right answers:

The circuit consists of two inductors, L(1) = 6 H and L(2) = 12 H, in series. Calculate the equivalent total inductance L(S).:

Your answer is correct: L(S) = 18 H.

What do you understand by the term “Terminal Representative”?:

Your answer is correct: A person appointed by a cargo terminal for operations conducted by that terminal with regard to a ship.

When will a ro-ro vessel pitch heavily?:

Correct answer: When wave lengths are equal to the ship’s length.
Your Answer: When wave lengths are equal to half the ship’s length.

Between a complete removal and a renewing of floor polish what can you do to maintain a PVC floor surface?:

Correct answer: By soft machine scrubbing with red pad and a renewing of polish only where there is heavy traffic (f. i. in the middle of corridors and not the whole floor).
Your Answer: By using soft machine scrubbing once every fortnight and wash with a solution of water and polish.

What is a good practice when lineblowing/pigging from shore?:

Your answer is correct: There must always be one man on the ship’s manifold, operating the manifold valve in order to avoid to much pressure raise in the tank.

What is the purpose of the LD (low duty) compressors on an LNG carrier?:

Your answer is correct: To handle the LNG boil-off vapour for fuelling the boiler.

The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for:


In case of diesel driven fire pumps, for how long shall the fuel tank capacity allow the pump to be run at full capacity? (SOLAS II-2/

Correct answer: 3 hours.
Your Answer: 15 hours.

During mooring operations which is the safe place to be in?:

Your answer is correct: Outside the colored zone.

What is the colour of the smoke signal used by life-saving stations or rescue units indicating that distress signals are observed in daylight?:

Your answer is correct: Orange.

What are we seeing here?:

Your answer is correct: A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head on.

In respect of washings from the cargo area of an oil tanker, what is the maximum instantaneous rate of oil that can be pumped into the sea when a vessel is outside a special area, proceeding en route, has in operation a monitoring and control system for the discharge of oil and is located more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land?:

Your answer is correct: 30 litres per nautical miles.

What could be the possible cause of an engine knocking?:

Correct answer: Any of the below.
Your Answer: Faults in injection valves, injection too early.

Can a British Consular official detain a vessel whilst in a foreign port?:

Correct answer: Yes – any consular official can detain a vessel.
Your Answer: Not under any circumstances.

If oil flows out of the bowl casing drain of a solids ejecting separator what is the most likely problem?:

Your answer is correct: Insufficient amount of bowl closing water.

This circuit consists of two resistances, R1 = 6 ohm and R2 = 12 ohm, connected in series. Calculate the equivalent resistance R(S) of the two resistances.:

Your answer is correct: R(S) = 18 ohm.

Which of the below statements characterizes the most significant differences between a water-tube boiler and a fire-tube boiler during operation?:

Correct answer: Water-tube boilers are more efficient and contains less water. They suffer from major damages when run dry during operation.
Your Answer: The firetube boiler has a much better capability to work at higher steam pressure.

What is the main vitamin found in flour and grain products?:

Correct answer: Vitamin B.
Your Answer: Vitamin A.

Which class of emission is used for FEC NBDP transmissions?:

Your answer is correct: F1B.

With two alternators operating in parallel at 75 % load capacity, one trips without any warning. What is the first action that should be taken?:

Your answer is correct: Trip/stop all nonessential loads that are connected to the switchboard.

This circuit consists of a voltage source V, a change-over switch S, a resistor R and a capacitor C. The voltage/time figures 1 to 4 show changes in the voltage V (C) when the switch S is suddenly shifted from position 1 to 2 at time t = 0. Only one of the diagrams is correct. Which?:

Correct answer: Figure 1.
Your Answer: Figure 3.

What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?:

Your answer is correct: Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.

When is it compulsory to use emergency wires/fire wires for mooring the vessel?:

Your answer is correct: During loading/discharging of persistent/non-persistent oil.

Which electronic component does this graphical symbol represent?:

Your answer is correct: Transistor.

In a smoke filled alleyway where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?:

Your answer is correct: Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible.

According to SOLAS Regulation all dedicated seawater ballast tanks on oil tankers shall have an efficient corrosion prevention system such as hard protective coatings or equivalent. With regard to coatings do SOLAS set any requirement to colour?:

Your answer is correct: Preferably light colour.

On the figure possible definitions of the term “HEIGHT” are given. Which one is the correct one?:

Your answer is correct: Height is given by D on the figure.

On a RoRo vessel carrying no more than 36 passengers, what is the minimum capacity of the ventilation system protecting standard cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion.:

Your answer is correct: 6 air changes per hour.

Is the master under obligation to do a maritime inquiry if a crewmember suffered a considerably injury onboard and died after a week on a hospital ashore?:

Correct answer: Yes, even if he/she did not die while onboard.
Your Answer: Yes, because of the fatal consequence.

