Результаты прохождения теста
By the degree of selectivity of a receiver is meant:
The hydrostatic release of an EPIRB should be changed:
Dish aerials are used with:
The normal mode of operation for each coast station shall be indicated in:
The log-in of an Inmarsat-C installation is important:
At the entrance to the space where batteries are stored on board the following notice must be fitted:
The type of Inmarsat station A, B, C, M is recognized by:
What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning “Calling All Ships”?:
VHF channel 6 is:
What is the most important factor influencing the HF range?:
The typical “daylight-frequencies” for long distance transmission are located in the:
According to the rules of GMDSS all vessels have to be equipped with:
What is SITREP an abbreviation for:
Via a coast-station radio medical advice is asked using NBDP. What command has to be given after ga +?:
The number of oscillations of a wave per seconds is called:
On area A1 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The ship-shore HF-telephone-channel 2 228 consists of the frequencies 22 081,0 kHz and 22 777,0 kHz. In case of manual operation, one should tune the receiver on:
In the Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook one can find information about:
The DSC-controller display the following: DOO: 244562000 CH16; S distress sinking. After receiving this DSC message the following is done immediately:
DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000 is assigned to:
The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for:
How often must inspection of proper working of the EPIRB’s and SART’s take place on board? Once per:
A vessel is equipped for all sea areas. In the middle of the Indian Ocean the EGC-receiver appears out of order. Is it still possible to receive MSI-messages?:
What is the proper term used to describe a coast radio station that primarily handles chargeable ship-to-shore message traffic of a routine nature?:
A SART must be visible on the ship’s radar from a distance of at least:
The Satellite orbit in the Cospas-Sarsat system is:
Which type of call will be sent by a ship adrift and needing the assistance of a tug? The weather is not bad and the ship will be aground 24 hours later.:
Which of the following is a Accounting Authority Identification Code?:
The “clarifier” has only effect during:
When sending an OBS (weather report) with Inmarsat one should use Service Code “41”. With this address the weather report will always be transmitted to:
What is the emergency frequency on MF (Medium Frequency) radio?:
If a coast-station doesn’t answer a call on VHF working channel or doesn’t send a reply signal:
What is the first function of GMDSS?:
By reduced transmitting power is meant in VHF a power between:
On which frequency a ship must maintain a continuous watch when sailing in area A2?:
Dish aerials are used with:
On area A2 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly based on:
What are the NAVTEX messages categories which cannot be suppressed?:
What is the purpose of the radiotelephony two tone alarm?:
The Inmarsat-satellites are located:
Inmarsat is short for:
When on HF band a DSC distress alert is received, you have to listen to:
Which equipment will detect a signal from a SART transponder?:
Moored in a harbour, transmitting with a mariphone is:
By wave length is understood:
You receive a distress alert on HF Radio. What should you do?:
A battery of 24 Volt supplies during 10 hours a current of 6 ampere. What is the capacity supplied?:
The compulsory testing of a prescribed EPIRB is to be done:
The word NAVTEX is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
What is understood by carrier frequency?:
A wire aerial for an MF/HF-transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
The ID of an Inmarsat-M station on board starts with:
To get proper conversation discipline in maritime radio traffic:
Of the AM-signal:
Which of the following frequencies is used by the NAVTEX system?:
The different layers in the ionosphere, important for radio propagation, are effected by:
An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available is called:
The traffic list of a coast-station is a list of:
What do you understand by the initials EPIRB?:
How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call on your VHF DSC equipment?:
Modulation is:
The type-indication of the radio set is mentioned in:
After confirmation that there is no other radio-traffic, we call on a VHF working channel of a coast-station. When you don’t get any reply:
Which word will precede a routine message?:
A distress alert on board may only be transmitted on explicit order of:
The distress message is used when the vessel is threatened by a serious and imminent danger and is in need of immediate assistance. What is the telegraphy and telephony distress message like?:
The propagation of radio-signals in the VHF-band is:
What statement is correct with frequency modulation?:
Onboard the following message is received on the DSC controller: DOO: 245329000 CH16; S distress ack 244123000. What station sent the distress acknowledgement?:
The prescribed periodic tests of the radio set must be entered in:
According to the rule of GMDSS, channel 70 is used for:
With an EPIRB:
The safety message announces that a station:
In radio-telex distress traffic preference is given to FEC because:
The altitude effect of the reflection of radio waves in the ionosphere on the transmission range also depends on:
The following information must be given on the SART:
In the Maritime Radio Traffic the order of priority is:
Which type of call will be sent by a ship adrift and needing the assistance of a tug? The weather is not bad and the ship will be aground 24 hours later.:
What mode must be used on the MF/HF transmission when making a radiotelephone call?:
What information has to be given to set up a radio telex-connection with a coast-station: