Test for seamans which work in Catering Service (CES v6.0)

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Total questions on this topic: 174
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Right answers:

Visible shortening of a limb is not necessarily a sign of a fracture:

Your answer is correct: False.

A limb with an external bleeding should be lowered to maintain circulation in order to supply the cells with oxygen and prevent cell death:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?:

Your answer is correct: Warm nutritious drinks.

What is a contingency plan for ships?:

Your answer is correct: Plan for safety preparedness.

Breathing is controlled by the respiratory centre in the brain:

Your answer is correct: True.

Accidents happen for a reason. Based on what you have seen in this module, what would you say is the cause of most accidents at sea?:

Correct answer: The actions that people take, the so-called “Human element”.
Your Answer: Lack of training.

A haematoma can be caused by head injury:

Your answer is correct: True.

You are going to be at sea for 30 days with a crew of 30 men. How many eggs would you buy?:

Your answer is correct: 2 000.

Food poisoning may be caused by eating food, that is contaminated by bacteria or by toxins produced by bacteria, that were already in the food:

Your answer is correct: True.

In general cleaning it is recommended and suitable to use cleaning products which are:

Your answer is correct: Neutral.

When we deal with food poisoning your aims are to encourage the casualty to rest, to seek medical advice or aid, and to give the casualty plenty of bland fluids to drink:

Your answer is correct: True.

The walls in the blood vessels are completely resistant to diffusion:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

The main goal of splinting is to render a pulling strain on the fractured bone ends, in order to prevent them from touching each over:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

What is the lowest temperature at which potatoes should be stored?:

Your answer is correct: 4 °C.

An unconscious patient suffering from a major spine injury should not be placed in recovery position, as this may increase the damage and lead to paralysis:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

One of the main tasks of the blood is to transport oxygen to body’s cells:

Your answer is correct: True.

You should always wash your hands before preparing food. Wear protective gloves or waterproof plasters if you have cuts on your hands:

Your answer is correct: True.

What kind of cleaning product would you use to remove burnt food remains?:

Correct answer: Strong alkaline solution.
Your Answer: A solution of water and acid vinegar.

Improvised splints can only be made of solid materials:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

Your aims are to maintain the airway, breathing and circulation, to remove any contaminated clothing, to identify the poison and to obtain medical aid:

Your answer is correct: True.

Spillage of corrosive chemicals is poisonous and can also result in burns:

Your answer is correct: True.

If there are signs of tendon damage, the tendon must be sutured by a surgeon before closing the wound. If so, put on a dressing until qualified treatment can be administered:

Your answer is correct: True.

Shock and circulation failure are equivalent:

Your answer is correct: True.

What shall be done with left over food?:

Your answer is correct: It shall be properly stored and prepared for another meal.

It is the increased pressure in the head that is fatal, not the bleeding itself:

Your answer is correct: True.

Oxygen bottles should be handled with care and should be removed if they are exposed to heat:

Your answer is correct: True.

Which of the following meats is most perishable in cold storage?:

Your answer is correct: Pork.

Symptoms of serious head injury are unconsciousness, low pulse rate and high blood pressure:

Your answer is correct: True.

When loading provisions/stores in a tropical harbour on sunny days, which of the following would you arrange to get out of the sun as soon as possible?:

Your answer is correct: Eggs.

Why shall you never pour water into hot fat?:

Your answer is correct: The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.

When there is an electrical burn there is a great danger of internal injuries:

Your answer is correct: True.

Moderate and deep hypothermia cause very unstable condition, and the patient must be inactive and treated very carefully:

Your answer is correct: True.

When performing C-P-R it is advisable to elevate the patient’s legs to secure sufficient blood to the chest and head:

Your answer is correct: True.

A spine/neck injury will always have priority over every other injury due to the risk of paralysis:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

Abdominal thrust is applied to remove foreign objects in the airway:

Your answer is correct: True.

The motor function and circulation distal to the fracture should always be assessed:

Your answer is correct: True.

Do not touch anything that is sticking to, or embedded in, the eyeball, or over the coloured part of the eye, when treating a person with a foreign body in the eye:

Your answer is correct: True.

We have 3 circulatory systems for blood transportation:

Your answer is correct: False.

A triangular bandage is always used in its triangular shape:

Your answer is correct: False.

There is nothing more you can do to prevent food poisoning, than ensure that frozen poultry and meat are fully defrosted before it is cooked. Cook meat, poultry, fish, and eggs thoroughly to kill harmful bacteria. Never keep food lukewarm for long periods; bacteria can multiply without obvious signs of spoilage:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

At what number of crew members is it mandatory to have an Protection and Environment Committee on board?:

Your answer is correct: Minimum 8 crew members.

