Тест по Navigation for Deck Department (Management) (CES v6.0)

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Right answers:

According to the International Labour Organisation, how often should lifting appliances and items of loose gear be thoroughly inspected by a competent person?

Your answer is correct:

Every 5 years.

Which of the options best describes how a “Balanced Rudder” is constructed?

Your answer is correct:

There is equal rudder area forward and aft of the turning axis, the turning axis being at the geometrical centre of the rudder area.

Your watchkeeper has just informed you that the vessel has collided with a sailing vessel. What action should be taken?

Your answer is correct:

Call the company, explain the situation and ask for instructions.

At what calendar interval is a class renewal/Special Survey required?

Your answer is correct:

5 years.

How are the effects of squat seen on a moving vessel?

Your answer is correct:

There will be a reduction of the vessel’s underkeel clearance and a possible change of trim.

Your vessel has been involved in a minor collision. What will your actions be following the collision?

Your answer is correct:

All of the answers are correct.

Would the indicated ground speed be suitable when berthing a large vessel?

Your answer is correct:

The indicated speed would be a normal speed approaching a berth.

Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the Master on the other vessel?

Your answer is correct:

Explain your actions prior to the collision and request details of actions taken by the other vessel which resulted in the collision.

What has the most influence on the turning effect from an attached tug?

Your answer is correct:

The position of the applied tug force relative to the ship’s pivot point.

When planning to cross an ocean, is it always best to use great circle sailing?

Your answer is correct:

No – because there could be environmental or regulatory restrictions.

According to the International Labour Organisation, how often should lifting appliances be re-tested?

Your answer is correct:


The ship is approaching shallow water where the Under Keel Clearance will reduce to about 0,25 of the ship’s draught. Which of the following answers most accurately summarizes the aspects to be considered when deciding a suitable speed?

Your answer is correct:

All of the suggested answers.

A tug is connected to the bow of a vessel. Will the force exerted by it be the same at any ahead speed?

Your answer is correct:

No, when the ahead speed of the ship increases the force exerted by the tug will also increase.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations, Chapter 5, deals with the Safety of Navigation and applies to which vessels?

Your answer is correct:

To ALL vessels that go to sea.

What is the world-wide system operated by the US Coast Guard exclusively in support of search and rescue operations?

Your answer is correct:

The Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System.

Whilst sailing through a narrow coastal passage, an ECDIS alarm indicates that number 1 GPS HDOP value is outside set limits. What should happen on the bridge?

Your answer is correct:

The receiver should be checked and the vessel’s position confirmed by other means.

You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel “A” and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel’s speed is 18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider when establishing a “safe speed” for your vessel?

Your answer is correct:

The receiver should be checked and the vessel’s position confirmed by other means.

You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel “A” and are passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel’s speed is 18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels, when the visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider when establishing a “safe speed” for your vessel?

Your answer is correct:

Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles visibility; traffic density; manoeuvring of vessel; effectiveness of navigational equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and currents and navigational hazards.; Adjust my track to follow Route 1 or 2 illustrated and reduce speed down to half speed, approximately 8 knots.

According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a person in water of temperature over 20 °C?

Your answer is correct:

Indefinite, depending on fatigue state.

With a davit launched lifeboat, what weight is required by SOLAS regulations to be used for the 5 yearly test of the davit and brake system?

Your answer is correct:

1,1 times the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.

As a result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire. What are your responsibilities to it?

Your answer is correct:

The other vessel is in distress and if possible I will render assistance.

Which SOLAS certificate carried onboard has details of a vessel’s bulkhead fire ratings?

Your answer is correct:

The Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.

Your vessel has been involved in a collision and has developed a list. After sounding the general alarm and informing others of the situation, what other immediate steps should be taken?

Your answer is correct:

All of the options.

What is the name of the reference manual, jointly produced by the International Maritime Organisation and the International Civil Aviation Authority, which currently outlines the organisation and management of search and rescue activities at sea?

Your answer is correct:

The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual.

Which option best completes the following statement? The version of the IHO presentation library on the ECDIS is important because:

Your answer is correct:

It influences the colours on the display.

Why does a vessel slow down in shallow water even though the engine revolutions stay the same?

Your answer is correct:

Because the vessel’s hull starts to interact with the sea floor.

Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a vessel emergency when transiting the Panama Canal?

Your answer is correct:

The ship’s Master.

When a SOLAS vessel is required to have an emergency tow, what would be the best way to connect a tug?

Your answer is correct:

Using the vessel’s emergency towing arrangement.

Where on the hull is the theoretical position of the hydrodynamic pivot point, when going ahead turning?

Your answer is correct:

1/4 of vessel’s length from the stern.

In what format will an On-Scene Co-ordinator report such information as on-scene weather and operation progress to other parties?

Your answer is correct:


Where would you find the document relating to the “Condition of Freeboard Assignment” onboard?

Your answer is correct:

With the Loadline Certificate.

How often under SOLAS, is the performance test of a Voyage Data Recorder required by an approved testing or servicing facility?

Your answer is correct:


How often under SOLAS, is the performance test of a Voyage Data Recorder required by an approved testing or servicing facility?

Your answer is correct:


Your vessel is progressing within a Traffic Separation Scheme and receives a navigational warning of another vessel progressing the wrong way within the scheme. What actions should be taken on the bridge, if any?

Your answer is correct:

Move into the inshore traffic zone.

If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?

Your answer is correct:

The force will be Quadrupled.

The ship is in a shallow water starboard turn and the fore and aft Doppler log sensors show a sideways motion to port. Where would the theoretical pivot point be located?

Your answer is correct:

At a position outside and aft of the hull.

What factors should influence the speed set on a vessel when connecting up a tug?

Your answer is correct:

The type of tug and the size of its towline.

When using an ENC chart to passage planning, why should a scale at or near its compilation scale always be used?

Your answer is correct:

The chart detail is correct for its usage band.

What type of search pattern is recommended in the IAMSAR Manual as most effective for a single vessel, when the location of the search object is known within relatively close limits?

Your answer is correct:

Track Line Search.

Where on a vessel moving ahead through the water, is the most dangerous place for a tug to manoeuvre?

Your answer is correct:

The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the stern of the larger vessel and enters into its associated positive pressure field.

Where several rescue units are engaged in a search and rescue operation, one of them may be designated as the On-Scene Coordinator (OSC). Which of the following describes how this appointment will be made?

Your answer is correct:

The OSC will always be designated by the Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator.

For the same vessel and the same rudder angle, is the diameter of the turning circle completed at full ahead smaller than one completed at half ahead?

Your answer is correct:

Yes, it would be a much smaller turning circle at half ahead.

How many square metres does the IAMSAR Volume 3 manual suggest may be calmed by releasing 200 litres of lubricating oil slowly through a rubber hose with the outlet maintained just above the surface while the ship proceeds at slow speed?

Your answer is correct:

Approx. 5 000 square metres.

Which method illustrated is the proven way to get two vessels in open water safely alongside each other for a ship to ship transfer operation? Note that not all the vessels are moving.

Your answer is correct:

When the larger vessel is at anchor, fig. 2.