Reduced capacity accompanied by vibration and noise at the suction of a centrifugal pump results from the action of vapor pockets in the fluid being pumped caused by:

Your answer is correct: Cavitation.

Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?:

Your answer is correct: To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.

How can the error of the Gyro compass be determined?:

Your answer is correct: By taking a transit bearing with the gyro compass of two prominent fixed shore objects and comparing it with the bearing of the same objects on the chart.

What is the MARPOL definition of a “high-viscosity substance”?:

Your answer is correct: A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPas at the unloading temperature.

What will you do if the heat transfer capacity is dropping, and we know that flow and heat energy corresponds to the specifications?:

Your answer is correct: Use the “cleaning in place” arrangement to open the heat exchanger for visual inspection and manual cleaning.

Which of the given options characterizes a 2-stroke diesel engine?:

Your answer is correct: A 2-stroke engine completes a full cycle every revolution.

Which is the “Fairlead”, in the figure?:

Correct answer: The Fairlead is indicated by C, in the figure.
Your Answer: The Fairlead is indicated by B, in the figure.

You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?:

Your answer is correct: That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.

What significant change to the requirements for the carriage of Vegetable Oils in tankers was introduced by the amendments to MARPOL and the IBC Code on 1st January 2007?:

Correct answer: They must now be carried in double-hull tankers.
Your Answer: They must now be carried in type 2 tanks.

What is the main requirement of a lookout posted on the bridge?:

Your answer is correct: Good eyesight and able to communicate with the OOW (officer on watch).

If the heat transfer capacity in a heat exchanger is dropping, the following action should be taken:

Correct answer: Clean the heat transfer surface.
Your Answer: Increase pressure.

At least how often shall rescue boats be launched with their assigned crew and manoeuvred in the water?:

Your answer is correct: Every 3 months.

What is polymerisation?:

Correct answer: The process by which unsaturated chemical compounds are heated under pressure, causing the molecules to react with each other and form larger molecules.
Your Answer: The process by which the molecules in unsaturated chemical compounds react with each other during cooling, forming larger molecules.

According to the industry guidelines in the ISGOTT Guide and assuming terminal regulations do not require otherwise, what action should be taken to drain accumulated water from the deck during cargo handling operations in rainy conditions?:

Your answer is correct: The accumulated water is to be drained periodically and the scupper plugs to be immediately closed once the water has been run off. Water containing oily residues is to be transferred to a slop tank or other suitable receptacle.

Your vessel have been in collision with another vessel. You are taking in water and you have to prepare for leaving the vessel. How will you act?:

Your answer is correct: Send a distress message and collect survival suits/thermal bags.

At what calendar interval is a “Special Survey” required?:

Correct answer: Bleach.
Your Answer: Blanch.

What should you do if the temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 65 % carried is raising 2 °C per 5 hours and the temperature is above 40 °C?:

Your answer is correct: To avoid uncontrolled decomposition the cargo should be discharged overboard.

Which one of the listed requirements for passenger ships regarding personal life-saving appliances do not correspond to present regulations?:

Correct answer: All lifejackets shall be fitted with a whistle, a light and a smoke signal.
Your Answer: All lifejackets shall be fitted with reflex, a whistle and a light.

When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?:

Correct answer: Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension.
Your Answer: Because the safe working load of lashing materials decrease with length.

Which is the preferred method for starting an air conditioning refrigeration compressor which has been shut down for a period of time?:

Your answer is correct: Start with suction valve throttled in to minimise risk of drawing liquid refrigerant into the compressor.

On a container vessel, where should a mid-bay guide be positioned?:

Your answer is correct: On the tank top mid-way in 40′ guides to prevent transverse movement of 20′ containers.

Which of the following is a chemical commonly added to cleaning substances used to clean galley areas?:

Your answer is correct: Bleach.

The death of a passenger occurs on board, what legal actions must be taken by the Master?:

Correct answer: First aspect confirm death. Notify company, and next-of-kin, and if on board to be advised and comforted as may be required. Arrange to have body moved to freezer area. Notify local agents and British Consul when abroad. Entry to be made in Record of Births and Deaths.
Your Answer: Confirm death. Have body moved to a freezer compartment. Contact local agent and British Consul as appropriate. Complete narrative section of Official log book. Make an entry in the deck log book detailing actions taken.

Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to present regulation? The enclosures shall be provided with:

Correct answer: Windows on both sides which can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation.
Your Answer: Access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides.

What contributes most to rust formation on vehicles/Ro-Ro units?:

Your answer is correct: Cargo hold ventilation systems and associated ducting.

What symptom would you think shows that the freon filter drier has become blocked?:

Your answer is correct: A large temperature drop across the drier.