If you need to use a chemical cleaning agent, where can you find complete information about any potential hazards and precautions?:

Your answer is correct: The Safety Data Sheet for the product.

To render correct first aid one should be certain that there is a fracture before treating the patient:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

Unfortunately a fish hook has entered someone’s finger. The barb of the hook is even inside the skin. How to remove the fish hook?:

Correct answer: Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook between the barb and the skin and gently withdraw the hook.
Your Answer: Don’t do anything by yourself, see a doctor.

Why should “near miss incidents” be reported?:

Your answer is correct: To avoid accidents and injuries in the future.

Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?:

Your answer is correct: Salt.

A bandage is always applied to an open wound:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

What should NOT be given to a patient suffering from diarrhea?:

Your answer is correct: Milk.

What kind of cleaning product would you use to remove spilled oil and fat in the galley and pantry?:

Your answer is correct: Neutral to Alkaline solution.

In a lockout-tagout system, what is the main purpose of the lock and tag?:

Your answer is correct: To prevent anyone else making equipment you are working on dangerous by trying to re-start or re-energise it.

What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?:

Your answer is correct: Air, Breathing, Circulation.

What kind of routine would you follow to make preparations for the next day’s menu (frozen meat and fish)?:

Your answer is correct: Chief cook and second cook work together to select provisions for officers and crew, discussing needs and quantities, if necessary.

A patient who is shouting has an open airway:

Your answer is correct: True.

Any major bleeding must be stopped before treating a wound:

Your answer is correct: True.

Oxygen treatment is most important with injury to the head/neck/spine:

Your answer is correct: True.

In many countries some cleaning products are labelled with warning signs. Why?:

Your answer is correct: The user should be warned that the product contains fluids that may irritate and itch skin.

A method NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the US waters is:

Your answer is correct: Dispersant.

Cooling of a third degree burn should be terminated after 15 minutes:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

What does “periodic cleaning” mean?:

Your answer is correct: Washing and polishing floors, chemical cleaning of furniture and carpets in cabin and other common rooms.

Which of the following kinds of fish is the most perishable in cold storage?:

Correct answer: Herring.
Your Answer: Halibut.

The position and direction of entry and exit wounds will alert you to the likely extent of hidden injury, and to the degree of shock that may ensue:

Your answer is correct: True.

Parts of the body can be used as splints:

Your answer is correct: True.

Dressing should always be larger than the wound they cover:

Your answer is correct: True.

A fractured spine will always imply unconsciousness:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

Which of the following are evidence of a POOR safety culture onboard a ship? Select any options that you think apply:

Correct answer: People not paying attention to safety briefings.; No security procedures at the gangway.
Your Answer: People not paying attention to safety briefings.

How shall you treat the dishwashing machine?:

Your answer is correct: It shall be cleaned daily and oiled and inspected regularly.

Injuries resulting from slips and falls constitute the largest percentage of accidents that occur in the catering department. What should be done to reduce this high accident rate?:

Your answer is correct: Keep the floors and decks free from fat and grease.

What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?:

Your answer is correct: Rinsing of the eye.

A large dose of muscle relaxing medicaments can cause respiratory problems due to the reduced activity in the respiratory muscles:

Your answer is correct: True.

You should only use double nose catheters when treating two patients on one oxygen bottle:

Correct answer: False.
Your Answer: True.

You should terminate resuscitation after 15 minutes:

Your answer is correct: False.

Welding and burning are among the factors which give the highest risk of fire on board ships. Precautions has to be taken to avoid this risk. Which of the following safety rules may be regarded as the most important?:

Correct answer: The welder shall have been instructed in the use of the ship’s welding plant.
Your Answer: Only holders of welding certificates shall be allowed to carry out welding on board ships.

If a patient has heat exhaustion, the symptoms are weakness, vertigo, headache and nausea. Initially the skin is cool and clammy.:

Your answer is correct: True.

A person suffering from a moderate to hard blow to the head, should always be under close observation in the early hours after the accident, considering possible development of edema in the head:

Your answer is correct: True.

The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated whenever possible. Which one of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?:

Correct answer: The use of onboard communication systems.
Your Answer: The use of drogues.

What is most important to take with you in a lifeboat if the ship is abandoned?:

Your answer is correct: Warm clothes, blankets and lifevests.

What is the correct temperature range for the vegetable room where most of the fruits and vegetables are stored?:

Your answer is correct: 4-5 °C.

All fires will burn easier and faster in an oxygen-rich environment. Therefore, do not use oxygen bottles near an open fire. Smoking is not allowed.:

Your answer is correct: True.

Grease and oil must never be used in connection with oxygen bottles, couplings and valves:

Your answer is correct: True.

A sudden fall in blood pressure does not normally lead to circulation failure:

Your answer is correct: False.