Test online CES 5.1 for 2nd-Off / 3rd-Off, Chemical tanker vessel

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Right answers:

The self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat is designed to provide safe and breathable air with the engine running for a minimum of how many minutes?

Correct answer:

10 minutes

Your Answer:

20 minutes

A rocket parachute flare reaches an altitude of

Correct answer:

not less than 180m

Your Answer:

not less than 300m

Which of the following names is given to the basic types of foam as far as they are differentiated according to the way bubbles are obtained:

Correct answer:

Chemical foams

Your Answer:

All answers are good

What is the minimum number of portable fire extinguishers that must be carried on ships of 1000 GRT and above?

Your answer is correct:


What is the minimum number of independently driven fire pumps that must be provided on cargo ships of 1000 GRT and above?

Your answer is correct:


*Which of the following is an haloganated hydrocarbon that can be found onboard existing ships as an extinguishing agent for a fixed system?

Your answer is correct:


Which of the following should NOT be used on an electrical fire?

Your answer is correct:

Water extinguisher.

What are the main priorities of the leader of the fire fighting teams?

Your answer is correct:

Rescuing of life, fighting the fire, limitation of the fire and secure the retreat

You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room, wearing a breathing apparatus. How would you conduct this search?

Correct answer:

Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the area around.

Your Answer:

As soon as you enter carry out a right or left hand search by placing the appropriate hand onto the bulkhead and then follow the bulkhead round as quickly as possible.

The “sensitivity” button adjusts:

Your answer is correct:


A DSC-message of the “safety” category is received from another vessel on VHF channel 70. Conforming to the GMDSS rules, for the continuation of the safety traffic, you must change to VHF-channel:

Your answer is correct:


What will apply when loading Ammonium Nitrate Solution 93 % or less ?

Correct answer:

The acidity (ph) of the cargo should be between 5 and 7 when diluted with 10 parts of water to one part of cargo.

Your Answer:

The acidity (ph) of the cargo should be between 10 and 14 when diluted with 50 parts of water to one part of cargo.

A Category "B" Chemical Cargo which has a melting point of more than 15° C. can be carried:

Correct answer:

In tanks not adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?

Your Answer:

In tanks adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?

What is the top priority if an incident occurs in US waters (OPA-90)

Correct answer:

Safety of ship and crew

Your Answer:

Prevention of oil pollution

In an OBO, if part liquid is present in any hold (say 60% by volume) this will give rise to "sloshing" which is the movement of liquid when the vessel is rolling or pitching. Sloshing can cause:

Your answer is correct:

All the mentioned alternatives.

When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency ?

Your answer is correct:

by muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places

Give the meaning of this symbol:

Your answer is correct:

lifebuoy with light and smoke

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Your answer is correct:


What should not be found on the muster list ?

Correct answer:

the name of each inoccupants (passengers included, if any)

Your Answer:

indications about the substitutes for key persons, in case they become disabled

Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:

Correct answer:

a manually controlled lamp fitted on the outside

Your Answer:

permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat

Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:

Your answer is correct:

a boarding ladder that can be used at any entrance for persons in the water

Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?

Correct answer:

two efficient painters

Your Answer:


Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?

Your answer is correct:

six hand flares

*Which among the following list is required for lifeboat equipment according to present regulations?

Your answer is correct:

Be secured in a manner as not to interfere with abandonment procedures

*How much food per person is supplied on a liferaft marked SOLAS A PACK?

Your answer is correct:

Not less than 10000 kJ

What is the meaning of this symbol ?

Your answer is correct:

Muster station

Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?

Your answer is correct:

Checking that lifejackets are correctly donned.

The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present regulations?

Correct answer:

The use of the ship's line throwing apparatus.

Your Answer:

The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors.

What is the ideal humidity in a working environment?

Your answer is correct:

40 - 60 %.

You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you take?

Correct answer:

Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required.

Your Answer:

Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance.

Fast rescue boats shall be capable of carrying:

Correct answer:

At least 5 seated persons and a person lying down

Your Answer:

At least 6 persons seated

How should cargo hold ventilation be carried out on a Ro-Ro vessel loading or discharging cargoes?

Your answer is correct:

With the ventilation fans set to ‘exhaust'

By the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments, oil tankers are required to have a ballast water exchange plan that involves replacing ballast taken onboard at the previous port. What percentage volumetric exchange must be achieved?

Your answer is correct:


Is membrane tanks designed for carrying of ambient liquefied gases?

Correct answer:

No, membrane tanks is normally designed for transport of fully refrigerated cargoes

Your Answer:

Yes if the vessel have cargo cooling plant

A General Cargo vessel is to load 200 tonnes of cargo on deck at No 1 Hatch; what are the main stability changes that will occur ?

Correct answer:

The draught forward will increase, the trim will change and the metacentric height (GM) will probably decrease

Your Answer:

The draught forward will increase, the trim will change and the metacentric height (GM) will probably increase

Ship's generators must be synchronised before they can be connected to the same supply network. Prior to synchronising, the generator voltage and frequency are respectively adjusted by:

Correct answer:

AVR and speed governor

Your Answer:

Voltmeter and frequency meter

Why is air draught an important consideration when loading bulk cargoes on Bulk Carriers?

Correct answer:

Because of movement of the bulk cargo loader or unloaders

Your Answer:

Because the vessel may pass under a bridge(s) whilst approaching or leaving the berth

During inspection of a cylinder of a large slow speed diesel engine it is noted that there are hard deposits around the upper part of the piston crown above the top ring groove and also some evidence of scuffing on the liner wall. From the options given select the one which is the most likely cause of this problem.

Correct answer:

Cylinder oil with TBN to great for fuel grade is being used.

Your Answer:

Insufficient cylinder oil is being supplied.

How would pirates attacking a ship be communicated to another ship?

Your answer is correct:

"My ship is under attack by pirates"

If a refrigeration system contains air, how would you remove it from the system?

Correct answer:

Pump the system down to the condenser, continue cooling water flow until the condenser is at the same temperature as the cooling water and vent off the air from the top of the condenser.

Your Answer:

Pump the system down to the evaporator and keep the fan running until the evaporator is at ambient temperature and vent off the air from the top of the evaporator.

When using the echo sounder in a river the soundings indicated may be incorrect, what would be the most probable cause of the error?

Correct answer:

The density of the water

Your Answer:

Shallow water effects

What should the Third Officer do, if he finds something missing from a lifeboat?

Correct answer:

If he finds something missing from a lifeboat, the Third Officer should notify the Chief Officer

Your Answer:

If he finds something missing from a lifeboat, the Third Officer should search for the missing item

You are going to overhaul a centrifugal pump in accordance with the PMS. The pump is running under optimal conditions and normally operated. Which of the following parts are expected to deteriorate during normal operation and thereby be due for renewal?

Your answer is correct:

Ball bearings on the pump shaft, and wear rings on pump housing or impeller.

On some large slow speed engines the crosshead guides are adjustable to allow the clearance between the crosshead shoes and the guides to be set equally. The normal arrangement is to have bolted on guide bars with shims fitted behind them. Which of the methods given in the options is the one normally used to ensure this is done correctly?

Correct answer:

Turn the engine so that the piston skirt is at the bottom of the liner. Use wedges to centralise the piston and measure the clearances along the length of each bar and fit shims to equalise the clearances.

Your Answer:

Turn the engine so that the piston for the cylinder concerned is at BDC and measure the clearance along the length of each bar and shoe and fit shims to equalise the clearances.

Which of the following could be the possible cause of too high cargo condenser pressure?

Your answer is correct:

Incondensible vapour in the cargo and shortage of refrigeration.

A crosshead pin for a large bore 2-stroke diesel engine has to be refurbished following bearing failure. The surface finish required is measured as a centre line average, CLA. Select, from the options given, the standard of finish that should be achieved during the refurbishment.

Your answer is correct:

2.5 micron CLA

During the anchoring procedure, what would the Chief Officer understand by the following request from the bridge, "Which way is it leading"?

Your answer is correct:

The bridge would like to know the direction of the anchor cable from the hawse pipe.

Why is the inlet to the slop tank often directed towards the bulkhead (see the illustration) ?

Correct answer:

To avoid build-up of static electricity, which may cause explosion

Your Answer:

To avoid too much agitation of the oily water in the tank

A decision support system for emergency management shall be provided on the navigation bridge. What type of emergency situations shall as a minimum be identified in the emergency plans?

Your answer is correct:

Fire, Damage to ship, Pollution, Unlawful acts threatening the safety of the ship and the security of its passenger and crew, Pesonnel accidents, Cargo-related accidents, Emergency assistance to other ships

High level and high-high level alarms in cargo tanks on chemical tankers are normally set to activate at which of the following percentage filling levels?

Your answer is correct:

95% and 98%.

On a Container vessel, what will attending surveyors inspect when containers have been lost overboard?

Your answer is correct:

Certificates of approval related to lashing equipment used to secure those containers

A vessel’s forward draught reading is 8.50m with a correction factor of 0.0242m; draught marks are painted abaft the forward perpendicular. What is the corrected forward draught if the vessel is trimmed by the stern?

Your answer is correct:


It is noticed that some of the items that were to be used to lift some machinery components during a maintenance routine had not been tested for over 5 years. Which of the options given is the correct action to be taken in a situation like this?

Correct answer:

Mark the items as not to be used and store them securely until they can be tested by a competent person.

Your Answer:

Have them inspected immediately by a competent person so that they can be used for the task.

You are on a chemical tanker, where the duty officer usually controls the opertaion of the pumps and valves from a control room. You are in radio contact with him. The ship has just started to discharge several grades of chemicals to shore. Suddenly, the jettyman shouts across to you to "STOP". Which of the following will you do?

Your answer is correct:

Immediately repeat the request on the radio to the duty officer, then proceed to the manifold and stand-by for further instructions.

In what kind of measuring equipment might we find a Bourdon-tube?

Your answer is correct:

In a pressure transmitter.

Which of the following is the correct English spelling?

Your answer is correct:


Under what circumstances may a watch-keeping engineer undertake other duties?

Correct answer:

A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when he has been properly relieved of his watch-keeping duties

Your Answer:

A watch-keeping engineer may undertake other duties when the main propulsion system requires constant supervision

How should pipes, rails and road sections be stowed?

Your answer is correct:

Always in the athwartships direction

Which of the given options is the approximate value of the flammable range for Methane measured as a percentage volume in air?

Your answer is correct:

5.3 - 14.0% by volume.

How would you ventilate your cargo holds when sailing from hot climate to cold climate?

Your answer is correct:

Ventilate excessively?

What is the name of the portable walkway or access between ship and shore?

Your answer is correct:


Complete the following statement from the options given. 'Following maintenance work to a single element, feed water regulator for a steam boiler it is necessary to...

Correct answer:

..apply lagging to the steam connection only.

Your Answer:

..apply lagging only to the parts that can be touched by personnel.

How will you act if you are helmsman and after making a turn to port you receive the order: “Steady as she goes”

Your answer is correct:

Read off the compass and keep her steady on the course

A ship has an electrical system rated at 690 Volts. Which voltage level is this?

Correct answer:

Low voltage.

Your Answer:

High voltage.

TAN, total acid number is the:

Correct answer:

Total content of organic and inorganic acids in the oil.

Your Answer:

Amount of remaining alkalinity in the oil.

What are the dangers associated with operating a heavy lift derrick close to the horizontal on a General Cargo vessel?

Correct answer:

Because there is danger of excessive stresses acting on parts of the derrick system

Your Answer:

Because the driver will have a restricted view of the lifting operation

What would indicate the onset of Parametric Rolling?

Your answer is correct:

When the wave encounter period approaches the natural roll period of the ship

What is of utmost concern during a loaded passage in winter across the North Atlantic

Correct answer:

The added weight of icing on container stacks

Your Answer:

The presence of icebergs

With reference to diesel engine ancillary system operation, which one of the given statements is true?

Correct answer:

The normal jacket water temperature before the jacket water cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.

Your Answer:

The normal temperature of the lubricating oil before the lub oil cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.

A vessel is scheduled to enter a SECA during a forthcoming voyage? What additional considerations must a Chief Engineer take into account when planning for this voyage?

Your answer is correct:

The availability of low sulphur fuel and the change over time required to ensure the system is clear of normal fuel prior to entry into the SECA.

A large post Panamax container vessel is sailing during the winter months. In which sea areas is she most likely to encounter conditions which could cause a parametric roll?

Your answer is correct:

The North Pacific.

How many portions of fruit and vegetables are recommended as part of the daily intake for an adult?

Your answer is correct:


What is the first action that should be taken by the rating on boiler watch in the event of a flame failure on the boiler?

Your answer is correct:

Call the engineer on watch

Prior to personnel being allowed to work inside cargo tanks on a liquefied gas carrier the tank atmosphere must be checked. What are the required readings for oxygen content and hydrocarbon gas content of the tank atmosphere before normal entry permits are issued and entry into cargo tanks is allowed according to the IMO Gas Codes?

Correct answer:

21% oxygen by volume and 0% hydrocarbon by volume.

Your Answer:

20% oxygen by volume and 1% of LEL for hydrocarbon

To which of the following are the Hague-Visby rules applicable?

Correct answer:

Charter parties incorporating a Clause Paramount

Your Answer:

Contracts of carriage not evidenced by a bill of lading

What is the purpose of the discharge booster pump?

Your answer is correct:

To increase the manifold pressure.

Settlement of disputes, not belonging to the category of the NIS Act, outside Norway between the master and any of the crew regarding wages, the ship service or the employment relationships in general shall be brought before:

Your answer is correct:

The Norwegian Consulate

Which statement about IED’s is true?

Your answer is correct:

All IED’s have four common components.

Which electronic component or system of components is this graphical symbol illustrating:

Correct answer:

Bandpass filter

Your Answer:

3-phase sine-wave generator

What can be measured by means of a manometer?

Your answer is correct:


What are defined as the gas dangerous areas onboard a gas vessel?

Correct answer:

Gas dangerous areas onboard gas carriers are cargo compartments and cargo piping, hold spaces and other spaces where cargo pipes are located, compressor and pump room, open deck over cargo area

Your Answer:

Gas dangerous areas onboard gas carriers are cargo compartments, cargo piping and bunker tanks with pipes

What is the correct operation of the slow-turning facility fitted to some large 2 stroke main propulsion diesel engines?

Your answer is correct:

Slow turning should be set to operate automatically prior to engine start when engine has been stopped for 20 to 30 minutes during manouevring

After discharge of a cargo of bananas there are a lot of cartons of condemned fruit on the deck. The vessel is not in a special area and is more than 100 miles from land. Select from the given options the best way to dispose of the condemned fruit.

Your answer is correct:

Remove and retain all of the packaging including any inner plastic bags and dispose of the condemned fruit overboard.

After main power is restored, a timed sequential restart of motor-driven auxiliaries is necessary to avoid:

Correct answer:

Generator overload due to many motors starting at simultaneously

Your Answer:

Overvoltage due to current surges

What should you do in case of any fire breaks out?

Your answer is correct:

Alert the bridge, Rescue human life, Extinguish if possible by use of available fire fighting-fighting appliances, Secure the area/ damage control

How many carbon atoms are there in solid materials?

Correct answer:

Above 16 carbon atoms.

Your Answer:

From 5 to 16 carbon atoms.

On a Container vessel, to what would a fibreglass yacht be secured after lifting onboard?

Correct answer:

The cradle

Your Answer:

Yacht Bay

On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BUOY LINE" are given. Which one is the correct one?

Correct answer:

Buoy line is given by A on the figure

Your Answer:

Buoy line is given by B on the figure

What was blocking the grease pipe?

Your answer is correct:

Grease was blocking the grease pipe

What is the meaning of this single letter signal?

Your answer is correct:

I am dragging my anchor.