You have just joined a chemical tanker. Where would you find a description of the ship’s cargo handling equipment, details on the ship’s cargo unloading procedures and tank stripping and details on procedures relating to the cleaning of cargo tanks, the discharge of residues, ballasting and deballasting?:

Correct answer: The Annex II Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
Your Answer: The applicable equipment manufacturer’s maintenance and operation manuals.

Sea area A4 is in maritime radio traffic sea area:

Your answer is correct: Outside the sea areas A1, A2 and A3.

Cargo gear/cranes should at regular intervals be thoroughly examined and load tested by a recognised company/yard. How often should such examination/load test take place?:

Correct answer: Every 5th year.
Your Answer: Annually.

What is the correct name of the tool shown in the sketch?:

Your answer is correct: Flat file.

What is the fog signal for a vessel which is engaged in towing?:

Your answer is correct: One long blast followed by two short blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.

What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart?:

Your answer is correct: Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum.

A coated tank holds 400 tons of sea water when filled. How many tons of liquid of liter weight 0,9300 will it hold when filled to 90 % capacity?:

Your answer is correct: 326,6 Mt.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Correct answer: Start water-spray.
Your Answer: Rescue boat with waterproof canopy.

A section of seawater pipe has been removed for maintenance. When refitting the pipe after completing the work the bolt holes in the flanges are found to be misaligned. What procedure should be followed to finish the work?:

Your answer is correct: Adjacent pipework should be slackened off to allow the pipe to be aligned. Any incorrectly positioned brackets should be adjusted after the pipe is refitted.

In the case when the temperature of the ambient air is equal to 10 °C and the wind is blowing at a speed of 10 m/sec the shipwrecked person must consider that the effect of air on his body is equivalent to that of an air whose temperature would be approximately:

Your answer is correct: 0 °C.

A vessel’s forward draught reading is 8,50 m a correction factor of 0,0242 m; draught marks are painted abaft the forward perpendicular. What is the corrected forward draught if the vessel is trimmed by the stern?:

Correct answer: 8,4758 m.
Your Answer: 8,5242 m.

When 3 phase alternators are operating in parallel, it is very important that the reactive load is evenly shared so that the total alternator loads are evenly shared. If the total alternator load is the vector sum of active and reactive loads, which side of vector diagram (power triangle) shown represents the reactive load?:

Your answer is correct: (Y).

There are many types of pumps fitted onboard ship which an engine room rating may be required to assist with the maintenance of. Which type of pump is shown in the illustration?:

Your answer is correct: A centrifugal pump.

On a RoRo vessel, when loading Double Stacked containers on Maffi Trailers how many twist locks should have used between 2 containers?:

Your answer is correct: One on every corner, 4 in total.

What is the correct chemical name for Caustic Soda in liquid form?:

Your answer is correct: Sodium Hydroxide solution.

Which is the “PANAMA LEAD”, in the figure?:

Correct answer: The Panama Lead is indicated by C, in the figure.
Your Answer: The Panama Lead is indicated by A, in the figure.

According to 33 CFR 156, oil tankers trading in US waters are required to test and document the testing of cargo transfer hoses and transfer pipe system. What is the minimum requirement when testing these components?:

Your answer is correct: That no leakage occurs under static liquid pressure of at least 1,5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.

What is the most likely reason for vibration and noise at the suction side of a centrifugal pump when it is running?:

Your answer is correct: Collapsing vapour bubbles due to cavitation.

Is it necessary to construct a passage plan (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when under pilot?:

Your answer is correct: A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot.

What action should be taken if the heat transfer capacity of a heat exchanger operating as a lubricating oil cooler is reducing?:

Your answer is correct: The heat transfer surfaces should be cleaned.

What action would you take if the performance of a plate type heat exchanger was falling off even though flow rates and pressures of the primary and secondary fluids were normal?:

Your answer is correct: Clean the heat exchanger.

In the type of fluorescent lamp system shown in the illustration, the role of the starter is to perform which of the following?:

Correct answer: To pass current through the lamp heaters and then interrupt the inductive striking current.
Your Answer: To change the ballast to a high inductive current and then divert this current through the lamp.

What is the minimum capacity of a ventilation system protecting cargo spaces, other than special category spaces, intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their thanks for their own propulsion in a ship carrying no more than 36 passengers or in a cargo ship?:

Your answer is correct: 6 air changes per hour.

This circuit consists of two capacitors, C(1) = 6 μF and C(2) = 12 μF, in series. Calculate the equivalent C(S) of the two capacitors.:

Your answer is correct: C(S) = 4 μF.

Which one of the listed requirements regarding fire protected lifeboats do not correspond to present regulations? Water spray systems shall:

Your answer is correct: Have separate draining pumps of sufficient capacity.