Test results
A cook slipped and fell in the galley. What should not be stated in a report covering this accident? Select all applicable answers:
A cook slipped and hurt himself in the galley. What information would not be required in a report? Select all applicable answers:
A ship has lost its bow. Why would it be necessary to state that upon departure from the load port, there remaining 200 tonnes of ballast in the fore peak tank? Select all applicable answers:
Although designed for verbal communications, what can you refer to for report writing purposes?:
At what stage of report writing would you collect photographs or hand-sketches surrounding an event?:
At what stage of report writing would you ask someone to identify confusing parts of your report and verify its accuracy?:
At what stage of report writing would you connect the facts and replace complex sentences or words using simple language?:
At what stage of report writing would you interview witnesses and gather details regarding an event?:
At which stage of report writing is a report modified from being writer-friendly to reader-friendly?:
At which stage of report writing should you proofread for language and grammar?:
Based upon what should you make recommendations in your report?:
Before starting to write a report what should you decide upon? Select all applicable answers:
Captain Pitroda often confuses the word “weather” with “whether”. At which stage of the report writing process should he identify and correct this mistake?:
Captain Pollock usually writes long and complicated sentences in his report. At which stage of the report writing process should he simplify the language in his report?:
Chief Engineer Melville needs to include photographs of the damaged turbocharger, taken by the Second Engineer, into his report. At which stage of the report writing process should he collect this evidence?:
How should ship positions be reported? Select all applicable answers:
How should time and date(s) be written in a report? Select all applicable answers?:
How should your reports be written?:
In a ship damage report, why is it necessary to clarify that there were two second mates on board? Select all applicable answers:
In which stage of writing process is it advisable to put all your thoughts on paper without worrying about punctuation and spellings?:
Prior to an incident, a verbal agreement had been made between an oil terminal and a vessel. Why would it be necessary to state this fact in your report? Select all applicable answers:
The sudden operational failure of which of the following could result in a hazardous situation on board? Select all applicable answers:
What action is required where there is a major non-conformance?:
What are accidents? Select all applicable answers:
What are hazards? Select all applicable answers:
What are incidents? Select all applicable answers:
What are near-misses? Select all applicable answers:
What are non-conformances?:
What do you understand by “Lagging and other debris were found strewn around the main engine top plates?” Select all applicable answers:
What do you understand by “The engine room was operating unmanned at the time of the explosion”. Select all applicable answers:
What do you understand by “Thevenard pilot advised the vessel to anchor further to seaward”?:
What do you wish to convey by saying “The vessel was extremely sluggish”?:
What does the word “there” indicate? Select all applicable answers:
What is an accident? Select all applicable answers:
What is an incident? Select all applicable answers:
What is the Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet designed for?:
What is the purpose of a narrative report?:
What is the significance of report writing? Select all applicable answers:
What is the significance of reporting that the Chief Engineer ordered the isolation of power supplies to the forecastle? Select all applicable answers:
What should accompany your reports? Select all applicable answers:
What should your recommendation include?:
What would be the correct response to “What is your present maximum draught?”:
What would you do whilst editing your report? Select all applicable answers:
What, apart from an unforeseen circumstance, could cause an event to spin out of control?:
Which of the following apply to writing a “near-miss” report? Select all applicable answers:
Which of the following are essential report writing steps? Select all applicable answers:
Which of the following are incidents? Select all applicable answers:
Which of the following events are not a “near-miss”?:
Which of the following makes it mandatory for ships to report non-conformities, accidents, and hazardous occurrences?:
Which of the following would require you to write a “near-miss” report? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these are major non-conformances? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these are minor non-conformances? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these are recommendations? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these events can be categorised as a “near-miss”?:
Which of these events can be categorised as “incidents”? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these is not a hazard? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these is the correct form of response to the question: “From what direction is your vessel approaching”? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these is the correct form of response to the question: “What is your position”? Select all applicable answers:
Which of these sentences is correct?:
Which of these statements does not describe an event?:
Which of these statements is correct?:
Which of these statements is correct?:
Which of these statements is correct?:
Which of these statements is correct?:
Which stage of the report writing process is appropriate for checking spellings and correcting punctuations?:
Why are many near-misses not reported? Select all applicable answers:
Why are photographs an important tool with regard to report writing? Select all applicable answers:
Why are recommendations important in narrative reports? Select all applicable answers:
Why is a ship that loses its bow termed an accident? Select all applicable answers:
Why is it mandatory to report a “near miss”?:
Why is it necessary for narrative reports to be accurately written? Select all applicable answers:
Why is it useful to maintain a diary of keywords as and when events are occurring? Select all applicable answers:
Why is there a need to standardise Maritime English? Select all applicable answers:
Why should photographs support your report?:
Why would an oil spill be termed an incident?:
Why would an outbreak of fire in a main engine scavenge space be termed an incident? Select all applicable answers:
Why would it be necessary to report that a Master makes no mention to authorities of (a) damage to a vessel such as loss of its bow or (b) oil pollution incident? Select all applicable answers:
Why would it be necessary to report that despite a ballast pump taking suction from a forepeak tank, the level of water in the tank remained constant? Select all applicable answers:
Why would it be necessary to report upon a Master’s instructions to abandon ship? Select all applicable answers:
With respect to the ISM Code, what should companies ensure? Select all applicable answers: