Тест по Oil Tanker Training System, Advanced (CES v5.0)

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A system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydrocarbon gases in the cargo pump-rooms shall be fitted. What is the max pre-set level?:

Ваш ответ правильный: No higher than 10 % LFL.

Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from the cargo area of an oil tanker shall be prohibited except when:

Ваш ответ правильный: The tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from nearest land.

As a general guidance to the suitability of an oil for crude oil washing the following criteria should be used. For aromatic crude oils whose kinematic viscosity is the temperature controlling characteristic, the kinematic viscosity of the oil used for COW should not exceed ___ centistokes at the oil wash medium temperature.:

Ваш ответ правильный: 60 centistokes.

As a general guidance to the suitability of an oil for crude oil washing the following criteria should be used. For paraffinic crude oils whose pour point temperature is the controlling characteristic, the temperature of the cargo to be used for COW should exceed its cloud point temperature by at least ___ if excessive sludging is present and should only be used once in a “closed cycle” washing program.:

Ваш ответ правильный: 10 °C.

Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very important to do with these analysers first?:

Ваш ответ правильный: To do a full calibration.

Cargo hoses in service should have a documented inspection at least annually to confirm their suitability for continued use. What is the normal testing pressure to check for leakage?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 1,5 times the Rated Working Pressure (RWP).

For what purpose do we use inert gas on board oil carriers?:

Ваш ответ правильный: We use inert gas to replace the oxygen in the cargo tanks to maintain a neutral atmosphere.

From where on board can you find out the different types of protection equipment regarding where placed, how much, how many?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The ship’s safety plan.

In order to avoid excessive electrostatic generation in the washing process during COW how many meters do you have to discharge from a cargo tank before you can use the content as source of washing fluid?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 1 m.

In which Annex of MARPOL do we find regulation for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships?:

Ваш ответ правильный: In Annex V.

In which Annex of MARPOL do we find regulation for the prevention of pollution by oil?:

Ваш ответ правильный: In Annex I.

In which way may intake of poisoning material occur?:

Ваш ответ правильный: By inhaling.; Skin penetrating and skin absorbing.; Swallowing.

Near by the access to shore a certain plan is to be kept in case of an emergency situation. What kind of plan?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Safety plan.

The fire control draft on board is called the “safety plan” and shall be posted on board. In port, a copy of this plan shall in addition be available from somewhere else. Where shall this copy be available?:

Ваш ответ правильный: At the gangway.

What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injures?:

Ваш ответ правильный: ICE-method.

What does OBO means?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Ore Bulk Oil.

What does VLCC means?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Very large crude carrier.

What does the abbreviation TLV means?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Threshold limit value.

What is it called when it is possible to ignite the vapour above the oil?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Flash point.

What is the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of hydrogen sulphide expressed as a Time Weighted Average (TWA)?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 10 ppm.

What is the common expression for all chemical compounds that includes carbon and hydrogen?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Hydrocarbons.

What is the flammable range (%) for Propane?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 2,2-9,5.

What is the main quencher for an oil tanker?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Foam.

What is the maximum oil content allowed in the arrival ballast water?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 15 ppm.

What is the maximum oil content in the ballast/washing water allowed to be pumped over board during a voyage?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 30 litres pr. nautical mile.

What is the maximum volume percent oxygen allowed in the tank during COW?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Maximum volume percent oxygen shall not exceed 8 %.

What is the meaning of LEL?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Lower explosive limit.

What is the meaning of LOT?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Load on Top.

What is the meaning of UEL?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Upper explosive limit.

What is the meaning of the abbreviation ABC due to first aid?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Air, Breathing, Circulation.

What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over board?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment (ODME).

What is the normal clearance of the main suction (bellmouth) from the tank bottom to the stripping suction in the cargo tank?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 10 cm.

What is the proper name of CH4?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Methane.

What is the requirement to capacity of stripping system during bottom COW of the cargo tanks?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 1,25 times the total through-put of all tank cleaning machines.

What is the requirement to capacity of the inert gas plant?:

Ваш ответ правильный: At least 125 % of the maximum discharge capacity.

What is the requirement to number of drive units where the drive unit is not integral with the cleaning machine?:

Ваш ответ правильный: No drive unit need to be moved more than twice from its original position.

What is the total quantity of the particular cargo you can discharge into the sea from a new tanker?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo.

What is the usual activation point for high level alarms in cargo tanks?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 95 % of tank capacity.

What kind of cargo can be carried with an O/O ship?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Either Ore or Oil.

What kind of extinguishing-remedy would you choose to put out electrical fire?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Dry extinguishing remedy.

What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers engine room and pump room?:

Ваш ответ правильный: CO2 plant.

When re-inerting a cargo tank before commence air venting, what is the maximum oxygen content in the supplied inert gas?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 5 % by volume.

Where do we find regulation regarding venting system on tankers?:

Ваш ответ правильный: SOLAS.

Where venting is by high-velocity discharge valves, what is the minimum distance above the cargo tank deck?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 2 m.

Which oxygen content shall we measure before entering a tank or space after venting?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The oxygen content shall be measured to 21 % by volume.

You are discovering a small leak of oil at the manifold during discharging. What is your first action?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Call immediately the person in charge.

You are going to enter a tank to lift out some sediments. What kind of permits are needed to be issued before entering?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Cold Work Permit.

You find the element carbon in only two different natural conditions. Which?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Graphite and diamond.